Wood gamasse Bonnefon (Naucelle)


Cruising spot gay in Naucelle

proposed by biffinmany81  (19/01/2016)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Naucelle
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
On the N88 up to Naucelle station, take direction Naucelle. Before leaving Naucelle Station (400m after the railway crossing) turn left. Stay on this road and once arrived at a place called Bonnefon turn left. There, down the road for 300 meters, you arrive at the wood Gamasse.
Address :
Bonnefon Bas
12800 Naucelle

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01/09/2024 in 15h36
Who can move??

12/05/2024 in 13h59
Someone over 60 for a moment with Madame this afternoon?

03/02/2024 in 17h17
Beware of couplebii2 asking you for photos then blocking you

04/09/2023 in 08h48
people at the moment??

26/06/2022 in 14h50
Hi. Around 3:15 p.m., I would be on the Tarn side. Passif81, if you want it

23/07/2021 in 11h28
I'm a nice place there .... But there are hikers ... Once in the parking lot, where should you go? thanks in advance

28/06/2021 in 21h20
Good evening. I am regularly on Pont de Salars.. Trave look BCBG whore... I don't know the place... If someone can help me, they will be very grateful.. Take the time to read my profile and my comments!

29/05/2020 in 11h27
Who to wander naked held on a leash by the balls.

07/02/2019 in 00h07
seeking sex level in the region, open to suggestions!

06/09/2016 in 10h46
that this after noon

27/04/2016 in 19h57
tomorrow afternoon assets to satisfy me if ok

24/11/2015 in 13h55
which now offer appointment

17/08/2015 in 18h21
which 18 or 19 August ??

01/08/2014 in 03h15

10/06/2014 in 12h19
Someone this afternnon? (Female or couple)

10/04/2014 in 11h00
Someone this afternoon?

10/04/2014 in 11h00
Someone this afternoon?

05/08/2012 in 22h12
Hi Jude, It's still relevant?

01/08/2011 in 21h53
exhib guys looking. I bi, 36a, 1.78, 85kg, discreet.

… close history