Weir Lez - Route Mondragon


Cruising spot gay in Mondragon

proposed by travsexypascale  (03/06/2018)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Mondragon
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Bollène, head of Mondragon by the old road of Mondragon (Avenue extension of 8 May 1945). It is a small road along the highway. After about 2 km to reach a small bridge that passes over the Lez (this bridge is very narrow and requires alternating traffic). Pass the bridge and immediately after, turn right. Descend along the Lez, go under the bridge and highway there, you can park anywhere you like. This place is often frequented the morning, even early, or during the day.
Address :
Zone d'Activités des Plantades
84430 Mondragon

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21/12/2024 in 23h35
Bonjour Mon Maitre me demande de dire que je serai offerte dans un hotel lundi apres midi à Bollene me contacter en mp si interessé pour Mâles actifs uniquement

21/12/2024 in 16h46
Too bad for anyone...hbi,videmcouilles 27 years old from mondragon 1.80 for 75 kg be careful big liar who offers an appointment and nothing, finding shitty excuses to make you wait even more. After he changes his profile and photo..

21/12/2024 in 09h57
I will be for assets to pump me down today Saturday 21 at 2 p.m.

24/02/2024 in 17h19
This place is private property.

08/01/2024 in 14h25
Hi I would love to go suck there if anyone wants this afternoon.

26/12/2023 in 12h09
Hello everyone this afternoon?

12/10/2023 in 17h29
I'm sure I'm in 806, a little further down the road on the parking lot side.

12/10/2023 in 17h06
Are there people currently there or is this place still relevant?

18/09/2022 in 16h48
At the bottom of the parking lot

18/09/2022 in 16h04
There's a barrier, suddenly I'm right in front of the parking lot, white van

18/09/2022 in 14h53
I'll be there today at 4 p.m. until 7 p.m., front and back

12/09/2022 in 08h33
People who want to suck in the morning, don't hesitate to pm

31/05/2022 in 13h08
Who goes there from time to time after 6 p.m.

02/08/2021 in 19h27
Who will be available tomorrow afternoon for a plan? Near

03/07/2021 in 19h32
There I am and no one there

02/07/2021 in 14h19
Hello it's to know if there will be people this afternoon ??

25/03/2021 in 15h21
I get hotel f1 bollene for a good fuck plan! For active guy bm, MP

11/05/2020 in 00h54
One may wonder who are the dumbest ??? Lessons or others? Personally I have my little idea ...

10/05/2020 in 10h47
I say what I think out of honesty. When I say that I am not speaking only to you but to all those like you who believe that on May 11 we can forget everything and go suck ... besides in deconfining there is con!

10/05/2020 in 10h34
thank you caloute26 for calling me an idiot, it's always easy behind the screen .......

10/05/2020 in 10h08
Ah that's it May 11 has arrived, quickly quickly that I get fucked ... but on May 11 the virus has not passed away and sucking or being sodomized is a good way to get infected. But as Audiard said, the idiots dare it all, that's even what we recognize them !!

10/05/2020 in 08h50
I suck and I make myself sodo, available all week leave a message

09/03/2019 in 10h25
Small tour around 11 am this morning. We'll see

03/03/2019 in 13h45
Small tour at 14:30 we'll see

14/06/2018 in 19h36
every time I go it is the great desert ... I never had the chance to suck on this place !!

18/04/2018 in 15h00
Are there that the world day on this place? I still know not !!

11/04/2018 in 12h07
hello, that this place Monday, April 16 end of morning thank you.

20/03/2018 in 13h10
qq'un in the beginning of the afternoon to cool plane ???

19/03/2018 in 15h45
Hi well fancy a motion map view for the plan sucks if the desire is there I can be available all day tomorrow

21/01/2018 in 06h10
I'm trying to find this place Today Sunday, January 21! I hope Qu ago the world! J have too vied to suck a nice cock

08/08/2017 in 14h15
hello, I seek a physiotherapist, masseur hostéo or BI or GAY in the region MONTELIMAR / orange; thank you ; response in MP

24/12/2016 in 12h46
I can be there between 15h and 16.30

20/09/2016 in 17h27
Someone now jy'm

11/07/2016 in 08h37
I never found anyone

17/06/2016 in 16h11
J y be around 17:30

04/08/2015 in 16h05
J y be around 17:30

29/05/2015 in 16h58
J y be around 17:30

29/08/2014 in 15h29
le29 / 08 to 17h I would be well mounted vicious guy

26/08/2014 in 13h47
when I say this is the aujourdh'ui 26/08/2014

26/08/2014 in 13h45
I'd aujoud'hui at 17h15 for vicious male or 6:30 p.m. until end 19h

23/08/2014 in 16h00
contact me on my personal mail

23/08/2014 in 03h16
I can be on site tomorrow in the afternoon. I move that if the world goes.

19/08/2014 in 02h53
available for around? I can receive

14/08/2014 in 00h29
2 bed spaces available. made me an offer :)

21/06/2014 in 00h42
Avail tonight. Can I move or even receive for the entire night;)

16/06/2014 in 01h38
Of available at this hour?

16/04/2014 in 10h54
m at 14:30 after this sucks me?

30/12/2013 in 00h37
for information I leave my mail, if sometimes a well mounted vicious want to bugger me :: free from 6am to 9am in keeping lope

28/12/2013 in 21h14
I go back I would be Sunday, 29/12 at 6:30 dressed slut ready to be fucked thoroughly

27/12/2013 in 13h44
I retuurn tomorrow 28/12 at 6:30 interested guy would leave messages in slutty outfit

26/12/2013 in 23h41
I would be tomorrow morning at 6am on 27 30 expect big cock to fuck me

17/11/2013 in 06h16
I will be there on 17/11 at 7:15 a.m. until 9 a.m.

05/11/2013 in 14h38
I retuurn the 6/11 between 7am and 9am vicious hefty welcome foto I give a guy who gives me mail.

05/11/2013 in 14h38
I retuurn the 6/11 between 7am and 9am vicious hefty welcome foto I give a guy who gives me mail.

03/11/2013 in 06h28
I am jy 3/11 from 7:15

29/10/2013 in 10h05
I'll be 12: 45 13 hours or longer to clear a regular !! and others if they want to come and watch pluuus

19/10/2013 in 03h48
salut.j'y retuurns the 20.10.2013 at 8:30 jusq'ua 10h 17h then 13h30a seeks hefty vicious pm for the rest guy who receives for regular and ongoing relationship

12/10/2013 in 03h03
I would be on 13/10 / 10am until 8:00 was seeking hefty vicious assets

21/07/2013 in 21h18
Who tonight

10/06/2013 in 15h21
Y am 3:10 p.m. this 10/6 ..... Who goes? Bobol c apreme Monday but does not ;-(

27/05/2013 in 11h17
are there any worm torque 12.30 13h?

12/04/2013 in 16h17
I am but one :-(

12/04/2013 in 16h17
I am but one :-(

05/04/2013 in 19h30
who goes there, please exib torque

05/04/2013 in 19h21
Discovery of this place 5/4/13 and it is beautiful and more Home by a guy well provided for a great time. Go there already just to stroll and the beautiful days that arrive to good meetings .....

13/03/2013 in 18h25
Beautiful place but no

10/03/2013 in 12h42

05/03/2013 in 20h43
Human low ....

… close history