Villers-Clairlieu area near Nancy on the A33

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Villers-lès-Nancy
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
In the direction of Luneville to Metz on the A33 motorway, the area of ​​Clairlieu and Villers area are frequented throughout the day by guys 25 to 50 years in general. Many truck drivers too.
Address :
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy

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4 d. ago
Du monde sur le parking?

4 d. ago
Du monde pour se faire sucer...

4 d. ago
J'y vais passé le vendredi 4 avril au soir pour un petit rendez-vous

5 d. ago
J'y serai ce soir mp

5 d. ago
Qui dispo pour se faire suis sur champigneulles..

6 d. ago
Qui a envie d une bonne pute maintenant j’ai pas de tabous

6 d. ago
Qui et dispo maintenant pour me faire défoncé le cul et suce me répondre avant que je rentre chez moi je suis pas lion et très salope

6 d. ago
Du mondes se soir pour me faire tourner

7 d. ago
Du monde fin après-midi , soir nuit... pour f ou cpl voir t

11 d. ago
Cherche 1ou 2 h pour bon moment se soir reçois discret

12 d. ago
J'ai trop envie je vais y aller demain et revenir vers le 5 avril

14 d. ago
Et ici même chose que la =>

14 d. ago
Cc l aire et ouverte se soir dommage personne ne préviens quand y a des travaux je trouve çà dommage Merci très bonne rencontre a vous

16 d. ago
J'y passe dans les 2 sens, villers dans le matin, clairlieu fin d'après-midi

16 d. ago
Ça me plairait beaucoup de me faire enfile

20 d. ago
J’y serais ce matin en bas nylon robe et talon pour sucer et me faire baiser comme une grosse salope

21 d. ago
Qui sur l’air ?

22 d. ago
Sur l’air ou celle d’en face, transgenre Vagin et bouche a dispo. Hygiène / solo ou à plusieurs

24 d. ago
Aire de clairlieu ou Villers ce soir en bas jarretelle sous mon pantalon

26 d. ago
Du monde à 16h?

26 d. ago
Qui sur l’air ? Dispo jusqu’à 12h30 Vagin et bouche a dispo, transgenre Solo ou à plusieurs ;)

28 d. ago
Dispo demain et vendredi après midi

29 d. ago
Cc bjr du mondes pour samedi soir

29 d. ago
Transgenre sur l’air ou celle d’en face Vagin et bouche a prendre, seul ou à plusieurs

29 d. ago
Is there anyone there now?

30 d. ago
someone TBM to suck and make me fuck tomorrow morning 02/25/24 at 9:00 a.m. in a green car? PS: private message

22/02/2025 in 19h42
Qui ce soir ?

22/02/2025 in 14h45
Je vais sur l'aire dans 30 minutes, jexhib ma grosse queue dans ma voiture, je veux une bouche et un cul de salope

21/02/2025 in 18h47
Je branle ma grosse queue dans ma voiture, pour trans et lope passif uniquemen 50 ans max

21/02/2025 in 15h19
Grosse queue pour passif lope uniquement, max 40-50 ans, je suis sur l'aire

21/02/2025 in 05h30
Qui now ?

20/02/2025 in 20h27
Trans ! Je suis sur l’air, vagin et bouche a dispo

20/02/2025 in 18h04
Je sors du travail j'ai besoin d'une douche et d'un cul

19/02/2025 in 20h53
Cherche mec cool discret soirée de vendredi peut recevoir ou sr déplacer Cherche réel merci amicalement

18/02/2025 in 15h35
Currently on the area, I jerk my big cock in my car, I am looking for transvestite or submissive passive

17/02/2025 in 23h49
Un mec actif serais intéressé de me enmener me baiser et me partager?

17/02/2025 in 15h43
Domage 17cmbiendur car la dernière foi que tu a posté ub message que tu y été je sui venue et avai personne tu n'est pas venue

17/02/2025 in 14h53
Trav ou passif soumis de dispo sur l'aire ?? Max 50 ans

16/02/2025 in 14h17
Une trav ou lope de disponible sur l'aire cet aprem ? Grosse queue à la clé avec jus

15/02/2025 in 09h33
I'm going there this morning to suck in nylon stockings

11/02/2025 in 15h07
At 3:20 p.m. On the air of one side or the other, Trans vagina and mouth to take solo or with others!

11/02/2025 in 07h25
Slut receives a guy tonight at her home in Nancy to give and take everything discreetly leave a message, answer assured

11/02/2025 in 01h04
Good evening to all who are available Thursday morning around 4:30 a.m. I want to empty myself

10/02/2025 in 21h57
I'll be there tomorrow from 9:30 in nylon stockings and garter belt to suck

10/02/2025 in 13h54
We are available in the evenings after 8 p.m. at unusual locations, hotels or other...

10/02/2025 in 10h30
On the air, vagina and mouth available, solo or with others!

09/02/2025 in 20h08
On site Monday morning between 2:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m.

09/02/2025 in 19h39
Who tomorrow morning?

06/02/2025 in 20h05
Bjr demain de 20h15 à 22h pour 2 ou 3 h en même temps pour vous soulager de votre semaine de travail bouche très accueillant éjacules bouche ou visage apprécier laisser msg pour votre bien etres

02/02/2025 in 18h14
Je suce avec capote vers 20h

29/01/2025 in 22h33
Friday 30th, between 5am and 6:30am, I'll be there for a good deal

29/01/2025 in 19h53
No more space to park my truck, so I left, too bad because it seems to be hot on this area. For next time. Bye.

29/01/2025 in 18h19
Good evening, a charming trans woman or candauliste couple on the rest area tonight (01/29) for a cool and naughty trucker? contact in mp. kisses.

26/01/2025 in 13h07
I loved getting emptied on the 2 areas this last Friday a man in Villers and a couple in Clairlieu a sexy and very slutty woman have created an account I can hear you in private

24/01/2025 in 15h27
I'm looking for the guy who was jerking off in the forest and watching me in the van. If you recognize yourself, let me know.

24/01/2025 in 14h30
Clairlieu area 3:30 p.m. to empty myself

24/01/2025 in 12h04
tell me quickly I have 1 hour drive

24/01/2025 in 12h01
bonjour qui dispo pour me remplir la bouche et le cul

23/01/2025 in 21h06
I'm coming tomorrow to take the truck to the 2 areas.

22/01/2025 in 14h39
If I go, who wants to get their ass fucked by a 7 inch cock?? Looking for shemale or passive only

22/01/2025 in 10h48
Really want to try to get my tight little ass taken and really want to suck the juice

21/01/2025 in 11h11
How to recognize you send me a private message

21/01/2025 in 10h41
I will be there from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., for transvestites or submissive lopes

20/01/2025 in 21h07
I am a completely submissive and masochistic 58 year old slut, sexy blonde with no taboos and I would be available on Monday January 27 in the evening for vicious guys Contact me in mp

20/01/2025 in 18h59
Hello there tonight

20/01/2025 in 17h45
On site for the night

20/01/2025 in 15h48
I would be parked on the area for the night at the end of the day for women or couples Do not hesitate

20/01/2025 in 13h41
I'm currently jerking off on the ground, big cock for submissive passive and trans

19/01/2025 in 13h44
Who wants to suck me and get fucked today?? Come pm me

18/01/2025 in 23h17
Big tail present on the area for trav or passive submissive to fuck

18/01/2025 in 22h22
Who is available now?

18/01/2025 in 22h19
Anyone in Clairlieu in 30 minutes?

18/01/2025 in 16h23
Anyone want a big cock in their mouth and ass?? Shemale preferably or young submissive 100% passive

18/01/2025 in 05h34
Who at 12?

17/01/2025 in 21h19
Qui la déjà rencontré

17/01/2025 in 21h16
coquin07t are you mobile to another place come in pm

17/01/2025 in 21h13
Qui demain matin à partir de 7h ? Ici ou alentours Vagin et bouche a dispo, solo ou à plusieurs

17/01/2025 in 15h30
Present to get sucked by a young man under 40

17/01/2025 in 14h10
Big tail for submissive passive or transvestite

17/01/2025 in 10h29
Available end of afternoon

16/01/2025 in 20h05
Here I am, who wants to suck my big cock and swallow my juice?? Trav lope preferably

16/01/2025 in 14h55
Trav or women in the area?

15/01/2025 in 12h00
Trav or lope in the area? A good tail awaits you

14/01/2025 in 09h32
Qui entre 10h et 12h ? Vagin et bouche a dispo, solo ou à plusieurs

13/01/2025 in 11h52
Chubby down and body on site for a tail

13/01/2025 in 10h18
Passif soumis cet apm de 14h à 18h A vos désirs

13/01/2025 in 08h17
Looking for submissive work for this morning

11/01/2025 in 19h39
On site, trav available to suck me and get taken, submissive preferably

10/01/2025 in 21h37
Submitted work available tomorrow evening around 8/9pm?

09/01/2025 in 18h59
People? Neither women nor couples nor transvestites?

09/01/2025 in 16h56
On site for the night at the Clairlieu area towards Ludres

09/01/2025 in 14h23
Available on this site for women or couples in the middle of the afternoon until tomorrow morning

09/01/2025 in 12h29
Who in 30mins? Alone or with others, mouth and vagina to take

06/01/2025 in 20h24
who tomorrow morning 9:00 to suck and take me?

05/01/2025 in 08h25
On the air for 10am Vagina and mouth available / hygiene

05/01/2025 in 02h43
Who around 7:30 am

03/01/2025 in 04h41
Who around 5am?

03/01/2025 in 02h21
No one around?

02/01/2025 in 23h33
Who around 00:30?

02/01/2025 in 06h56
Who at the moment

01/01/2025 in 17h45
Trav or lope on the area?? I'm there

01/01/2025 in 17h08
Who's available on the site to suck me off and get fucked in the ass?

31/12/2024 in 03h51
Tomorrow morning from 7:45 am on the air Vagina and mouth / hygiene

30/12/2024 in 22h00
Who wants to suck and get fucked??

30/12/2024 in 20h04
Passive lope or shemale available around 9pm/10pm? A big cock is waiting for you

29/12/2024 in 19h46
To the one who sucked me off in my car on Friday evening around midnight at the Villers rest area, come PM me

28/12/2024 in 21h34
Salut qui y sera le 09 01 2025 fin d apm et 10 01 20z5 en journée ?? Salope à remplir

27/12/2024 in 23h25
Who on the air

27/12/2024 in 15h47
What's on the area? I'm looking for a slut to suck me and get fucked and swallow my juice

26/12/2024 in 16h41
Who tomorrow around 5am on Clairieu?

26/12/2024 in 02h36
Who's on the air now?

25/12/2024 in 08h10
Who is available today?

24/12/2024 in 09h27
Here or in Villers air around 10:30/11 a.m. Trans, Vagina and mouth available

22/12/2024 in 12h08
who is available to fuck me this afternoon

19/12/2024 in 09h49
I come between 10:30 and 12:00 in the mood for a good blowjob.

18/12/2024 in 14h27
Who's available to get their ass and mouth fucked by a big cock?

18/12/2024 in 00h50
I'm on the air, who wants some?

16/12/2024 in 16h06
hello who would like to make myself available to have my ass fucked like a whore and get me naked

16/12/2024 in 15h29
Who wants to get their mouth and ass fucked at the end of the day?? Come pm me, looking for shemale/trans/lope

15/12/2024 in 16h07
Hello everyone, I am very slutty, I can be a whore, I have no taboos, I am very obedient, I move around wherever I want, I dominate myself and I like fisting and getting my ass fucked

12/12/2024 in 10h39
Trav or trans available today on the area? To empty me

10/12/2024 in 11h26
Until 1pm today

08/12/2024 in 09h15
I will be there on Monday 9th in the evening to relieve you, I can also be used according to your wishes with prior contact in mp

08/12/2024 in 02h55
Who tonight? I'm looking for a trav lope to empty me

06/12/2024 in 22h26
Two Lope to serve you as a ball-emptying device under prep without a condom

06/12/2024 in 13h05
Being in transit today, I am looking for a transvestite for a nice meeting in Clairlieu this afternoon. Then I am heading to Epinal Vesoul Besançon just in case

02/12/2024 in 15h43
Hello, I'm going to come and have a look very soon. I feel taboo in my ass and am open to whatever you want. I'm waiting for your messages.

02/12/2024 in 14h57
Hello tout le monde J’irais bien faire la salope ici ou au club 87 en tenue de chienne avec laisse et cagoule. Si intéressé laissez moi un MP que je sache que ça vaut le coup que je me déplace et me prépare.

01/12/2024 in 21h15
Looking for a slutty shemale for tonight, I'm going

28/11/2024 in 13h29
Looking for a lope/trav to suck me off and get fucked like a female dog, 17 cm waiting for you, come pm me

26/11/2024 in 11h05
On the air from 11:30 a.m., trans vagina and mouth available, solo or with others

25/11/2024 in 16h27
Hi tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. I'm on Brabois I have 2 hours of free time

22/11/2024 in 00h04
Sur l’air de 13h à 17h Trans, Vagin et bouche a dispo, solo ou à plusieurs Hygiène et capote

21/11/2024 in 12h10
Is anyone going?

20/11/2024 in 12h56
Who is available?

19/11/2024 in 23h50
Who's there in 20 minutes?

19/11/2024 in 07h51
Who this morning between 9am and 11am?

17/11/2024 in 17h38
Who's on the air?

14/11/2024 in 07h03
Who this morning?

09/11/2024 in 18h39
My mouth will be at your disposal tomorrow morning I will be there for 5:00. Come stuff me with your hot and thick juice. You can contact me by mp or by sms at 07 50 39 04 64. Reputoer welcome

09/11/2024 in 03h01
Tomorrow morning from 7:30 am, vagina and mouth available

02/11/2024 in 01h47
Bonjour de passage ce dimanche, je suce homme mur avec capote mais possible de me juter sur le visage, message si intéressé

31/10/2024 in 11h36
Catain nympho maso soumise à disposition lundi soir 4 novembre pour être utiliser comme vide couille Contact en mp !!!bises

31/10/2024 in 11h27
I'll be there around 1:30 p.m. I offer my mouth to relieve you

31/10/2024 in 03h03
This morning vagina and mouth on the air from 7:30 am

30/10/2024 in 23h21
Available tomorrow morning..

30/10/2024 in 11h16
What's nice tonight and night? Can accommodate cabin .... cpl f or ...

28/10/2024 in 21h01
Qui ce soir vers 21h 30? Vagin et bouche a dispo

26/10/2024 in 08h30
Anyone this morning at 9:30?

25/10/2024 in 19h57
Who is available Thursday evening?

23/10/2024 in 06h59
Who is available this morning around 10am?

23/10/2024 in 05h41
Qui ce matin a 8h30? Trans, vagin et bouche a dispo solo ou à plusieurs

21/10/2024 in 19h27
Qui ce soir à partir de 22h? Trans vagin et bouche a dispo solo ou à plusieurs

19/10/2024 in 22h51
Anyone on the air? I'm mainly looking for trans/transsexuals or women/couples

19/10/2024 in 20h45
Tomorrow around 10:00 10:30 who is interested

15/10/2024 in 10h35
Demain fin de matinée, début d'après-midi

10/10/2024 in 18h00
Vagina and mouth available on the air

10/10/2024 in 17h38
On the air!

07/10/2024 in 10h22
Who's on the air?

06/10/2024 in 21h25
Who tomorrow morning at 4:30 mouth available for your balls full of juice

05/10/2024 in 19h50
My mouth is at your disposal tomorrow morning around 5:00 am, road welcome, contact me by mp or at 0750390464 by SMS

02/10/2024 in 16h06
I'll be there in 30-45 minutes to get sucked.

02/10/2024 in 11h22
Qui de Nancy pour rdv coquin peut importe l’endroit ? Trans ftm vagin et bouche dispo

30/09/2024 in 16h18
Here I am, good tail for women/trav/trans

30/09/2024 in 14h41
Je suis sur l’air Ftm, Vagin et bouche à offrir

30/09/2024 in 13h00
Hi, who today around 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. wants to empty a good pair of balls full of cum contact me in pm or at 0750390464

30/09/2024 in 12h54
Hummm I'm jerking off who wants to come

30/09/2024 in 12h37
I'm here for 45 minutes who wants to play with my cock

29/09/2024 in 06h56
In 30min? Who

27/09/2024 in 18h06
I'm here, looking for a lope/trans/trav to suck me off and get taken like a slut

26/09/2024 in 21h58
Who tomorrow morning? I'll be there at 7am, trans vagina and mouth to fill! Come in large numbers :)

26/09/2024 in 20h57
Good evening, is there anyone at night after 3am?

26/09/2024 in 14h30
Are you there?

26/09/2024 in 14h29
Looking for shemale/trans/women to empty me, I'm well hung! Come pm me

21/09/2024 in 02h36
Who wants to jerk off and cum on my face on Sunday morning, mature man preferably?

21/09/2024 in 02h01
Who tomorrow morning? I'll be there at 7am, trans vagina and mouth to fill! Come in large numbers :)

20/09/2024 in 09h12
I will be there for 10:10:30 a.m. Very greedy mouth at your disposal contact me in mp or at 0750390464

09/09/2024 in 13h10
I'm there, someone wants to

05/09/2024 in 01h46
Anyone passing by tonight?

05/09/2024 in 00h26
It was Tuesday late afternoon

05/09/2024 in 00h26
To the one who sucked me off and who I fucked against a tree deep in the woods, come forward in private, you had a small backpack and a white outfit, I finished in your mouth

04/09/2024 in 16h34
hxa2024, it's the opposite. Metz direction closed. And it's true that it's super disgusting.

04/09/2024 in 11h21
I will be on the air or that of Villers from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for the bravest, in the woods, transgender with vagina and mouth to offer solo or with others!

29/08/2024 in 20h07
Hi, a little rant, I went there yesterday at noon and the area is super usable in the woods (I got sucked off very quickly) and in the evening I stopped on the other side of the Villiers area and the same thing. But I don't think it's normal to see two superb places full of disgusting condom and paper waste and then we're going to complain that the areas are closed??

29/08/2024 in 15h26
Isn't this area (in the direction of Metz towards Nancy Brabois) closed? I think that only the one in Villiers opposite (from Nancy Brabois towards Metz) is open. I'll go tomorrow Friday around 2-3pm for a blowjob.

29/08/2024 in 10h01
Who tonight around 6:25 p.m.

26/08/2024 in 20h42
Qui dispo demain vers5h00 grave envie de pomper. 07 50 39 04 64 par sms ou en mp

26/08/2024 in 13h26
Bonjour de passage dans la région mercredi soir et je pense y passer la nuit pour Exhibe en lingerie et + pour Trav, couple... Ou autre endroit si vous avez des idées ? Au plaisir

24/08/2024 in 12h50
People today?

24/08/2024 in 11h15
J’y serais vers 15h30 Espère y trouvé mon bonheur… MP ci vous voulez

24/08/2024 in 08h26
Passing by this morning around 8:45 am, I'll be near the tables, gray shorts, white tee, light gray cap for plans.... Big dirty juicers appreciated...

23/08/2024 in 17h42
De passage demain, samedi 24 Aout, en fin de journée. Beaucoup d'envie, n'hésiter pas a envoyer MP

23/08/2024 in 11h34
J’y serai de 14h30 à 16h ! Transgenre cherche domi! vagin et bouche qui n’attendent que vos queues, seul ou à plusieurs Rdv dans le bois

22/08/2024 in 16h02
Who is available this Thursday evening from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Looking for a cool plan, contact me in pm or 07 50 39 04 64. Truckers, hairy men, daddys welcome

16/08/2024 in 22h02
Je serais sur aire vers 5h30. Envie de pomper et pourquoi pas plus. Routier bienvenue. Le contacter en mp ou au 07 50 39 04 64 j'aurai une mini bleu

16/08/2024 in 08h19
Really want to pump I'll be there by 10am 10:30am

12/08/2024 in 19h16
Hello. Anyone out tonight? With heat like this, light clothing is a must...

12/08/2024 in 19h11
Qui demain matin vers 9h30 10h j'aurais une mini bleu envie de pomper bonne bite . Contact moi au 07 50 39 04 64 ou en mp

10/08/2024 in 07h59
I'm there waiting near the stone tables to get fucked

09/08/2024 in 11h45
I really want to pump thoroughly and receive a good dose of cum. I'll be there between 3:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Contact me by pm or on 07 50 39 04 64

05/08/2024 in 18h43
Someone today for fun plan am active in truck if you have poppers the top

05/08/2024 in 11h28
Du monde cet après midi ? J’ai grave envie de sucer à la chaîne

03/08/2024 in 19h35
You can contact me by mp or at 07 50 39 04 64 want to suck good cock. Trucker welcome I love the juice

03/08/2024 in 15h54
Who is available on Sunday 4th in the morning before 9:30 a.m.

03/08/2024 in 10h27
I'm here until 11am

02/08/2024 in 10h01
De passage vers 15h30 Je me fais prendre par la chatte, je suce, plan seul ou à plusieurs

02/08/2024 in 05h33
Some people are passing by the tables tonight around 9pm to get fucked, you arrive, you unpack, I suck you, you fuck me, and you blah blah

24/07/2024 in 16h13
Hello Who is available on Thursday 25th in the morning around 5:30 am I really want to suck and have some nice hot juice I will be sitting on the stone picnic table and I will wait for you you can contact me by PM I am subscribed to 07 50 39 04 64

22/07/2024 in 16h01
Who Tuesday 23 in the morning from 5:00 a.m. I have a big desire to pump juice. Trucker welcome contact me in mp or I have a blue mini

20/07/2024 in 07h04
I'll be there around 10:00 a.m. Want to suck a good hairy guy? Contact me in PM or on 07 50 39 04 64

14/07/2024 in 21h55
the events of the week were canceled and on standby for personal reasons...

11/07/2024 in 14h34
Hello cuicui54 after club87 you come here to celebrate your 17th birthday...? Happy birthday

09/07/2024 in 07h27
I'm there from 12pm to 3pm today jerking off sucking and touching my clit and more... clean shave and who knows having fun

08/07/2024 in 06h25
I'll be there this afternoon for 2:30 p.m. or 3 p.m. I really want to suck a good dick deep and receive all its hot nectar contact me by pm or on 07 50 39 04 64

30/06/2024 in 22h50
I think I'll go tomorrow Monday July 1st in the morning around 6:45 a.m. I like to suck good cocks I also like to be taken (with a condom)

25/06/2024 in 06h59
Aujourd'hui j'y suis de 12h a 14h branle et suce... sexe raser pas de sperme dans la bouche... visage/sein

22/06/2024 in 03h30
I am there

20/06/2024 in 21h38
Hi, looking for trans/trav slut or woman tomorrow or this weekend during the day, come pm me.

20/06/2024 in 16h53
I'm there now, sucking and vagina to penetrate me

19/06/2024 in 20h25
I'll be there Friday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to get fucked. I'll wait against a tree with my ass arched. No fingering, just your cocks. I'll also go across the street to the Villers area. Until 6:00 p.m.

19/06/2024 in 05h40
I'll be there this morning around 7:30 to pump and get fucked (vagina)

12/06/2024 in 22h40
I'll be there Friday afternoon from 3 p.m. to get picked up. I wait against a tree with my ass arched. No fingering, just your cocks. I would go opposite too. Until 6:00 p.m.

12/06/2024 in 00h41
Who tonight?

11/06/2024 in 07h28
I'm going this morning around 10:30 a.m. direction Lunéville Nancy

11/06/2024 in 07h26
I'm going this morning around 10:30

10/06/2024 in 21h19
I will be there every Thursday afternoon as a lope if anyone is interested please let me know

08/06/2024 in 07h15
I'm there

26/05/2024 in 07h40
Tuesday 28th evening in jockstrap for whoever wants. Open even dry ttbm

25/05/2024 in 06h48
Available this morning, mp

08/05/2024 in 07h28
book for people to meet at the club and sauna... who tonight for a good fuck 8pm... by message

05/05/2024 in 19h57
Available Monday evening after 8 p.m. PM

30/04/2024 in 15h56
Which around 6:20 p.m. I am submissive and I like sucking and love sperm and I would like to be fucked in the ass

30/04/2024 in 08h49
Tonight I'll be pumping and giving my ass on the water tower side

27/04/2024 in 09h19
Oh, it would be with pleasure.

26/04/2024 in 14h12
and if one evening I come alone to have fun with guys not far from the benches???

19/04/2024 in 13h22
Available early afternoon.

16/04/2024 in 20h00
I'm there this evening Tuesday my mouth is available. From 8 p.m. I will be dressed in black and with white shoes.

09/04/2024 in 11h08
Ce soir mardi 9 avril j'y serais à partir de 19h jsui passif bon boule et bon suceur.

04/04/2024 in 08h42
I'll be there this evening around 6:20 p.m. good passive and like multiple sex

02/04/2024 in 20h00
I'm there this evening looking restful near the Clairlieu water tower. I'm a passive good pumper

02/04/2024 in 13h47
Not many people are available on this site, which is a shame..

02/04/2024 in 07h52
Hello tonight I will be there Tuesday April 2 from 7 p.m. if you want to empty yourself

01/04/2024 in 14h25
Anyone available tonight at the Roger Bambuck Stadium to suck me off? Or somewhere else discreet? Come privately

31/03/2024 in 15h36
Je recherche le mec qui m'a baiser grand brun un mardi soir . Si tu veux remettre le couvert avec plaisir

31/03/2024 in 15h18
Salut j'y suis tout les mardis à partir de 19h00 jusqu'à tard dans la nuit. Je suis passif bon boule et bon pompeur

14/03/2024 in 15h28
Who will take me apart and fill me up tonight at 6:25 p.m.

13/03/2024 in 06h19
Who around 5 p.m.? Bi passive in my moments really likes large calibers. Message in private

26/02/2024 in 21h31
People this evening

26/02/2024 in 15h13
Floraambroise I can go back this evening, what time will you be there??

26/02/2024 in 13h26
If anyone this evening, let me know

25/02/2024 in 17h04
Available for trans or trav MP for more info

20/02/2024 in 13h12
Tonight Tuesday I am in the Nancy area, my search is for active men BM TBM, couples, sexy girlfriends welcome

19/02/2024 in 08h19
tonight fuck party, a regular already met who can take us... share message

07/02/2024 in 10h16
Je suis uniquement passif et soumis je passe soir vers 18h30 pour sucer, être a vos ordres et me faire enculé grosse bite apprécié et gros juteur mes préférés contacter moi en privé si vous êtes intéressé

23/01/2024 in 20h45
Available now

23/01/2024 in 19h48
Very slutty passive looking for jh max 50-55 years old well done and rather spoiled I am only passive and not submissive chem sex very appreciated to make me a real slut 3some possible

23/01/2024 in 13h19
I'm coming by this evening around 6:30 p.m. I'm sucking and I've never been caught before but I'd like to try

14/01/2024 in 16h08
Nice meeting Friday night. You (L), freezing I tried to warm you with my arms, while learning that we came from the same area. We kissed, but the freezing cold made us stop, so we continued to chat while walking each other home. Which just goes to show that even in winter, nice meetings can happen.

07/01/2024 in 07h33
People Tuesday 09/01 around 2:30 p.m.?

29/12/2023 in 14h07
People late this evening?

28/12/2023 in 17h18
Who wants to get sucked in an hour?

21/12/2023 in 23h24
De passage vendredi matin vers 10h , je recherche un travesti ou un mec imberbe qui aime s exiber devant un routier . Plan caresses et suce ok

04/12/2023 in 22h01
I will be passing by tomorrow morning around 9am sance Metz nancy until around 9:45am and and sance nancy metz around 9:50am until 10:45am max I like to suck good cock

01/12/2023 in 11h10
People around 12:30 p.m. towards Lunéville Metz

23/11/2023 in 03h26
Who mtn on the air

21/11/2023 in 11h41
I'll be there tonight to suck and empty your balls in slut mode if interested pm me

08/11/2023 in 18h49
Passive submissive ready to be your empty balls come pv

08/11/2023 in 03h34
Who before 5:30

07/11/2023 in 11h15
Who wants to take me apart and make me swallow his sperm tonight I am very docile send me a message if you are interested

04/11/2023 in 20h09
Who's here tonight?

22/10/2023 in 23h04
I'm passive and guys who want to impregnate me come pm

17/10/2023 in 08h26
Bonjour, Alexia grande bourgeoise brune BCBG qui adore la lingerie, très féminine et ultra sexy. Je serai de passage samedi 21/10/2023 sur Vandoeuvre Brabois. 100% passive et tres gourmande. Je serai à mon hôtel (toute discrétion) toute la soirée et la nuit pour me faire baiser et corriger comme il se doit. N’hésitez pas à me contacter en MP. Grosses bises Alexia la grande catin.

12/10/2023 in 08h07
Who to fuck me today?

11/10/2023 in 22h56
Bonjour de passage à Nancy Vandoeuvre a l hôtel jeudi 12 oct au soir je reçois un jmek minet débutant. Me contacter en mp

07/10/2023 in 16h21
Anyone tonight?

01/10/2023 in 14h08
Manly and muscular guy available next week?

29/09/2023 in 15h02
Any men available tonight?

22/09/2023 in 12h07
Who tonight

21/09/2023 in 12h21
Lots of people tonight around 6:20 p.m.

20/09/2023 in 15h41
Young slut passing through to empty some balls today Wednesday September 20 around 6:20 p.m. for those interested please send me a message

20/09/2023 in 08h09
I would love to take a turn to get my ass filled several times... niche to see, knowing that I don't have a car

19/09/2023 in 22h43
Young slut passing by to empty some balls tomorrow Wednesday September 20 around 6:20 p.m. for those interested please send me a message

19/09/2023 in 16h15
Someone ?

19/09/2023 in 11h07
Young slut passing by this evening around 6:20 p.m. For those interested, please send me a message.

06/09/2023 in 09h00
Exhib en aprèm .. et plus

01/09/2023 in 22h46
I will be there tomorrow between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.

30/08/2023 in 12h57
Young sissy looking for older man for fun :P

24/08/2023 in 05h59
Hello, I'll drop by around 8am at the Clairieu area.

23/08/2023 in 15h25
On site to suck nice cocks... For details, send a PM

17/08/2023 in 09h33
Who will pump me in my car????

16/08/2023 in 05h15
Come to the Languimberg car park in the afternoons

15/08/2023 in 11h47
Qui dispo aujourd’hui ?? Pas loin du stade de foot ??? Recherche uniquement à me faire pomper comme un cochon passer en privé

13/08/2023 in 08h03
Anyone around this morning?

08/08/2023 in 14h59
Quelqu’un de dispo à partir de 19h30 20h pour me pomper dans ma voiture coter châteaux d’eaux Tenis ??? Je suis remplie de jus bien raser belle bite de 31ans ? Venez en privé les personnes intéressés pour se soir

07/08/2023 in 21h10
je passe demain dans l après midi pour se qui veule faite signe je serais a claire lieu

03/08/2023 in 23h53
Julien52, I'm there and haven't seen your truck

03/08/2023 in 21h19
There is a person who watches me jerk off late Tuesday night he would have knocked I would have opened him if he recognizes himself that he faces truck sign with blue light

03/08/2023 in 21h08
a charitable soul to suck or get sucked see more tonight truck mark the lonely I'm naked in it at the start of the parking lot knock on the door I open

01/08/2023 in 13h43
Anyone interested if I come by tonight to empty some balls around 6:20 PM, PM me if interested

01/08/2023 in 07h42
Yesterday morning before going to work I got fucked by a guy who had a good cock I sucked his cock which became hard as wood and I loved it when he pushed himself inside me....a pure treat.....

31/07/2023 in 13h26
Hello World today or tonight

26/07/2023 in 21h57
I will be there tomorrow around 6:15 p.m. for those who want to empty their balls contact me

20/07/2023 in 21h55
On site for the night... cpl planned? Or

17/07/2023 in 19h15
Available on the area in heavy weight for women or couples

14/07/2023 in 13h00
Really want it there

13/07/2023 in 07h29
This afternoon at Clairlieu 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m. // lollipop, fiddling, face or breast ejaculation... in the same place behind the water tower... after a 2 to 3 week vacation, so on stand bye

10/07/2023 in 22h40
I'll be around tomorrow night around 6:20 p.m. to suck see more I'm only passive if you're interested come PM

06/07/2023 in 09h21
I'm there this afternoon from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the same place behind the water tower On my knees to suck & kiss my mouth / grope me & fuck // face finish & at club 87 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. all the men who come I suck, fuck, face finish...

03/07/2023 in 21h42
En mode suceur aujourd'hui j'ai fait deux belles rencontres le premier chauffeur d'un petit camion avec remorque, une belle queue, je l'ai sucé en gorge profonde, j'ai adoré sentir son sperme giflé au fond de ma gorge hummmmmm trop mignon Le deuxième était super, grand moustache à l'anglaise assez classe, nous nous sommes embrassés direct, je suis descendu sur sa magnifique queue que j'ai dévoré hummmmm et quelle ejaculation cette quantité de sperme que j'ai dégusté si tu te reconnais fais moi signe histoire d'essayer le reste

29/06/2023 in 18h59
Hello.routier is staying there for the night until tomorrow morning 7am. I receive in the truck bunk or outside.

24/06/2023 in 10h10
Hello everyone, I will be using you this evening from 9:30 p.m. with my lover, he will take me to suck me, fuck me and share me with those interested....see you tonight

22/06/2023 in 17h17
I will be there on Monday 26 in the afternoon, who for fun???? leave a private message

20/06/2023 in 11h48
Want a good big facial cumshot that can help me?

06/06/2023 in 22h23
Cc on site for the night... what's up tonight? Cpl? Exhib Other?

06/06/2023 in 21h29
Great afternoon thanks to the people who came I finally found my spot near the water tower plus very discreet naked beings I put a video where I explain.. thank you for respecting the place when I see certain paths it's dirty, I did it with 20 guys today and nothing is lying around... kisses

23/05/2023 in 18h04
Great afternoon and thanks to the people who came, we really enjoyed ourselves

21/05/2023 in 14h42
People in the corners?

20/05/2023 in 12h05
I'm going there this afternoon

11/05/2023 in 11h13
Crowded in the early afternoon for a driver

11/05/2023 in 11h05
Crowded in the early afternoon meaning Paris Strasbourg

03/05/2023 in 16h29
Great afternoon 10 guys and 2 a little shy gay find a little corner and hop we have a good fuck

02/05/2023 in 12h41
I go there around 1:30 p.m.

23/04/2023 in 12h03
I'll be there next Friday morning

23/04/2023 in 09h59
Possibility to go there week of April 24 to 30, morning or afternoon, contact me in private

21/04/2023 in 07h12
@aprendre_253970, I went there last weekend, the 2 areas were open.

20/04/2023 in 14h48
Available Friday April 21 to suck, contact me in private

09/04/2023 in 19h13
I went there last week in the evening, the 2 areas were closed, still news?

10/03/2023 in 06h16
I go there on 10/03 around 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m., ch act tbm to empty, road bikers v rp welcome several ok Leave pm

10/03/2023 in 01h06
I'm going there tomorrow 10/03 around 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m., ch act tbm to empty, road bikers v rp welcome several ok Leave pm

23/02/2023 in 02h06
If I go there are people there??? The very next

01/02/2023 in 22h30
@lerobert, it depends on the evenings. It happened 2 weeks ago that there was no one on a Saturday night!

01/02/2023 in 20h33
Person ! !! Worrying...

22/01/2023 in 05h25
Sir l'air de Clairlieu Monday afternoon from 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Send private message if interested

03/01/2023 in 18h43
Cc.. I'm for the night...

02/01/2023 in 08h26
Hello, Anyone this morning?

10/12/2022 in 23h32
I'm up for a tail that wants to take me

02/12/2022 in 18h04
Unscheduled stop this afternoon and a good big cock emptied in the back of a van. Back for a visit next Tuesday evening. Mouth / ass available

01/12/2022 in 21h06
Driver receives in my trav or trans berths

23/11/2022 in 19h37
Good evening present tonight and night... pm for cpl ft

04/11/2022 in 15h40
Hi, I'm passing through this evening (around 7:30 p.m.) is there a place where it moves a lot or a person interested in my profile!?

27/10/2022 in 21h14
Passing through tomorrow Friday 28 between 8 and 9 looking for jh rather well done who wants to get sucked and maybe take me

27/10/2022 in 12h15
People this afternoon around 4:45 p.m.

25/10/2022 in 19h11
Hi tonight and night meaning Paris/Strasbourg... cpl f... pm if present

24/10/2022 in 13h14
Hello I'm a driver I'm going to stop tonight... who can tell me more about the place please pm... cpl f ect...

19/10/2022 in 01h55
On the Clairieu area on Thursday to suck and empty the balls from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

16/09/2022 in 08h51
Present tomorrow morning around 9:30 am to suck and get fucked by big juicy cocks...I'm waiting for you....

08/09/2022 in 08h48
Good morning ! People today? Want to get gang banged by groups of guys. Who available?

07/09/2022 in 19h19
Que54 is a big myth

30/08/2022 in 19h18
Ce soir sur cette aire pour trav sexy ou lope en dessous féminin. Laissez message en privé

28/08/2022 in 10h40
Quelqu'un demain matin à 6h pour m'enculer comme une grosse salope Préférence pour gros juteurs, souilleurs... Msg mp...

20/08/2022 in 16h12
Hello I will be Thursday, August 25 next afternoon at the wood of clearings and area of ​​vuillers I will be in stockings or tights under jeans leggings because too hot to wear makeup and put a wig on your keyboard if you are interested in sex. am only passive

20/08/2022 in 13h29
This evening I am at the hotel in Houdemont for the night, my well-shaven cock will be available for all the mouths that want and my little hole to lick only. Person interested go private

18/08/2022 in 22h38
Bsr Couples or women around

07/08/2022 in 14h26
Person ????

07/08/2022 in 12h41
People this afternoon???

05/08/2022 in 14h58
For tomorrow Saturday morning looking for a hot plan Want some good cocks Please make a proposal in Pv

04/08/2022 in 09h08
Good mouths to suck me off this afternoon???? Come in PV

03/08/2022 in 14h53
Passing by this afternoon, I haven't seen many people, I might be there tonight.

02/08/2022 in 19h53
Hi to you who are from 54 Lulu 54 is a big myth Thank you for passing the message Good evening to you

20/07/2022 in 08h10
Are there people here this morning? Serious desire to empty tails

18/07/2022 in 23h09
Want sex am haye park

18/07/2022 in 22h02
This Monday evening and for the night, I'm on an area towards new houses career of Viterne Bainville, I want big cock, I want active

07/07/2022 in 20h01
Thanks to the guy who fertilized me with his big cock this morning (11:30 a.m.) if he recognizes himself I would like to see him again....

04/07/2022 in 22h28
Want to discover this rest area, dedicate to sodomize and get sucked or just watch exib I can be there around 5:00 p.m. every day except Friday

29/06/2022 in 10h15
openatout88, thank you for the answer I will try to come sooner next time.

28/06/2022 in 17h52
Praxitele54 you arrived too late I was there and I had a great time that I will do again with pleasure

28/06/2022 in 17h45
I went there today at 1:45 p.m., but I saw no one near the water tower except big rabbits.

28/06/2022 in 08h23
Who to bugger me tonight?

28/06/2022 in 08h17
Who to bugger me tonight I'm hungry....

16/06/2022 in 15h22
Crowded this afternoon meaning Nancy metz

13/06/2022 in 12h19
Who to dismantle my ass...seriously lacking...

01/06/2022 in 06h18
@cochon57 and @planreel57, 10/15 years ago, guys spoke to each other more easily, contact was easier. I think social networks have virtualized all that, now people are suspicious of everyone, especially in the evening. During the day, I remember that the guys knew each other, they were regulars and we talked a lot.

15/05/2022 in 19h57
Handsome male forty-something clean, virile appearance but 100% lope mouth to bzer available now and evening Sunday 15/05 to let off steam and empty you in my throat in an anonymous live shot and/or slaughter. I like big cocks, nags, bldards, but I also do the other ones so good, very stiff and very juicy rod... :-p

12/05/2022 in 06h17
Who to piss me off today?

01/05/2022 in 19h46
From the world Tomorrow morning around 5 a.m. near the tables? you get behind me you grope my ass you smash me without mercy and you leave.... preference for big dirty jousters pm messages....

22/04/2022 in 21h49
Someone to fuck on this rest stop

21/04/2022 in 16h00
who now

21/04/2022 in 13h09
People within 15 minutes? Meaning luneville nancy

10/04/2022 in 14h37
Hello, my name is Alexia and I am a big Italian bourgeois whore and very greedy. Very very feminine and very sophisticated. I will be passing through this evening and I will be at the hotel near the Clairieu area. So I can receive all evening. I am 100% passive. I'm looking for well-arched males (if possible 3 at the same time) to suck languorously and get caught and fill my little pussy in turn. contact me in PM. big kisses. Alexia.

23/03/2022 in 05h34
Passing by around 6 p.m. for a direct ass plan without blabla...

18/03/2022 in 11h51
Crowded in Nancy afternoon

21/02/2022 in 13h28
From the world in the direction of Luneville metz

17/02/2022 in 11h38
Good times spent in the ass up there, some time ago. I'm looking for the guy with the black AudiA 3. He had fucked me good

18/01/2022 in 22h28
Can anyone receive tomorrow morning? I will be passing by

05/01/2022 in 13h01
I would be there Thursday between 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. to see more to get caught. I wait near the parking lot in the woods; If you have an ass ready to get caught against a tree do not hesitate. I can take several well-trained cocks

27/12/2021 in 03h27
J'y serais peut être mardi après midi vers 16 h jusque 18 h il fera nuit ça sera très bien pour draguer. Je serais sur un banc dans l'air de repos ou alors je tournerais certainement sur l'air de repos derrière l'air de repos officielle de des touristes ou des gens qui vienne pisser un coup. A après demain mardi 28 décembre ok les mec? Je suis WIlly je cherche un mec ou plusieurs à sucer ou à sodomiser.

14/12/2021 in 17h28
Cc.. it's not moving much today...

03/12/2021 in 09h46
Of the world at noon

02/12/2021 in 20h34
I will be there on the night of December 4 or 5 between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. to be taken only either at the table or in the woods. good hard cock accepted

20/11/2021 in 16h38
who puts me in dsipo this night me good whore has juice no selection fist dildo piss has poij I want to be treated like a crack

09/10/2021 in 19h16
I will be there this day Oct. 10 between midnight and 3:00 am to be taken only either at the table or in the woods. good hard cock accepted

21/09/2021 in 10h15
Hello I will be this afternoon between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.

07/09/2021 in 17h39
Road on clearing area all night for passive work. Fucking in the cabin or in the woods, do not hesitate to contact me, thank you.

01/09/2021 in 21h32
Meeting tonight not far from the air of clairlieu Passive guy beardless good slut in pantyhose or stockings Want to get fucked Please make a proposal in pm

31/08/2021 in 10h57
someone between noon

31/08/2021 in 10h30
a visit to the clairlieu area last sunday in little slut mode in need I enjoyed being put deep by a good and young hard cock in front of voyeurs in motion but too shy to approach and get sucked while I was being sucked stuffed the ass. to reproduce as much as possible hummmm

04/08/2021 in 18h37
Who tonight

01/08/2021 in 13h20
I'm there black cap come and fuck me

20/07/2021 in 21h07
Who interested Good sexy transvestite very slutty for air of clairlieu in the evening. Contact me in PM.

19/07/2021 in 21h53
Results: I sucked and I got fucked ....

19/07/2021 in 19h44
Passing through tonight ..... Go go ....

18/07/2021 in 14h21
Who to fuck me like a slut that I am pop my ass and empty yourself in my mouth ....

10/07/2021 in 16h36
A little passage tonight around 11pm .. beautiful, very sexy and super salooe work for nice thick cocks Kisses shanna

09/07/2021 in 19h58
It is on clairlieu area notice to the Chaudard

09/07/2021 in 19h56
Currently couple in the forest Madame fucks sucks swallows does not speak but gives good ass to take now She is good yum her man has a big cock too

07/07/2021 in 08h02
Who wants to have their balls drained this morning?

25/06/2021 in 20h41
I go there around 9:30 p.m.

23/06/2021 in 07h55
FYI, the Villers-Clairlieu area was reopened to traffic earlier than expected :)

23/06/2021 in 04h23
People tonight to force-feed a lope ...

30/05/2021 in 17h06
j y serai ce soir vers 21h00 pour un dernier petit tour dans les bois nue sous ma robe si defois une queue y était cachée et qu elle me grimpe le long des jambes hummm j en ai deja des frissons

27/05/2021 in 08h28
who is available now? Want to get fucked

19/05/2021 in 18h18
On site for the night ... towards Strasbourg

13/05/2021 in 11h30
Of the world today, ???

10/05/2021 in 16h36
I'm there in 30 minutes who wants to make you suck juice

24/04/2021 in 20h17
BE CAREFUL, a report was made by residents of the neighboring subdivision, a walker passed close to 2 guys in action! As a reminder, there is an outdoor center nearby and the vegetation is not yet provided to hide. It would be a shame if we were kicked out of this cruising spot because of not discreet people.

31/03/2021 in 16h52
Hello I am parked there for the night for a woman or a couple

28/03/2021 in 16h26
Hello, I am a 28 year old passive submissive, I am looking for a man to empty tonight. Suck and Sodo Plan

25/03/2021 in 21h58
Friday 26 around 10:30 am I will take a 45 min break there I am looking for a jh 20-50 years old rather well made to suck it until oral creampie

24/03/2021 in 15h01
Will there be people tomorrow during the day?

21/03/2021 in 19h01
Tonight Sunday 10 p.m. craving cocks

19/03/2021 in 17h57
It's pretty cool but it's so exciting to walk in the woods almost naked under the mantle

19/03/2021 in 10h57
I'm there until 11:30 am I suck jh well done

11/03/2021 in 23h11
Hello Friday 12/03 around 10am I will take my 45 min break there I am looking for 1 or 2 active guys rather well done max 50 years old for passive in thong and stockings I want cock and hot sperm in my cabin contact me with photo of your tail

04/03/2021 in 17h53
I will take a break there around 5 am tomorrow morning I am looking for a young man max 50 years old rather well to suck it and maybe fuck myself depending on my excitement I wear stockings and thong

28/02/2021 in 18h46
I'll be there tonight on Sunday around 8 p.m. naked under my dress in slutty mode

02/02/2021 in 14h11
Hello everyone I am passive looking for hot assets, those who are interested contact me;)

01/02/2021 in 10h12
Someone to fuck my ass, here I am ..

29/01/2021 in 19h52
A real forest of zombies ....

18/01/2021 in 10h36
People on Nancy today who want to be sucked?

29/12/2020 in 08h36
Available the apm to break my ass like a lope that I am....

26/12/2020 in 07h25
Who is free for tomorrow Sunday around 5:30 pm Me in lingerie for sucks and more Leave message in pv

26/12/2020 in 07h24
Who is free for tomorrow Sunday Me in lingerie for sucks and more Leave message in pv

24/12/2020 in 08h25
Hi, I ch a good sucker see more to take care of me .... Likes ext plan. On the move, little mobility around Malzeville

27/11/2020 in 15h30
tonight taking a break around 6 p.m. for a few steps in the wooden path naked under my coat

23/11/2020 in 09h17
Who wants to fuck today?

09/11/2020 in 17h16
Anyone in the area?

09/11/2020 in 10h00
I'm there now if some people want a good time ...

06/11/2020 in 18h29
I hope to find nice queutards on site this evening 8:30 p.m. 9 p.m.

16/10/2020 in 13h35
Certainly a little passage tonight around 11pm ... clairieu and villers area ... very feminine work in velle slut outfit ... for sex with h BM SEE TBM ... KISS SHANNA

25/09/2020 in 14h04
which afternoon for cokineries

20/09/2020 in 13h40
@dhell, again last night, a lot of people and 2 small orgy :)

19/09/2020 in 16h53
Great evening yesterday, a lot of people and 3 orgy with no less than 8 people! Can not wait for next time

19/09/2020 in 16h11
I want to go there tonight too ... for BM guy SEE TBM ... private message if amateur

18/09/2020 in 20h45
So the loulous engine to get sucked on the area at the moment not too many people calm and dry woods we can cram in the thickets

18/09/2020 in 19h55
So the loulous engine to get sucked on the area at the moment not too many people calm and dry woods we can cram in the thickets

13/09/2020 in 17h55
Very clean cute lorry 1m75 69 kg 50 years old tomorrow at 7 a.m. looking for a mature man to fuck me over 60 years old thank you

29/08/2020 in 10h52
hoooaaa what a night hummm that many cocks to suck and jerk off thank you all for having made me take my foot and make me feel little slut I have the opportunity to have my mouth, ass and both hands busy at the same time

28/08/2020 in 17h06
which evening to kokiner

04/08/2020 in 18h57
Nice meeting yesterday morning kisses very well good cock and good fuck party Hoping to see you again You white polo jeans shorts me black jeans black tshirt

23/07/2020 in 22h53
who will be tomorrow late afternoon for a little slut in a skirt

21/07/2020 in 13h34
People this afternoon?

11/07/2020 in 13h31
Certainly a little passage on Monday the 13th in the evening ... 23h approximately ... dressed as a beautiful slut I would wait for you in the car for a good plan Q .. preferably for a mature man BM SEE TBM ... kiss Shanna

27/06/2020 in 20h08
Bjr à Tous, Routier; I will be in "Pause Nuit Repos" in Nancy from Monday 29/06 around 2:00 pm to Tuesday 30/06 around 8:00 am, I will find a Cool / Sex and Sympat place for this period. . is moving well in this place ?!

22/06/2020 in 17h55
Passing Saturday 20/06 from 10h to 12h, time to pump 5 beautiful cocks ... it changes from most of the mythos and clowns that pollute this site, finally the concrete ... A word to the wise ...

22/06/2020 in 10h05
Anyone who wants to empty their balls from 1 p.m.?

21/06/2020 in 02h23
I'm there. Who joins me?

13/06/2020 in 15h31
Around 11pm on this very feminine and very naughty transvestite area will be presented to empty BM and TBM with my mouth and my anal pussy.

12/06/2020 in 05h19
Passing by this afternoon to make me fill ... I hope guys tbm ....

10/06/2020 in 15h06
People now?

06/06/2020 in 18h11
Passing this evening in this villers or clairieu area around 11 p.m., very sexy, feminine and naughty transvestites ... preferably for h mature bm .. tbm .. kisses shanna

31/05/2020 in 17h45
lope57 is saving strength and juice for tonight :)

30/05/2020 in 21h04
People this Sunday evening, to have a little gangbang, like the last time, between 11:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. towards the old picnic area closed to traffic, level with the old tables that line the road ?!

26/05/2020 in 18h09
I'll be on Nancy on Thursday and I'd like to suck a few cocks and get my ass pounded. I like to wear women's underwear when I get caught

26/05/2020 in 16h46
Truck driver parked for the night looking for mature passive for tonight. Contact by pm thanks.

25/05/2020 in 18h08
People tonight?

25/05/2020 in 17h59
Are there people? Old people in need of young ass? I'm lacking

20/05/2020 in 22h44
I was there last night, some hot people. I got screwed twice, including a road trip, and my mouth pumped until I was suffocating!

20/05/2020 in 17h19
Tonight between 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

01/05/2020 in 14h05
of the world on 05/11 to suck / get sucked / and take me I'm hungry ...

27/04/2020 in 20h12
Freedom is severely lacking

06/04/2020 in 11h39
Strongly that the containment ends I can't wait to resume service (suck good cocks, take, get caught) I expect you soon .....

31/03/2020 in 22h51
And for you LOPE57 it's not things that make you laugh

31/03/2020 in 22h50
You know Elsa doesn't smell more of the fir tree at our house than at your house... no one is safe from this damn virus so I find the allusions you make shameful

31/03/2020 in 22h17
en faite on a affaire à deux attarder .... c'est dingue mdr

31/03/2020 in 22h03
elsa 94 you see rital 54 totally right you are looking for me while I have nothing against you so from now on all your comments that you will put on the home page of the site for me they will be transparent so invisible I think to be very clear in what I say...

31/03/2020 in 21h55
Elsa94 , c'est quoi que tu ne comprends pas ? STOP LA c'est fou ça .... Surtout que vous n'êtes pas de notre coins donc aller vous bouffer les nez ( ou autre chose ) plus loin . Et STOP répondre derrière mon Commentaire .

31/03/2020 in 21h05
at worst go crepe your bun in Private, not giving a damn about your two-ball stories... =O

31/03/2020 in 20h32
elsa 94 I'm not he I'm her OK I'm not a Trav I'm a Trans I told you I had nothing against you so don't come and piss me off with your half-assed comments I have others things to do at the moment I am fully in my volunteering at the LGBT association there are many that we will not see again because of this invisible crap that kills and I really have other things to do than take my head on LDD with comments that don't matter.

31/03/2020 in 00h23
elsa94 you are nice I have nothing against you but your untimely messages which balance information bicycles it goes a while OK ... If you want to bring your science on LDD starts by taking a subscription now me I have only to report that the words of a nice man who is Lieutenant of Police at the Pref of PARIS and who lives in my building nothing more. You are a trav me I am a trans and it is true that the cohabitation between TV & TR are not looking good so I tell you again elsa I have nothing against you but be nice stop always wanting to add . Kisses to you.

30/03/2020 in 23h43
According to the words of a nice cop who lives in my building and who is Lieutenant of Police at the PREF in PARIS we are there until JUNE 15 maximum so to see .............

15/02/2020 in 07h45
Saturday evening ... beautiful sexy working slut is waiting for you .. for a well-hung mr see TBM ... kisses

27/01/2020 in 17h56
Good evening I went for the night I can receive in my cabin warm

19/01/2020 in 18h03
Who is tonight at 20h?

19/01/2020 in 17h29
Search active man this Saturday, January 18 evening around 21:00 on air viller Clairlieu. My kiss me on the table transvestite.

17/01/2020 in 11h38
Passage after this afternoon ... I am very slut ...

13/01/2020 in 09h59
World available now? Want to take me queues in front and behind

28/12/2019 in 22h39
11:30 p.m. midnight ... ... I would be passing through and clairieu villers

28/12/2019 in 19h41
Sexy bitch very will visit you tonight ... I expect hefty see TBM ... kiss shanna

23/12/2019 in 19h48
I'm there ! I stick around a few days ... contact me if you max 40 years and if I'm your style ;-)

21/12/2019 in 18h05
Passage tonight if hbi like this

19/12/2019 in 21h32
From jy would delay around 23:30 midnight ... all hot and sexy

15/12/2019 in 10h29
Thursday evening around 22h hour ..J there'd be very sexy slutty outfit and I expect you hefty ... leave messages if that tells you ... kiss shanna

14/12/2019 in 20h41
Want to suck and get caught

14/12/2019 in 09h06
Hi ... I would spend tonight at 22h in very sexy outfit and hot for hours active bi hefty ... a tt L hour ... kiss shanna

04/12/2019 in 09h37
Hello, I will be in feminine clothes and now ready to empty well filled balls. Who is available?

29/11/2019 in 20h07
Passing through 2h ... very sexy outfit ... very hot slut you expect hefty kisses ..

27/11/2019 in 16h53
Maybe a small passage Friday night in sexy outfit and very feminine .. give me desire to veni !!

22/11/2019 in 19h36
Tonight sexy trav good slut on air villers Clairlieu research active man like this make the .Envie transvestites take and sucked. If interested send me a message not move for nothing.

20/11/2019 in 13h16
World to 4:30 p.m. / 5:00 p.m.? Want to suck a good cock, I can be in ss female vets if you want ... I'll side Clairlieu

18/11/2019 in 23h59
tomorrow Tuesday night?

14/11/2019 in 08h56
The world now ??

08/11/2019 in 00h28
J will spend Friday night at 2:00 ... 23h

31/10/2019 in 21h33
J arrive to the stroke of midnight ... dressed sexy for hours hefty see TBM

31/10/2019 in 18h54
about 23h

31/10/2019 in 13h14
You will be what time Thursday night shanna

29/10/2019 in 22h54
Passage Thursday night ... very sexy outfit for h BM see TBM

27/10/2019 in 14h48
Who tonight?

26/10/2019 in 18h15
On site tonight dressed very sexy ... I wait in my car active man hefty see TBM ... kiss shanna

25/10/2019 in 16h15
Tonight a small passage and clairieu villers .. dressed very sexy and very slutty .. later ...

19/10/2019 in 21h53
Passing through clairieu and villers tonight around 11:30 p.m.... very hot and very eager..

04/10/2019 in 23h36
On site around midnight ...

04/10/2019 in 15h26
Small passage this evening around 23h ... kiss. Shanna

01/10/2019 in 20h30
Shannatrav you looking for an active man on villers make me sign

29/09/2019 in 00h07
Currently al aire villers A33 towards Metz ... .. in my car in very sexy outfit

28/09/2019 in 13h19
J there would again tonight ... very complicated to find an active man and hefty ... for the fans

27/09/2019 in 21h37
Rather from 23:30 to midnight ...

26/09/2019 in 21h13
Small tomorrow night passing around 22:00 ... sexy transvestites held active BM man see TBM

26/09/2019 in 16h47
Tomorrow Friday available air Clairlieu villers in drag in soirée.recherche active man.

24/09/2019 in 04h21
I suck and make me motherfucker volunteers?

20/09/2019 in 18h10
A trip tonight .. 22h ..2h00

14/09/2019 in 14h58
Tonight on areas clairieu and villers ... dressed very sexy .. I wait for you .. BM TBM welcome

13/09/2019 in 13h02
Hello Friday, September 13 I am looking bi man for a woman 40 years we will be in wood in if you are interested wanted me posted. hot sexy woman and we can be there for 9:30 p.m.

11/09/2019 in 10h49
I will go early afternoon I hope there will be queues to suck I'll be in the direction Toul -> Nancy

04/09/2019 in 01h24
warn in advance next time. I would make an effort to get there. I love good cause :)

31/08/2019 in 08h50
Vehicle .. problem not my visit .... tonight jy be if my car is ok ... kiss

30/08/2019 in 13h57
Passing this evening from 22:00 to .... we'll see depending ...

29/08/2019 in 11h09
cochon57: it gives not too keen, especially for a trav ...

25/08/2019 in 22h04
No I reassure you it's like that everywhere

12/08/2019 in 18h34
Lt. Nancy who to go together? (I pay for gasoline)

11/08/2019 in 14h14
Very want to spend tonight. ... I await proposals ... beautiful big cock and real

22/07/2019 in 14h45
J there would be Thursday evening still held very mini dress sex ... .. there .. suspenders thong and thigh ...

22/07/2019 in 11h33
She can suck but with condom. She would suck two men at the same time

22/07/2019 in 11h29
Who will be present for Madame for initially the exhibition.

22/07/2019 in 11h01
Totally agree with you 57 Dany too thrilled pressed to find a woman there and best couple whose h bi

22/07/2019 in 10h29
Why she would not be welcome there is not that homosexuals there are also many bi which would like to spend a good time with a woman exhibitionist and more, me lol

22/07/2019 in 10h00
A woman these places will ing does well there she came there any men that can interest.

22/07/2019 in 09h52
Passage Thursday night around 23h slut search one or more men to fuck me I'm sexy outfit.

20/07/2019 in 15h45
Tonight from 0:00 to 3:00 .. I'll be in my car very sexy outfit and I expect beautiful tails

20/07/2019 in 06h39
Search active H for bringing me

19/07/2019 in 17h37
Response to MA11: Especially for that age people who frequent these places, I can understand that young people take the trouble to stop for nothing = X

19/07/2019 in 16h07
shame that all its places are frequented by 80% of the guys over 50 years .....

22/03/2019 in 11h15
I'd be late afternnon, old hairy please I love to suck cock

20/03/2019 in 10h50
Who now?

09/03/2019 in 22h37
Someone to suck my bottom or elsewhere that night?

11/02/2019 in 10h04
Who now?

06/02/2019 in 12h57
Thursday, February 7 from 15 h 00 until 17 h 30 and 23 h 00 to 01 h 00. Parking area Clairlieu villers and to make me take uniquement.queue lasts n hesitate. appointment in the wood behind or next to behind the attendance tables. I wait near a tree or table ass in air come from behind, touch my ass and hop. no sucks and no finger in the ass. I don not like your nails. soft tail m not interested. 2 megabyte gray.

19/01/2019 in 20h51
Hello, world tonight?

17/12/2018 in 00h03
Somebody tonight?

23/11/2018 in 17h40
J will be around 23h to make me suck if anyone is interested ....

09/10/2018 in 14h47
Tuesday, October 9 from 17 h 30 until 19 h 30 see. Parking Clairlieu villers area and to make me take uniquement.queue lasts n hesitate. appointment in the woods behind the attendance following tables. I wait near a tree or table ass in air come from behind, touch my ass and hop. no sucks and no finger in the ass. I don not like your nails. limp tail does not interested m 2 megabyte gray

01/10/2018 in 18h59
Hi all I get in my car for what it's interested !!!

16/09/2018 in 10h06
Sunday, September 16 from 18 am until 00 pm 20 30 see. Parking Clairlieu villers area and to make me take uniquement.queue lasts n hesitate. appointment in the woods behind the attendance following tables. I wait near a tree or table ass in air come from behind, touch my ass and hop. no sucks and no finger in the ass. I don not like your nails. soft tail m not interested kangoo beige

08/09/2018 in 16h51
I am right now. CLIO red and Wood. .. to make me take

31/08/2018 in 21h45
I suck a very smooth live without sex blah ...

09/07/2018 in 10h02
Who between 12h and 14h?

06/06/2018 in 11h32
Wednesday 12:30 I deep throats

18/03/2018 in 19h58
Ki in 10 minutes clairieu area for me sucked. Mp

27/07/2017 in 02h22
Who sucked me in for 30 min.homme.femme

25/07/2017 in 18h13
A woman or a couple rested soir.MP thank you

30/05/2017 in 09h38
hi everybody, I will tonight. I get ente midnight and 0:30 Clairlieu side area. I am a good slut who loves cock. Person who loves good round trav then made a sign, I'm a good slut who loves cock. See you tonight

04/05/2017 in 13h19
I go occasionally'm young trav very sexy makeup jeans miniskirt thong low heels showing off in a white car looking voyeur group and perverse to look at me and usually parked at the end of the air at the ceiling lit trail and off to attract some perverse and voyeuristic Mount can already preview

23/03/2017 in 11h03
this Friday evening between 00 pm and 30 03 00 car Clairlieu area to take me only. No small tail hesitate. appointment to the tables or in the woods behind the attendance following tables. I wait near a tree or table come from behind, touch my ass and hop. not suck

04/12/2016 in 19h37
December 12, 2016, I can get to the Clairlieu Rest Area, near de Nancy-sur-l-a33, for the first time ... at about 10:30 am. I hope to find cocks and balls (shaved preferences) fiddling. And also for me I'll be fiddling in a clear blue Kangoo Metallic.

26/07/2016 in 00h55
Who of Young 18/30 years available for a lil Plan a night? or day this week?

12/07/2016 in 02h28
ji often spends the night to make me empty;)

14/04/2016 in 03h20
Thursday, April 14 from 18 am until 21 pm 30 30 Clairlieu car park area to take me only. No small tail hesitate. appointment to the tables or in the woods behind the attendance following tables. I wait near a tree or table come from behind, touch my ass and hop

07/04/2016 in 12h20
Wait to get over there tonight ... Tails much harder welcome in my mouth and my ass ;-)

31/03/2016 in 19h12
Saturday, April 23 from 30 am until 04 pm Parking Clairlieu area 30 to take me only. No small tail hesitate. appointment to the tables or in the woods behind the attendance following tables. I wait near a tree or table come from behind, touch my ass and hop

20/01/2016 in 19h55
J 'there would be for me to take only 21 to 18 h 30 to 20 h 30 and 22 midnight to 2 am 00. will close tables or small along behind. kangoo

03/10/2015 in 23h25
Sorry for different mails you have received for this place. A crazy (or crazy) began to say anything on the site members and myself, for no reason. After several exchanges where I asked him to explain, I had no alternative but to delete his account and ban the site. Thank you to point me abusive messages, aggressive, homophobic or defamatory so I can act quickly. the webmaster

03/10/2015 in 21h55
I will spend just now to 23h.

10/09/2015 in 20h49
Hi- I'll Friday 11 to 21 h 30 h 22 .. green Clio me to suck and get banged anus allow SMS to 0623750301 for a good part of the night

17/05/2015 in 03h37
serious Y'avait world Wednesday night ...

13/05/2015 in 23h19
Me, I'll be 30 midnight ;-)

30/08/2014 in 14h04
'm passing on 04/09/2014, and would be there around 16:30

12/08/2014 in 17h28
Who wants a lollipop I am now

25/07/2014 in 02h50
Hi, I would tomorrow at 14:30, meaning Metz -> Nancy

02/07/2014 in 19h41
A place where there is always ... I've sucked three cocks last night, including two superb together, kneeling ...

26/06/2014 in 08h52
I gladly pass on that day, June 26, quite late. Want to suck own cocks well

12/06/2014 in 01h26
I will spend tomorrow or Friday night ... Who wants to meet me?

11/02/2014 in 22h55
World Wednesday 12.02

26/09/2013 in 23h06
World to 0:00 to 0:00 1/2 this Thursday, September 26?

15/08/2013 in 20h55
Who wants to get sucked ??

05/08/2013 in 14h52
What is unfortunate is that the guys do not respect the place and leave hanging on the spot condoms, packaging and other tissues ... in short, this place is a real dump.

04/08/2013 in 23h31
not very discreet or very safe but I have 4 beautiful tails for me there a few weeks ago.

16/07/2013 in 19h41
I'll be there this evening of 16 July.

06/07/2013 in 23h54
ki Sunday, 07/07

03/07/2013 in 19h35
I'll be there Friday 5th! I look hairy guy, or dressed in shorts! I would have a cap! come to me for a dial smoothly

23/06/2013 in 23h06
vien ki Tuesday after noon

20/06/2013 in 21h09
Qqun this evening 20/06/2013?

13/06/2013 in 04h49
I'll go tonight to suck thoroughly

07/05/2013 in 11h24
great place

25/04/2013 in 22h09
I'm going for the first time. I just watch the guys there. I knew not how. There was a super nice guy high white dark blue jeans with his phone. really sex. but it's hard to start as it's hard on the rest area. but exciting anyway;)

23/04/2013 in 10h06
who will now

23/04/2013 in 09h57
hello, who can tell me how it goes the bottom, I'm never going

23/04/2013 in 09h57
hello, who can tell me how it goes the bottom, I'm never going

23/04/2013 in 09h57
hello, who can tell me how it goes the bottom, I'm never going

23/04/2013 in 09h57
hello, who can tell me how it goes the bottom, I'm never going

23/04/2013 in 09h57
hello, who can tell me how it goes the bottom, I'm never going

04/01/2013 in 20h32
a man in woman lingerie ca try QQ1? : p

10/12/2012 in 15h30
Wednesday, December 12 there will be someone there to 11h30-12h to Metz

12/09/2012 in 16h30
I'd road tonight and has nancy.actif passiif .cherche plane Q

04/08/2012 in 10h53
transvestite or guy looking .. If you have boots or leggings as on my picture (the color pink is not mandatory) made me sign

31/07/2012 in 18h41
assets which present this 31.07 to get sucked

26/07/2012 in 05h37
Salut.routier passers in the sense day. Strasbourg am active and passif.cherche guy trav. or trans.plan several accepte.laisse me messages

15/07/2012 in 20h04
shame I'm not around

15/07/2012 in 19h48
Hi will there be a transvestite for a nice road to the area of ​​Ludre tonight 15/07

10/06/2012 in 14h11

08/06/2012 in 17h11
I am very slut trav meaning taboo

… close history