Ulrich Fort Park in Illkirch

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Illkirch-Graffenstaden
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
This happens on the paved road that runs along the pond behind Fort Ulrich of the park, especially in the forest at the small group casemates (bunker). For easy access, join the small parking lot next to the old Fort restaurant. Take the paved road that follows a moment the way canal. Continue and follow the path on the right. After a few meters after the open gate, go into the forest by a small dirt path and you arrive to small bunkers. In front there is also a trail along the pond with small discrete corners where you can also meet people.
Address :
4 Route du Fort Uhrich
67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden

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14/11/2024 in 21h29
Receive active man tonight at the hotel in Geispolsheim

21/10/2024 in 13h16
Anyone out tonight? PM me.

02/09/2024 in 21h11
Who is coming to make his docile juice mouth available to me on Benfeld?

26/08/2024 in 10h54
I'll be there around 12pm. Who's interested?

25/08/2024 in 11h51
Anyone on site today from around 4:30pm?

10/11/2023 in 21h09
Salut Je peux vous attendre sur un lieu précis dans les environs de la forêt ou autre limite à poil ma chatte bien écartées et abuser de moi seul ou à plusieurs. Ou je reçois chez moi également dans les mêmes conditions. À la chaîne s’il le faut ou si t’es dans les environs tu peux faire passer le message à d’autres mecs en vous donnant mon adresse et faire ce qu’il faut de moi pour être détruit et humilier

09/08/2023 in 13h18
Who wants to suck and abuse me in the late afternoon? Send message.

13/07/2023 in 21h08
Hi looking for a good mouth and a good ass to empty my balls tonight 13/07 at my place near this place....contact by PM

11/07/2023 in 21h11
Hi, looking for a good mouth to empty my balls tonight at my place near this place....contact by PM

01/07/2023 in 21h46
Hi, receive me tonight 1/07 a few minutes from this place, trav or trans, for a good fuck. Contact in PM

28/06/2023 in 17h51
Anyone around?

19/02/2023 in 10h44
Really want to suck cock this afternoon

07/11/2022 in 11h31
I can be there in the evening during the week

06/11/2022 in 08h36
Who this morning? I can be in lope mode pussy looks and tense ready to undergo any delirium to let off steam

03/11/2022 in 15h45
Guys under 45 active domi to pet me and fill?

26/10/2022 in 14h26
Looking for active Wednesday and Thursday evening A plan tonight??? Nature or others? Maybe hotel if there are interested (but validation by phone number to validate. At the price of the room it is a minimum I think) I would be available (passive), to suck and maybe +, if respect …… . Available from 8 p.m. Come in pm to define location and plan (I don't move without having validated, it avoids false plans and mythos) I move between Colmar and rhinestones

19/10/2022 in 13h06
My pussy available for emptying this afternoon, can wait where you want, limit your naked ass stretched apart. I can be on a leash and a collar to train myself in the forest

16/07/2021 in 14h14

11/07/2021 in 21h11
Still nobody, nothing I take advantage of the pond on the way I would like to suck a cock tonight

11/07/2021 in 19h44
I came back to the place there will be someone to suck this evening I am waiting for you

11/07/2021 in 17h07
There was nobody a bit the scam 1 the stories of places there is never nobody to suck

11/07/2021 in 16h19
Always there still no cock to suck shame

11/07/2021 in 14h07
I'm there, will there be cock sucking? I'm in a wheelchair don't be afraid I could do you good!

10/07/2021 in 14h45
I always changed to a wheelchair I hope that in this place there will be a cock to suck

14/09/2019 in 17h27
Need to dump me ... a thirsty mouth?

12/04/2019 in 21h25
To make me suck the area koenigsbourg

09/04/2019 in 15h06
Someone tonight?

23/01/2018 in 23h59
I might go check it out tomorrow in the afternoon

14/06/2017 in 15h43
If someone is hot, woman, couple or bi man liabilities, trav, trans, tell me and we'll go!

04/04/2017 in 03h15
I go if someone goes there

03/03/2015 in 14h55
I am looking for someone a discovery

22/04/2014 in 23h41
No ... really bad!

22/04/2014 in 22h46
someone motivated tonight around 23:30?

08/04/2014 in 14h55
Someone hot tonight after 18h to map soda?

09/10/2013 in 21h12
I am available tomorrow day

25/09/2013 in 08h34
While in the Holiday Inn nearby that night. Who hot pr good motion / jute / exhibitionist?

16/04/2013 in 11h37
who'll start tomorrow of the afternoon?

03/04/2013 in 12h32
someone to accompany me Friday morning to 7:30 ??? because each I go there is nobody and I do not see or that happens in this vast forest

14/03/2013 in 16h34
Anyone for a motion map and trans trav sucks out your welcome and I suck cocks and ditto you also

18/02/2013 in 18h14
I'll be there Thursday morning very early it would for someone to find me over there because I do not know H ripe trans e trav welcome for a sex

25/10/2012 in 17h13
For information, persons, not respectful of nature, have degraded this place throwing around various trash. I suggest, for those who go and who volunteer to pick As the order to make the most pleasant place.

… close history