Torcy to Autun rest area


Cruising spot gay in Torcy

proposed by profilsupprime  (24/06/2013)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Torcy
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
very rest area frequented by men. appointments you are here they go elsewhere .Some remain here but that fear .moi I prefer to be on the edge of the pond of Torcy
Address :
71210 Torcy

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4 d. ago
De passage dans le coin,Du monde pour s'occuper de mes fesses dans la soirée ? Possibilité de faire ça à plusieur

7 d. ago
Quelq'un dispo

24 d. ago
Anyone tonight?

28 d. ago
Dispo peut recevoir ce soir

26/02/2025 in 05h59
Du monde de dispo pour plan de suite av 7 h

16/02/2025 in 15h41
Du monde ?

16/02/2025 in 07h26
Hello, who sucks me Monday morning around 5:45 a.m., man, woman or transvestite, I love it

09/02/2025 in 22h13
What about tonight?

04/02/2025 in 15h44
Who to suck me around 4:30-5 p.m.

30/01/2025 in 05h37
Someone to fuck me and fill me up

12/01/2025 in 00h03

09/01/2025 in 21h34
Someone well-built to take me apart?

05/01/2025 in 17h15
A trav to suck me tonight, pump the juice, empty my balls full

04/01/2025 in 16h56
On autun Monday evening for the night..!! I await your proposals.. balls full to empty and have you empty according to your desires..

03/01/2025 in 06h56

31/12/2024 in 13h32
Anyone this afternoon? Passive, send message before

27/12/2024 in 20h59
Who tonight?

26/12/2024 in 20h41
Anyone tonight?

25/12/2024 in 18h33
Anyone available tomorrow? I want to suck, sodomy if feeling good, send message before

24/12/2024 in 06h28

20/12/2024 in 20h37

09/11/2024 in 06h26
Assets available immediately to get high and fill my ass

30/10/2024 in 12h34
Available this afternoon

29/10/2024 in 20h21
Available tonight

27/10/2024 in 05h28
If someone hot to fuck me right now

26/10/2024 in 22h05
Anyone out tonight?

24/10/2024 in 16h04
Bonjour je vais y passer la nuit je peux recevoir dans ma cabine ou plan extérieur Pour femme ou couple voir 3eme sexe si feminine

23/10/2024 in 23h04
Someone to fuck me

20/10/2024 in 20h14
Looking for several assets to fuck me hard

12/10/2024 in 22h24
Lots of people tonight

11/10/2024 in 22h26
People to fuck me

09/10/2024 in 20h25
Someone available

13/08/2024 in 16h38
who tomorrow morning 3:00?

02/08/2024 in 22h35
Who is available to fuck me hard like a whore?

27/07/2024 in 04h03
Someone or more guys to fuck me hard right away

09/06/2024 in 16h00
Passing through 7 night same time for fans of big acorns

03/05/2024 in 19h02
slut in wedding dress will be there saturday night i would like to be sprayed with piss and cum multiple replies by PM

17/03/2024 in 14h48
Hello stopping by tonight18 03 24 3:30 a.m. 4:00 a.m. for good sucker swallower 17x6 smooth

13/03/2024 in 07h50
Anyone this afternoon?

06/03/2024 in 14h08
Hello everyone, end of afternoon

28/01/2024 in 16h11
Hi, I'm spending this night between 4:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. in a truck looking for a good mouthful of juice

06/11/2023 in 06h27
Hi, I drive by every lunchtime and every late afternoon at 5:15 p.m. at this place looking for juice pumpers, I like young guys, even black, me, smooth bm

05/11/2023 in 17h48
Bonsoir A la recherche d'un plan pour demain soir dans le secteur, me contacter par mp

03/11/2023 in 17h14
If someone wants to put it to me, I'm there.

28/10/2023 in 21h05
Loulou 09...come see me...I can receive

18/10/2023 in 22h36
People this evening?

07/10/2023 in 19h40
Who's up for a good time tonight?

02/10/2023 in 22h49
A good tail tonight?

24/09/2023 in 20h33
Hi, I'm passive, I have a magenta Ford Fiesta, plate ending in VP. If you see me, let me know

18/09/2023 in 21h36
I'm going there with a good queue to empty?

18/09/2023 in 21h04
Who sucks me tonight at 4:30 a.m. in the parking lot you pump your mouth

23/08/2023 in 19h24
Is there anyone tonight?

27/07/2023 in 18h50
Available for the night for women or couples for a naughty aperitif

07/07/2023 in 15h41
So no one available?

07/07/2023 in 05h42
Hello, is someone around 6:30 to pump me?

05/07/2023 in 16h30
Hello, are there people around 7 p.m.?

22/06/2023 in 15h51
Nobody earlier to pump me?

19/04/2023 in 11h32
Anyone this late afternoon? Passive TV, couple?

02/04/2023 in 07h48
hello who wants to pump me Monday morning (03 04 2023) around 5:30 am

01/04/2023 in 15h05
Too bad kitty 71 you have a nice cock

06/03/2023 in 19h09
hello to all too want to pump, ki tonight around 8:45 p.m.

26/02/2023 in 16h39
Hello, bi active I'm going to go there tonight around 10 p.m. Cpl and work welcome

02/02/2023 in 16h23
I'm going there tomorrow around noon....

19/12/2022 in 11h34
Who knows the coffee at EPINAC d isabelleghn

07/12/2022 in 21h16
Passive driver in lingerie there for the night I can receive warm active man good enduring fucker good tail max 50/55 years old

04/09/2022 in 00h13
I can be there tomorrow noon to pump the juice

03/12/2021 in 21h44
Hello, I'm here...

24/11/2021 in 06h59
Chodis be careful there. Yesterday a Ford Fiesta was parked. With several shady guys following you to attack you.

19/10/2021 in 07h27
Looking for an active mature man for tonight after 6:30 p.m. Contact me in private message.

31/08/2021 in 20h37
Hello cute trucker clean wax tomorrow APM on pk looking for a wall man to fuck me

26/08/2021 in 14h16
who tomorrow?

26/08/2021 in 12h12
who this afternoon?

20/07/2021 in 15h49
very hungry for juice !!!

17/11/2020 in 04h52
He passes in the afternoon it is very hot, want to empty myself

18/09/2020 in 17h32
I follow with a little blue car

18/09/2020 in 15h50
Is there a young person under 30 years old in 1h30 to skin my mouth and ass

03/09/2020 in 13h13
I'm there for 30 minutes

22/01/2020 in 16h51
There was a very handsome tall bearded green car, I did not join ...

23/11/2019 in 05h35
VUT who raise undid contact me

20/08/2019 in 22h30
I'll be there around midnight to tbm

01/02/2019 in 17h46
The world tonight? Seeking preferably tbm

03/01/2019 in 19h31
The world tonight? Trav trans tbm or group?

28/12/2018 in 12h42
Hi ... I'm just showing me his tail.

27/12/2018 in 21h53
I'll be in 1h the world? tbm group seeks or well-hung

26/11/2018 in 02h09
nobody ?

26/07/2018 in 20h45
I'm During ✌️ about 1 hour

11/07/2018 in 15h36
interested person to defile myself fully dressed.

27/06/2018 in 23h19
I would be on vacation in the area from July 15. I will come in completely white wedding dress (complete bridal attire, veiled, gloved satin, shoes and white stockings, etc ..). You should start by spitting on me, piss in my dress and cover me cum, I love being soiled wedding dress. I also realize my fantasies, be fucked wedding dress by evil farmers in a stable. They will fuck me all dressed in cattle feces, and of course I would stay in a wedding dress. Reply by PM

07/06/2018 in 13h23
That this afternoon?

13/09/2017 in 07h30
While touring the region for women, couples or bi liabilities.

31/08/2017 in 21h33
A man that Wall EVENING?

09/06/2016 in 19h33
on order of my master I leave tomorrow afternoon from creusot to go to dole via chalon sur saone I will stop in the parking lot or rest area to suck on the road

26/01/2016 in 16h01
Cuckoo natacha trav! I do not mind an appointment with you!

14/01/2016 in 22h28
Who midnight tonight

15/12/2015 in 22h15
Nuts that I c not torcy jordanoo of 77 C in the 71

23/08/2015 in 14h39
J'd go this afternoon or evening to suck

12/03/2015 in 09h20
I just be there this afternoon to suck

02/03/2015 in 23h09
I will spend Tuesday, March 3rd around 23:30 and midnight

03/02/2015 in 21h29
I am in the area tomorrow after noon to 15h and from the pond à16h

22/12/2014 in 11h22
that bi bm sucking aprem Monday 22 December around this parking

17/12/2014 in 09h24
Aprem in the world?

14/09/2014 in 13h24
World aprem this?

14/09/2014 in 11h10
There have been many times but the guys will stop both dry and as you step out of the car leave live, I have not really understood the thing to do either

03/09/2014 in 00h21
The world stops there but I am new I am unable to know who to commen meeting vien there to know?

29/08/2014 in 13h01
I would be to 15h30 this afternoon to suck if someone available.

27/08/2014 in 14h35
someone tomorrow?

25/08/2014 in 07h08
How did it to recognize the passing and those meeting here?

22/12/2013 in 08h41
I'll be 27/12 to 17h. I am looking for men over 50 years. I like strong men. If a beard or mustache, it's more ... Leave me a message.

23/11/2013 in 21h34
great I really enjoyed myself

24/10/2013 in 09h10
No one ?

18/10/2013 in 14h17
am passing this morning around 10:30 kangoo 2 white guy in the woods but no proposal shame J stays motivate

13/04/2013 in 19h59
There would be a slaughterhouse in the region?

28/11/2012 in 13h39
someone this am?

18/11/2012 in 15h47
What time ?

12/07/2012 in 22h07
what are all these guys who do not get out of the cars in the girl Twingo hustler or ????? the lake wednesday thursday nothing I spend tomorrow at 19pm

… close history