j' y suis allé aujourd'hui.. un urinoir ne fonctionne pas mais les 2 urinoirs du fond sont dispos.. J'ai rencontre un bel homme black bien doté, queue lourde.. je l'aurai bien fait gonflée en bouche.. si jamais tu es sur ce site.. fais signe.
What are the opening hours or are there people on Saturdays?
Good expedition yesterday with 2 guys 10 minutes apart around 5pm. I'll go back....
Yes, the toilets at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center are quieter, with 6 isolated urinals in the courtyard of the exhibition center.
I went there yesterday (28/12) late afternoon, the cleaning lady was watching... impossible to do anything.
Very good plan yesterday. Met guy at the urinals, we locked ourselves in a toilet and I pumped him hard. The two urinals at the back are working, the two next to it are being "repaired". The first one works but is isolated.
I went there on Thursday night but no one. Is it busy or what day would be better? But good place
Salut Mardi fin d'après midi,si quelqu'un veux se faire sucer là bas,venez en mp
The guy with glasses that I just met, if you're ever there, come PM me
Etant à la gare pour accompagner une personne, je me suis dit, 'je vais tenter d'y retourner. J'y suis donc allé mardi dernier et un mec était déjà aux urinoirs avec un désir de mater non dissimulé. il m'a bien exhibé sa belle queue. Nous avons été dérangé. il est parti mais revenu aussitôt que la personne venue pour ses besoins naturels soit repartie. Nous sommes allés dans un chiotte fermé et je l'ai bien pompé. Un vrai régal Faite quand même attention, la femme de ménage est souvent présente.
I got mate 2-3 times on Saturday! Some passing but not much action
Must say thank you to the guys who were not discreet. Apparently some got caught by the cleaning lady and security has been going more often since then. I was able to test in September, no separation yet and I was able to watch 2/3 tails. I don't think that the separations (unless they are really very high) can prevent you from watching but surely less practical. But actually, it's not always the crowd.
they put high separations between the urinals .... but I was able to watch and taste a bm guy ...... the cleaning lady is still quite present!!
Who tonight around 6 p.m.?
Voilà j’ai testé, je suis resté 1h30 (de 10h à 11h30). Caméra de sécurité à l’entrée, la femme de ménage est passée une fois. Toilettes très peu fréquentés. J’ai compté 11 passages, un mec habituel vu au jardin Atlantique. Verdict : fort potentiel mais désert….
Les toilettes se trouvent au niveau 0 (a côté de food factory). Urinoirs cachés et lieu à fort potentiel et très propre. Malheureusement pas grand monde.
Hello, I'm thinking of going there this Monday, February 13 in the morning before noon. I went from time to time to the Atlantic garden of Montparnasse but more and more difficult and often toilets closed…. I'm looking for cool heterosexuals who like to get sucked….preferably with a big cock
I'll be there Friday 10/02 at 11 a.m. pm me if interested: p
actually good plan to put down ..... urinals without separation .... on the other hand the cleaning ladies < are very present. I don't think they are there to monitor but discretion is necessary
Place that begins to be known. Few people but went there twice and I was able to watch twice. Nice and clean place. However, please remain discreet. Obviously, a cleaning lady has already surprised the guys. There are security people who also come by from time to time. Let's try to keep this place before he makes it pay or more guarded because of the actions of little / not discreet people.
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