J'y vais samedi prochain avec des amis gay et hétéro , j'aimerais savoir si il y a coin discret j'aimerais m'échapper dans la soirée voir si y a moyen de sucer une ou deux bonnes keu huuumm
Ce soir pour y prendre un verre en attente du reste !! laissez mp ! bises
ici ou ailleurs ... bises
Available next weekend day and night! Whoever wants me, leave me a message in pm! Kisses
Tonight for a drink while waiting for the rest!! mp! kisses
late tonight for a drink while waiting for the rest!! mp! kisses
available from the 28th in the evening... let me know here or elsewhere
If you can answer me - that's cool! - I was told that transvestites weren't necessarily welcome at the entrance to this Gay club --- I admit that it blew me away --- so I wanted to go there as a beautiful transvestite I don't know what to think --- is it true? - if so! why? _
or late here tonight leave mp
tonight...who's joining me?
tonight ... leave pm for meeting .. after here or elsewhere
Tuesday night... leave mp
Nice ... by chance I was walking and finally stopped! Good music, good atmosphere! Nice
Hello, available next week day and night... who will take me or join me? .. kisses
Suitable places for a beginner trav???
Hello, why such a low rating?
I've never been here. Is it good?
Hello, available next week day and night... who takes me... kisses
Available tonight, possibility to come to my house
The place has become too "straight" and the naughty corner has closed
hello available tonight... who's taking me, I don't know? .. kisses
bjr dispo ce soir ... qui m y emmene, je connais pas ? .. bises
bjr available this week day and night... who takes me.. kisses
bjr available this weekend and week to come day and night ... who took me .. kisses
Hello me olivia young transvestite I will be tomorrow at the hotel first class the trigger guard for exhib between kissing girlfriends contact me girls
Who's going there tonight? It is open ?
bjr ... the travs accepted?
Too many girls and straight ... Too bad ...
I'm almost every weekend many hetero come here to empty his balls
superb location very good atmosphere that serious fuck over there !!
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