The pierced rock


Cruising spot gay in Tartaras

proposed by verbatim69  (16/07/2020)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Tartaras
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
quiet place in nature. Not a lot of people. Between Madeleine and Givors.
Address :
Lieu-dit Le Rocher Percé
42800 Tartaras

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14 h. ago
Ki veut se faire pomper ,ou me baiser, ce samedi 22 soir tard, après ma soirée, dans les environs entre givors ,Chasse sur rhone et rive de gier.,st chamond Contact par message

before yesterday at 06:16
Ki veut se faire pomper ce vendredi 21 soir dans les environs entre givors et rive de gier. Contact par message

3 d. ago
il y a des male a vider les soirs sur ce lieux ! je pourrai y etre les soirs du 23 au 28 ! me contacter si interresser !

5 d. ago
Hello, who's joining me? In PM.

8 d. ago
I came two nothing djess42400

8 d. ago
Who plans to suck at the end of the evening? Reply in PM

10 d. ago
Tomorrow I will be morning then afternoon for woman couple black car

22 d. ago
Who receives me to be emptied between Givors chasse sur rhone and st chamond.

25 d. ago
Are there any guys to pump and empty on weekday evenings around 6:30 p.m. car plan?

25 d. ago
Someone to do me some good on truce

26 d. ago
I'm not far from this place looking to get pumped

26 d. ago
Are there any guys to pump and empty on weekday evenings around 6:30 p.m. car plan?

04/01/2025 in 10h25
Would like to visit this place for the first time If a woman or a couple in the Givors area let me know

25/12/2024 in 12h47
Merry Christmas to all, isn't there a couple who wants to celebrate? Christmas

01/12/2024 in 15h58
Passive I am looking for active guys! to empty between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. (38) Trucker, sales or other active guys Arab, Black sportsman, biker, guys of all ages all sizes

01/12/2024 in 07h53
Passive I am looking for active guys! to empty between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. (38) Trucker, sales or other active guys Arab, Black sportsman, biker, guys of all ages all sizes

30/11/2024 in 17h01
Passif je cherches mecs actifs ! à vider entre saint chamond (42) et givors (69) chasse sur rhone.(38) Routier,commerciaux ou autre mecs actif rebeu ,Black sportif,motard,mecs tous ages tous gabarit

26/10/2024 in 05h30
Passive I'm looking for active guys! to empty all weekend October 26 and 27 between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. (38) Trucker, sales or other active guys Arab, Black sportsman, biker, guys of all ages all sizes

16/10/2024 in 16h07
Candoman interested or not

06/10/2024 in 11h05
Are there any truckers or others!!! to empty this weekend October 6? Passing through or on a break between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on the Rhone. Or other active guys of all sizes, old young, Arab, Beur, Blavk, Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave a message thank you

28/09/2024 in 05h43
Passive looking for active guys! to empty this weekend September 28 and 29 between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. Or other active guys all sizes, old young, Arab Beur Blavk Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave message thank you

27/09/2024 in 21h05
Passive looking for active guys! to empty this Friday 27 evening between saint chamond (42) and givors (69) hunting on rhone. Or other active guys all sizes, old young, arab beur blavk turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave message thank you

27/09/2024 in 12h56
Hello Y a il Des mecs actifs ! à vider ce vendredi 27 soir entre saint chamond (42) et givors (69) chasse sur rhone. Ou autres mecs actif tout gabarit ,vieux jeunes ,arabe beur blavk turc ou autres qui peuvent recevoir pour me baiser laissez message merci

27/09/2024 in 05h44
There is nothing there Active guys! to empty this Friday 27 evening between saint chamond (42) and givors (69) hunting on rhone. Or other active guys all sizes, old young, arab beur blavk turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave message thank you

25/09/2024 in 23h49
I'm looking for a tail to pump and empty this Thursday 25th at 6:30 am in a quick plan. I'll connect around 6:00 am to pick up messages.

21/09/2024 in 13h42
There is nothing there Truckers or other!!! to empty this Saturday September 21?. passing through or on a break between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. Or other active guys all sizes, old young, Arab Beur Blavk Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave a message thank you

17/09/2024 in 22h52
Truckers to empty this Wednesday, September 18 in the evening? Passing through or on a break between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on the Rhone. Or other active guys of all sizes, old young, Arab, Beur, Blavk, Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave a message

15/09/2024 in 07h22
Truckers to empty this weekend September 14 and 15? Passing through or on a break between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. Or other active guys of all sizes, old young, Arab, Beur, Blavk, Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave a message

27/08/2024 in 12h05
Who is available I suck

21/07/2024 in 09h16
Secteur 69 sud et 42 sud Salut y a t il. des routier bloqués ce dimanche 21 juillet pour me baiser sur lyon sud ( chasse sur rhone ,givors ,st chamond ,st etienne ) autres mecs ,beur ,black arabe hispanic et tous ages bienvenus me deplaces

14/07/2024 in 16h12
Are there any truckers blocked this Sunday July 14 in the Givors chasse sur Rhone surrounding area, to pump them, empty them and give my ass. I go to other guys too

11/07/2024 in 10h24
Hello, available to get sucked Not far away, from noon to 1 p.m.

10/07/2024 in 12h39
Available to suck me off

07/07/2024 in 08h58
Y a t il des routiers bloques ce dimanche .7 juillet sur secteur givors chasse sur rhone alentours ,pour les pomper les vider et donner mon cul. Je me déplacés chez autres mecs aussi

06/07/2024 in 15h52
Are there any truckers stopping this afternoon on July 6 in the Givors area to pump them, empty them and more?

23/06/2024 in 17h01
slt,moi dispo en semaine a 15h30 au rocher pour se donner rendez vous .JE SUCE ,apres on trouvera endroit ou faire ca, envoyer moi un message ,biz

22/06/2024 in 21h19
ce soir ou cette nuit samedi 22 juin ou dimanche 23 secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -

21/06/2024 in 19h36
Who tonight or this night Friday 21 Givors St Chamond area. Looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well before!!! .to your cocks -

20/06/2024 in 15h31
I'm here who's here to get sucked

19/06/2024 in 10h37
tomorrow June 20 I will be passing between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. who is available

09/06/2024 in 04h03
Sunday 9 between 6:30 and 7 a.m. on the banks of the Gier and nearby, looking for a tail to suck the juice, leave a message

08/06/2024 in 07h57
Saturday. June 8. Evening Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more.. ..leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

01/06/2024 in 12h02
Really want to suck. Today June 1 at 12:20 p.m. Me brown megane, with warning, get in on the passenger side, I will open the door when you approach.

29/05/2024 in 21h26
Cho.Wednesday EVENING May 29 Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more.. ..leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

29/05/2024 in 18h58
Wednesday EVENING May 29 Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and spit a cock.....see more.... leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

29/05/2024 in 13h10
Wednesday evening May 29, Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more.... leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

25/05/2024 in 07h58
This WEEK from 25 and 26 mzi Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more. ...leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

24/05/2024 in 18h46
Vendredi 24. MAI AU SOIR secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

15/05/2024 in 08h34
who is available around 3:30 p.m. 4 p.m.

11/05/2024 in 06h46
: Givors sector St Chamond St Etienne looking for guys passing through, Road workers stuck this weekend May 11 and 12 in their truck to empty. Or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

01/05/2024 in 08h30
secteur givors st chamond st etienne cherches des mecs de passage ,Routiers bloques ce 1 er Mai dans leur camion a vider. Ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

27/04/2024 in 20h05
Who fucks me tonight Saturday 27 Givors St Chamond area looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well before!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place

14/04/2024 in 09h23
Sunday April 14. Givors sector St Chamond. St Etienne looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....let me private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

13/04/2024 in 14h13
This Saturday afternoon until 5:00 p.m. or evening around midnight Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit..... see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

12/04/2024 in 20h01
This Friday 12/4 evening Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more.. ..leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

11/04/2024 in 23h20
Friday 12/4 evening in Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and spit a cock.....see more.. ..leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

31/03/2024 in 08h33
Sunday 31 mzrs from 1:30 p.m. Givors St Chamond area. Looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place

30/03/2024 in 08h09
Sunday March 31 from 1:30 p.m. Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more.. ..leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

28/03/2024 in 13h06
Jeudi 28 mars vers 22h00.secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

27/03/2024 in 10h25
Someone now, I want to suckle

24/03/2024 in 07h37
Dimanche 24 après midi secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

16/03/2024 in 20h11
This Saturday March 16th available in the evening, someone in the corner or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

15/03/2024 in 12h54
Friday March 15th available in the evening. , the corner.or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

13/03/2024 in 19h40
Wednesday March 13 available from 8 p.m., someone in the corner or surroundings in the Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

13/03/2024 in 13h01
Wednesday March 13, 2024 available from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

12/03/2024 in 23h04
Mercredi 13 mars dispo à partir de 19h30 ,Y aurai t il dans le coin.ou alentours secteur givors st chamond . des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

10/03/2024 in 08h19
Dimanche 10 mars dispo à partir de 13hoo ,Y aurai t il dans le coin.ou alentours secteur givors st chamond . des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

08/03/2024 in 06h14
This Friday 8th in the evening, will there be in the area or surroundings in the Givors St Chamond area, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place

06/03/2024 in 12h49
I am in Trier a person to suck me

05/03/2024 in 09h46
I'm not far from the pierced rock, which is ready to pump me thoroughly

03/03/2024 in 08h42
Sunday March 3, 2024, Would there be in the area or around Givors St Chamond sector. guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well before!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place

02/03/2024 in 15h29
Ce soir samedi 2 mars ,Y aurai t il dans le coin.ou alentours secteur givors st chamond . des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous

29/02/2024 in 14h00
I am, Megane Brown

29/02/2024 in 13h26
Who now?

28/02/2024 in 18h35
Wednesday 28/2 from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

28/02/2024 in 06h25
: Wednesday 28/2 from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

26/02/2024 in 22h40
Wednesday 28/2 from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

25/02/2024 in 15h38
Would there be in the corner or surrounding area Givors St Chamond, during the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.. ...see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

25/02/2024 in 09h22
Is there in the corner or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector, on the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.. ...see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

24/02/2024 in 17h13
Is there in the corner or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector, on the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.. ...see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

24/02/2024 in 07h22
Is there in the corner or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector, on the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.. ...see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place

22/02/2024 in 06h19
Are there any guys passing through in the area or around the end of the day around 6:15 p.m. / 6:30 p.m., truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit out.......leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come

21/02/2024 in 06h16
Are there any guys passing through in the area or around the end of the day around 6:15 p.m. / 6:30 p.m., truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit out.......leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come

20/02/2024 in 15h28
Who now to get pumped?

20/02/2024 in 13h37
At 3:15 p.m., me in a green sweater and black pants, I suck, who's hot?

20/02/2024 in 06h13
hier à 06:08 Y a il dans le coin.ou alentours les fins journee vers 18h15/ 18h30 des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.......laissez moi message en privee bien avantv .a vos bites -je me déplacés

19/02/2024 in 06h08
Y a il dans le coin.ou alentours les fins journee vers 18h15/ 18h30 des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.......laissez moi message en privee avantv .a vos bites -je me déplacés

18/02/2024 in 07h38
Is there this Sunday 18/2 in the area or surroundings guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit out.......leave me a private message beforehand. to your cocks - I'll come

11/02/2024 in 05h35
Je cherches à pomper dans le coin..ou alentours ce dimanche tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee avant.a vos bites

10/02/2024 in 06h45
Je cherches à pomper dans le coin..ou alentours ce samedi milieu fin.matinee ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee avantv .a vos

05/02/2024 in 06h14
I pump in the area...or nearby after work around 6:15/30 p.m., all types, all ages, road bikers, sportsmen, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish... leave me a private message beforehand. Cheers

04/02/2024 in 08h41
J e pompes dans le coin..ou alentours ce dimanche ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee avantv .a vos bites -

30/01/2024 in 06h05
I pump in the area..or surroundings possible after work vets 6:15 p.m. or evening, all types all ages road bikers sportsmen construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish ......leave me a private message before you go. to your cocks -

28/01/2024 in 15h17
I pump in the corner..or surroundings, all types of all ages, road bikers, sports bikers, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish... leave me a private message beforehand... to your cocks -

25/01/2024 in 16h32
good cock, good juice, thank you!

25/01/2024 in 14h58
Which now I suck.

14/01/2024 in 07h18
Ce dimanche 13 apresmudi e pompes dans le coin..ou alentours ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee avantv .a vos bites -

11/01/2024 in 17h59
I found a good tail, thanks, see you next week!

11/01/2024 in 14h59
Who now, I suck, tell me in private message.

10/01/2024 in 06h22
Je pompes ce soir vers 18h15 plan voiture dans le coin..ou alentours ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee avantv .a vos bites -

07/01/2024 in 07h38
People in the area today..or surrounding areas who want to give me their cocks...., all types of all ages road sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish......leave me a private message beforev.a your cocks -

06/01/2024 in 07h24
Du monde aujourdhui dans le coin..ou alentours qui veulent me donner leurs queues .... ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee avantv .a vos bites -

05/01/2024 in 06h41
In the area..or nearby who wants to get sucked..., all types all ages road bikers sportsmen construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish... leave me a private message Available around 6:15 p.m. after work. To your cocks -

04/01/2024 in 13h00
In the area..or nearby who wants to get sucked..., all types all ages road bikers sportsmen construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish... leave me a private message Available around 6:15 p.m. after work. To your cocks -

02/01/2024 in 06h30
This evening in the corner..or surroundings who wants to be sucked...., all types of all ages road sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish......leave me a private message Available around 6:15 p.m. after work .has your cocks -

28/12/2023 in 06h05
This evening Thursday 28 in the corner..or surroundings who wants to be sucked...., all types all ages road sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish ...... leave me a private message Available around 6:15 p.m. after work or in the evening...have your dicks -)

27/12/2023 in 12h56
dans le coin..ou alentours qui veut se faire sucer .... ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee Dispo vers 18h15 après taff ou en soirée..a vos bites -))

26/12/2023 in 13h01
Qui dans le coin..ou alentours veut se faire sucer .... ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez moi message en privee Dispo vers 18h15 après taff ou en soirée..a vos bites -))

25/12/2023 in 16h32
y a t il dans le coin..ou alentours des bites pour ma bouche ou mon cul .... ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez message en privee Dispo le soir vets 18h15 après taff ou en soirée

10/12/2023 in 07h41
Today, Sunday, December 10, are there any cocks in the area...or around for my mouth or my ass...., all types of all ages, road bikers, sports bikers, construction guy, black, Arab, Turkish... let it go private message

09/12/2023 in 16h51
This Sunday 10 are there in the area..or around cocks for my mouth or my ass...., all types all ages road bikers sportsmen construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish ......leave a private message

08/12/2023 in 16h01
I pumped it well, it was delicious! who for next week?

04/12/2023 in 16h05
who for tomorrow at around 3:15 p.m.?? I'm pumping!

04/12/2023 in 15h12
I am someone?

03/12/2023 in 08h34
Ce dimanche y a t il dans le coin..ou alentours des bites pour ma bouche ou mon cul .... ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez message en privee

02/12/2023 in 09h54
This weekend are there in the area...or around there any cocks for my mouth or my ass..., all types all ages road bikers sportsmen construction guys, black, beur, turkish... leave a private message

28/11/2023 in 06h10
This Tuesday evening 28/11 from 8:00 p.m. are there any cocks in the area...or around for my mouth or my ass....leave private messages before

27/11/2023 in 14h24
Hi to all, who to do this pump regularly or passing through, look at my profile, I can deep throat up to my balls, or who receives me to fuck my throat, kisses, leave me a message on my nickname, kisses!

23/11/2023 in 11h02
Hello, anyone out in the evening today?

20/11/2023 in 14h56
I'll be there in 15 minutes, I'm pumping

19/11/2023 in 08h37
Ce dimanche 19 y a t il dans le coin..ou alentours des bites pour ma bouche Et pourquoi pas mon cul.pour tous types de mecs ,d ages ,de corpulance . Message en.privee un.peu avant

07/11/2023 in 14h20
Hi, I'll be there today at 2:45 p.m., I'm happy.

05/11/2023 in 07h25
This Sunday 5 are there in the area..or around cocks for my mouth And why not my ass. Either this morning before 10:30 or this afternoon. Private message a little before

03/11/2023 in 13h18
Ce soir en soirée vendredi 3/11 y a t il dans le coin..ou alentours des bites pour ma bouche Et pourquoi pas mon cul. Message en.privee

01/11/2023 in 07h40
Ce mercredi 1/11 y a t il dans le coin..ou alentours des bites pour ma bouche Et pourquoi pas mon cul. Message en.privee

30/10/2023 in 21h22
who sucks tomorrow afternoon, tell me for an appointment, I suck deep in the throat!

29/10/2023 in 17h11
Who fucks my mouth and ass tonight in the area. private message

24/10/2023 in 18h43
Hi, I'm going there between 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. this evening, anyone sucking? PV :)

20/10/2023 in 03h52
Who I suck Friday October 20 between 6:30 and 7:00 max. before work. Private message to empty you

19/10/2023 in 01h24
Looking for guy to pump, empty Thursday October 19 between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. max. before work. Private message to empty yourself

17/10/2023 in 22h20
Who wants to get pumped on Wednesday October 18 between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. max. before work. Private message to empty yourself

17/10/2023 in 14h11
Hi everyone, tomorrow Wednesday the 18th I'll be downstairs at around 3:15pm to empty my balls, black sweater, blue sneakers!

17/10/2023 in 12h55
Qui veut se faire pomper mercredi 18 octobre entre 6h30 et 7h00 maxi .avant le taff . Message en privee pour vous vider

17/10/2023 in 10h54
Hi, who's interested now, I suck.

16/10/2023 in 13h07
Who gets pumped Tuesday October 17 between 6:30 and 7:00 max. before work. Private message to empty you

13/10/2023 in 12h51
Qui veut se faire pomper vider voire me baiser ce soir vendredi 13 dans le coin.ou les environs proches givors ... Etc . Laissez message en privee

12/10/2023 in 15h26
I'm up for pumping, anyone??

12/10/2023 in 10h36
Hi, who is available tomorrow Friday at the end of the day between 6pm and 7pm? come in PM

11/10/2023 in 06h28
Who wants to get pumped, emptied or even fuck me tonight Wednesday in the area or the nearby surroundings. Leave a private message

08/10/2023 in 08h42
Des mecs de passage aujourd'hui dimanche ? Ou dans le coin. Pour les vider à fonmessage en privé. Merci

06/10/2023 in 14h34
Sucked well yesterday, good juice, who wants to get emptied?

01/10/2023 in 08h55
Possible de passer dans le coin .en.vtt dimanche 2 octobre je cherches des actif à pomper voire plus..message en privee

30/09/2023 in 07h42
Passing through the area by mountain bike this afternoon Saturday 30. I'm looking for active people to pump or even more.. private message

16/09/2023 in 07h44
U a t il des mecs ce week samedi 16 dimanche 17/9 pour les pomper ou pour me baiser dabs le coin ou alentours Message privé sur.mon compte

10/09/2023 in 06h08
Y a t il des mecs dimanche 10/9 pour les pomper ou pour me baiser dabs le coin ou alentours Message privé sur.mon compte

03/09/2023 in 14h44
Hi, I'm looking for someone who receives, or who has a garage, or other, for the rest vote my profile, bizz

31/08/2023 in 15h56
Too bad no one except a weird guy

30/08/2023 in 20h34
slt,ji serais demain 15h20 ! jean bleu ,pull vert ,basket bleu! soyer pas timide Je serais a genoux bien sur !

30/08/2023 in 10h03
Hello, I'm there today around 6 p.m. to get pumped.

29/08/2023 in 21h01
I will be there Thursday 7:30-8am

29/08/2023 in 15h52
Hi everyone, who's coming to the Rocher at 3:20pm on Thursday? I'm hungry and thirsty!

27/08/2023 in 13h47
slt, if anyone interested in being emptied Monday 28 or the days after, leave me a message, biz on your glans!

24/08/2023 in 13h56
Hi everyone, I'll be there Friday at 1:50 pm or so, dark blue t-shirt, black shorts and white sneakers, don't be shy I'm not dead. If I'm sucking, come closer, I really want several cocks.

23/08/2023 in 07h26
I passed by yesterday, despite 3 parked cars with people in them, none of them followed me, too hot perhaps...

21/08/2023 in 13h57
I'm going to go there at 2:10 p.m. down towards the river, me a black shirt and a green t-shirt, white basketball, don't be shy, I love to suck.

21/08/2023 in 13h36
Who now ??i suck

19/08/2023 in 21h28
Qui demain dimanche 20 pour de faire pomper je pensez passer en vtt si des mecs présents . Message privé sur.mon compte

19/08/2023 in 17h39
Hi, who's ready for Tuesday at 3:20 p.m. to get emptied, leave me a message.

16/08/2023 in 03h21
Hi, can I be there next week from August 22 at 3:30 p.m. to jerk off, suck you off, if you're going too please leave me a private message.

11/08/2023 in 06h42
Salut qui me defonce bouche et cul ce week end .lubre en journee et soiree jusqu au 15 aout. Si mec ou couplé ou routier ... intéressé faites signe sur mon compte direct. Pour vous donner ma bouche et mon cul .

16/07/2023 in 20h57
I was there this Sunday morning from 9 to 12 no one

26/06/2023 in 08h18
Hello, looking for someone who would like to give a blowjob or if the woman is more in Tartaras outside during the day please

20/06/2023 in 17h46
Hello, Tomorrow between St Etienne and Feurs or come back on the A89 direction Lyon Thursday between Lyon and Mâcon Commercial delivered to your home I am looking for a welcoming address or to give warmth Lonely woman, Candaulist couple or more, study any Photo proposal without problem

09/06/2023 in 16h47
Hello, who is available to pump me right away

14/05/2023 in 00h32
I went there, a blowjob, an anal was so good.

08/05/2023 in 23h39
I will be there Thursday, late morning, early afternoon. contact me in private thank you

29/04/2023 in 20h39
I'm there

25/04/2023 in 15h44
I am back from it. It's sad, everyone looks down. The old turn and the young stay in their car

14/04/2023 in 11h33
I will definitely go Tuesday afternoon

14/04/2023 in 09h11
Can anyone give me some information about this place? Is it frequented?

13/04/2023 in 11h23
I plan to get there soon. Where should you position yourself to meet people?

09/11/2022 in 16h56
Or that it isn't I went through this apm of the cars but no one inside the cars

14/08/2022 in 22h41
Who would be interested for an appointment at the rock Friday 19 in the afternoon

09/08/2022 in 10h35
Today until 11:15

20/07/2022 in 16h33
I'll be there tomorrow to suck some dick. But I will be a man.

06/07/2022 in 16h54
Hello, how do you get there coming from givors?

24/06/2022 in 17h05
Personne tant pis

24/06/2022 in 13h56
I go there quickly, around 4:30 p.m.

22/04/2022 in 11h06
Nice place I will stay until 12:30 suddenly

22/04/2022 in 09h24
I'm there until 10:30

22/04/2022 in 08h53
Who one this morning?

16/01/2021 in 06h55
Hi Are there any truckers to be emptied OR more .., blocked or passing through this week of January 16 AND 17 Or nearby guys who receive on Le çoin. I await your responses OR IN private message

27/09/2020 in 07h10
Bonjour Je cherçhes un mec a vidèr , lui donner Ma bouche ET mon Çul ,, DE tout type , tout age , routier , beur , black , asia etc.....ou autre .. Me deplaces , contaçt message privé

20/09/2020 in 06h37
Hello are there any truckers stuck in their truck on Sunday 20, to take care of my mouth and my Çul, as well as other guys from here OR passing through THE region, contact IN private

15/09/2020 in 03h44
I would be there around 11:30 am to meet a couple or a woman m. Send mp

07/07/2020 in 20h36
Hi I am in Mornant tonight if someone wants to send me a private message

03/07/2020 in 22h29
Good evening not very far s evening if you want in pv thank you

23/06/2020 in 11h49
Hello very keen for a real warm meeting in nature available early evening

08/03/2020 in 11h52
Qq Tuesday noon woman or couple for exhib and more rep in mp thank you bizzz

21/02/2020 in 12h15
Qq on the site now? Rep me in mp

11/09/2019 in 18h26
Hi dolie conctact me we fuck

07/09/2019 in 07h55
Hello ladies have you fancy a little tongue worker just to taste you and you enjoy to make you climb to seventh heaven as anything to give you pleasure I ask nothing in retuurn I am on vacation and very helpful waiting for your retuurn

29/08/2019 in 19h37
Hi I am in the corner until 22h if an actual meeting can thank you

29/08/2019 in 09h31
Hi world s morning

28/08/2019 in 10h07
Hi world s morning

18/08/2019 in 08h45
Hello ladies have you fancy a little tongue worker just to taste you and you enjoy to make you climb to seventh heaven just to give you pleasure I ask nothing in retuurn I am on vacation and very helpful waiting for your retuurn

29/07/2019 in 21h42
Research couple or woman on the end of the afternoon this week

07/07/2019 in 22h09
We discover this place: can you swim? Y make Nudist quiet (and even fun to)? Thank you in advance for your feedback. We probably spend tomorrow (Monday, July 8th during the day)

02/07/2019 in 16h59
I go tomorrow afternoon to sunbathe naked just me

02/07/2019 in 16h22
get off at the naturist river

18/06/2019 in 17h55
Hi ji pass well tonight s so real appointment in pv thank you hummm

01/06/2019 in 07h40
Hello this market place always thank you

23/04/2019 in 09h40
Hello pleasure ji spent some time in the evening to enjoy whether coupled or female desire to pass pleasant good time to shared pleasure thank you to you

02/02/2019 in 08h54
In the evening when I get home I see often a small white car that c is a group someone that I stopped my?

28/01/2019 in 00h26
Cuckoo is available in open sector has any proposal

27/12/2018 in 20h21
Is the world coming these days?

24/08/2018 in 22h39
Bonjour, un couple ou une femme pour m'accompagner au moloko st etienne demain soir ?

16/08/2018 in 23h37
Want to get me pumped :)

16/08/2018 in 23h26
Anyone tonight?

19/07/2018 in 01h21
Who 5 am

04/07/2018 in 22h24
I am there, a little hot cokine be tempted?

04/04/2018 in 21h36
Hello there world c ji places thank you s happening tonight

17/11/2017 in 17h14
There is someone right now

16/11/2017 in 21h09
It is on the D488 or D502? I'd go for a walk down to the beautiful meeting

01/08/2017 in 08h14
Who to suck up this morning and give me his ass?

06/07/2017 in 20h56
Good evening this is not the 6 is 7 I was looking for a pipeuses mouth to park my dick

06/07/2017 in 20h36
Hello tomorrow July 6th I want a mouth cocksuckers to park my dick available early tomorrow morning

… close history