the pheasant Foret senart


Cruising spot gay in Étiolles

proposed by profilsupprime  (18/04/2020)

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Type : Public garden gay
City :  Étiolles
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Drill senart access via Tigery towards the pheasant's ample parking and quiet and discreet place to meet

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
Route Forestière de la Faisanderie
91450 Étiolles

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18 d. ago
Bjr, j'y suis cet aprem vers 15h en VTT rouge

18 d. ago
j'y passe ce jour vers 14h30 pour

19 d. ago
J’y serai au grand parking lundi prochain le 24/02 à midi en petit short ultra moulant noir, paire de jogging, chaussettes noires très hautes au dessus du genou, je ferai des étirements près de ma voiture et je ferai mine d’aller courir… j’espère juste me faire attraper par des mecs…

20 d. ago
Hello y a t’il quelqu’un

24 d. ago
Available tonight??

06/02/2025 in 12h10
If there are people this weekend, I'm mountain biking in the area (red bike), can we arrange a meeting?

06/02/2025 in 02h19
Anyone tonight???

04/02/2025 in 02h20
Anyone available??

12/01/2025 in 06h57
Anyone want to meet up now? PM me directly plz (I'm passive submissive)

02/01/2025 in 15h39
Bonjour et bonne année. Il y a t'il vraiment des rencontres à la Faisanderie?

27/12/2024 in 16h23
Who will give me their juice tomorrow Saturday 28th or elsewhere?

23/10/2024 in 02h21
Passive on site I'm waiting for you?

19/10/2024 in 23h12
will someone be there today to suck me off?

19/10/2024 in 08h49
Anyone this morning or a little later..?

17/10/2024 in 12h35
It's closed damn it

17/10/2024 in 08h52
I once met someone who gave me a long and severe spanking, would this person be on the site? If so, don't hesitate to contact me because I would like another spanking and maybe even a little more severe.

17/10/2024 in 08h44
I'm passing by today at 12:45 p.m.

11/10/2024 in 15h46
Available Saturday morning to suck and get fucked without blah blah ... mp for exact location

20/08/2024 in 15h55
Who is available now?

30/07/2024 in 04h57
The mister who approached me this afternoon I was on my bike but on the phone if you recognize yourself PM me

21/07/2024 in 05h20
Is there anyone now? I'm passive

02/07/2024 in 09h02
Who now?

25/06/2024 in 09h14
Qui sur place pour vider et prendre cher cherche un passif docile -45ans. Vers 14/15h sur place ou à Rougeau .

10/06/2024 in 18h24
Libert1. that's his nickname, he puts a photo of a woman who doesn't exist in addition to his own. Dishonest and sadly a mythomaniac.

10/06/2024 in 18h22
I had a fake couple plan last Sunday evening. it was the towpath at Corbeil Essonne. a “couple” announces their arrival at the beginning of the evening. I go there and don't find anyone because maybe I'm not used to the place, I walk around for 2 hours and nothing. I contact “them”. “they” tell me that “they” were there. I tell myself that I may have been wrong, the place is big, you never know. The guy speaks for the couple (non-existent) by offering me to come watch them during the night. Arrived there, no one at the indicated time, plus the guy tells me that he comes alone in the end and on foot from Bondoufle to Corbeil, look for the mistake. I have nothing against guy plans, I'm just not interested and it's dishonest to make people believe in a hetero plan... I will pass on the nickname in the following message.

10/06/2024 in 17h28
Recver c’est pas nouveau …. Ça occupe certains de discuter sans suite et de planter les rdv. Mehdi au plaisir de te rencontrer du coup ;)

10/06/2024 in 16h10
A little rant for the very many fantasists on the site but especially the posers!!! Out of three appointments on Saturday morning (with time and mobile phone) only one was honored... the other two???? what's the principle of chatting for hours about saying yes and not coming!!!! So a big thank you "Mehdi" for your punctuality and your kindness but especially for your effort!

03/06/2024 in 13h28
Last day of premium, if a woman is up for it I'm OP

11/04/2024 in 11h30
I will be at the end of the afternoon with a bite in the air for those who want to play

04/04/2024 in 13h52
Salut à tous Je serai sur le grand parking dimanche après-midi 14h. Renault Clio rouge. Je serai en petit short moulant déchiré et bas. Body noir. Bonne femboy bien sexy. Prête à me faire tourner par autant de mecs que possible

04/04/2024 in 11h39
I'm going at 12:30 today. Be careful, I'm demanding.

10/03/2024 in 11h54
Bonjour, vous rester dans le bois ou vous vous aventurer à l'intérieur ? Et si c'est le cas, vers où ? La dernière fois que j'y étais allé il n'y avait personne vers 18h

10/03/2024 in 06h54
Hello everyone. Is this place accessible in the evening after 8 p.m.? Thank you for your answers.

28/02/2024 in 13h59
Hello everyone

14/02/2024 in 23h50
Hi come see my tail tomorrow?

22/01/2024 in 22h40
Good evening I am parked in moissy for the night

19/12/2023 in 15h49
Hello I'll be back tomorrow Che me on evry to suck cock near lagora in a closed and discreet residence from 11:30 a.m. for more information contact me directly

08/09/2023 in 15h40
Hello, who's going?

07/09/2023 in 06h38
Hello I will be there today contact me

04/09/2023 in 22h13
Hello I will be there Thursday September 7th day for blowjob and sodomy contact me

29/08/2023 in 14h29
Looking for work or hours below Wednesday 30 afternoon or evening Corbeil hotel

15/08/2023 in 12h00
Attention il n’y a pas que des sangliers en forêt. Ce matin un couple de biped en vélo avec camera et chasuble police on emmener un mec et questionner un autre sur les raisons de sa présence.

08/08/2023 in 08h22
want juice pump in forest around 12:00 for mature guy over 50

02/06/2023 in 09h53
Who is available to pump me?

31/05/2023 in 20h13
Good evening, who is available for exhibition and no longer there at the end of the day, want to walk around naked and more

05/05/2023 in 13h01
Who available in the corner any proposal

04/05/2023 in 07h03
Are the cops driving around or going for a walk in the woods looking for the easy FLAG?

03/05/2023 in 19h48
@yo_91: Unfortunately, since the creation of the path for pedestrians and bicycles, the impossibility of parking at the entrance to the old places of cruising, and especially the too frequent presence in my eyes of the gendarmes, the guys do not dare no longer frequent this place which was good at one time. Me personally, I only go there by appointment with a liability and either I stay away from places where it is exhibited, or else to these places but in staggered hours from 7 p.m. on Fridays or Saturdays by example, where the cops are less likely to land

03/05/2023 in 18h19
No one frequents this place anymore with this good weather

28/04/2023 in 10h47
Available Saturday morning here or elsewhere, sucks, juice... and more.

18/04/2023 in 04h42
Hello, are there people in the morning around 9 a.m.

18/03/2023 in 13h24
I really want to spend the afternoon getting fucked

18/03/2023 in 09h10
Looking to meet on certain days of the week at noon

17/03/2023 in 11h01
possible to suck a nice dick this afternoon? I am very jealous

12/03/2023 in 10h44
@mystere91: You're welcome, it's normal, I had the same fear as you at the time, except that once when I left after 7 p.m., there were still cars parked in the large parking lot of the pheasantry, suddenly I said to myself, I will not be alone in case of bad surprises at the level of the plot, after that I don't think that has changed in the meantime, make sure of it anyway

12/03/2023 in 10h40
@actifbbk Thanks for the info !!! Indeed I had quickly turned around so as not to find myself locked up. I will be more zen next time. Anyway that evening I was the only car present in the parking lot. On leaving I saw a few vehicles parked on the road in front of the bank with their drivers waiting. I thought it was weird but I didn't dare try it.

11/03/2023 in 23h20
@mystere91: access to the pheasant road actually closes at 7 p.m. in winter, however once you've retuurned, you can get out of the forest well after 7 p.m., all you have to do is approach the plot slowly and it will bend down to let you go, don't worry

11/03/2023 in 19h45
I just went there but I especially noticed that it closes at 7 p.m. at the moment... sniff... My balls are always full as a result.

10/02/2023 in 14h49
On place sucker/sucked

21/01/2023 in 11h23
Who for jerk off and more in 1 hour

13/01/2023 in 18h38
Who available I go

13/01/2023 in 11h17
Who will be tomorrow morning around 10 a.m. on site in the parking lot in the recess

12/01/2023 in 09h52
Hello, who is going today?

22/12/2022 in 14h10
Who goes there ?

09/12/2022 in 16h39
I would spend there tomorrow afternoon for my part if someone is hot

09/12/2022 in 16h16
Who available around 5 p.m.

07/12/2022 in 23h43
Ji go tomorrow which hot iur this get sucked

18/11/2022 in 07h23
Who to accompany me this morning

17/11/2022 in 23h49
I'll be there tomorrow morning

15/11/2022 in 11h10
@wantyoudo: unfortunately no, there is a stud that prevents you from entering at night, however if you want to go out and the stud is up, it will lower to let you leave the forest

14/11/2022 in 18h05
Good evening I am available for women or couples in viry chatillon I receive in the cabin of my truck

07/11/2022 in 21h39
Who this weekend to empty my balls full too full even

30/10/2022 in 21h04
I will be there tomorrow (31/10) around 11:00 a.m. on a mountain hours

27/10/2022 in 17h43
I'm there in 20 minutes, blue t-shirt and leggings to get my ass and mouth fucked like a good whore

26/10/2022 in 18h29
Assets tomorrow around 5:30 p.m.??

24/10/2022 in 04h44
Location error!!!

24/10/2022 in 04h43
Qui vers 4h50? Faire message privé

23/10/2022 in 03h53
I go there every Sunday morning around 10:30 am 11:00 am by mountain bike (and in h)....

23/10/2022 in 00h38
Anyone around??

14/10/2022 in 12h56
Who can come and suck me

13/10/2022 in 14h56
@slylibertin: with this rotten weather, I don't think there should be a lot of people

13/10/2022 in 14h54
I am who available

31/08/2022 in 00h17
Drop by Thursday noon if interested

24/08/2022 in 14h08
I am next to who available

19/08/2022 in 20h29
Who available make offer

14/08/2022 in 16h04
Anyone tomorrow at 12 p.m.?

12/08/2022 in 12h26
I'm wearing a white t-shirt and blue and yellow shorts, come see me calling me a bitch, I'll know how to thank you

12/08/2022 in 12h21
I'll be there between 12:45 and 1:30 p.m. to suck and get fucked by several guys... bbk possible

12/08/2022 in 08h30
I plan to go there at the end of the morning to suck and get caught. Leave me a message if you're thinking of going

11/08/2022 in 17h09
If the guy I fisted there that Thursday afternoon around 3 p.m. recognizes himself, it was nice, albeit short

29/07/2022 in 15h23
Qui y va lundi 1re août vers 9h pour se vider Je vous suce et donne mon cul a baiser, j’aime être traité comme salope pute…

27/07/2022 in 19h02
Hi there. Can someone tell me if this place is hot in the evening after 9 p.m.?

21/07/2022 in 14h50
Thank you

21/07/2022 in 14h34
I don't want to give you false hope yaris77, but there are only men there

21/07/2022 in 14h31
I go there hoping to find females.

15/07/2022 in 16h50
When you arrive at the pheasantry you park in the car park before the barriers Just before the large car park there is a path on the left and on the right you have to explore all the paths that arrive there

15/07/2022 in 16h24
Where exactly?I couldn't find it last time.Where should I park?

15/07/2022 in 13h26
ok thanks that gives a better idea

15/07/2022 in 13h05
Bjr premiere 24 you will find people all day! Just follow the paths to the left and right of the road. There are even guys waiting sitting on the path on the left for the ages you find the youngest in the evening after 5 p.m. in general Places are laid out with garbage bags to place condoms, handkerchiefs and other fucking utensils I think this is very good compared to what was happening until last year when these places were littered with the residue of fuck!

15/07/2022 in 11h17
Hello, I just wanted to know around what time it is best to go there to find people?

15/07/2022 in 10h11
Too bad few people this morning, Justin Black who fucked me against a tree

15/07/2022 in 08h53

15/07/2022 in 08h32
I'll be there this morning until 10 a.m., blue and yellow shorts and white top to get fucked and sucked… bareback possible

14/07/2022 in 08h33
Hello who goes there in the morning

12/07/2022 in 18h43
Hello people around 8 p.m. tonight to suck or to fuck me without restraint

08/07/2022 in 22h15
Who available in the corner

08/07/2022 in 13h42
Soulop you have to go on the roads and see if someone is following you. For me it works all the time

08/07/2022 in 11h38
Hello...I just passed by this's frankly disappointing! Gentlemen, stop standing in your car!!! if you want to empty yourself ... let us know or see.

24/06/2022 in 17h00
Who available 6:30 p.m. I reconnect at 6:10 p.m. I am waiting for a proposal

10/06/2022 in 12h14
Hello who has mutual suck plan

08/06/2022 in 19h03
Hi everyone, I'm looking for exhibitionist(s) or voyeur(s), to go and do exhibitionist games there in the evening from 9-9:30 p.m.: the principle is that exhibitionist(s) be done(s) watch, fiddle with the voyeur(s) and more if you want and affinity, contact me if you are interested, and if you want to play the exhibitionist or voyeur(se) or both, don't worry about the studs open after 10 p.m. when you're still in the forest to get out of it, the idea is to walk naked in the parking lot and/or in the surrounding paths, contact me if you like the idea and you want that valid for every evening on sunny days by appointment

20/04/2022 in 09h34
Today April 20?

20/04/2022 in 08h58
From the world today April 19? PM

01/04/2022 in 17h56
Who available h bi

30/03/2022 in 08h06
I will be there around 12:30 p.m.

29/03/2022 in 04h28
Des.actif will be available from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. megane noir

27/03/2022 in 18h08
Hello, trav très salope à dispo ( classe A gris ) le 28/03/2022 des 5h du mat jusqqu'à 7h30 . Bises

21/03/2022 in 12h35
Assets in the area?

15/03/2022 in 12h33
I go there around 2:30 p.m., we'll see

07/03/2022 in 23h57
Hi all !! I have to go to PR for a few days around March 15 (style from 12/13 to 16/17, to be seen) So, I'm looking for a bed to share with sex / sex friend > priority F alone & CPL Trans, trav or guy , ok if passive -30 years old In Juvisy or Draveil/Athis-Mons/Vigneux/Villeneuve/Montgeron In the worst Paris Thank you for your proposals!!

05/03/2022 in 08h17
I'm going to take a look now, see if a guy wants to suck me off and/or offer me his ass bareback, I'll be there until 9:45 a.m. maximum

21/02/2022 in 11h19
Exhib, sucks between 12 and 14

18/02/2022 in 19h23
I'm with garrer on the side if anyone is available I'm bi

18/02/2022 in 18h46
Who available in 15 minutes hf cpl

18/02/2022 in 17h34
Qui a envie de me sucer et de m'offrir son cul bareback en forêt de Sénart ? Envoyer moi un message privé

10/02/2022 in 08h19
I will be there in 1 hour. Really want to suck males in heat!

04/02/2022 in 14h43
Who available around 3 p.m.

05/01/2022 in 05h56
I'm going at 10am this morning to suck cock

08/12/2021 in 08h36
People at the end of the morning?

15/10/2021 in 19h05
Who available in 15 minutes

13/10/2021 in 00h00
Anyone interested in showing me this place tomorrow Wednesday around 4 p.m.?

02/10/2021 in 09h06
I'm there, I'm waiting in my mini

25/09/2021 in 13h39
J'y vais. Polo fushia

25/09/2021 in 12h38
Un ou des actifs cet après-midi ? Faire message privé

18/09/2021 in 11h50
I go. Bronze t-shirts slightly transparent cream shorts and thong In the main aisle right part (barrier) just at the entrance to the car park Clean sex without odor imperative

24/08/2021 in 20h47
namikaze_91: if you stay in your car in the parking lot, you won't see anything, you have to walk around, flirt and find where the guys show off, it's more interesting in reality than jerking off in your car, don't you think? not ? lol

09/08/2021 in 15h27
Who to pump me well and receive a big facial cumshot around 7:30 p.m.?

26/07/2021 in 09h35
Je compte y aller vers 14h pour trouver belles queues pour me baiser Pour rdv envoyer message en mp

21/07/2021 in 12h18
An active around 2 p.m.? Provide condom and make private message

21/07/2021 in 09h14
anyone this morning around 10:30? make private message

20/07/2021 in 22h26
Someone now

12/07/2021 in 13h19
Someone to fuck me - I'm going

10/06/2021 in 21h29
I will be there tomorrow. More info in pm.

21/05/2021 in 19h46
I now receive queues to empty

17/05/2021 in 11h56
I go there this apm around 2:30 p.m. who to milk me

08/05/2021 in 15h01
Of the world today?

05/05/2021 in 12h23
Who is there to empty my balls?

30/04/2021 in 15h14
Passage at the end of the afternoon

30/04/2021 in 01h08
who do I suck?

29/04/2021 in 19h58
who to fuck me tomorrow around 4 p.m. 4.30 p.m. Several no problem

29/04/2021 in 10h28
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get myself taken gently for a second time tomorrow around 4 p.m. around Corbeil Essonne. I suck I like to be sucked and I can contact me

25/04/2021 in 09h09
Damn, unforeseen it will not be able to be there, I delete my previous message, sorry

24/04/2021 in 12h20
The dead calm over there today side exhibiting and fucking, it must be said that there are a lot of walkers and joggers on the main roads! The one who left his pink underwear on the tree trunk, if you are here contact me, I would like to watch your buttocks in the air and much more if you wish, it's daring you must be a good exhib slut hummmmmmmm

24/04/2021 in 09h58
I'm going to go for a walk there this morning, hoping to see some exhib, get sucked, take care of an ass without a condom or failing that suck a clean cock hummmmmmmm

22/04/2021 in 16h51
who for an oil change? I am thirsty

18/04/2021 in 17h00
I'm on hand to drain your balls

11/04/2021 in 15h23
Who is available Monday to get sucked. Private message if you want

11/04/2021 in 10h47
We move through the various exhibition points, it's not hot, no one for the moment, too bad

11/04/2021 in 09h43
Despite the slightly rainy weather, one of my sluts would like to show off there around 10:30 am this Sunday: he sucks all the dicks, whether small, big, washed or smelly, and offers his slutty ass to fuck with or without a condom to all the guys who want it, we will either be at an impasse for those who know, or in the path that leads there by passing near the big tree trunk

23/03/2021 in 13h41
I'll be there Tuesday March 30, for sex plan, gangbang ...

21/03/2021 in 16h40
I go until 7 p.m.

20/03/2021 in 11h38
Me yes but only by appointment

20/03/2021 in 11h31
under-40s go there?

19/03/2021 in 10h39
Tonight of the world?

15/03/2021 in 16h18
Anyone available?

11/03/2021 in 12h06
There are people during noon

08/03/2021 in 19h27
Thank you friend for your mouth and your ass at the beginning of the afternoon, in front of all the voyeurs present (you will recognize yourself), you are really a slut with cocks hummmmmmmm you are nice

25/02/2021 in 07h25
Around 8:15 am This morning?

25/02/2021 in 06h32
People at lunch break today?

09/02/2021 in 16h15
I am available for a BM guy to empty

05/02/2021 in 16h17
am I going to empty balls?

04/02/2021 in 15h55
Thank you to the two men who showed off this afternoon, the stiff tail, very nice show, I sucked one and the other made me cum with his hand hummmmmmmm too good even if I would have preferred to myself make suck, if you recognize yourself write me

03/02/2021 in 17h29
Too close to curfew man bm22_8, no time

03/02/2021 in 17h27
no one ?

03/02/2021 in 14h24
available at 5 p.m. to empty balls

02/02/2021 in 11h56
What is this noon?

25/01/2021 in 13h54
Who to come see me jerk off this afternoon?

23/01/2021 in 15h47
Active in the area?

15/01/2021 in 15h27
Who is available for 5:15 p.m.?

14/01/2021 in 17h21
I am on site who is available to be emptied?

04/01/2021 in 16h09
Passage tonight

24/12/2020 in 14h07
If a mouth wants to suck me over there, and offer me his ass to sodomize without a condom, write to me, I'm quite ready at the moment! I park at the entrance to the pheasant road just after the plot on the left (after the building which is to the right of the access road)!

21/12/2020 in 15h18
someone for plan sucks?

10/12/2020 in 12h49
Who hot me beur Bi ch to suck several cocks and empty them well

29/10/2020 in 14h06
First passage made to the place full of tree trunks, no one! The same for the panties! Despite everything very pleasant walk in nature, perhaps a second passage after retuurning to the main road!

29/10/2020 in 12h53
Last possibility to walk freely before a confinement of several weeks, I will go there to breathe the invigorating air of the forest around 1:30 p.m., I will be at the beginning of the forest near the high voltage lines in the various places where there could be having a guy waiting and walking around to suck, offer his ass or get sucked! I will also go further in the small corners arranged under the trees for connoisseurs, do not hesitate to accost me!

28/10/2020 in 15h50
Who wanna watch us and fuck my girlfriend?

27/10/2020 in 09h58
An asset this morning? Make private message

21/10/2020 in 18h33
I went there this noon. Nothing at the parking lot. On the other hand, on leaving I see people walking along the road. I stop a little further and wait at the edge of the wood. Huuuummmm it was worth it. I sucked them both 10 minutes apart. I will go back there often

18/10/2020 in 14h23
oh indeed I arrive to empty balls

18/10/2020 in 10h37
Well, there seems to be a lot of people, we're going to take a walk there in the hour.

18/10/2020 in 10h14
Hi bitches, who is there

18/10/2020 in 09h09
I'm going to go there for mushroom picking. An asset wants to join me?

31/08/2020 in 14h34
Is there a bareback bottom who would want to suck me off and get fucked without a condom, today around 3:15 p.m., at the entrance to the road to the Sénart pheasant (just after the plot of the general company , under the shrub path near the high voltage line)? Send me a PM, otherwise not sure I'll go!

20/08/2020 in 15h36
Thanks to the second guy, very cute, who sucked me off and offered his ass to finger and fuck hummmmmmmm we really enjoyed! It's over for today guys, see you next time for those who want to see me, don't hesitate to leave me a PM!

20/08/2020 in 15h11
Thanks to the cyclist who sucked me nicely and licked my ass hummmmmmmm I loved it

20/08/2020 in 13h41
I go back there, I will be at the entrance of the forest (not far from the plot and the general mutual), pass the tree trunk which goes towards the electric pilons, I would be not far in the small path under the shrubs or under the cables! I lower my pants very easily if you want to watch and touch my cock and my buttocks: I like to be sucked, sucked, lick your asses, assfuck them without a condom, have my butt licked ... I will be there around 2:15 p.m.

18/08/2020 in 14h47
You were in a path under the high voltage lines, you were eating a few blackberries, dressed in a blue T-shirt, you watched me go far away, I don't know the place well, if you recognize yourself, let me know to make me discover the place and more so good feeling!

18/08/2020 in 11h48
If bareback passives are interested in my profile, contact me, I can go to this place in the coming hours to offer my cock without a condom!

17/08/2020 in 05h42
Want to suck a good q

08/08/2020 in 13h37
Hello everyone, I'm looking for two or more men who could introduce me to being their sex object, in an outdoor place or at your place if you can receive

21/07/2020 in 14h42
I go. 1st alley (wooden barrier) just before the car parks. Take the second small path on the right (slightly curving) to the end. I'll be in mini shorts

17/07/2020 in 19h12
Who has to suck tomorrow morning?

11/07/2020 in 18h59
We are there to empty a nice, not too old rod

08/07/2020 in 05h55
Who will be there late Saturday morning? Make private message

07/07/2020 in 03h57
I spend this afternoon there

03/07/2020 in 18h15
who am open tomorrow morning

13/06/2020 in 05h27
Seek good q to suck this Saturday MP for appointment

17/05/2020 in 11h26
I'm going to take a look now, towards the pyramid to discover and if nothing special, towards the pheasantry! I like to show myself discreetly, get sucked, that I fiddle with my buttocks, bugger an ass without a condom after licking it, or suck a cock!

12/05/2020 in 02h44
I would definitely go there

11/05/2020 in 19h12
Who now?

06/03/2020 in 15h39
in the world this afternoon? possible passage

04/03/2020 in 11h49
Passage possible this afternoon.

24/02/2020 in 16h46
I am now to pump

19/02/2020 in 14h51
THE world around?

22/12/2019 in 20h44
still relevant ?

07/08/2019 in 13h23
J am going to 15h 30 mtb then feet Short gray backpack blue

19/06/2019 in 11h18
I passed the night but I gave up before the red light and the terminal that can block the road. what happens is that it be raised at night?

26/05/2019 in 15h34
No one as old pervert

19/04/2019 in 09h53
Passing around 17h date. I am rather passive and fell to soda. If interested me

26/02/2019 in 07h35
Seeking nozzle where active for trio

26/01/2019 in 10h32
Darling did not want to get up and go to work, I may have a lot of late, I'll let you know if I go time!

26/01/2019 in 09h50
Young obese man of 28, I want to go there on Saturday morning at 11am to show off my dick and my ass in the wood of the pheasant: I would blue jeans with holes on the right side and a brown bag , want to make me suck, suck and if a passive guy joined me seronegative opportunity to fuck without a condom (I have proof of my HIV-negative on me)!

19/01/2019 in 11h57
What good memories to this place now increasingly no damage has reconquer

09/10/2018 in 22h36
I'll park here orchards 1h

25/08/2018 in 18h44
Dsl change places square deck to know what I can confirm to 11:15 p.m.

25/08/2018 in 18h15
And she wishes bareback with anal and vaginal cumshot

25/08/2018 in 13h45
She likes sodomy etc.

25/08/2018 in 13h31
Tonight at 23h paj brunoy of beautiful woman looking to fuck any kind of picture human chain on my profile

11/08/2018 in 18h37
me greedy guy to fast discrete quickly if young guys from 18 to 35 made signs 0769187659

31/07/2018 in 12h45
J y will this apm between 15h and 16h 30 mtb Backpack blue

31/05/2018 in 10h07
Hi condirmer messages in deprive if you come

28/05/2018 in 15h35
If c is also interested combs ca m

28/05/2018 in 15h35
If c is also interested cimbs ca m

28/05/2018 in 14h56
Yes scarlette to Combs if it does not make you too far ...

28/03/2018 in 14h12
I confirm maverick91 message, and it is a pity indeed!

28/03/2018 in 06h43
inaccessible place at night now

18/01/2018 in 18h38
I parked my truck zac orchards tigery until 21h. I receive

18/01/2018 in 02h29
orchard park tigery street, I get cabin

21/12/2017 in 10h20
I can go there;)

19/12/2017 in 09h53
of people available to be empty?

19/11/2017 in 00h02
TOMORROW Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:30 p.m. TO LEAVE ME A ... RDV IN MESSAGE ON MY BALL

13/10/2017 in 12h45
This apm I would be a mountain bike or on foot small backpack blue

04/07/2017 in 14h12
I am by the time I loved locally A good plan with JMEC I'm hot

03/07/2017 in 12h29
Jy this would apm red mtb then Qajar

03/07/2017 in 12h28
J are going this apm between 15h and 16h I would mtb red Qajar

02/07/2017 in 12h08
Salu who wants to spend expensive to me a good plan I look young guy has 2 or more it will be better than in any wet wood

27/06/2017 in 16h47
The I go to the pheasant I look for a good plan I'm looking hot young guy I'll be down at 17 pm

10/06/2017 in 14h53
Salu I entraint tan to tigery to poile I looking young guy for good time contact me

08/06/2017 in 10h45
person this afternoon?

07/06/2017 in 13h13
hi kikoo91 you go there to tan too;)

07/06/2017 in 12h54
Salu I look for a good plan I'm hot I like everything I'm tigery this afternoon I look young guy

04/06/2017 in 16h50
Salu I am is time to tigery I look for a good plan I'm looking hot young guy

27/05/2017 in 12h34
The world this afternoon? Suck motion soda ...

01/05/2017 in 14h59
Salu I'll be tigery around 15:30 for a good meeting with young guy where we Bronze

23/04/2017 in 15h16
Salu I will be this afternoon in Tigery I look for a good plan with JMEC 2 or 3 I'm hot contact me on the site to be found

15/04/2017 in 21h50
I Salu gets a young guy tonight I'm hot I love all

13/12/2016 in 16h07
Who this morning December 14 between 10 am and 11:30

29/10/2016 in 15h14
Who goes there today to get sucked ass and take ???

20/10/2016 in 14h24
J'll 15h 17 hour mountain bike red car renault

01/10/2016 in 14h58
Salu I momant by the wood at the entrance tigery I try I listen to a good plan 2 or more

19/09/2016 in 19h45
Salu am looking for a JMEC tip I received tonight was corbeil I'm hot 0637139166 not more 33a

19/09/2016 in 09h29
hello I would be in the pheasant either side brunoy N6 today Monday at 17h if there are good tails emptying please leave me messages

18/09/2016 in 16h29
Hi I am a young guy tigery'm looking for a good plan ass I love everything

17/09/2016 in 15h33
Salu JMEC'm looking for a good plan I received a corbeil I love everything I'm hot and if you have this cool poppers

07/09/2016 in 09h02
Hello can anyone tell me the road that must be coming from Corbeil to reach port. Thank you

05/09/2016 in 19h17
probably Wednesday am for me to fucking intense

05/09/2016 in 19h14
Hello I am looking to buy poppers in tobacco that knows a tobacco selling poppers in 91 thank you for your response

04/08/2016 in 15h45
I'm going Tuesday, August 2nd, from 16:30 to 17:30 humm got 3 guys doing well, with nice cock, I sucked and they have my soda, I sucked my soda 1 which has background in 1 hour is not bad; o)

29/06/2016 in 13h10
J are going this after noon in black lycra bike red and blue renault

25/04/2016 in 12h14
J y'm just raped my mouth ;-)

03/03/2016 in 11h21
jy going this after midday 14 am to 15h Peugeot 106 black kid

01/03/2016 in 18h00
World tonight after 20h?

30/01/2016 in 17h18
I sui by tigery time I was looking guy sucking or fair suck me see I love everything hummmmm

17/01/2016 in 18h36
I recommend this place always people

17/01/2016 in 18h33
thank you jtrav77 Wanted outdoor places where Ms. caresses could offer in order to enjoy it on men

17/01/2016 in 18h31
Yes you can go a couple but everything depends on your research?

17/01/2016 in 18h25
this place is it suitable for a couple?

09/01/2016 in 13h05
V I go for a walk this aprem who rejoin me

08/01/2016 in 12h53
This apm around 15h I'm blc yellow bike helmet jacket backpack blue if vs crave let me know I turn around ds

03/12/2015 in 12h02
jy going 14 ha 16 h bike and red megane

01/11/2015 in 09h47
jerome hi !! I'll be there around 10:30 am

06/10/2015 in 12h04
Tuesday, October 6 from 17:00 to suck more ... I see you there in sexy outfit in my vehicle. (Ford)

21/09/2015 in 16h15
Tuesday, September 22 from 17:00 to suck more ... I see you there in sexy outfit.

26/08/2015 in 12h46
The place was broke, I think for the fire in several rows. It is now difficult to be quiet as usual corners are visible even from the road.

06/08/2015 in 22h51
Friday, August 7, 2015, A couple to accompany us in a small display output? Interested couples left us a message. Kisses

05/08/2015 in 18h50
tomorrow morning between 10 and 11 h 30 on mountain bike

18/07/2015 in 09h13
jy am this morning bike

07/07/2015 in 15h47
Who vien me masturbate low

07/07/2015 in 15h47
Who vien me masturbate low

01/07/2015 in 10h14
Philo TV said that of all places because it is the pub for saunas.

18/06/2015 in 18h18
jy am to 19h

18/06/2015 in 18h18
jy am to 19h

12/06/2015 in 11h46
Sunday, 6/14/2015, A couple to accompany us for a little outing exhibition ???? Couples interested leave us a message

19/05/2015 in 09h28
J is going to suck this morning and you squirt

19/05/2015 in 09h27
J are going this morning to sperm

04/05/2015 in 14h42
Nobody's going to Today! Dui?

30/04/2015 in 16h05
6:20 p.m. motion drive with -45 years. Who ?

28/04/2015 in 13h24
Who vien me shake this aprem the bottom?

20/04/2015 in 15h10
A guy -from 45 6:15 p.m. tonight for good motion?

20/04/2015 in 15h10
A guy -from 45 6:15 p.m. tonight for good motion?

20/04/2015 in 15h09
A guy - 45 years tonight 6:15 p.m. for good motion?

06/04/2015 in 10h02
Go it's fine like to flaunt m

06/04/2015 in 08h34
Lt. who will make a aujoud hui around to find my full milk egg

01/04/2015 in 13h34
Tjr person hot this aprem

31/03/2015 in 13h36
Lt. going for a walk down the aprem this?

06/03/2015 in 18h36
Who was there today (March 6)?

06/03/2015 in 12h47
Hello will have the pheasant aprem this?

07/02/2015 in 22h39
Tomorrow morning July 02 jyv mountain bike around 11 to sign, crossing his arms

26/01/2015 in 13h29
Who vien s exbiber the bottom with me?

22/01/2015 in 11h57
Hi this will be the low aprem?

21/01/2015 in 14h41
Jy am there nobody

21/01/2015 in 13h54
J'm there in 30 min're hot one?

21/01/2015 in 13h54
J'm there in 30 min're hot one?

21/01/2015 in 12h55
Lt. cho who are between 14h and 15h for the guys b4anle

01/11/2014 in 14h54
I am this afternoon has tigery in front of the bank for a good plan ass I loved JMEC I will be on site to 15h30

17/10/2014 in 12h45
From 15 hjy rode by bike or on foot estate megane red

12/10/2014 in 12h39
Who has tigery this afternoon for a good plan ass I search JMEC contact me to the place and time of the appointment plane sucks motion soda while Jaime hummmm

11/10/2014 in 15h18
JMEC Looking for a good plan ass sucking motion view more I move away I sui warms quickly

02/10/2014 in 13h34
jy going after this black bike down cyclist cycling noon and top blue green

22/09/2014 in 14h04
which will be on 23 in day to jump on me and tell me if societe generale to or at the bottom to the pheasant

17/09/2014 in 00h02
Hi to all, I would be Friday 19, from 3:30 p.m. juska 18H if ca branch meks contact me pv

17/09/2014 in 00h00
I would be Friday 19, from 3:30 p.m. juska 18H if you ca branch contact me pv

15/09/2014 in 22h14
that tomorrow, Tuesday after noon?

15/09/2014 in 22h12
young guys in the after noon tomorrow Tuesday? rep PV

07/09/2014 in 13h56
I'll have tigery this afternoon before the general company for plane motion sucks I see sui hot for young guy I bronze hair hummmm

07/09/2014 in 13h49
I sui this afternoon for sucking motion I see hot sui I will be before the general society for young guy

05/09/2014 in 09h30

29/08/2014 in 15h52
the jy'll bike 16 h 30 h 17

25/08/2014 in 18h16
hard with rain

14/08/2014 in 02h27
I am looking for an active subject for a friend and myself tt tt age and physical accept it to get hot and perverse evening for more detail please mp

14/08/2014 in 02h26
I am looking for an active subject for a friend and myself tt tt age and physical accept it to get hot and perverse evening for more detail please mp

26/07/2014 in 16h06
Tomorrow Sunday morning jy'll bike bitwin

22/07/2014 in 21h04
available to dump you if you are full contact me .....

22/07/2014 in 12h58
J'll 16h

19/07/2014 in 11h54
I will be at the price starting from 12:30 faisanderi I look young guy pumping see I will have the opposite between the general society I naked bronze revenge quickly

19/07/2014 in 11h49
I'll have tiguery this afternoon has parts from 12:30 am looking young guy pumping and mebpomper I will be in front of the bank

07/07/2014 in 15h48
Megane estate red mtb to day 16 to 17 pm

30/06/2014 in 13h07
This after noon I v try my new bike I pause in the pheasant

26/06/2014 in 12h05
a bit late

25/06/2014 in 12h37
hi h bi novice available on 94 and 91 h rech wall

24/06/2014 in 14h36
hello am available this evening or first bi exp with h wall of 91 and 94 are interested?

24/06/2014 in 14h34
ki me there will be with black bezel

24/06/2014 in 12h09
hello am available this evening or first bi exp with h wall of 91 and 94 are interested?

23/06/2014 in 16h00
hello am available this evening or first bi exp with h wall of 91 and 94 are interested?

23/06/2014 in 15h03
hello am available this evening or first bi exp with h wall of 91 and 94 are interested?

18/06/2014 in 17h04
hello I am looking for the first available wall exp on 91 and 94

18/06/2014 in 17h03
hello I am looking wall to the first bi exp available on

14/06/2014 in 23h41
Looking directive man and dominant little scenario .......

27/05/2014 in 13h54
Looking directive man and dominant little scenario ss ....... I now available

19/05/2014 in 12h01
jy would this after noon 16h megane estate holding red sports jersey White

14/05/2014 in 15h28
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

14/05/2014 in 15h27
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

14/05/2014 in 15h27
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

14/05/2014 in 15h27
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

14/05/2014 in 15h27
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

13/05/2014 in 14h50
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

13/05/2014 in 14h49
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

07/05/2014 in 21h53
Tomorrow jeuđi I start from the pheasantry to 9 h 30 and back to 11h 30 megabyte estate red

03/05/2014 in 15h39
I'll be this afternoon worm 4:15 p.m. before the general society the pheasant I looking young guy for a good plan huummmmmm

01/05/2014 in 13h43
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

01/05/2014 in 13h41
I'm on site I denim jacket white basketball Khaki black backpack I do not speak and seeks directive dominant man abrupt but not violating our abuse me in the woods ....... Make me a sign to follow you or follow me once away I will obey you without speaking I'm open to everything except scat

01/05/2014 in 11h06
I traveled to my early afternnon for q abused me ds the woods ........ contact me if I can pv are interested

01/05/2014 in 11h04
I traveled to my early afternnon for q abused me ds the woods ........ contact me if I can pv are interested

19/04/2014 in 13h28
I would have had tigery 15h before the general society JMEC am looking for plane motion soda sucks I sui hot or not to miss contact me I will give you my 06

06/04/2014 in 11h54
qlq1 end aprem ??

05/04/2014 in 23h42
ch plan cul in the woods now ...

28/03/2014 in 10h29
I am on site contact me

28/03/2014 in 08h51
J would be on site this morning to suck cock licking ass and m to take contact me I would deprive such sign on my

09/03/2014 in 21h04
who come now to a plan sucks

09/03/2014 in 20h55
Hi just that now has the pheasant

09/03/2014 in 13h40
I'll be this afternoon has tigery bronsez to see outside the bank in the woods young guy I'm looking flight I reached sui hot

26/02/2014 in 13h06
Wall pm this am?

16/02/2014 in 20h12
which is now tigery to a plane 3 or 4

21/09/2013 in 07h20
Hi all, I seek a plan tonight Saturday, September 21 around 23:00 in the Essonne or very close, I displaces, contact Private Message Last connection around 19:00

21/09/2013 in 07h15
Hi all, I seek a plan tonight Saturday, September 21 around 23:00 in the Essonne or very close, I displaces, contact Private Message Last connection around 19:00

20/08/2013 in 13h09
J are going after this lunchtime bike black cycling helmet bike white blue jersey old blue couse

19/08/2013 in 13h13
Who this after noon

16/08/2013 in 11h19
jy going this after noon vers16h bright red shorts sleeveless red megane I remain near or car ds

11/08/2013 in 09h26
Hi I would be on site at 10am directive Seeking to enjoy me on the face and mouth ds

11/08/2013 in 09h23
Hi I would be on site at 10am directive Seeking to enjoy me on the face and mouth ds

23/07/2013 in 08h43
I go this afternnon

23/07/2013 in 08h41
I go this afternnon

22/07/2013 in 13h52
Just envi vs suck and lick you J ss available this afternnon contact me

22/07/2013 in 13h52
Just envi vs suck and lick you J ss available this afternnon contact me

17/07/2013 in 14h18
jy am from 15 pm sleeveless red shorts sunglasses

13/07/2013 in 12h20
I'll be a 17h juska 18.30 to get some sun

13/07/2013 in 12h20
I go this afternnon a17h juska 18.30 to get some sun!

23/04/2013 in 09h46
Nobody then ??

23/04/2013 in 00h25
I can go tomorrow morning if we m gives appointment J suck your cock until the end and licks ass thoroughly

23/04/2013 in 00h24
I can go tomorrow morning if we m gives appointment J suck your cock until the end and licks ass thoroughly

13/03/2013 in 16h15
excluded passive my cock rest ds my underwear ss my jeans low jaretelle string shy p sousmis for directional Seeking fellatio and rimming force with cum on face and ds mouth see uro next feeling I'd be blue jean jacket black backpack blue not blabber j not talk you just say you follow dt m and after I have obeyed J blue twingo accept tt except Sacto

13/03/2013 in 15h29
excluded passive my cock rest ds my underwear ss my jeans low jaretelle string shy p sousmis for directional Seeking fellatio and rimming force with cum on face and ds mouth see uro next feeling I'd be blue jean jacket black backpack blue not blabber j not talk you just say you follow dt m and after I have obeyed J blue twingo accept tt except Sacto

09/03/2013 in 14h09
excluded passive my cock rest ds my underwear ss my jeans low jaretelle string shy p sousmis for directional Seeking fellatio and rimming force with cum on face and ds mouth see uro next feeling I'd jeans black khaki jacket backpack blue not blabber j not talk you just say you follow dt m and after I have obeyed J blue twingo accept tt except Sacto

09/03/2013 in 14h01
excluded passive my cock rest ds my underwear ss my bottom jeans jaretelle string shy p sousmis for directional Seeking fellatio and rimming force with cum on face and ds mouth see uro following the exitation of the time I'd jeans black khaki jacket bag blue back not words I speak not you just say you follow dt m and after I have obeyed J blue twingo accept tt except Sacto

30/01/2013 in 19h00
I would do a bike ride down the this weekend

30/01/2013 in 18h43
I would do a little bike ride this weekend

30/01/2013 in 18h42
I would do a little bike ride this weekend

31/12/2012 in 10h18
who goes Today! Dhui and this morning?

24/12/2012 in 10h47
today Monday 24 jy going this after noon to 15 pm between bus parking and leave the pheasant description details of recognition and we meet

25/11/2012 in 10h10
You there'll kan?

24/11/2012 in 11h40
around 12:00 that day?

24/11/2012 in 11h40
which today 12:00

22/10/2012 in 23h00
I'm a bike tomorrow 23 November 10am to 11:30 bike biker black shorts blue racing helmet blc yellow jacket made sign I suck you

22/10/2012 in 12h40
Today this after noon j arrives at the feet of the pyramid jeans white sneakers

19/10/2012 in 09h17
I spend tonight at 18h to pump me ki

19/10/2012 in 09h15
I spend tonight at 18h li to pump me

18/10/2012 in 06h44
Hello, how are you?

04/10/2012 in 11h53
I think this after noon go red sweater kway red jeans and basketball

04/09/2012 in 13h46
and Thursday noon after bathing shorts blue white stripes striped white brown teeshirt

15/08/2012 in 11h11
Nobody boohoo :-( lol

15/08/2012 in 08h54
J there would be around 10 blue jeans white top Nike basketball with a shoulder bag I'd lingerie under my jeans so let me cross vs m m care for your live without tail blah

15/08/2012 in 08h48
J there would be around 10 blue jeans white top Nike basketball with a shoulder bag I'd lingerie under my jeans so let me cross vs m m care for your live without tail blah

15/08/2012 in 08h47
J there would be around 10 blue jeans white top Nike basketball with a shoulder bag I'd lingerie under my jeans so let me cross vs m m care for your live without tail blah

14/08/2012 in 22h07
Hi jy am tomorrow morning to care for you m

14/08/2012 in 21h58
Hi jy am tomorrow morning to care for you m

12/08/2012 in 14h31
I spend the morning around 11am to suck cock and make me deflowered ass

12/08/2012 in 14h27
I go there tomorrow morning around 11am to suck cock and make me deflowered ass

12/08/2012 in 14h27
I go there tomorrow morning around 11am to suck cock and make me deflowered ass

12/08/2012 in 14h24
I'll do a little tour around 11am tomorrow if someone would give me his dick and suck my ass deflowered

03/08/2012 in 11h51
which is available this afternoon of August 3?

03/08/2012 in 11h49
which is available this afternoon of August 3?

05/07/2012 in 17h01
went this after noon, traveled drill Pyramid parking lot to the person pheasant

22/06/2012 in 12h06
Who 13h - 40 for motion?

17/06/2012 in 16h41
You go there often ?

17/06/2012 in 08h11
There's no young as 50 years, it's a shame!

08/06/2012 in 12h38
yes c also important to clarify because ct well galley during the work !!!

08/06/2012 in 12h32
c cool that work on the N6 are finished, the place can finally regain momentum !!!!

14/05/2012 in 13h04
quelq'un this am

14/05/2012 in 12h45
someone this am

23/04/2012 in 11h47
Ki pr join me at 12:30 ?!

20/04/2012 in 12h45
Alor personalize ??!

18/04/2012 in 14h05
I'll be there Friday around 19:00 pr mater and make me pump

29/03/2012 in 11h16
Jy happens tomorrow Friday night pr to pump and pump

22/03/2012 in 10h47
Who will be this afternoon JMEC?

19/03/2012 in 12h56
I'll be there tonight around 18:30

11/03/2012 in 12h59
A young passive available this afternoon?

23/10/2011 in 13h54
A liability this afternoon?

15/09/2011 in 22h33
I went there's that old!

31/07/2011 in 20h52
Who will be this week from August 1 to 7?

… close history