The city Denis

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Bouguenais
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Cozy resort not enough couples. In nature. Small piece of forest with a lovely lake.
Address :
Route des Parachutistes
44340 Bouguenais

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23/08/2022 in 14h53
Mecesky surtout que ces lieux ne servent à rien.. Ils ne sont pas côtoyés par d'autres personnes (à part les riverains).. Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de les avoir interdit.. Y'a un lieu proche de l'aéroport qui ne sert peu que pour promener son chien aux pecquenauds du coin.. Et un lieu de promenade proche d'une decheterie et aussi d'un accès désaffecté de l'aéroport.. Qui va à ces endroit ?! Pas grand monde. On ne gênait pas beaucoup ! J'ai été très dépité et déçu ( et en colère aussi comme toi..) de voir ça il ya quelques mois quand j'y suis retourner. Vas à l'aire de covoit à Basse Goulaine mister c'est pas mal à ça ressemble à la ville aux Denis.

23/08/2022 in 13h45
What a shame to prohibit gays or bi from having a place to relax and stroll to meet and behind an airport where no one goes anymore if they don't call it homophobia long live France and human rights. I see not why the inhabitants of the city Denis not ask the planes to stop making crude or why to close the airport lol lol .....

11/05/2022 in 13h25
Je confirme les gendarmes et des flics en voiture banalisée cadrillent ce site, la ville au Denis et la déchètterie de Saint Aignan, ainsi que l'aire de covoiturage de Bouguenais Faites très attention !!!

13/08/2021 in 20h23
this site and all the surrounding streets are now prohibited from parking with severe rounds by the gendarmerie. An association of residents of La ville au Denis have obtained this status. So be careful with the opening in summer of the children's holiday center

11/08/2021 in 13h04
Hello I'm here

02/07/2021 in 12h03
Place that could be nice. not enough couples or women. on the other hand a lot of men in blue car with gyro

15/12/2020 in 04h18
I sucked my first cock there at 17 but there were quite a few rounds of cops :(

12/10/2020 in 12h05
Women available this afternoon?

29/09/2020 in 08h44
Hello, Passing through Nantes until Friday, I am available for straight dating exclusively, with the necessary precautions. Discretion, respect and hygiene guaranteed. Looking forward to it.

02/07/2020 in 09h45
A woman there today?

10/02/2020 in 14h59
this is a place where I no longer go .. no more place to park and if you want to be pinched by the gendarmes this is the place indicated

02/09/2019 in 21h37
While in Nantes on September 3 and 4 for couples. View my profile if interested PM. Hope.

30/05/2019 in 21h33
Tomorrow night or this weekend?

30/05/2019 in 21h30
Saturday night I would see the world

30/05/2019 in 21h16
Of the world ?

30/04/2019 in 17h44
Tonight at midnight and female halves couple or trans?

28/01/2019 in 20h30
What time Monday

28/01/2019 in 20h13
The world tonight?

02/12/2018 in 15h39
Being in Nantes, I'll go this you have another plan sex invite me.

02/12/2018 in 14h15
Canceled, too much rain and wind

01/12/2018 in 20h05
The world tonight?

20/11/2018 in 07h16
Ajd, 18 / 19h woman or couple?

27/06/2018 in 21h09
Available this evening for couples in the Nantes region. A beautiful evening in perspective ...

27/06/2018 in 20h07
I'll be there around 22:30 tonight

26/06/2018 in 17h30
J there would be Wednesday night around 22h

26/06/2018 in 09h07
Hello, jy will be Wednesday and Thursday night.

26/06/2018 in 01h07
The world in the coming days at night?

23/06/2018 in 09h33
You should announce your visit before you go there! I will be July 2 to 21h30-22h

23/06/2018 in 00h43
Somewhat normal with parking restriction nuit..Et few rondes..certaines passions were cooled ..

23/06/2018 in 00h35
Again this past Friday at 23 h30. No one. Makes you wonder if we will retuurn.

19/06/2018 in 23h11
can be tdsuite;)

19/06/2018 in 18h15
There was a tps qd or a couple we knew going welcome! All is lost! If you're in the 86 we will welcome you! lol

19/06/2018 in 16h19
I can be there tonight

19/06/2018 in 00h49
Y went to 23:15 Person.

17/06/2018 in 00h41
The world Sunday night?

22/04/2018 in 19h27
Plan slaughter at 23:00 tonight lope male ass offered q fucked hard. The lope will be attached ass lubricate domination humiliation spit cum piss photo and video possible the lope will not tear a 0:30 ET will be Move within 50 km from Nantes Leave Mw for registration

13/03/2018 in 22h26
ca tomorrow night moves?

13/03/2018 in 17h58
On the first part until 22 pm

12/03/2018 in 22h42
it always moves by? I went quite moving in 2010/2011 ca strong!

13/01/2018 in 12h02
Y went Wednesday night. A voyeur cross. thanks to him

08/01/2018 in 18h31
The world tomorrow late morning (11.30 am) Tuesday 09?

15/11/2017 in 13h49
the world this afternoon couples or women

07/11/2017 in 11h04
From 6 to 8 every morning to get up early :-)

06/11/2017 in 20h43
The world tonight?

06/11/2017 in 19h12
Tonight for couples

05/11/2017 in 18h58
What time?

05/11/2017 in 18h33
The world tonight?

04/11/2017 in 14h45
A woman or a couple this afternoon?

02/11/2017 in 16h34
Coupledogging 20h this evening, if you are interested I can show myself available for voyeurism

02/11/2017 in 15h49
Coupledogging Tuesday mid morning ... if you want

02/11/2017 in 12h55
What hourly weekday evening to find the world?

15/10/2017 in 17h30
Surely it out in the evening. Women and couples welcome. ;)

15/10/2017 in 01h34
Y went to midnight. No one.

01/10/2017 in 12h17
World at around 13h ???

29/09/2017 in 12h47
Coupledogging, the next I am ready to go there for a walk ...

29/09/2017 in 12h24
Y went last Saturday at 23:15. No one.

17/09/2017 in 00h05
The world this Sunday?

11/09/2017 in 23h32
The world tonight?

11/09/2017 in 13h12
F or cples this afternoon?

07/09/2017 in 11h04
I discovered this place this week or a man informed me matter ... if hf cple are interressées let me know

06/09/2017 in 16h24
A courteous and efficient man crossed there 3 days.

28/08/2017 in 15h31
A woman today there?

27/08/2017 in 16h34
A woman to join me in the late afternoon?

16/08/2017 in 18h01
Is that a couple or a woman will be there soon?

15/07/2017 in 19h09
20 Thursday evening to make me suck or to make an ass

02/07/2017 in 11h50
I will go tomorrow in the late afternnon and / or evening

02/07/2017 in 00h48
Y went tonight person

12/06/2017 in 11h42
We have stayed here, quiet corner. Voyeurs courteous and efficient.

11/02/2017 in 08h56
after shave my Integral this morning, I visit different places to Nantes or vendee because I am hungry for cocks! if interested rencontreer for me do not hesitate to contact me!

… close history