Super U toilet Joué-lès-Tours

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Type : Public toilets gay & straight
City :  Joué-lès-Tours
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Super U toilet Joué-lès-Tours. Leave appointment. new location. Discretion. Not bad passage. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.
Address :
9998B Boulevard des Bretonnières
37300 Joué-lès-Tours

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10 d. ago
Je suis pas loin….ce soir j’offre ma bouche voir plus à actif bm. Contact en MP

29/11/2024 in 12h14
Can we watch easily and discreetly?

29/11/2024 in 12h07
Who wants to watch a big cock there?

29/11/2024 in 03h49
Do you know of any glory in toilets or public places?

12/11/2024 in 11h52
I can be there in 30 min

12/11/2024 in 11h51
People here now

29/02/2024 in 21h48
A woman (or couple) available tomorrow in the morning/early afternoon? Want to be jerked off, sucked and why not more... pm me

19/10/2023 in 22h39
I'm going to go there tomorrow or to another place in the surrounding area to treat myself... Attention all gourmands

01/09/2021 in 13h49
Who tonight ?? Woman or couple? ? I'm there for the evening ...

13/08/2021 in 10h34
I'm going there in 10 mins

22/04/2021 in 20h55
I'm there right now if anyone wanna visit me

22/08/2018 in 19h54
Who tonight

15/11/2016 in 08h59
I go this morning, I'll be around 10:30 ...

21/10/2016 in 17h05
Currently on Romo, back to Nantes tomorrow morning Saturday 22/10, welcoming holes to protrude bluntly, good looking (s) nag (s) on the course!

09/08/2014 in 17h57
It hurts the throat it me f sirot, so I tell on you in 15 minutes !!

06/08/2014 in 18h22
there were 2 guys today at 15:40 Géniale !!!!

06/08/2014 in 15h13
I'll be there at about 15.30 / 15.45 I'm very open and welcome

29/07/2014 in 18h45
I go there one or males who go there !! ??

01/03/2014 in 11h06
To have!! I have to organize myself.

01/03/2014 in 10h58
I'll be there at about 12:00

09/12/2013 in 11h04
11:40 Photo copy machine

07/12/2013 in 21h42
Who morning ??

09/05/2013 in 07h56
SuperU are open from 9:00 to 12:30, I go around 10h00 that comes ??

08/05/2013 in 16h48
I'd go tomorrow morning to find a Bite, You healed I'll find a superU

02/05/2013 in 12h42
jy pass around 13:30 cool for map

29/03/2013 in 10h38
I'll be there 16 hours 30 states Wait me in a box, I whistle retuurning

03/01/2013 in 16h55
Jy'll worm 5:30 p.m. to pump and pump me

19/12/2012 in 17h39
bjr a ts hot 37 blakliste those who do not like him or seeking the same thing he quoted sex .... (including me) .... not cool at all ..

… close history