Street Way Monsoon


Cruising spot straight in Hauterive

proposed by rondelette  (05/08/2013)

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Type : Nature straight
City :  Hauterive
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The way to access the banks of the Allier is in a small corner. You have to park and walk down to walk on the path ... and make some knowledge or even to subdue some very hot scenes among the trees ...
Address :
46-48 Rue des Moussons
03270 Hauterive

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28/11/2024 in 11h55
If there are people tonight, I will show off my pretty little dog.

25/08/2024 in 10h33
Do people go there sometimes?

01/05/2014 in 14h48

31/10/2013 in 13h23
there is someone Saturday, November 2 beginning after noon

30/10/2013 in 14h41
that this after noon Wednesday, November 30 3:30 p.m.

17/10/2013 in 18h24
there is a tomorrow quequ October 18

14/10/2013 in 11h41
who goes there this semain

11/10/2013 in 17h18
I'll be there tomorrow Saturday, October 12 from 16h 14h30à for couples or single women

11/10/2013 in 15h35
couple or single women I'm 15h30a park 17h ds turn

10/10/2013 in 18h21
ok tomorrow 2:30 p.m.

10/10/2013 in 16h04
pass tomorrow (Friday, October 11) at 14:30 to plump for afternnon lollipops and / or more .....

09/10/2013 in 10h58
tomorrow Thursday, October 9 for a couple plane I'll be a 15heure

14/09/2013 in 16h36
he never has there anyone

11/09/2013 in 14h27
who goes there today, Wednesday, September 11?

… close history