stage of the boot Aubagne


Cruising spot gay in Aubagne

proposed by urocuniexhib  (23/02/2015)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Aubagne
Area :  Provence-Alpes-Cô.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Location quiet night from 23h. Very naughty. Walking along the Huveaune and if you see someone made seem to pee against a tree. We surely will come to you! Hope! I went from 23 February 2015. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
519 Avenue Antide Boyer
13400 Aubagne

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24/10/2024 in 10h53
Who's going there in the evening to take a look?

02/07/2024 in 10h29
Who's going to the evening for a plan?

27/06/2024 in 10h37
Hi I would like to make a plan in the evening if anyone chooses

28/08/2023 in 18h10
People tonight?

15/08/2023 in 02h55
Anyone want to beat me up?

06/08/2023 in 19h22
Hello, anyone tonight?

08/11/2022 in 20h19
Not far from aubagne in a dead end if you correspond and are interested...

16/10/2022 in 11h19
Cc jy goes in the evening if you want a meeting, make a sign

11/08/2022 in 21h30
Someone ?

22/11/2020 in 19h18
Cc jy am nw level rugby stadium if you want

15/11/2020 in 19h05
Good evening I'm here if there are a lot of hot people for junk it's cool

10/02/2020 in 20h06
Hi someone tonight?

09/01/2020 in 15h20
Hello to everybody. I learned new to the site and excited to be parties in the community. I Aubagne and places that are still active are increasingly rare. I wanted to know if this place is still relevant. In this case I will begin to make a small turn in the evening for my jogging or else you very soon

09/12/2017 in 07h01
to carve out a pipe or + this morning between 8 am and 9 am

30/11/2016 in 23h13
this curiosity

08/11/2015 in 11h03
bjr bin is that abres

… close history