Small, quiet woods

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Saint-Médard-en-J.
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Roundabout intermarché the left, take the road to Lacanau and 1km further on the left panel Bois Joli, Cerillan pass Paintball and further parking along the wood.
Address :
55-65 Rue Claude Debussy
33160 Saint-Médard-en-Jalles

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14 d. ago
Bonjour recherche pour ce samedi apres midi !!chez moi sur st medard centre UNIQUEMENT UN HOMME GAY age indifferent recois ou me deplace JE SERAIS EN HOMME PASSIF VOIR SOUMIS!! Plan a PLUSIEURS ACCEPTE !! Laissez message ici je reponds TOUJOURS ou SMS OU TEL AU 06 20 84 40 26 A tout de suite GABRIEL

23 d. ago
Bonjour Disponible ce jour sur st medard centre !!a partir de 14h00 14h30 Faites offre en principe PLUS DE 40ANS MOINS a voir ensembles !! Contact 0620844026 SMS message ici ou tel A tres bientot soni la coquine gourmande !! ps/ le top recherche a plusieurs :peux aussi etre en homme pour GAYS !! travestis a voir ensembles!!Peux aussi me deplacer en HOMME OU TRAVE!!

26 d. ago
Bonjour a TOUS Disponible ce jour sur st medard centre a partir de 14h30 je recois plutot plus de 40ans mais pour plus jeune a voir apres contact !! Hommes gay travestis sont les biens venus POUR CEUX QUI LE SOUHAITENT PEUX ETRE EN HOMME!! les couples sont aussi les biens venus ( on peut rever) et poursuoi pas deux ou trois copains ensembles!! (le pied) Je peux aussi me deplacer si distance raisonnable Contact ici ou par SMS OU TEL AU 0620844026 A tres bientot avec SONIA lz plus que coquine

16/01/2025 in 11h23
Bonjour Disponible cet apres midi jeudi 16 pour plan A PLUSIEURS chez moi sur st medard centre !! Contactez moi par sms OU TEL au 06 20 84 40 26 en principe plus de 40ans mais plus jeunes a voir ensembles Les HOMMES TRAVES GAYS ET COUPLES sont les biens venus POURQUOI pas deyux femmes on peut rever!! ( pas encore interdit pat le gouvernement lol!!) A tres bientot sonia la bordelaise!!

14/01/2025 in 11h08
Bonjour Bien que certains que je ne nommerai pas n e veulent plus me voir sur ce site !!JE SUIS TOUJOURS BIEN LA !!et pour ceux a qui je plais encore sachez que je recois toujours chez moi sur st medard centre encore ce jour a partir de 14h30 En principe pour les plus de 40 ans mais suis prete a discuter avec plus jeune!! les HOMMES. LES COUPLES.LES GAYS ET LES FEMMES sont les bien venus!! Vous pouvez me contacter au 06 20 84 40 26 par SMS ou tel A tout de suite Sonia la coquine

30/12/2024 in 15h08
Hello everyone, I'll be there around 4:15 p.m., 4:30 p.m., meet in the woods, kisses

27/12/2024 in 18h47
It's not judging, it's just that at some point you need a happy medium on what you are and what you do. Because of Sonia, lots of people don't want this site anymore, and I also like this site less because there are very few women, my fantasy is to suck a cock, I accept it, but there are lots of things I prefer with women... At some point you have to be clear-headed about what you do Sonia, excuse me if I shocked you, but take care of yourself, make yourself beautiful... If it's not possible, stay a man, and gay as you want, transforming yourself today is too late, certainly, and sorry but it doesn't suit you to be trans... especially if it doesn't work... Moreover Sonia, you give your number like that, in my opinion it's very risky, you could get into trouble, the day this site becomes very well-known, malicious people will be there for you... You're risking your life for an old shitty fantasy... DC take care of you all, as good gentlemen (apparently) I wish you all a happy holiday season

26/12/2024 in 20h42
We don't judge people who are looking for meetings, that's why the places to pick up are emptying and we judge behind one more screen, it's a very nice person who sucks very well

26/12/2024 in 15h52
I see there are poets here for someone called Valentin he must be a gentleman...

26/12/2024 in 14h23
How horrible to suggest to you.. sonia338 you must be very very hungry you look like you're going to throw up in your photos so please avoid posting messages

26/12/2024 in 11h02
Bonjour Apres le sfetes en famille trop sages !!certains doivent avoir les cu;;; pleines!! Je vous offre un eexcellente occasions d evous les vider seul ou a plusieurs sur ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTRE a partir de 14h30!! Hommes traves ou gays TOUS sont les biens venus je peu xetre EN HOMME OU EN TRAVE selon votre choix!! Contacts messages ici ou par tel 0620844026 Pour plus de 40ans en princioe MAIS PLUS JEUNES

19/12/2024 in 12h52
BONJOUR Dispo cet aprem sur st medard centre pour vous vidanger qui est intéréssé ?? A plusieurs possible 0620844026!!car pas abonnée pour l"instant tout de suite sonia

13/12/2024 in 16h40
I'll be there in 10 minutes

13/12/2024 in 16h32
Who's available tonight to get a deep blowjob?

09/11/2024 in 11h03
Bonjour Dispo ce jour pour rencontres chez moi a st medard centre a partir d e 14h30 POUR PLUS DE 35 ANS EN PRINCIPE mais etudie toutes propositions !! Notez que je suis plutot passive mais on peut me sucer voir soumise PAS de plans crades accepte a plusieurs sans violences Peut eventuellement me deplacer si distance raisonnable!accepte couples A plus sonia la bordelaise Contact ici ou par SMS ou tel au 0620844026

03/10/2024 in 10h52
Bonjour de retour sur le site pour vous faire propfiter de ma bouche et pourquoi pas plus ?? AUJOURD HUI SUR ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTRE a partir de 14h00 14h30 dans un cadre agréable et coquet !!POUR LES PLUS DE 35 ANS et au dela plus jeune a voir ensembles apres discution par tel!! Je suis plutot passive voir soumise !! les HOMMES ?LES GAYS ( dans ce cas serais en homme !) et pourquoi pas rever les couples sont les biens venus!! Contacts messages ici ou par tel SMS ou appel au 06 20 84 40 26 peux AUSSI me deplacer et possibilité en soirée !! a tres bientot coquine sonia

22/08/2024 in 10h24
Bonjour a tous ceux qui sont en vacances et tous les autres qui n'ont pas encore satifait leurs envies ou decouvertes !! Je recois pour cela sur ST MEDRAS EN JALLES centre ce jour JEUDI a partir de 14h00 14h30 pour satisfaire TOUTES vos envies sauf scato et fisting !! UN impératif toutefois AVOIR PLUS DE 35ANS Ceci concerne les HOMMES les GAYS ('serais alors en homme )et pourquoi pas les couples !! je suis plutot passive voir soumise.J'accepte les plans a plusieurs !! ANNONCE NON VENALE BIEN SUR !! a tres bientot vous ne serais pas deçus !! Me contacter soit par message ici ou par SMS ou appel au 0620844026 en precisant sur quel site vous m'avez vu merci

31/07/2024 in 10h26
Bonjour a tous LOCAUX touristes heteros gays travesti ( pour gouinages= ) si vous avez plus de 35ans et au dela sans limite vous etes les biens venus chez moi sur ST MEDARD CENTRE pour tous plans !! Pour les plus jeunes a voir ensembles et pourquoi pas !! Adepte des fellations ( je prends en bouche et avale) pour plus a voir ensembles ne suis pas contre suis PLUTOT PASSIVE VOIR SOUMISE a votre choix SOIT EN HOMME SOIT EN TRAVESTI! Je reçois a partir se 14h00 14h30 et au dela ( y compris en soirée !!PEU aussi ME DEPLACER SI LE JEU EN VAUT LA CHANDELLE !!) DANS APPARTEMENT CLIMATISE parking assez facile MAIS SE MUNIR D'UN DISQUE DE STATIONNEMENT .... Me contacter ici par message ou SMS OU TEL au 06 20 84 40 26 Ne suis pas contre un plan a plusieurs faites offre Bien sur ANNONCE NON VENALE A tout a le 'heure Merci d'avoir lu mon annonce jusqu"au bout SONIA la coquine gourmande

29/07/2024 in 11h24
Bonjour Si vous voulez profiter de la CLIMATISATION tout en vous faisant vidanger!!Rendez moi visite cet apres midi seul ou a plusieurs sur ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTRE a partir de 14h00 14h30 !!BIEN VENUE AUSSU AUX GAYS!! et on peut rever LES COUPLES A parir de 35ans et au dela !! Contacts par messages ici ou SMS OU TEL au 06 20 84 40 26 POSSIBLE jusqu"a 16h00 ensuite a partir de 19h00 et au dela sans liMite si le jeu en vaut la chandelle !! J E PEUX AUSSI ME DEPLACER SI DISTANCE RAISONNABLE ET ANNONCE SERIEUSE Bises a tous et a tres bientot sonia la bordelaise ps? pour stationner pres d echez moi DISQUE OBLIGATOIRE N" OUBLIEZ PAS

25/07/2024 in 09h59
Bonjour RECOIS ce jour sur ST MEDARD CENTRE a partir d e 14h00 a 16h00 puis d e19h00 tard dans la nuit En principe pour les plus de 38ans et au dela sans limites ATTENTION suis plutot passive mais pas inactive VOIR SOUMISE A TRES SOUMISE san sviolence toutefois!!PEUX ETRE L4OBJET d'un couple dominateur!! Peux AUUSI me deplacer en soirée !! plans a plusieurs souhaité y compris avec des GAYS !! A tres bieintotù SONIA la bordelaise cochonne!! Me faire offre ici ou par SMS ou tel au 06 20 84 40 26 BIENS venue aux TOURISTES et camionneurs qui s'ennuis sur leur aire d e repos

22/07/2024 in 10h32
Bonjour a tous Ce jour lundi 22 ou mardi 23 juillet souhaite recevoir sur st MEDARD EN JALLES centre ou me deplacer pour rencontre AVEC PUSIEURS HOMMES OU GAYS (JE SERAIS E HOMME) en meme temps pour etre sans violence leur objet sexuel !! POSSIBLE EN SOIREE faites offre ici ou au 06 20 84 40 26 par SMS ou tel Je ne vous decevrai si j'accepte J"ASSUME sonia

20/07/2024 in 10h54
Hello TO ALL Possibility today to receive from 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. in ST MEDARD center in principle OVER 35 YEARS AND beyond WITHOUT LIMITS!! RECEIVE MEN (even with several people) GAYS (would be a man

18/07/2024 in 11h26
Bonjour Dispo ce jour je recois st medard centre ville !! suis plutot passif voir soumis HOMMES ( meme plusieurs copains en meme temps !!) gayq ( je serais en homme) a partir de 35ans plus jeune a voir ensembles !! A partir de 14h00 Contacts par messages ici ou tel ou sms au 06 20 84 40 26 A tres bientot

17/07/2024 in 09h19
Bonjour a TOUS Rentrée de vacances me voila a nouveau disponible pour vous recevoir ce JOUR MERCRDI 17 JUILLET a partir de 14h00 14h30 pour un decrassage total!! Bienvenu aux plus de 30ans AUX Travestis pour gouinage AUX GAYS( je peux recevoir en hommes !!° ET POURQUOI pas rever aUX COUPLES Accepte A PLUSIEURS ET BIENVENUE AUX MAITRES qui chercent une soumise docile !! J"attends vos propositions MAITRES meme les plus PERVERSES !! Contacts ici par messages ou par SMS OU TEL AU 06 20 84 40 26 Pour debut d'apres midi prendre contacts AVANT MIDI Peux aussi me deplacer si le jeu en vaut la chandelle surtout ce soir ! A vos tel et claviers vous ne serez pas deçus !! Dernier detail SUIS PLUTOT PASSIVE VOIR SOUMISE Bises cochonnes en attendant plus !!car ouverte a pas mal de plans sauf scato et fidting Sonia la bordelaise

11/07/2024 in 20h02
Good evening. I'm available to suck deep tonight.

08/07/2024 in 20h14
Good evening, I am available tonight to get sucked

07/07/2024 in 10h33

07/07/2024 in 10h31
Hello After having a GOOD PHOTO!!LOL!!ON ST MEDARD CENTER from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday relax with a GOOD TOTAL BLOWJOB in principle for those over 40 and beyond for the youngest call me and we will meet together!! GAYS are also welcome, I would receive them as a passive or even submissive MAN!! See you soon contact here by message or tel at 0620844026 Sonia the pompous d'AQUITAINE Small detail if you receive at a reasonable distance I CAN MOVE AS A MAN OR TRANSVESTI

02/07/2024 in 21h40
Who wants to get fucked hard tonight?

23/06/2024 in 11h03
Bonjour POUR TOUS CEUX QUE ca intérésse ??? j e reçois ce jour DIMANCHE 23 juin sur st medard centre !! d e 14h00 a 19h00 En ptrincipe pour les quarantes ans et au dela si actifs!!!! Pour le scplus jeune contactez moi et nous verrons ensembles !!ACCEPTE A PLUSIEURS Contacts messages ici ou par SMS ou APPEL au 0620844026 Je vous attends en TRAVE ou en HOMME pour ceus qui preferent A tres bientot sonia la bordelaise

06/06/2024 in 10h54
Bonjour Sur ST MEDARD EN JALLES centre je reçois chez moi cet apres midi HOMME (S) gay(s) a partir d e14h00 Pour ceux qui souhaiteraient vrnir entre midi et deux LA JE SERAIS EN HOMME!! je suis plutot passif voir soumis ouvert e tous jeux sauf crade et violence Contacts ici message ou SMS ou tel au 0620844026 A tout a l heure Sonia la pompeuse bordelaise

30/05/2024 in 10h27
BONJOUR Aujourd hui jeudi 30 mai je reçois chez moi SUR ST MEDARD CENTRE entre 14h00 et 19h00 Hommes (des hommes) gays je peux recevoir soit en homme soit en travesti faites votre choix !! suis plutot passive voir soumise !! Ouverte a TOUS plans sauf crade et violence PAS DE SCATO NI DE FISTING pour le reste a voir ensembles si j'accepte j'assume Contacts messages ici ou par SMS ou tel au 0620844026 A tout a lheure Sonia la pompeuse

28/05/2024 in 13h54
Hello receive this day TUESDAY May 28th in St Medard center for men(s), or gays can be in transvestite or in man according to your choice!! also possible in the evening!! Contacts message here or SMS OR TELau 0620844026 See you soon Sonia the pompous

27/05/2024 in 09h40
Hello This day Monday May 27 receive on st medard en jalles center man (s) or gay at your choice can be in MAN OR IN DRESS but always passive see submissive!! I receive from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. contacts here or by SMS or tel at 0620844026 See you later GABRIEL OR SONIA

25/05/2024 in 11h04
Bonjour a tous Recois cet apres midi sur st medard en jalles centre UNIQUEMENT HOMMES AIMANT UN HOMME !! GAYS tres bien venus !! CONTACTS ici ou SMS OU TEL AU 0620844026 age indifferent A tres bientot

23/05/2024 in 11h05
BONJOUR Dispo CHEZ moi cet aprem sur st medard centre pour rencontre avec homme ou gay entre 13h30 et 16h00 Contacts ici ou par sms ou tel 0620844026 A tres bientot sonia la suceuse !!

20/05/2024 in 10h11
Hello Recois on ST MEDARD CENTER it's after noon from 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. GAYS would be as men) MEN' (in transvestite) if you prefer!! accepts several!! Contact here by messages or by phone or sms at 06 20 84 40 26 For those who could be free ONLY TUESDAY possible from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. See you soon sonia

11/05/2024 in 13h55
Hello, available for doging plan, voyeurism or all other outdoor games which are getting ready with the good weather. Around Saint Jean d'Illac there are lots of nice and discreet little places to try. For couples, women or trans.kisses ;)

10/05/2024 in 14h12
Bonjour a TOUS Dispo chez moi sur sT MEDARD CENTRE cet aprem vendredi cette nuit et TOUT le we en aprem et soirée!! Pour hommes (deux ou trois copains en meme temps !!^) possible reçois aussi en HOMME GAYS et soyons plus qu'optimiste COUPLES Tous devront avoir au minimum 35 a 40ans et au dela sans limites N hesitez pas a me contacter je VOUS ATTENDS contacts ici par message ou SMS ET TEL AU 0620844026 Peux aussi me deplacer si le jeu en vaut le chandelle comme l'on dit ::dernier detail suis plutot passif (ve) voir soumis (e) Bises a tous SONIA la bordelaise

10/05/2024 in 12h35
Hello, available for dogging plan, voyeurism or any other outdoor games that are getting ready with the good weather. Around Saint Jean d'Illac there are many nice and discreet little places to try. For couples, women or trans. Kisses ;)

09/05/2024 in 09h43
Hello, available for dogging plan, voyeurism or any other outdoor games that are getting ready with the good weather. Around Saint Jean d'Illac there are many nice and discreet little places to try. For couples, women or trans. Kisses ;)

08/05/2024 in 14h53
Hello, available for dogging plan, voyeurism or any other outdoor games that are getting ready with the good weather. Around Saint Jean d'Illac there are many nice and discreet little places to try. For couples, women or trans. Kisses ;)

08/05/2024 in 11h34
Bonjou Ce jour mercredi 8 mai je reçois CHEZ MOI SUR ST MEDARD CENTRE a partie de 14h30 Homme ou hommes des gay et pourquoi pas couple !!(on peut rever) Peux etre eventuellement libre ce soir et me DEPLACE cet aprem ou cette nuit meme loin!! Me contacter ici ou par tel ou sms au 0620844026 merci a cet aprem vous ne serais pas deçu !! sonia la bordelaise coquine

06/05/2024 in 11h14
Bonjour Chez moi a st medard en jalles centre cet aprem entre 13h30 et 16h00 EN HOMME reçois gays pour felletion totale Si d'autres intéréssés pas de pbs peuvent aussi venir meme a plusieurs Contacts ici ou par sms ou tel au 0620844026 AVANT 13H00 A tout de suite

26/04/2024 in 13h31
Hello everyone this afternoon?

24/04/2024 in 10h52
Bonjour a tous Dispo cet apres midi a partir de 14h00 14h30 je reçois st medard centre pour fellations TOTALES en principe plus de 40ans mais pour les plus jeunes a voir ensembles !! RECOIS homme(s) travestis gay suis plutot passive voir soumise !! A plus CONTACTS par messages ici ou tel ou sms 0620844026 Je vous attends sonia la bordelaise

20/04/2024 in 10h38
Bonjour Libre ce jour sur st medard centre je reçois !! Ouvert a tous plans a partir d e14h00 Faire offre 0620844026 par tel ou sms

30/03/2024 in 14h10
Bonjour Pour ceux qui s'ennuieraient ce we end de PAQUES et qui chercheraient a s"amuser je reçois en journée et en soirée sur ST MEDARD EN JALLES pour fellations totales VOIR plus en centre ville (parking sans pbs) Les hommes voir a plusieurs !!les gays voir a plusieurs aussi ou il fait bien rever !! les couples sont le biens venus !! Pour les hommes un petit penchant pour les antillais !!mais tous sont bien venus !!age de 20 a 70!! me contacter par message ici ou sms ou tel au 0620844026 vous ne serez pas deçus!!a tres bientot sonia

08/03/2024 in 18h41
Good evening! I am available to suck or be sucked or both as you like if you are up for it send me a message

01/03/2024 in 21h56
More cocks to suck?

18/02/2024 in 13h25
Hello this Sunday afternoon, I'm meeting in St Medard in Jalles center to satisfy you! Several of you can come! If you prefer that I meet you somewhere, tell me and I'll come!! Contact here or tel or text to 0620844026 see you right away

09/02/2024 in 10h50
A pumper?

17/01/2024 in 10h59
Bonjour Cet apres midi MERCREDI 17 JANVIER peux recevoir chez moi A ST MEDARD CENTRE a partir de 14h30!!en FEMME Pour ceux qui preferent EN HOMME peux recevoir entre 12h00 et 14h00 pour fellation TOTALE avec prise en bouche et EVENTUELLEMENT PLUS !! Notez toutefois que je suis plutot passif ( ve) voir soumis (e) En principe pour les plus d e 35 ans et au dela !! pour les plus jeune a partir d e 21 ans toutefois a voir ensembles!! Ouvert (e ) a plusieurs si pas de violence Contact ici ou par tel ou SMS au 0620844026 Possibilite de me deplacer si distance raisonnable A tout a l heure vous serez les biens venus Sonia la coquine

15/01/2024 in 09h59
Hello everyone For those who were not able to free themselves yesterday Sunday but available today I renew my invitation for this afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. AT MY HOME IN ST MEDARD CENTER for TOTAL EMPTYING and why not more according to feeling!! FOR GAYS I can also receive a MAN between noon and 2 p.m. THE SERVICE WILL BE JUST AS CAREFUL!!! In principle over 35 years old and beyond without limits!! but for the youngest however over 21 years old to see together!! Contacts by MESSAGES here or or such or sms qu 06 20 84 40 26 See you soon SONIA

14/01/2024 in 17h01
contactez moi suis dispo eventuellement je recois maxi jusqua 19H

14/01/2024 in 13h42
Bonjour Pour ceux qui sont libre et dispo je reçois cet aprem VIDANGE COMPLETE et pourquoi pas PLUS !!parking facile Accepte a plusieurs peut aussi me deplacer si distance raisonnable Contactez moi ici ou tel sms ou appel au 0620844026 Ouvert atout age apres 20ans !! a tout de suite PS Pour ceux Qui preferent suis aussi gay et peut etre en homme !! Gabriel ou sonia sonia

13/01/2024 in 15h40
je passe au bois ds 15 minutes

12/01/2024 in 14h16
Bonjour Chez moi sur st medard en jalles centre j e reçois cet apres midi ou ce soir me contacter par message ici ou par tel SMS ou appel au 0620844026 Atres bientot j e peux aussi me deplacer en soirée su disotance raisonnable sonia la salope

11/01/2024 in 11h18
qui je vide cet aprm suis dispo de 13H30 A 15H45 contacter moi

10/01/2024 in 12h47
slt qui je suce sous la neige ??? donnez RDV

09/01/2024 in 11h16
Hi, I'm available from 1:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. We'll meet in the woods if that's ok we'll go to my place I'll suck you off you'll sodomize me (condom) I'll meet you

08/01/2024 in 11h39
dispo ? on se rejoins au bois tu me suis on vas chez moi je te suce tu me sodo je recois de 13H30 A 15H30 maxi

07/01/2024 in 11h19
hello available for you relieved wood pretty with the sun Give appointment

02/01/2024 in 11h59
who will be the first I suck?? he will have the right to put his juice everywhere Make an appointment

01/01/2024 in 12h35
happy new year to all cocks Who is giving me my first facial cumshot?? the first one I suck of the year ejac wherever he wants except in the mouth when I don't know Make an appointment

31/12/2023 in 11h27
for those who like you pull aside the thong you anal me (condom) and you squirt on my butt several cocks no problem

31/12/2023 in 11h17
hi, the last cocks I suck this year will be entitled to a cumshot in the face, come and empty yourself, make an appointment, I'm available until 5 p.m.

26/12/2023 in 14h24
available in wood or leclerc toilet contact me

25/12/2023 in 11h44
Christmas pipe I am available contact me

24/12/2023 in 14h31
slt suis dispo rdv au bois si ok je recois contactez moi

19/12/2023 in 11h28
I receive from 1:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. we meet in Bois Jolie, you follow me, we go to my place.

18/12/2023 in 11h40
am available from 1:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. we meet in the woods if ok we go to my place I suck you you anal plan condoms Contact me

15/12/2023 in 12h09
pls I am available for you relieved I suck I do anal facial meeting in the woods if ok I can receive if discreet contact me

11/12/2023 in 11h34
pls I'm available for blowjob and anal We'll meet in the woods I'm fine with you, you follow me we'll go to my place from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. later outside I'll suck you off you'll give me anal I can be at work if you like Plan condoms Contact me quickly

11/12/2023 in 10h31
Hello everyone!! Who in this humid weather doesn't want a GOOD WARM MOUTH to pour their abundant semen into?? You can have the opportunity at my place in St Medard center in a discreet and charming apartment from 2:00 p.m. this afternoon Monday December 11!! IN principle for those over 35 and good abundant ejaculator!! for the youngest to see together Bi straight gay MEN are the goods just like the West Indians!! NO Taliban style beards!! A contact such or SMS or message here are also welcome FOR this afternoon try to notify me BEFORE noon otherwise I guarantee nothing Accept several at a time!! TEL 0620844026 See you soon Sonia, the pompous woman who totally ensures

10/12/2023 in 13h30
slt on se rejoind au bois tu me suis on vas chez moi je te suce tu m'encule?? prevois capotes

10/12/2023 in 11h45
Hi who wants to empty themselves? a blowjob?? you hold the umbrella I suck you or car or toilet contact me quickly

30/11/2023 in 13h15
qui a besoin de se vider??? SUIS DISPO on se rencontre exterieur si ok je te recois je suce me fais sodo (tu prevois capote) faciale Contactez moi apres 16H peu plus recevoir

27/11/2023 in 10h45
pls if Madam you don't empty I'm available we'll meet in the woods if ok we'll go to my place I'll suck you off you'll give me anal if you want to contact me quickly I can receive max until 3:30 p.m.

26/11/2023 in 12h56
I am available to relieve you if Madame has nothing to do, contact me

23/11/2023 in 13h27
dispo jusqua 18H contacter moi

20/11/2023 in 11h31
Bonjour a tous Pour que ça intérésse reçois cet apres midi sur st medard centre dans appart discret et coquet pour FELLATION compléte plus ?? A VOIR ensembles En principe plus de 35ans pour les plus jeune sa discuter au tel ! HOMMES GAYS ( meme a plusieurs ) POSSIBLE Couples bien sur bien que je ne me fasse pas trop d'illusions !! Me contacter ICI par message ou par SMS OU TEL au 0620844026 Peux me deplacer EN SOIREE si distance raisonnable ou hotel discret A tres bientot Votre sonia la pompeuse

16/11/2023 in 08h36
Bonjour Pour les coquins je reçois cet apres midi a partir de 14h 14h30 sur st medard centre pour vidange totale et efficace !! en principe plus d e 35ans et plus mais pour les plus jeunes a voir ensembles au tel ACCEPTE a plusieurs faites offre merci GAYS aussi bien venus !!! Contact au 0620844026 par SMS ou tel A tres bientot Sonia la pompeuse !!

15/11/2023 in 09h47
Bonjour Je reçois ce jour sur st medard en jalles centre dans appartement discret et coquet pour FELLATION TOTALE a partir de 14h00 14h30 NOUVEAUX pour ceux qui cherche un HOMME je peux recevoir AUSSI EN HOMME DE 12H00 A 14H00 POUR FELLATION TOTALE et peut etre plus selon desirs de mes partenaires!! FELLATION NATURE SODOMIE PROTEGEE ( NON NEGOCIABLE ) Accepte en principe A PARTIR DE 35ANS et au dela mais selon feeling PLUS JEUNE POSSIBLE apres discution Les hommes ainsi que les gays sont bienvenus (meme a plusieurs ) bien venue aux ANTILLAIS !!LES COUPLES aussi bien que je ne me fasse pas trop d'illusions !! Contacts ici par message ou SMS ou appel au 0620844026 JE VOUS ATTENDS WELCOMME !!!

15/11/2023 in 09h25
Who is available to pick me a porcini mushroom this morning?

12/11/2023 in 13h36
Bonjour cet apres midi dispo chez moi sur st medard en jalles pour recevoir belle bites juteuse de tout calibre a partir de 24h30!! age inferant zcczpte a plusieurs !! NON VENAL contact messag eici ou SMS OU TEL AU 0620844026 N(hesitez pas vous ne serez pas POUR CEUX QUI PREFERENT ËUX ETRE RN HOMME

11/11/2023 in 20h05
Bonsoir si quelqu'un est intéréssé??? j ereçois ce soir sur st medard centre en homme ag e indifferant reçois a plusieurs si vous voulez 0620844026 A tout de suite SONIA EN HOMME CE SOIR

11/11/2023 in 14h19
Bonjour Qui est intéréssé en cet apres midi de 11 novenbre a ce faire sucer sa ampe de drapeau jusqu"a ce que votre nectar en jaillisse dans ma bouche accueillante!!!! Je recois chez moi sur st MEDARD CENTRE !! Contact ici ou par tel ou SMS au 0620844026 TOUTES demandes sera etudiée on peut venir a plusieurs ou en couples !! J'attends vos propositions sonia le pompeuse

08/11/2023 in 10h27
I am in the woods of the world?

23/10/2023 in 11h42
Bonjour a tous Cet aprem lundi 23 je reçois chez moi a partir de 14h30 sur st medard centre !!qui viens me rechauffer?? accueil chaleureux suivi d'une belle fellation TOTALE VOIR plus!! POUR plus de 35 ans en principe les plus jeune a voir !! Pour HOMMES (MEME PLUSIEURS ENSEMBLES !! tres bien venus) GAYS et pourquoi pas couples on peut rever!! A tout a l'heure contact ici ou par SMS ou tel au 0620844026 Bises coshonnes a tous

19/10/2023 in 11h25
Hello everyone AGAIN AVAILABLE THIS DAY I receive AT MY HOME in st medard center FOR total FELLATION from 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. A MEN OF MEN 'we can come with several) GAYS and we can dream OF COUPLES!!!! In principle over 35 years old for younger people to see together!! Possibility in the evening to possibly receive or travel!! I am generally a slutty woman BUT FOR THOSE WHO PREFER I CAN RECEIVE OR TRAVEL AS A MAN!! Contact me U 0620844026 By tel or SMA or leave a message here I ALWAYS REPLY See you later Sonia the vicious pompous

19/10/2023 in 07h21
My cock available for greedy mouths from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. I'm waiting for a proposal to come

18/10/2023 in 13h37
HELLO Once again this day I can welcome you to give you a nice blowjob TOTAL NO SODOMY THIS DAY!! Receive from 2:30 p.m. in St Medard center in a discreet apartment men, GAYS and why not couples!! why not in the evening after contact such!! Over 35 years old but for the youngest to see together!! IN THE EVENING I CAN'T MOVE WITHOUT A NATURAL PLAN!! POSSIBLE FOR MULTIPLE POSSIBLE COME WITH ONE OR TWO FRIENDS YOU WILL BE WELCOMED!! Contact here by message or by SMS or CALL on 0620844026 See you soon!! VERY SERIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Sonia the pompous Bordeaux woman

17/10/2023 in 11h50
bonjour a tous Chez moi cet apres midi mardi 17 octobre sur st medard centre je reçois A PARTIE DE 14H00 JUSQU 'A 19H00 pour FELLATION TOTALE HOMME GAYS OU PLUSIEURS MEME A LA FOIS!! Couples possibles . En principe plus de 35 ans et au de la maisvpour plus jeune a voir ensembles apres contact !! ME contacter ici par message ou par tel au 0620844026 par tel ou sms Vous ne serez pas deçus je vous attends bises coquines sonia la pompeuse d est medard

17/10/2023 in 11h15
slt qui veux se vider ?? suis dispo a partir de 13H15 JE RECOIS EVENTUELLEMENT JUSQUA 15H15 mais je prefer au bois si tu veux me sodo prevois capotes

15/10/2023 in 11h33
Hi, a beautiful Sunday with sunshine, ideal for getting emptied in the woods, contact me quickly, I'll help you out.

11/10/2023 in 16h46
Passing by around 5 p.m. to see this place that I don't know

11/10/2023 in 12h43
I am available contact me

09/10/2023 in 13h07
I am available, contact me quickly

07/10/2023 in 15h24
slt dispo cet aprm pour cherché des champignon surtout les queues bien ferme Contacté moi

04/10/2023 in 11h01
cest mon anniv qui m'offre une bonne giclée faciale ??? j'en veux le plus possible merci de me contacté

03/10/2023 in 10h44
dispo de suite jusqua 11H30 ou a partir de 13H30 jusqua 19H30 donez rdv je viens vous soulagez je fais ce que vos femmes refusent

28/09/2023 in 12h31
Hi, I'm available this afternoon, give me an appointment, I'll come and relieve you. If you like, I'll wear a mini skirt and a thong. Bring condoms for sodomy.

22/09/2023 in 16h47
suis dispo pour sucer en trav donner RDV

22/09/2023 in 15h28
Contact me by PM

22/09/2023 in 15h26
J’y suis actuellement. Si quelqu’un veut visiter une petite porte accueillante.

14/09/2023 in 05h57
Today Thursday September 14 from 1:15 p.m. my tail is available for a mouth / a direct ass without blah-blah.

12/09/2023 in 11h06
donnez RDV je viendrais Je vais aller chercher des champignons j'aime surtout les queues j'attends vos demandes

11/09/2023 in 22h35
Too far, too bad, mecanisex

11/09/2023 in 18h31
Available Tuesday early afternoon from 1pm until 2:30pm or Monday to Tuesday night between 3am and 4am to get sucked and/or take ass

10/09/2023 in 03h17
Available this morning. Send PM.

08/09/2023 in 16h03
slt je suis dispo pour vous soulagé Donnez RDV merci

05/09/2023 in 15h42
Hello Anyone interested for this evening between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.? Contact me by PM.

02/09/2023 in 17h30
Until 6:30 p.m.

02/09/2023 in 17h29
My little door is available

27/08/2023 in 13h47
my holes available until 8 p.m. contact me

26/08/2023 in 15h56
je passe au bois ds 15 MINUTES VENEZ SUIS DISPO JUSQUA 20H

25/08/2023 in 15h43
Hi I'm available until 9pm contact me

24/08/2023 in 10h15
Bonjour a tous Aujourd hui JEUDI 24 AOUT a partir de 14h30 je reçois sur st medard en jalles centre dans appartement CLIMATISE !!! les plus de 35 ans pour une VIDANGE TOTALE avec prise en bouche POSIBILITE DE PLUS SI BON FEELING !! pour les plus jeunes a voir apres contact tel!! RECOIS HOMMES ( meme plusieurs ensembles) GAY ( peux recevoir en homme si demande ) couples pourquoi pas car suis bi LES TOURISTES ET LOCAUSX SERONT LES BIENS VENUS POUR CEUX qui me contacteraient AU PLUS TARD VERS 11H30 POSSIBILITES ENTRE MIDI ET 14H00 CONTACTS par message ici ou sms ou tel au 0620844026 A tres bientot SONIA la pompeuse

19/08/2023 in 17h04
Bonjour Demain dimanche 20 aout je reçois CHEZ MOI SUR ST MEDARD EN JALLES A partir de 14h30 homme qui peuvent etre plusieurs !! pour une fellation totale avec prise en bouche !! en principe pour plus de 40 ans mais plus jeune a voir ensembles !! les couples sont acceptés ainsi que les gens de couleurs bien montés appréciés en priorité!! N hesitez pas a me contacter soit message ici soit SMS OU APPEL AU 0620844026 ENTRE 09h et 22h00 possible de prendre rendez vous ce soir samedi jusqu" a 22h00 Je vous attends vous ne serez pas deçus ANNONCE NON VENALE ET VRAI !!

19/08/2023 in 17h01
Who wants to suck me I'm in the pretty woods

18/08/2023 in 13h49
Bonjour a tous !! Qui a envie de se faire soulager buccalement cet apres midi ou ce soir chez moi sur st medard en jalles centre dans APPARTEMENT CLIMATISE ????????? a partir de 14h30 ! PRENDS EN BOUCHE AVALE!! Vous ne serez pas deçus en principe POUR LES PLUS DE 40 ANS pour les plus jeune a voir apres contact ici ou par tel ou SMS AU 0620844026 A tout de suite SONIA LA POMPEUSE!!

13/08/2023 in 12h32
slt my holes are available all day make an appointment I come to relieve you

07/08/2023 in 11h54
Bonjour a tous C'est aprem lundi a partir de 14h30 j e reçois chez moi sur st medard centre pour fellation totale avec prise En bouche si vous aimez En principe pour les plus de 40ans NON BARBU pour les autres plus jeunes a voir apres discussion ANTILLAIS ET TOURISTES bien venus !! PLANS A PLUSIEUS AUSSI a plus j'attends vos SMS OU TEL AU 0620844026 A tout a l"heure

04/08/2023 in 12h44
Hi I'm available until 4pm, give me an appointment I suck, I do facial anal

01/08/2023 in 15h41
People tonight for sucked

11/07/2023 in 11h42
who is available to relieve themselves my holes are available contact me

09/07/2023 in 12h15
come and empty yourself I offer my holes what your wife doesn't want I do contact me quickly and it's free LOL

07/07/2023 in 18h02
he came I sucked my soda and ended up with a facial cumshot I want more please contact me

07/07/2023 in 14h09
in light transparent thong dress I offer my holes Contact me

06/07/2023 in 11h18
am available this afternoon make an appointment

05/07/2023 in 07h16
I offer my holes give an appointment

03/07/2023 in 13h49
slt dispo tout cet aprm au bois ou wc leclerc

02/07/2023 in 15h05
suis dispo jusqua 20H donnez RDV

28/06/2023 in 11h11
slt suis dispo jusqua 20 H donnez RDV

25/06/2023 in 13h52
Bonjour disponible cet aprem dimanche sur st medard je reçois pour fellation compléte plus de 40ans en principe plus jeune a voir ensembles !! accepte a plusieurs !!tres gourmande a tout d e suite

19/06/2023 in 14h05
slt qui vient se faire vider je suce me fais sodo faciale dispo juqua 17H30 contactez moi

18/06/2023 in 15h02
suis dispo jusqua 18H donnez rdv

15/06/2023 in 21h45
Who wants to go for a bike ride with me?

14/06/2023 in 22h41
I'm passing by by bike on Friday morning, looking for a nice meeting

14/06/2023 in 11h40
Bonjour dispo cet aprem mercrsdi 14 juin pour vidange totale sur st medard centre je reçois a ârtir de 14h00 z4h30 et pourquoi pas en soirée en principe pour les plus de 40ans MAIS TOUTES DEMANDES SERA EXAMINEE §§ cONTACT tel ou sms ou message ici 06 20 84 40 26 a

12/06/2023 in 11h47
available from 1:15 p.m. give an appointment I come to relieve you with my mouth and my anal pussy

06/06/2023 in 10h47
Bonjour a TOUS ou presque >( ceci s'adresse aux plus de 40ans plus jeune a voir ensembles mais pas impossible tentez votre chance !!) Cet apres midi MARDI 06 JUIN ET MERCREDI 07 a partir de 14h30 je reçois sur ST MEDARD EN JALLES centre un ou PLUSIEURS hommes en meme temps pour fellation NATURE TOTALE !!pour plus ?? A voir ensembles Contacts par message ici ou SMS OU TEL au 0620844026 A tout a l"heure Sonia la gourmande !!

28/05/2023 in 12h06
slt suis dispo toute la journée donnez RDV merci

27/05/2023 in 11h15
Bonjour a tous POSSIBILITE de recevoir cet apres midi a st medard en jalles centre pour fellation totale contactez moi j e reçois sans pbs 0620844026 A tout a l heure bises sonia la suceuse

26/05/2023 in 16h51
Bonjour Libre ce soir vers 21h00 sur st medard en jalles ou me deolace qui est intéréssé ??contact 0620844026 dispo une bonn epartie d ela nuit cONTACTEZ MOI vous ne serez pas deçu PLAN A PLUSIEURS ENVISAGEABLE y compris gouinage avec autre trave !! A tout de suite sonia

22/05/2023 in 11h11
Bonjour a tous DISPO cet aprem 22 mai sur st medard centre a partir de 14h00 pour les plus de 40 ans en principe MAIS toute demande sera etudiée avec le plus grand intérét et il sera répondu a TOUS FELLEATION TOTALE AVEC EJACULATION EN BOUCHE J'AVALE !! PAS de sodomie ce jour Appelez moi ou SMS AU 0620844026 MERCI TRAVAil soigné et NON VENAL!! sonia la croqueuse

21/05/2023 in 13h12
I'll be there around 1:30 p.m. I have an appointment, come

21/05/2023 in 10h34
hello to all possibility this afternoon May 21 to give you a good drain for the over 40s the youngest to see on st medard in jalles center I receive call quickly or text on 0620844026 SERIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT NO RABBIT if ok between us PLANS A SEVERAL accepted I'm waiting for you sonia the greedy

20/05/2023 in 10h46
hello to all This Saturday, May 20th available at my place in st medard en jalles from 2:00 p.m. for TOTAL FELLETION with taking in the mouth I swallow!! For more than 40 years younger to see?? Contact me at 0620844026 see you very soon you will not be disappointed SEVERAL PLANS ACCEPTED if you are discreet sonia

19/05/2023 in 14h00
I want to suck a good cock; I go there around 5 p.m.

19/05/2023 in 11h41
hello to all plan still valid today (May 19) on st MEDARD center (total fellatio) for those over 40 years old I receive between 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. or after 6:00 p.m. sonia the swallowing slut!!!

18/05/2023 in 11h13
Hello For those who are interested from 2:30 p.m. on st medard center available for total emptying!!

16/05/2023 in 11h35
Bonjour a tous mon annonce d hier sur st medard centre est TOUJURS valable !!z cet aprem bises n(hasitez pas!sonia la suceuse gourmande

16/05/2023 in 11h05
Who's there this afternoon?

15/05/2023 in 11h31
Bonjour a tous Apres un absence trop longue a mon gout et peut etre le votre me voila a nouveau opérationnelle pour votre plaisir et le mien !! toujours expérte en fellation totale avec prise en bouche chez moi sur st medard centre a partir de cet aprem 14h30 ( lundi 15 mai) Je vous attends sms ou appel 0620844026 ou messages ici !! A plusieurs possible a tres vite sonia la suceuse

14/05/2023 in 12h51
Hi, I'm available until 8 p.m., make an appointment and I'll come and help you out.

01/05/2023 in 12h26
contact me am available

28/04/2023 in 12h15
Is this place still good?

27/04/2023 in 14h21
slt who wants to get sucked?

22/04/2023 in 15h39
slt am available until 7 p.m. give appointment I come to empty you with the mouth

16/04/2023 in 16h34
make an appointment I COME TO SUCK AND MORE

10/04/2023 in 14h01
am available make an appointment

10/04/2023 in 11h00
hello to all Available this Monday from 2:30 p.m. at my house on st medard center meeting alone or with several are the goods come only for total fellatio with taking in the mouth!! contact sms or call 0620844026 See you very soon you will not be disappointed !! sonia the greedy greedy

08/04/2023 in 14h04
am available make an appointment

29/03/2023 in 11h50
Hello For those over 40 years old THANK YOU available this afternoon receive from 2:30 p.m. on st medard center for total fellatio immediately text or call 0620844026 SONIA the pompous

28/03/2023 in 16h31
Hi, I'll go there around 5:15 p.m.

26/03/2023 in 18h52
Hello everyone For tomorrow, Monday, March 27 in the afternoon, looking for one or more well-endowed men for an afternoon of total blowjobs with grip in the mouth and such a good feeling I SWALLOW!! at home on st medard center (easy parking) I receive from 2:30 p.m. Leave me a message here or on 0620844026 by SMS I give address IMPERATIVE FOR MORE THAN 40 YEARS MINIMUM AND BEYOND WITHOUT LIMIT See you tomorrow I'll be waiting for you!!

25/03/2023 in 12h34
slt am available this afternoon make an appointment

18/03/2023 in 18h19
donnez RDV sui dispo

14/03/2023 in 11h30
slt am available this afternoon to enhance your cocks with my holes give an appointment

13/03/2023 in 11h32
am available from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. make an appointment

12/03/2023 in 12h52
suis dispo j'usqua 16H et de 20H A 23H

22/02/2023 in 11h21
Hello I am receiving this day men over 40 years old at my house in st medard center! aprtir from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Those interested can leave messages here or sms or call on 0620844026 See you later you won't be disappointed lol ps/ If GAYS want to come I CAN BE A MAN FOR THEIR PLEASURES!!

16/02/2023 in 13h48
hello Available this afternoon on st medard center I receive!! 0620844026 over 40 years old thank you to the other younger ones to see!! CAN come to two GAY WELCOMES! (would be in this case as a man) See you soon

01/02/2023 in 13h59
Available first class hotel eysines during the day I am waiting for you

31/01/2023 in 12h58
hello from 3:00 p.m. on st medard center I receive !! I'm waiting for you 0620844026 kisses The sonia sex swallower !!

30/01/2023 in 17h23
Hello Looking for tomorrow Tuesday, January 31 a third partner around 3:00 p.m. at my place on st medard center for a threesome or why not four A non-negotiable IMPERATIVE!! BEING OVER 40 AND BEYOND!! Leave me a message here or SMS at 0620844026 See you tomorrow you won't be disappointed!! The greedy pompous sonia

27/01/2023 in 13h21
slt am available until 3:30 p.m. contact me

26/01/2023 in 13h50
hello Available this afternoon at my house on st medard center for good emptying who is interested?? preference for more than 40 years for the other younger to see See you immediately contact 0620844026 I am waiting for you even to several !! kisses naughty sonia

16/01/2023 in 16h51
am available make an appointment

12/01/2023 in 14h32
hello Available this afternoon on st medard center right now!! complete blowjob 0620844026 See you right away alone or have several kisses sonia

10/01/2023 in 11h19
hello to ALL the OVER 40s !!! To start the year off right, I suggest you AT HOME in st medard en jalles center to do you alone or to SEVERAL a good TOTAL emptying (without condoms and taken in the mouth and so good feeling J SWALLOWED!!!) I WILL RECEIVE YOU from 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.!! leave me message here and I will give you ADDRESS or by SMS on 0620844026 I await your many requests you will not be disappointed!! IN PRINCIPLE FROM 40 YEARS OLD AND BEYOND WITHOUT LIMITS §FOR THE YOUNGEST TRY ACCORDING TO YOUR PRESENTATION EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE Vicious kisses to all SONIA LA POMPEUSE

01/01/2023 in 13h54
hello to all on this day I send you ALL MY WISHES for the new year including the most unmentionable and hope just like me that we will have beautiful naughty encounters alone or with several Kisses cpquines to all and all see you very soon at home where you are sonia

01/01/2023 in 12h04
le premier de l'année que je suce je prend jus en faciale bouche ouverte suis dispo donnez RDV

31/12/2022 in 15h44
suis dispo jusqua 18H donnez RDV

30/12/2022 in 14h37
suis dispo donnez RDV

27/12/2022 in 13h30
available until 2.15 p.m. or after 5 p.m. for your relief Make an appointment

26/12/2022 in 17h33
suis dispo donnez RDV

26/12/2022 in 13h51
Bonjour Dispo cet aprem chez moi sur st medard centre pour votre vidange !! UNIQUEMENT pour PLUS de 40ans 0620844026 SMS ou tel A tout de suite sonia

25/12/2022 in 12h35
suis dispo qui m'offre son jus donnez RDV

22/12/2022 in 11h46
Hello Available this afternoon at my house on st medard center for complete emptying Announcement for the over 40s From 2:30 p.m. Contacts here or by text 0620844026 See you later Ps. ACCEPTED PLAN FOR SEVERAL MAKE OFFERS THANK YOU

05/12/2022 in 14h12
am available this afternoon make an appointment

29/11/2022 in 14h13
Hello This is for FOOTBALL LOVERS!! Tomorrow Wednesday, Nov 30, I receive with a friend trave on ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTER around 3:00 p.m. MEN OVER 40 years old to watch together, among other things, the football match of the French team Mouth or other treats!!will be administered to you during the event!!!PLEASE NOTE places are limited in the FAN ZONE!!Taliban style bearded men will not be admitted for others try your luck by leaving a message here or by calling or SMS to 0620844026 You will not be disappointed and may the best win!!PS Announcement NOT sold but a few bubbles will be welcome!!lol

30/10/2022 in 11h30
available this Sunday make an appointment thank you

25/10/2022 in 17h26
am available I usqua 20H

24/10/2022 in 11h12
am available from 1:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. make an appointment

22/10/2022 in 17h37
suis dispo contactez moi

21/10/2022 in 14h24
suis dispo donnez rdv

18/10/2022 in 11h28
Bonjour C est aprem MARDI a partir de 14h00 SUR st medard centre pour LES PLUS DE 40ANS je RECOIS a partir DE 14H00 14H30 POUR UNIQUEMENT fellation TOTALE !! ACCEPTE A PLUSIEURS !! Contact ici ou par sms ou tel au 0620844026 A tres bientot n'hesitez pas !!lol sonia

17/10/2022 in 14h26
my appointment at 1:30 p.m. was there I suck guys off watch it my ejaculation on the bra and face big ejaculation Whose turn?

17/10/2022 in 11h21
am available from 1:30 p.m. give an appointment I come to you relieved

15/10/2022 in 16h52
I'll be there around 5 p.m.

13/10/2022 in 10h17
Bonjour Chez moi sur ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTRE je reçois c'est apres midi a partir de 14h00 les PLUS de 40ans qui veulent se faire bien vidanger !! ACCEPTE plan a plusieurs sans violences ME contacter ici par message ou par tel qu 0620844026 SMS ou appel Annonce NON VENALE que du plaisir !! A tout a l'heure sonia

11/10/2022 in 13h01
I'm going to the woods this afternoon, make an appointment, I have shrooms (especially the tails)

10/10/2022 in 11h17
dispo a partir de 13H30 donnez RDV

10/10/2022 in 11h15
I can go

09/10/2022 in 17h45
am available contact me I'll join you

06/10/2022 in 16h57
jy serais vers 17H30 venez

06/10/2022 in 14h07
suis dispo contactez moi

05/10/2022 in 14h50
am available give appointment

22/09/2022 in 11h41
je viens de sucer Romantico trop bonne sa bite faites comme lui donnez moi RDV et je vous rejoins pour une bonne pipe suis dispo cet aprm

14/09/2022 in 10h59
who want my holes?? am available make an appointment

13/09/2022 in 14h17
Bonjour Chez moi sur st medard centre a partir d e15h00 vidange totale 0620844026 j evous attends plus de 40ans

12/09/2022 in 18h27
suis dispo donnez RDV

04/09/2022 in 15h24
who wants to empty?? am available ask!!!

03/09/2022 in 14h42
am available I am looking for mushrooms (especially tails) give an appointment

02/09/2022 in 08h29
am available make an appointment

28/08/2022 in 14h52

22/08/2022 in 11h30
hello to all those over 40 years old!! This afternoon available on ST MEDARD CENTER I receive from 2:00 p.m.: 2:30 p.m. for only COMPLETE DRAIN!! Contact me here or by such sms first at 0620844026 See you later? I receive until 7:00 p.m. TWO ZNSEMBLES FRIENDS WILL BE WELCOME sonia la vidanjeuge !! lol

21/08/2022 in 11h50
give an appointment walk in the woods I suck you

20/08/2022 in 11h21
Hi, I'm available until 8 p.m., give an appointment, I'll join you to relieve you (blowjob, soda, facial)

16/08/2022 in 14h10
qui dispo ?? je suce reel

14/08/2022 in 14h51
am available give appointment

13/08/2022 in 12h06
who available??

10/08/2022 in 12h34
make an appointment I come to relieve you

09/08/2022 in 11h51
POUR leur faire un e bonn evidange compléte avec finition en bouche Pas d e peénétration Si intéréssés ?? laissez moi message ou tel ou sms au 0620844026 La gaterie commencera vers 14h00 14h30 A tout de suite pour prendre rendez vous ACCEPTE plusieurs a la fois Vous ne serez pas déçus !!je tiens mes engagements sonia

09/08/2022 in 11h46
Bonjour a tous les locaux et touristes!! pouqui la plage devient monotone !!lol Cet apres midi MARDI 09 je reçois CHEZ MOI A ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTRE des hommes MURS plus de 45ans MINIMUM pour leur faire un e

08/08/2022 in 15h45
am available contact me quickly

07/08/2022 in 13h14
qui dispo pour se faire sucer reel contactez moi

05/08/2022 in 12h03
qui je suce ??? contactez moi

01/08/2022 in 13h52
On the spot in a quarter of an hour. I can wait a quarter of an hour on the spot

31/07/2022 in 10h44
slt am available all day enjoy it contact me

29/07/2022 in 17h42
slt suis dispo contactez moi vite

28/07/2022 in 22h52
this Friday around ten o'clock

28/07/2022 in 14h25
Hello, I go there by poaching around 6:00 p.m.

28/07/2022 in 12h21
slt am available contact me

28/07/2022 in 00h29
around ten o'clock

28/07/2022 in 00h28
I spend Friday morning, who wants a mouth

27/07/2022 in 11h29
Hello Who is interested from 40 years AT HOME IN ST MEDARD CENTER by a good COMPLETE emptying from 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. in discreet and air-conditioned apprt !! Contact me I give such and address!! See you soon Sonia the pompous

26/07/2022 in 11h08
am available for you relieved contact me quickly I accept what your women refuse (facial, soda,) see you soon

25/07/2022 in 10h50
I go there around 11:15 a.m. / 11:30 a.m.

23/07/2022 in 10h34
if you want to relieve yourself contact me I will join you in the woods

22/07/2022 in 10h51
slt always at your disposal for your cocks contact me

21/07/2022 in 14h51
slt am available for your cocks contact me

19/07/2022 in 08h11
slt it's less hot take out your cocks contact me I'll join you I do what women refuse (BLOWJOB Facial sodo fisting) am available all day I'm waiting for your messages

17/07/2022 in 10h02
slt if you have a desire contact me am available I do what women refuse blowjob facial soda

16/07/2022 in 13h10
am available for your cocks ask

14/07/2022 in 10h43
a pipe in the shade of the wood is very pleasant, isn't it? make an appointment I'll join you

13/07/2022 in 14h21
I suck I do soda contact me am available

12/07/2022 in 12h04
my holes available for your cocks

11/07/2022 in 15h17
suis dispo jusqua 21h

10/07/2022 in 18h02
two appointments since noon two beautiful cocks to suck and soda I want more give an appointment I stay connected

10/07/2022 in 10h59
slt am available all day for you relieved I do what your women refuse suck soda face Contact me we meet in the woods For whoever likes I can put mini skirt thong See you soon

09/07/2022 in 16h54
always available for your cocks until 9 p.m. write to me

09/07/2022 in 11h36

08/07/2022 in 17h04
my mouth is available contact me

07/07/2022 in 11h04

06/07/2022 in 17h20
Passing through Saturday morning towards Lacanau looking for a plan

05/07/2022 in 11h47
hello to all Available this afternoon for total emptying on ST MEDARD CENTER from e14 pm MORE THAN 40 YEARS!! Men EVEN TO SEVERAL welcome as well as GAY love traves as well as couples we can dream but hey it's noted See you later contact by SMS or tel on 06 75 47 01 19 Kisses to all sonia the pompous

05/07/2022 in 11h27
slt am available this apm to go to the mushrooms I am especially looking for the tails come contact me quickly

04/07/2022 in 11h54
Bonjour, Ma chérie et moi seront de passage à proximité pour deux semaines à compter du 10 août. Nous cherchons à réaliser première expérience exhib, dogging voir plus si affinités. En toute discrétion, avec un petit groupe d'hommes de 3 ou 4 maximum. Pas de critères particuliers, sinon hygiène, discrétion et respect des limites qui seront fixées. Bonus pour les sexes épais et les gros gicleurs Le moment venu un numéro de téléphone sera exigé Vous pouvez d'ores et déjà nous adresser vos candidatures

04/07/2022 in 11h44
Bonjour Madame est peut etre partie avec les enfants en vacances !! ne serait il pas le moment de FAIRE ENFIN ce qui vous passe par le tete depuis un certains temps VOUS LES HOMMES DE PLUS DE 40ANS!! lol Pour cela vous avez la possibilité de venir me voir cet apres midi lundi a partir de 14h30 CHEZ MOI A ST MEDARD EN JALLES CENTRE pour peut etre recevoir ce que madame n'aime pas vous faire !!a savoir une bonne et belle fellation TOTALE nature !! A vous de voir pour cela contactez moi par SMS ou tel ou tel 0620844026 je reçois aussi bien les hommes meme a plusieurs !! que les gays !! A cet aprem sonia la suceuse

04/07/2022 in 11h13
available from 1:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. FOR YOU SOULAG2S CONTACT ME

04/07/2022 in 10h35
dispo je passe au bois ds 15 minutes

03/07/2022 in 17h33
suis dispo jusauq 20 H contactez moi

02/07/2022 in 20h16
I'm spending Saturday 9 early towards Lacanau I'm looking for a plan in the area

02/07/2022 in 15h43
I offer my cock for plan and good ejaculation in speed sex mode without blabla

02/07/2022 in 10h10
suis dispo jusqua 11H30

02/07/2022 in 08h43
I'm going to go there around 9:30/45

01/07/2022 in 09h54
my mouth available contact me quickly

30/06/2022 in 09h14
slt my holes available from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and all this afternoon 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Make an appointment

29/06/2022 in 11h16
Bonjour quels sont celui ou ceux intéréssés par une bonne vidange sur ST MEDARD en JALLES CENTRE cet apres midi a partir de 14h00 Reçois dans appart discet coquet et climatisé !! Accepte homme seul ou a plusieurs MAIS AYANT PLUS DE 40ANS AUCUNE dérogation n'est possible (_ COUPLES acceptés on peut toujours réver ce n'est pas encore interdit ou Femme seule pour tres bon CUNNI!!qu'on se le dise !! lol) A cet aprem contactez moi par SMS OU TEL au 06 20 84 40 26 Vous ne serez pas déçu!! lol sonia le suceuse !!

27/06/2022 in 14h15
my holes available until 8:30 p.m. contact me quickly

27/06/2022 in 10h05

26/06/2022 in 11h43
slt dispo ce dimanche contactez moi on se donne RDV et je vous suce

26/06/2022 in 01h06
jy passes around 11:30 am make an appointment

25/06/2022 in 16h46
slt my holes are available contact me

25/06/2022 in 11h34
Bonjour Par ce temps maussade je reçois cet apres midi chez moi sur ST MEDRAD CENTRE a partir d e 14h30 pour une vidange totale !! avec prise en bouche un ou des hommes !Pas de sodomie ce jour PETIT DETAIL PLUS DE 40ANS ! PAS DE DEROGATION Les gays sont aussi les biens venus si intéréssés !! un couple OUI on a le droit de rever!! Me contacter au 0620844026 par sms ou tel Vous etes les biens venus bises a tous sonia le suceuse

24/06/2022 in 12h00
I'll be in pretty wood in 5 minutes 12:05 / 12:10

23/06/2022 in 17h02
am available

23/06/2022 in 11h17
mes trous dispo de 13H30 A 21H contactez moi

22/06/2022 in 18h15
am available until 8/8:30 p.m. CONTACT ME

21/06/2022 in 08h56
slt suis dispo pour vous sucer et plus contatez moi je vais passer au bois

20/06/2022 in 08h34
I come around 11:15 a.m. take out your cocks I suck contact me

19/06/2022 in 11h01
my holes will be available from 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. contact me I'll join you in the woods

19/06/2022 in 09h46
I go to the wood around 10 a.m.

17/06/2022 in 12h45
my holes available contact me quickly

16/06/2022 in 12h46
cc I'm going to go for a walk in the woods around 1 p.m.

15/06/2022 in 14h45
my three available until 8 p.m. write to me make an appointment I'll join you in the woods

14/06/2022 in 11h26
Bjr available from 1:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. Contact me

13/06/2022 in 09h04
available from 11.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. contact me

12/06/2022 in 14h17
slt am available until 6 p.m. contact me

10/06/2022 in 08h06
my mouth at your disposal Contact me I come to the wood to empty you

09/06/2022 in 08h26
Hi, I'm available for your women's cocks or pussies from 11:15 a.m. Contact me

08/06/2022 in 15h43
who wants to empty my holes are available contact me

08/06/2022 in 08h21
slt envie d'une bouche ou plus?? contactez moi je vous rejoins et j'offre mes trous a tres vite

07/06/2022 in 16h02
Hello, do you have people?

07/06/2022 in 14h56
qui veux se vidé ?? suis dispo contactez moi merci

07/06/2022 in 08h19
I'll be available from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and this Aprm from 1:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. contact me for an appointment I'll join you I'll suck you off without talking several at a time without any problem I love facials Possible soda if condoms I can be in a mini thong skirt

06/06/2022 in 11h40
Hi, I'm available all day for you, solated Contact me, I'll join you in the woods quickly A good cumshot before resuming tomorrow, humm I'm waiting for your messages

05/06/2022 in 20h26
am still available

05/06/2022 in 14h36
contact me my holes are available until 8 p.m. or more

05/06/2022 in 11h05
available this afternoon contact me

04/06/2022 in 16h02
slt am available contact me I come to suck you

03/06/2022 in 17h00
I'm going there tomorrow afternoon around 2 p.m., want a cock

03/06/2022 in 11h51
am available until 1:45 p.m. if you want to empty contact me quickly

03/06/2022 in 08h20
am available from 11 am to 1 pm contact me

02/06/2022 in 14h03
slt suis dispo tout cet aprm contactez moi je vous rejoint au bois et je vous soulage

02/06/2022 in 07h59
dispo cette journée contactez moi je vous rejoind au bois suis pas loin

01/06/2022 in 18h16
still available until 8 p.m.

01/06/2022 in 13h10
am available until 4 p.m. to suck you and more contact me

01/06/2022 in 10h43
slt am available for you relieved contact me thank you

31/05/2022 in 17h52
I am available for an oil change after your job contact me quickly

31/05/2022 in 13h32
I offer my holes and I can be in a thong mini skirt if you like

31/05/2022 in 13h18
here I am available I am waiting for your messages and I come to empty you

31/05/2022 in 11h30
slt suis dispo de 13H30 a 20H environ contactez moi je vous rejoins au bois suis pas loin et je vous soulage

29/05/2022 in 14h15
je viens de faiore une rencontre une bonne bite contactez moi suis encore dispo

29/05/2022 in 11h59
slt suis dispo ce dimanche jusqua 19 H / 20H Contactez moi je vous rejoint au bois (suis a 5 minutes) j'offres mes trous si vous aimez je peu etre en mini jupe string J'attends vos messages

28/05/2022 in 21h54
suis dispo encore 1h contactez moi vite

28/05/2022 in 13h38
I go there around 3 p.m., I want to suck

27/05/2022 in 11h41
Hi, I'm available until 7 or 8 p.m., contact me, we'll meet, I'm coming to join you, I'm 5 minutes away, I'm relieved with my mouth or my little hole, I'm waiting for your messages, don't be shy LOL

26/05/2022 in 14h06
suis dispo jusqua 19H et apres on cherche un troisieme pour me sodo en double je recois vers 19H30 2 ou 3 mecs serais bien venus J 'attends vos messages merci

26/05/2022 in 11h32
pas de volontaire pour se faire soulagé ???

26/05/2022 in 09h29
Hi, I'm available all day, contact me, I'm 5 minutes from the woods, I'm coming quickly, relieved

26/05/2022 in 08h23
I go there around 9:30 a.m.

25/05/2022 in 18h09
contact me I'm 5 minutes away I'm available until 7:30 p.m.

24/05/2022 in 13h51
I'm available until 7:30/8 PM Contact me I'll join you I'm 5 minutes away I pump, take a facial, give me soda if I have a condom

24/05/2022 in 08h24
available from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and this afternoon 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. I'm 5 minutes away so quickly on the spot A very cock

23/05/2022 in 12h08
slt am available from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. contact me I'll join you

22/05/2022 in 17h32
I only sucked a cock am still available contact me until max 7 p.m.

22/05/2022 in 15h28
Until what time?

22/05/2022 in 14h59
slt am available this afternoon contact me I'm coming

21/05/2022 in 18h16
suis dispo demnadez moi

21/05/2022 in 13h48
am available to make an appointment

17/05/2022 in 13h41
I just went there, a car to park and a guy on foot but no volunteer to get sucked Give me an appointment I come to you relieved

15/05/2022 in 23h34
Monday around 11:30 a.m. I'll be there for you emptied

14/05/2022 in 12h27
make an appointment, I'll go by bike, you'll be relieved

11/05/2022 in 10h53
Hi, I'll be there around 11:15 a.m.

08/05/2022 in 17h19
Bonsoir A fin de satisfaire les nombreuses personnes qui m'ont contactée et qui ne pouvaient pas se rendre libre ce dimanche!! difficile de se liberer le dimanche !!lol!!pour les satisfaire j'ai decidé de poursuivre mon offre de VIDANGE compléte a CE lundi 09 mai a partir de 14h30 Vous pouvez prendre rendez vous aujourd hui jusqu"a 22h00 au tel ou demain matin a partir de 09h00 par sms ou tel au 0620844026 Je m'arrangerai pour tous vous satisfaire si vous avez AU MOINS 40ANS que vous soyez homme femme couples accepte aussi les gays ou plusieurs hommes ensembles !Bonne soirée a tous ou bonjour a ceux qui me liront lundi matin Je vous attends vous ne serrez pas déçus!! bises a TOUS ET TOUTES Coquine sonia

08/05/2022 in 11h53
Bonjour Pour ceux que ça intérésse TOUJOURS mon annonce d'hier est toujours valable a partir de 14h30 chez moi sur st medard centre !! J'attends vos appels !vous ne serez pas déçus!! 0620844026 sonia la gourmande !!j'adore le sperme en bouche !!venez me satisfaire seul ou a plusieurs ou en COUPLE !!! MAIS AYANT ¨PUS DE 40ans !!MERCI de respecter mon choix

03/05/2022 in 13h49
suis dispo donnez rdv je viens vous soulagé

02/05/2022 in 12h35
slt suis dispo donnez rdv Merci

23/04/2022 in 08h52
I can be there in 45 minutes to be pumped if interested pm

17/04/2022 in 11h37
slt am available this Sunday and tomorrow, make an appointment I come to relieve you

05/04/2022 in 15h06
hello at my house only this day on st medard center receive as a man or transvestite men (possible for two!) for only emptying by fellatio!! If you like try your luck!! message here or text or tel at 0620844026 possible from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. I'm waiting for you sonia

03/04/2022 in 11h36
slt dispo toute la journée donnez RDV on se rencontre Hier deux fois ds le bois que du bonheur

02/04/2022 in 16h54
deux RDV = 2 bonne bites qui dispo ??

02/04/2022 in 11h29
Hi, I'm available, give an appointment, I come to relieve you

27/03/2022 in 11h54
slt suis dispo ce dimanche donnez RDV je viens vous soulager je fais tout ce que vos femmes refusent suce ,sodo,faciale J'attends vos messages

24/03/2022 in 09h08
make an appointment am available I come to empty you

22/03/2022 in 13h59

21/03/2022 in 12h36
slt am available give appointment I come to empty you

20/03/2022 in 16h27
jt passes around 5 p.m. come I suck

12/03/2022 in 16h50
Who to make me suck?

09/03/2022 in 12h43
slt suis dispo donnez rdv je vous rejoint

04/02/2022 in 10h51
I'll be there around 11 a.m. this morning

31/01/2022 in 15h39
slt I can go there, give an appointment

28/01/2022 in 14h35
Hi I'm available all this afternoon contact me

27/01/2022 in 15h11
Hi, I'm available until 6 p.m. Make an appointment

02/01/2022 in 15h52
jy passe vers 16H10 qui je suce

31/12/2021 in 12h58
who squirted in my face

29/12/2021 in 16h29
slt am available give appointment THANK YOU

06/12/2021 in 14h54
am available this afternoon make an appointment I am coming

05/12/2021 in 14h26
slt am available to do you good I do what your wives refuse Make an appointment

26/11/2021 in 15h06
slt am available to satisfy you give an appointment

25/11/2021 in 15h01
slt give appointment I come to you relieved

21/10/2021 in 14h30
slt am available give appointment I come to empty you

17/10/2021 in 15h00
je vais y passer mes trous sonr pres a vous recevoir

14/10/2021 in 16h22
slt i will spend 15 minutes there

13/10/2021 in 17h34
People today 5:30 p.m. 6 p.m.

10/10/2021 in 15h36
Lots of people this afternoon

10/10/2021 in 14h57
SLT am available for you relieved, I do what your wives refuse, I suck, do myself anal, take a facial ejaculation Make an appointment

07/10/2021 in 14h42
Slt am available give appointment I come to relieve you I do what your women refuse I suck, take facial and sodomy

05/10/2021 in 15h23
Hello, give me an appointment I come to relieve you; I do what your women refuse Suck facial anal

30/09/2021 in 05h35
I am empty ball 0614418854

24/09/2021 in 13h46
slt am available to relieve you contact me

30/08/2021 in 14h53
I'm available for you relieved Give me an appointment and I'll come

25/08/2021 in 14h22
Hi I'm available for your cocks, make an appointment and I'll come

19/08/2021 in 12h32
slt suis dispo donnez rdv je viens vous soulager avec ma bouche ou ma chatte anale et une bonne faciale a tres vite

14/08/2021 in 17h58
Hello, I'm looking for a plan to make him suck

17/07/2021 in 17h10
I'm there until Monday

11/06/2021 in 07h56
I'm in St Medard tonight (Friday 11/06). Looking for a fun plan....

01/05/2021 in 14h56
You can contact me by mp I am open to proposals

01/05/2021 in 14h44
Looking for a woman or a couple, I can move to another place

30/04/2021 in 20h26
Is this place still relevant today?

07/01/2021 in 18h56
Where is it for a good blowjob?

20/12/2020 in 15h01
Hi am available give an appointment

25/10/2020 in 13h11
who wants to get sucked this aprm ?? Give an appointment I'm available

22/10/2020 in 05h32
Where in the woods?

21/10/2020 in 16h55
am available who do I suck ??

20/10/2020 in 17h36
Hi am available tonight I can receive for sex party contact me

19/10/2020 in 13h23
am available contact me

08/10/2020 in 13h56
hello if you need contact moivite i will relieve you

06/10/2020 in 11h53
Hello dicks contact me I'm available

01/10/2020 in 12h25
I pass around 3:30 p.m.

24/09/2020 in 13h49
I will pass around 4:30 p.m.

24/09/2020 in 11h36
I am available and in need contact me

17/09/2020 in 11h52
I go to wood in 10 minutes take out your dicks

16/09/2020 in 17h21
Are there people around to suck me off?

15/09/2020 in 12h47
please contact me

14/09/2020 in 16h44
I go to the woods around 5 p.m.

14/09/2020 in 11h17
available for you relieved contacted me

12/09/2020 in 13h44
am available until 7 p.m. give me an appointment

10/09/2020 in 13h04
available this aprm from 1:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. contact me

09/09/2020 in 13h48
hi am available for you relieved contact me

07/09/2020 in 18h31
am available until 7:30 p.m. give an appointment

03/09/2020 in 14h17
who available this aprm am free contact me

02/09/2020 in 12h00
am available contact me

01/09/2020 in 11h43
hi am available all day contact me

31/08/2020 in 18h31
who come contact me quickly

31/08/2020 in 16h16
am available contact me

31/08/2020 in 10h57
I'm going to spend a while

29/08/2020 in 18h17
am still available a good hour contact me quickly

29/08/2020 in 11h12
available give an appointment

28/08/2020 in 11h30
available until 6 p.m. or more make an appointment

26/08/2020 in 13h17
am available contact me

26/08/2020 in 10h38
I would pass around 11:45 / 12

25/08/2020 in 12h23
hello I can be in the woods every day to give you pleasure. contact me for an appointment Thank you

25/08/2020 in 12h21
Hello, I'm available until 6.30 p.m. contact me thank you

22/08/2020 in 12h31
am disspo until 2:30 p.m. contact me

20/08/2020 in 12h39
Well available this aprm give an appointment

18/08/2020 in 12h19
am available give an appointment

17/08/2020 in 11h32
Hi I'm available contact me if you want to empty yourself

16/08/2020 in 16h10
Hello, I'm going to go there, who's coming? give an appointment here quickly

15/08/2020 in 15h07
sui available until 5 p.m. contact me

14/08/2020 in 11h09
Hello, I'm available until 7 p.m. contact me

13/08/2020 in 11h33
Hello, I'm available, leave a message I'm sucking you, you're holding the umbrella lol Make an appointment here I'm waiting for your cocks, thank you

12/08/2020 in 17h51
Here the appointment came I suck it my sodomy with condom too good Give appointment I can come back

12/08/2020 in 16h36
yesterday 4 cocks great day I will go to the woods around 5:15 pm in principle ji an appointment You can come

11/08/2020 in 15h59
thanks to the two guys who came, I sucked 2 cocks, one my anal and fisted and 2 good cumshots on face and chest. Here are 4 cocks for the moment. Who will be the fifth? and the sixth to beat my score which e 5. contact me quickly am available until 17h3 maxi

11/08/2020 in 13h19
I come from the wood 2 good pipes. Am available contact me I would like to exceed my score of 5 pipes as of the same day in wood nice please come Again 3 before 7pm

11/08/2020 in 10h49
I'm going to the woods around 11:15 am I have an appointment several cocks welcome come

10/08/2020 in 13h42
am available this aprm which comes to be emptied and filled me

09/08/2020 in 16h58
who is available ??

09/08/2020 in 12h38
Plan sucks fast?

08/08/2020 in 16h26
Please make an appointment, I'm at 10 minutes, I'll be there around 4:45 p.m.

01/08/2020 in 14h06
Hello, give an appointment I am available until 6 p.m.

26/07/2020 in 18h19
leave me a message I can be there in 10 minutes

26/07/2020 in 12h57
Hello, I'm available this aprm give an appointment I'll come to suck You hold the umbrella I suck, I hold it you sodo me lol original no and you cum on my face I'm waiting for your meeting

20/07/2020 in 19h37
am still available a moment contact me quickly

12/07/2020 in 17h34
available until 7 p.m. give an appointment

12/07/2020 in 14h14
Hello, I'm available until 6 p.m. Give an appointment I come to relieve you of my mouth and pussy available

10/07/2020 in 13h39
I go around 2:30 pm 2:45 pm to suck park along the wood Moi Laurent

03/07/2020 in 11h07
Notice to interested parties ... Available every evening next week until 6:20 p.m.

28/06/2020 in 15h52
As a bitch?

28/06/2020 in 13h24
please make an appointment I'm available until 6.30 p.m.

23/06/2020 in 17h41
am available immediately this day 23/06 give appointment I come am available until 7:30 pm

18/06/2020 in 12h15
I can be there give appointment all this aprm

16/06/2020 in 07h21
Hello world today?

29/02/2020 in 21h55
I am there every day around 5 p.m., 5.30 p.m. and there is a lot of traffic. There are people who park behind the Lyon station but we don't really know what they are looking for ... At times women but hey it doesn't move much

27/01/2020 in 16h48
This site is still relevant? For bcp passage .... it seems difficult even qd.

13/11/2019 in 15h43
am available jusqua 17h contact me

15/10/2019 in 13h21
I go to the wood around 1:45 p.m.

26/09/2019 in 22h55
I spend tomorrow, Friday 27/09 11 am to give appointment here

05/09/2019 in 22h55
Who drain?

01/07/2019 in 07h01
available all day giving RDV thank you

27/06/2019 in 11h34
available APRM give this appointment

25/06/2019 in 09h33
Give'm available by appointment

19/06/2019 in 14h19
Hi am available give RDV

17/06/2019 in 19h23
I would spend the woods to 21h

17/06/2019 in 13h31
Give'm available by appointment

11/06/2019 in 13h17
available this APRM give RDV

30/05/2019 in 13h41
available all this APRM give RDV thank you

28/05/2019 in 09h54
jy passes to 11:15

26/05/2019 in 12h13
am available this APRM

23/05/2019 in 11h18
available from 14h to 17h can give appointment later

20/05/2019 in 08h52
Hi give RDV I just come suck

17/05/2019 in 15h45
I can come give RDV

13/05/2019 in 13h26
Hi am dispocet APRM

12/05/2019 in 10h41
jy pass around 18h

06/05/2019 in 13h20
available this APRM

03/05/2019 in 17h42
Hi- I just be there 15 minutes ds

02/05/2019 in 13h28
Give'm available by appointment

27/04/2019 in 14h43
available this APRM

24/04/2019 in 10h57
jy passes to 11:05

23/04/2019 in 11h13
Hi am available give RDV

22/04/2019 in 09h41
jy going to give 10am appointment

19/04/2019 in 18h51
Good evening I'm going to drink to 7:15 p.m.

16/04/2019 in 11h33
jy would be around 11:30 / 40 just

16/04/2019 in 10h09
am wondering available

15/04/2019 in 18h20
jy pass around 18h30

15/04/2019 in 11h22
Hi'm available today from 15h to Saturday 21h give date and appointment

13/04/2019 in 10h22
dispocet APRM give RDV

11/04/2019 in 17h08
jy would at 17h15

09/04/2019 in 11h12
Hi I am going to drink out around 11:30 I suck your dicks

09/04/2019 in 10h36
am wondering available appointment

07/04/2019 in 12h33
Hi avail this APRM refreshed my holes also let Meeting place

04/04/2019 in 08h25
am available to give suck appointment

02/04/2019 in 10h18
I am available to contact you

26/03/2019 in 18h23
I just spend that come from?

25/03/2019 in 18h25
Hi, I spend every morning around 6:10 you're the !!!! I suck you live before work

24/03/2019 in 10h03
slt jy passes to 10:30 / 45

22/03/2019 in 13h07
available for this APRM your dicks give appointment

19/03/2019 in 23h09
jy happening tomorrow, Wednesday at 17h15 I suck

15/03/2019 in 22h05
available tomorrow give RDV

02/03/2019 in 14h27
am wondering available

24/02/2019 in 16h21
am available jusqua 6:30 p.m. contact me soon

23/02/2019 in 16h11
am available

22/02/2019 in 15h39
am available appointment I just give you suck

13/02/2019 in 18h34
jy happening every Atins to 6:05: / 10 LEAVE message for appointment I suck

27/01/2019 in 14h27
available this APRM give RDV

24/01/2019 in 18h43
am available to give RDV

15/01/2019 in 18h41
I spend little to 7:15 p.m.

13/01/2019 in 18h06
that available?

02/01/2019 in 11h24
sui available offer

30/12/2018 in 00h01
available from 11h to 16h sucks and Anal

24/12/2018 in 13h47
available this APRM jusqua 16h

23/12/2018 in 14h14
available this APRM

11/12/2018 in 06h33
slut receives bitch holding the pussy available from 17h ... SMS 07 64 10 00 97 age and physical picture

20/10/2018 in 14h28

15/10/2018 in 21h08
I suck at 7:10 in the morning

10/10/2018 in 18h35
If a woman trav is available in this sector it is serious in MP

09/10/2018 in 21h30
I spend around 7:10 every morning you're parking dick air ds your car? I ride I live suck .Laissez messages I look tomorrow morning at 6:45 am

08/10/2018 in 14h55
am available at your giving RDV

03/10/2018 in 06h55
I go there at 7:10 a.m.

28/09/2018 in 13h06
available this APRM

25/09/2018 in 17h01
And in the evening there is t he world in this pretty corner?

23/09/2018 in 21h49
I spend at 7:10 ET 5:20 p.m.

21/09/2018 in 12h42
available this APRM and tomorrow give RDV

16/09/2018 in 20h59
I spend around 7:10 every morning and evening 5:20 p.m. give RDV

16/09/2018 in 18h01
available on

15/09/2018 in 14h16
Hi am available this APRM holes and also my contact me soon

14/09/2018 in 16h46
am available contact me

12/09/2018 in 22h48
I spend every morning park you I see you I get ds car I suck you and you're going to work lol a good blowjob before work

11/09/2018 in 23h35
jy passes to 7:05 to suck

09/09/2018 in 19h27
I spend every morning around 7:05 I suck who want to leave here with firstname appointment and thank you car a good blowjob before work this is not cool?

07/09/2018 in 15h14
am available jusqua 18H

04/09/2018 in 17h47
Hi I can go there to relieve you before work every morning around 7:05 / 7:10 give appointment, type of car and surname thank you

02/09/2018 in 17h38
jy passes to 18H

25/08/2018 in 01h44
I can go there around 11 a.m. give an appointment

24/08/2018 in 12h46
am available 14H 18H has GIVE appointment

22/08/2018 in 19h25
jy serais vers 21H OU au bois plaine des Biges

22/08/2018 in 13h43
am available contact me

22/08/2018 in 11h32
I'll be there around 11:30 a.m. until 12 p.m.

21/08/2018 in 16h44
am available now or this evening pretty wood or wood plain berks appointment I just give you suck

20/08/2018 in 18h36
I'm going there tonight between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

20/08/2018 in 10h06
suis dispo donnez RDV

19/08/2018 in 20h34
bois joli ds 10minutes

19/08/2018 in 19h12

19/08/2018 in 13h59
available this afternoon make an appointment thank you

18/08/2018 in 19h30
I go there around 9 p.m.

18/08/2018 in 14h01
I'm going there

18/08/2018 in 13h44
am available contact me quickly

18/08/2018 in 11h47
Anyone available at the beginning of am?

17/08/2018 in 21h31
which come on ,?

16/08/2018 in 21h12
jy suis ds 15 minutes qui viens

16/08/2018 in 10h37
Travs go there down there??

16/08/2018 in 10h25
available all day make an appointment I'm coming

15/08/2018 in 21h20
je vais y passer vers 21H30

15/08/2018 in 16h04
am available leave appointment I'm coming

12/08/2018 in 13h28
am available make an appointment this afternoon

29/07/2018 in 18h24
Good evening Pres st medard en jalles I get AT me tonight in discreet apartment, charming and AIR CONDITIONED for sex !! PREFERABLY over 40 years !! leave message and give you such and address for meeting !! ONLY FOR TONIGHT !! I'll make you a VERY SOON sonia

28/07/2018 in 18h52
I'll spend to 7:15 p.m.

28/07/2018 in 14h04
am available this APRM

27/07/2018 in 12h59
available this APRM give RDV

23/07/2018 in 20h30
I will go there to 21H

22/07/2018 in 11h31
Hi'm available all this APRM give me RDV I just suck you and me soda for those who want even has PLUSIEUR

21/07/2018 in 14h31

08/07/2018 in 21h11
The evening not for me

08/07/2018 in 20h58

08/07/2018 in 15h17
J try to spend Tuesday at 11h

02/07/2018 in 18h53
available that I suck give appointment

01/07/2018 in 17h48
I'll spend to 6:15 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.

01/07/2018 in 09h57
'm available I'll go to 10:15 / 30

19/06/2018 in 11h04
Thursday morning around 10am jy threw an eye. ... I do not know this place

17/06/2018 in 17h50
jy going to give RDV 6:15 p.m.

08/06/2018 in 17h00
am available that just gives appointment

27/05/2018 in 10h16
I will go there to 10:30 ET jy'd tonight to 18H

20/05/2018 in 19h24
jy has'd 7:30 p.m.

20/05/2018 in 19h08
leave me message for appointment I will go there

20/05/2018 in 19h06
I'll past to 7:15 p.m. / 7:30 p.m.

17/05/2018 in 12h44
am available this APRM from 15H give RDV

11/05/2018 in 13h23
SLT I avail this APRM give appointment

07/05/2018 in 08h02
jy passes to 8:30

05/05/2018 in 14h33
jy go to 17H / 18H

03/05/2018 in 12h45
I'm going there to 13H passeer

21/04/2018 in 18h29
jy pass ds 15 MINUTES

20/04/2018 in 18h25
I will go there to 19H

13/04/2018 in 14h51
am available this APRM I can spend give appointment

02/04/2018 in 18h32
Somebody tonight?

13/03/2018 in 12h24
.j'y pass at 17h15

10/03/2018 in 17h08
I'll spend give appointment

09/03/2018 in 18h09
Coin not really quiet. Wooden edge of a housing estate whose residents call the police on a car parked there! Families flock here in the late AM. This corner is not advisable

09/03/2018 in 14h31
I spend around 16:30

09/03/2018 in 14h19
available APRM leave this message for appointment

07/03/2018 in 12h37
I spend at 17h15

26/02/2018 in 12h24
I spend at 17h15 / 20

24/02/2018 in 15h16
jen i just suck a big dick I retuurn I give you appointment empty

23/02/2018 in 18h18
jy pass ds 15 MINUTES

23/02/2018 in 14h07
am available give appointment

23/02/2018 in 10h23
Hi am available to give your dicks appointment and I see if I can come

20/02/2018 in 12h20
I spend at 17h15 / 20 I suck

16/02/2018 in 12h57
Hi am available APRM give this appointment I just suck

09/02/2018 in 23h15
jy happening every day and I suck give RDV

06/02/2018 in 12h43
I spend at 17h15 / 20

29/01/2018 in 12h32
I spend at 17h15

19/01/2018 in 12h41
available this APRM give RDV

14/01/2018 in 16h33
I will spend the woods to 4:45 p.m.

08/01/2018 in 18h11
I spent there vaus to 7:15 p.m. / 30

19/12/2017 in 12h30
Hi I spend around 17 h15

27/11/2017 in 12h35
I goes to 17 h15 / 20

26/11/2017 in 12h49
am available this appointment I just give APRM

22/11/2017 in 18h12
Thank you is one I suck at 5:40 p.m. Wood has too pretty good and beautiful cock I resuce you when you want to contact me

22/10/2017 in 16h28
jy passes 4:40 p.m.

21/10/2017 in 14h57

20/10/2017 in 07h04
Active and rather overbearing looking for a good greedy cocksucking during the day. Contact me !

11/10/2017 in 12h38
Me at 17h15

10/10/2017 in 12h35
I spend at 17h15 / 20 car guys if I stop in I ds the wood you got me to suck you

18/09/2017 in 10h57
that come I will spend

12/09/2017 in 12h33
I go to 6:15 p.m. / 30 give RDV

08/09/2017 in 10h06
I am available to be little wood to 11H

07/09/2017 in 23h58
am available this Friday give RDV

06/09/2017 in 12h20
I spend around 17h20

01/09/2017 in 09h21
Neymar Hi- I'll pass bis 11H worm

30/08/2017 in 12h28
I spend around 17h20

22/08/2017 in 15h53
am available give appointment

20/08/2017 in 21h18
DIV33 bizare for mail I not understand me mssage leave javais appointment es person I came to include an as no worries

20/08/2017 in 16h50
jai appointment to 8:45 p.m.

20/08/2017 in 14h28
DIV33 if I find a guy you can receive the APRM?

20/08/2017 in 14h13
if i a guy that APRM I warn you come and watch you give such little?

20/08/2017 in 14h05
DIV33 well trav jaime me if you like?

20/08/2017 in 13h47
THAT THIS APRM WOOD? GIVE appointment DIV33 I yours you know if i other guys for this APRM

20/08/2017 in 11h43
Div33 ca brand message me send

20/08/2017 in 10h32
i rewrite

20/08/2017 in 10h27
i send email

20/08/2017 in 10h18
DIV mail not good

20/08/2017 in 10h17
Hi DIV33 I'm writing to you on your email

20/08/2017 in 00h47
Div33 I go tomorrow to wood contact me if you want

19/08/2017 in 18h28
I will retuurn tonight at 8:30 p.m. give RDV thank you

19/08/2017 in 18h15
Div33 you love ??

19/08/2017 in 17h07
has 5:20 p.m. / 25 I'm leaving

19/08/2017 in 17h06
Lawrence would jy

19/08/2017 in 17h02

19/08/2017 in 17h00
JY goes to 5:20 p.m.

19/08/2017 in 16h54
Hi DIV33 am available for wood this pretty APRM

19/08/2017 in 10h02
ds am available day give appointment

18/08/2017 in 22h52
Hi stogoff possible tomorrow

11/08/2017 in 13h53
that this APRM let appointment

09/08/2017 in 19h39
mini skirt that just chauufer me the hole to give RDV 8:30 p.m. and I just

09/08/2017 in 16h38
I'll spend'm thong mini skirt give appointment

06/08/2017 in 19h12
jy pass to 8:30 p.m.

30/07/2017 in 11h42
Hi I can pass this APRM Wood Thank you for appointment

29/07/2017 in 18h47
jy pass to 8:30 p.m. / 40

24/07/2017 in 18h17
I'M GOING TO A BOISJOLI 5:15 p.m. / 5:20 p.m.

24/07/2017 in 18h16
Hi Neymar tomorrow I work jusqua 17H

22/07/2017 in 20h52
I'll be there around 9 p.m.

10/07/2017 in 22h13
I spend all night just 8:30 p.m. A 9:30 p.m.

09/07/2017 in 18h23
jy pass to 8:30 p.m. / 45

09/07/2017 in 10h23
I'll spend just

08/07/2017 in 20h24
I'll spend to 8:40 p.m.

29/06/2017 in 06h53
jy pass to 2:45 p.m.

25/06/2017 in 16h45
which has just 17H ???

13/06/2017 in 12h25
I spend around 17h20

01/06/2017 in 14h04
give me this appointment was available APRM I just suck you

31/05/2017 in 12h31
I spend around 17h20

29/05/2017 in 18h37
I will go there to 19H

26/05/2017 in 12h28
I just give you ease RDV lol

16/05/2017 in 10h29
I pass after 15H or 21H to 8:30 p.m. evening appointment

05/05/2017 in 11h11
Hi am available this APRM 3:30 p.m. A 18H leave RDV

29/04/2017 in 16h04
I can spend this APRM give RDV thank you

20/04/2017 in 09h40
I can go ds Jurnee give RDV

14/04/2017 in 16h13
I would have to give appointment 4:30 p.m.

09/04/2017 in 18h15
I'll spend just

07/04/2017 in 10h03
give appointment and I just you empty

06/04/2017 in 15h41

05/04/2017 in 12h23
I spend at 17h15

02/04/2017 in 17h03
I just take one

02/04/2017 in 10h54
I will spend

30/03/2017 in 17h08
I'll spend 15 minutes ds

29/03/2017 in 22h59
my grip profile picture pretty Wood

28/03/2017 in 21h14
I just saw someone 73 Analaddict not come

28/03/2017 in 20h22
I'll take a ride to 8:35 p.m.

26/03/2017 in 11h13
Please note there is the world of hunters they make a beaten this morning .I would do a ds turn the APRM

24/03/2017 in 22h11
Visibly 1 person only frequent this place LOL

24/03/2017 in 10h59

22/03/2017 in 22h34
Hello, I passed today at 18h 18.30 person !!! This place is really popular? At what time or what day you are there in the world?

19/03/2017 in 13h29
I'll spend the APRM ds

17/03/2017 in 11h17
preiere pipe and face my day Thanks Vincentenvie your cock is too good I hope to have another contact I am available 15H A 18H

16/03/2017 in 16h49
I took 3 in 1 hour facial too good

16/03/2017 in 15h52
I just take a good

16/03/2017 in 15h23
jy would ds 10 minutes

15/03/2017 in 12h36
I spend the afternoon at 17h15 / 5:20 p.m. parked along the wood you expect me I have you suck

13/03/2017 in 23h05
I spend tomorrow Tuesday at 5:20 p.m.

13/03/2017 in 18h39
I spend around 6:50 p.m.

12/03/2017 in 10h37
I spend ds APRM let appointment I relieve you

11/03/2017 in 17h30

10/03/2017 in 18h45
I just passed it to 8:30 p.m. / 21H GIVE appointment

10/03/2017 in 16h32
JY PAST DS 10minutes

10/03/2017 in 09h22
I can spend the day giving ds appointment thank you

09/03/2017 in 18h24
I will spend

07/03/2017 in 18h47
I will go there to 19H

05/03/2017 in 21h03
I was there at 4:45 p.m. I've sucked a good, big and especially juicy, took myself a good cumshot and hair ds

05/03/2017 in 16h24
I'll spend that want to empty ?? Donez appointment quickly

04/03/2017 in 19h18
I spend the morning between 10:30 ET 11:30 RDV give you end wood I suck you live

01/03/2017 in 18h56
I'll spend to 7:15 p.m.

26/02/2017 in 10h59
I spend ds APRM please give appointment

25/02/2017 in 18h34
I just be there 10 minutes just ds

22/02/2017 in 15h08

16/02/2017 in 16h54

09/02/2017 in 18h47
jy pass ds 10 minutes

03/02/2017 in 09h10
I can spend the day giving ds appointment I suck you

20/01/2017 in 10h41
give me appointment I have you empty

15/01/2017 in 14h43
Ask me'm available

15/01/2017 in 13h42
that the APRM? Give appointment

13/01/2017 in 17h49
JY DS PAST 10 minutes

13/01/2017 in 10h05
I'll spend about 10:30 or avail this APRM 14H30 18H has let appointment here

08/01/2017 in 21h27
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I go to wood to 5:20 p.m. / 25

08/01/2017 in 12h09
who want to make this clear APRM ?? leave messages I can spend

07/01/2017 in 18h08
I suck a dick 3:30 p.m. good Gigi I spend tomorrow morning to let 11H appointment here thank you

05/01/2017 in 08h20
which I aujoudhui empty? give RDV

04/01/2017 in 16h33
jy go to 17H

03/01/2017 in 19h30
I suck dick 2 good day !!!!

03/01/2017 in 10h39
I'll spend 10 minutes I ds rddv

02/01/2017 in 17h54
'm switching to wood 4:45 p.m. appointment with Rico I suck very beautiful and good dick again when he wants

02/01/2017 in 11h41
ch I always bite my first year I suck and cumshot ds my mouth give appointment

01/01/2017 in 11h42
Rico this is the bottle I just had one there

01/01/2017 in 10h58
The Pemiere cock of the year that I would suck get the privilege of ejaculate ds my mouth that are trying give appointment I cut here ds 10 MINUTES

01/01/2017 in 00h46
which gives me my first bite of the year ?? give appointment

25/12/2016 in 15h00
Saturday I suck Knight 33 too good big and long cock I love you a thank you

24/12/2016 in 09h33
I'll spend to 9:55

23/12/2016 in 15h44
I AM GOING TO SPEND TO 4:45 p.m. / 17H

20/12/2016 in 17h33
I spend 10 minutes ds

14/12/2016 in 13h40

14/12/2016 in 11h54
I'm too good i suck his dick

14/12/2016 in 09h34
I live next too. More subscriber. tarzan_jane at

13/12/2016 in 14h12
I have to go I suck a great cock

08/12/2016 in 11h45
am available this APRM 15H At 6:30 p.m. leave message and I just I do not live far

07/12/2016 in 14h44
Who I empty this afternoon give appointment thank you

06/12/2016 in 11h54
I sucked 2 cocks beautiful this morning with a beautiful cumshot I have Receipts full face Bastien thank you you have a beautiful cock I resuce you when you want to give RDV I retuurn from 3:30 p.m.

04/12/2016 in 19h32
leave message for tomorrow I just go there when you arrange ca

04/12/2016 in 13h38
quelqun if there'll leave this post APRM I can go there by appointment thank you

03/12/2016 in 20h54
Contact me I will be somewhat often your dicks I like that suck

01/12/2016 in 23h47
I spend every day for appointment please contact me and I just suck SEVERAL has both no problems possibility of soda me if you come with capoteje come jogging with mini skirt was below demand

21/09/2016 in 09h11
J there around 12:15 am Wednesday 21 Who had to suck me die caught?

28/06/2016 in 07h54
Today and what time. I am available and I live nearby.

15/10/2015 in 09h14
Eager to make a turn between noon and 1:30 p.m., Sex. ...

21/09/2015 in 09h33
what time?

… close history