Je recevrais le 8 et 9 a mon hôtel du côté de Lens, pour les intéressés, lisez bien mon profil pour voir si tout vous convient. Préférence pour couple bi mais très ouvert. Je réponds à tous.
Sauna sympa sans plus , mais bien suffisant pour se faire plaisir.. Love room Glory croix jacuzzi sauna Ça vous dit on peut y aller ensemble.?
Un couple vendredi début d'après-midi ?
Mais réveillez-vous! Le patron est juste un homophobe de la pire espèce. Souvenez-vous des propos qu’il a tenu au sujet de la clientèle gay pour justifier le fait qu’il arrêtait les journées « gay »… Pourquoi s’obstiner à y aller: il prouve une fois de plus que nous sommes ses pigeons, ses vaches à lait! Bref, si vous êtes prêt à engraisser ce genre de personne, grand bien vous fasse, mais ne vous plaignez pas après…
mais à 40e l'entrée c'est du vol tout simplement
ils se sont rendus compte que c'etait ces jours là qui raportent de l'argent !!
DERNIERE INFO!!! nouvelle ouverture journée gay, uniquement les mercredis! 14h-19h (a voir par la suite pour plus de journée...)
J'y serai demain à 14h. Femmes, couples... Au plaisir de vous y croiser! ;-)
Je reçois couple femme ou homme ce soir sur Lens , contacter moi !!
Quel temps y va jeudi après-midi??
Salut, si quelqu'un est chaud pour m inviter, je ferais ce qu'il veut une fois a l'intérieur actif/passif sans tabous sauf crade pour hommes/femmes/couple. Réponse garantie.
J'y serai demain après midi. Je rêve d'un couple avec homme bi qui pourrait m'initier aux plaisirs entre hommes... Tout en s'occupant de madame évidemment ;-)
Quelqu'un il va prochainement??
Je confirme les propos établissement à éviter absolument le fric aucun contact sympa c e tait beaucoup mieux avant à méditer
Cet établissement est pourrie et le dirigeant n'est pas mieux. Vive la berjeurie rien à voir.
Fini, plus de journées Gay! Pfff
Le sauna à éviter absolument une évidence c était mieux avant le savoyard à raison
Vraiment pas dans les meilleurs saunas de France...
Un petit tour au sauna pour ce détendre
Qui y va ce jour ? En mp svp
Cherche pour ce lundi apm une vraie lope pour baise direct
Est ce que quelqu'un peut me dire si il y a du monde l après midi en semaine svp? Ça me tente mais je ne voudrais pas être seul.
I'm going tomorrow afternoon. if there are people going there?
Hi everyone I will be available this Tuesday 18 bethune / bruay sector
Hi everyone I will be available this Tuesday 6 p.m. bethune / bruay sector
Hello we will be there with my wife this Tuesday 11/04 for the evening couples and single women.
Hello, Je suis tenté pour découvrir mercredi en debut d'après-midi. Est-ce qu'il y a du monde ? Envie de m'amuser, de me faire prendre et pourquoi pas, essayer en double anal ;)
I'm going there this Sunday 12/03 afternoon.
Very good afternoon, thank you to the couple, including Mrs. Ma, who sucked and emptied their balls well, too bad there weren't more. I will be going back very soon.
Soiree tres sympa jeudi malgre les travaux, avec un plan baise / exhib avec un trav super sympa qui passe de temps en temps... J'irai demain peut etre
Visiting again tomorrow, go there in the morning (before 5 p.m.) for bottoms or even actives... but mainly, for bottoms and a good sucker!
I'm definitely going to go there tomorrow afternoon. If interested...
the 0'relax is closed for the holidays. i will be available in their other establishment, o'labyrinth, saturday 31st + sunday january 1st late afternoon. I also receive at the hotel on v-ascq until Sunday morning. KISS
Thanks for the info, Gay days can we get sucked off quickly?
lots of people yesterday. Lots of guys hanging around hoping to get sucked off, a big heavy guy who thought he was in a tea room with boring stories. lots of starvation deaths that followed the couples at every step. apart from that I took a good big cock fortunately
There are days reserved for guys
It has gone up in price! From 12 euros to 18 euros! Plus it's always empty
hello to all, with a friend we are looking for women, men or a couple to have fun together if anyone is interested give me a little hello
is it open sunday? What frequentation, hetero, bi, gay? Are there people in the afternoon? I'm tempted to go there.
@jeanjean Yes it's pretty good: beautiful facilities, large hammam...
Coucou qui est déjà allé c 3st bien ? Qui pour m accompagner?
Apparently it's closed today.
Envie de me faire prendre cet aprem. Il y a du monde aujourd’hui ?
Hello, I will be there on Tuesday around 3:00 p.m. for the 1st time who is also going there?
no the sauna is closed anyway it sucks nobody there me I would not go anymore the boss is too stupid to hope with the spring there will be better days
Hi, is the sauna open? I am passing through
rv after noon sauna o relax in lens cho for good bze between guys plan q popp yop bbk ok around 2pm greg if you are free am recto verso notabou guys from lille friends we'll be expecting you soon
i had a great afternoon last friday a lot of guys i'll be back tomorrow oct 9 around 1:30 pm the sauna is open the pdc is not in red so guys from lille amiens we are expecting you greg if you are free am recto verso notabou ok pl q tze popp yop
... / ... we meet there !?
considering the time no bze outside therefore sauna o relax around 2 p.m. for good bze between guys front and back notabou greg if you are free I specify the sauna is open soon
Hello this afternnon Who?
Passing by Monday, October 21, 2019 between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.... Looking for a clean guy for a nice moment, a sex moment without the fuss... Thank you in advance for your messages.. Max.
FPIC guys cho Notabou ok plane q tze popp yop bbk ok vs Sunday 28th ap twelve o'clock o relax sauna lens for good plan q Uninhibited between guys seen the bad weather we expect there you me tbm 20x5 tough and my very good bitch salopadispo under poppers ch good queutards good juteurs enduring greg join us
I'll be there for 16h worm sucks Max
Hello wanted to go Friday APM amateurs fans ????
I'll be there tomorrow, Monday 20 afternoon
hello, I'll Demai Monday, May 6 from 14:30. contact me
bjr I'll be there Friday around 1:30 p.m. 16H
... / ... this afternoon ... well let me try ... and no tail!
... / ... Nice place, nice facilities ... Very good time
Bjr a mature man looking for hotels early March if interested thank you plan to leave a good day private message
Hello I just Paris I'll spent that afternoon worm 16h fine tails
we shall be 20 for active bi guy
I would be this afternoon. too want to take and suck
hello want to go this week (week of 6 August) beep me
that makes me discover this place. am bi Liabilities am
biloute Bjr you makes you want
jj'y would be Monday 11 14h has 5 p.m. Completely smooth and too eager
Hello World this afternoon? J contemplates a passage 16h to 17h
I give you this ap rv twelve o'clock o relax sauna has good lens for BZE plane q tze popp yop Notabou very good q enduring available greg has joined me jy'm 13h 16h
Someone to accompany me Tuesday 17 April at 14h I do not know
someone (an) this Sunday?
Pass guy act cho map q tze Popp vs yop sauna orelax ap twelve o'clock that same trip join me Notabou the true baize guys greg t I look ok
want to go this afternoon that starting or starting lineup?
Hello I would be Monday, December 11 to 14h.
who is going to this week?
Hello sorry my mistake I'll sauna Monday afternoon from 14h to all Bisou
CC I would be Tuesday at 14h.Tres want to be taken over
Friday, August 25 vs 15h sauna orelax lens FPIC hot guys ok plane q tze popp yop Notabou open for good delirium has L hour you if you like sex
Are there has qq for me to discover this place today?
There are people on Thursday evening for me to discover? I am in Lens tomorrow night ...
Hi there Does Y of the world between 12 and 14h?
good q q salopadispo ok map tze popp yop Notabou bbk ok vs sauna o relax tomorrow November 9th ap twelve o'clock lens 62 cho good nikeur good juteur ok several greg if you can reach me kasseur q welcome me wait
good q q lopadispo ok map tze Popp vs yop Notabou sauna o relax lens 62 on November 9 ap hp twelve o'clock good nikeur good juteur ok several greg if you can reach me kasseur q me wait
Hi, Who could make me find out tomorrow in the afternoon or evening around 18h30 / 19h?
I am O labyrinth club Lens downtown Who's coming?
o vs relax a sauna lens 1 June 14h to 17h good q lop has available all trips tze popp yop Notabou hp good queutard good juteur greg if t are free meet me
FPIC duplex guys hot Notabou vs sauna o relax lens 62 Sun ap noon February 21 15h to 19h guy tbm 20x5 enduring asset salopadispo very good qa bzer nonstop bbk map tze popp yop juice be with greg friends join us with your guy queutards sluts welcome
FPIC duplex hot sauna Notabou vs o relax lens Sunday ap twelve one tbm 20x5 enduring and very good salopadispo hole bzer bbk be with greg buddies go with your guy the queutards welcome sluts
tjs no amateur to join us ???
tonight from 18h with a friend for two passive plurality !! who joined us there !!!!
J like to try, that'd be available to accompany me tomorrow?
Wednesday, December 2 vs 13h 16h o relaxing sauna was ok plane lens 62 q tze popp yop Notabou duplexing want to BZE between good guys and hot open greg join me with your guy
Wednesday, December 2 vs 13h 16h sauna o relax lens 62 ok plane q tze popp yop Notabou duplexing want to BZE between good guys and hot open greg join me with your guy
Sunday, November 29 vs ap noon 15h 19h o a relaxing sauna was ok plane lens 62 q tze popp yop bbk feel ok with good BZE open guys and hot Notabou greg come with your man you will not be disappointed
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Who join me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou OK bbk feel good BZE open with hot guys
Wednesday who joined me 25 ap twelve o'clock sauna o relax lens 62 13h 16h open plane q tze popp yop Notabou bbk ok too feel like a good BZE between ditto guys'm duplex greg join me
who joined me Wednesday, November 25 ap twelve o'clock sauna orelax lens 62 13h 16h open plane q tze popp yop Notabou bbk ok too feel like a good baize with guys ditto am duplex greg join us
who joined me Wednesday, November 25 ap twelve o'clock o relax sauna has 62 lens 13h 16h open plane q tze popp yop bbk Notabou ok too want good baize with guys ditto am duplex greg join me
Who joined me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou too keen bzer ditto with hot guys
Who joined me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou too keen bzer ditto with hot guys
Who joined me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou too keen bzer ditto with hot guys
Who joined me this ap twelve o'clock sauna O relax Lens 62 from 13h to 16h OK plane q tze popp yop Notabou too keen bzer ditto with hot guys
who joined me o sauna relax lens has 62 ap twelve o'clock Wednesday 13h 16h cho map q tze popp yop too keen Baizer with other guys open and hot greg join me
who joined me o sauna relax lens has 62 ap Wednesday noon 13h 16h cho map q tze popp yop too keen Baizer with other guys open and cho
who joined me o sauna relax lens ap Wednesday 62 noon 13h 16h cho map q tze popp yop too keen Baizer with other guys open
Who joined me orelax sauna Lens this ap twelve o'clock 13h 16h cho map q tze pop yop eager to bzer
An afternoon of yesterday 1 November phew c sauna was orelax Lens naked party was brief kiss kiss kiss a place frequented it BZE everywhere sauna steam slings glory hole we will retuurn to kiss greg
vs 1 Sunday, November sauna orelax lens 62 from 14h to 18h naked party guy assets tbm 20x5 and very good salopadispo q enduring put vdispo has on sling BZE bbk poppers BZE several ok greg join us with your pal 1st floor is open slings gloryholes
Sunday November 1 vs Lens orelax sauna from 14h to 18h naked party tbm active guy and very good salopadispo enduring q making available on sling BZE bbk pop pers several OK greg join us with your friend
Wednesday, October 21 vs. ap twelve o'clock o relax sauna lens has 62 new floor slings glory hole what I have fun salopadispo very good q enduring bbk poppers Teubes well-liked guys I expect you're free greg if t meet me
Who would go with me. The first time I want to go
I recommend the relaxing sauna o lens has expanded it s al floor sling gloryhole what good have fun me and my guy is s is bursting guys of all ages ptits cho guys and guys thirty forty finally c is to see what
Sunday 27 vs spt sauna o relax lens 14h to 18h cple guys hot pl q tze bbk ok ch tbm 20x5 ditto me and my very good salopadispo hole has enduring available BZE juice ok
Sunday, September 27 vs o relax sauna lens 14 to 18h FPIC hot guys plane q tze popp yop bbk ok ch ditto me tbm 20x5 very enduring my salopadispo very good hole has enduring available BZE juice Notabou is waiting for you
my young submissive slut would sauna this afternoon, arrive at 16h in small string in the changing rooms advice to rulers, fuckers who want to offload
I will be submissive slut sauna Saturday afternoon from 16 hours notice to all volunteers domi
o vs relax sauna has 62 lens ap twelve o'clock Friday 13 tbm 20x5 me and my salopadispo good q enduring ok map orgy popp yop bbk ok Notabou BZE several greg ok if t are free with your friend join us is waiting for you
vs o relaxing sauna a Lens 62 Friday 13 ap twelve o'clock I tbm 20x5 and my salopadispo good hole enduring ok plane q tze popp yop bbk ok Notabou hp ditto not guys catch or q or dlateub BZE several ok greg if t are free with your friend is waiting for you
Hi Florent no precise day middle c ap twelve o'clock is not bad if you ca said jy go with my guy tbm 20x5 twelve o'clock on Friday 13 AD FS sign if ok
sergy salvation, thou that I can read it often goes, in general, what time as passive q I have the best chance to get me fucked by several guys? I intend to go on Friday
Vs o relax sauna a Lens 62 Wednesday, March 4 ap twelve o'clock salopadispo good cocks hole enduring map q tze popp Yop bbk OK kasseur q OK grég I t wait
Vs O relax sauna Wednesday, March 4 ap twelve o'clock salopadispo cho map q tze popp yop bbk OK Notabou kasseur q OK greg I t wait
o vs relax sauna lens has 62 Wednesday, March 4 ap twelve o'clock real salopadispo trouabites videcouilles ok plane q tze poppers yop ok bbk has two or more are free greg if t I t wait
o vs relax sauna has 62 lens! Wednesday, March 4 ap twelve o'clock real salopadispo trouabites videcouilles ok plane q tze poppers ok bbk has two or more
o vs relax sauna lens is Wednesday, March 4 ap twelve o'clock salopadispo real trouabites videcouilles ok pl tze popp q yop ok bbk has two or more
I lope good subject I would be this Friday, I intend to undergo full of cock in my mouth and in my cu who can tell me what time it is the most people?
vs o relaxing sauna a Lens Friday, February 20 from 14h to 18h cple guys hot cho pl q tze popp yop bbk ok me tbm 20x5 enduring good nikeur and my salopadispo Notabou good hole enduring a bzer several nonstop greg if t are free come with your friend
o vs relax sauna lens is Friday, February 20th from 14h to 18h cple guys hot cho q pl tze popp yop bbk ok me and my tbm 20x5 nikeur salopadispo good hole has bzer enduring non stop Friday c is relaxed duo
salopadispo very good q enduring bbk ok map orgy popp yop Notabou vs o relax in sauna lens Wednesday, February 11 from 13h 16h ok with good endurance and juicy cocks I expect you're free greg if t meet me kisses
o relax sauna vs Lens Wednesday, February 4 13h 16h very good q bastard has available bbk pl tze popp q yop Notabou good juteur enduring ok ok ok and well-hung has your cocks
o vs relax sauna lens has 62 Wednesday, December 10 13h 16h salopadispo very good q enduring ok tze popp yop bbk ok ch Teubes good guys and nikeur taboo sabs bitch ok poppers under several greg if t are free with your pal ok kisses
vs o relaxing sauna a Lens 62 Wednesday, December 3 13h 16h salopadispo very good q enduring ok orgy poppers yop bbk ok ch well Teubes guys and nikeur Uninhibited bitch as poppers ok several greg if t are free with your pal ok for me fill kisses
rv o relax sauna lens has 62 Tuesday, November 11 ap twelve o'clock salopadispo good q enduring ok orgy popp yop bbk ch ok guys well Teubes Uninhibited real bitch as poppers ok if several greg t're free with your buddy kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relax sauna has lens 62 two hots guys a tbm 20x5 enduring nikeur asset and its salopadispo good hole enduring ok map orgy popp yop bbk ok ch well Teubes meks to satiate desire to bitch as poppers Notabou ok has greg t if several are free with your friend join us ok kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relaxing sauna a lens 62 for chti sex party two guys hots a tbm active 20x5 nikeur and salopadispo good q enduring ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch well Teubes meks to satisfy bitch desire poppers under Notabou ok if several greg t're free with your friend join us ok kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relaxing sauna a lens 62 for chti sex party two guys hot active 20x5 tbm nikeur and salopadispo good q enduring ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch well Teubes meks to appease dog under poppers Notabou ok if several greg t're free with your friend join us ok kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relaxing sauna a lens 62 for chti sex party two guys hot a tbm 20x5 nikeur active and available lopa good hole enduring ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch well Teubes guys to satisfy bitch of q under poppers Notabou ok if several greg t're free with your friend join us kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relaxing sauna a lens 62 for chti sex party two guys hot a tbm active 20x5 enduring nikeur and lopadispo good hole enduring ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch well Teubes guys to bitch as poppers Notabou ok if several greg t're free with your friend join us kisses
Seeking women to accompany me tomorrow night
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relaxing sauna a lens 62 for chti sex party two guys hot active 20x5 tbm enduring nikeur and lope has available good q enduring ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch ditto real bitch as poppers Notabou ok if several greg t're free with your friend join us kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h relax o sauna lens 62 for chti sex party two guys hot active 20x5 tbm enduring nikeur and lope has available good q enduring map q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch ditto real bitch as poppers Notabou ok greg t if several are free with your friend join us kisses
rv Sunday, October 26 from 15h to 19h o relaxing sauna a lens for chti sex party two guys hot a tbm 20x5 enduring nikeur and lope is available right hole enduring map q orgy popp yop bbk ok ch Same dog as poppers ok several greg if t are free with your friend join us kisses
ap rv this afternoon around 13h o relax in sauna lens plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok good hole lop a bitch available poppers has available under a kiss several greg free if t es join us with your boy kisses a tt L hour
ap vs. tomorrow 24:20 Oct 13h o relax sauna lens to plane q orgy popp yop bbk ok very good slut bitch hole available under poppers has available several greg ok if t are free meet me with your buddy kisses
rv Sunday ap twelve o'clock o relax sauna lens 14h 23h chti sex party two guys duplex Notabou ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk me tbm 20x5 serial nikeur and my bitch available enduring q good nag ok several dog under poppers greg if t are free come join us with your buddy for good bursts kisses
rv ap Sunday lunch o relax sauna 14h of lens 23h chti sex party two guys duplex Notabou ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk me tbm 20x5 serial nikeur and my lop is available enduring q ok several greg if t are free ok with your buddy for good bursts kisses
rv Sunday, September 28 from 14h to 23h for chti sex party sauna o relax a lens two guys duplex Notabou ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk me tbm 20 x 5 and my lop hole available enduring q ok several greg if t free es join us kisses
rv Sunday, September 28 from 14h to 23h for chti sex party sauna o relax a lens two guys duplex Notabou ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk me tbm 20 x 5 and my lop hole available enduring q ok several greg if t free es join us kisses
rv Sunday, September 28 from 14h to 23h for chti sex party sauna o relax a lens two guys duplex Notabou ok plane q orgy popp yop bbk me tbm 20x5 and my lop hole available enduring q ok several greg if t are free join us kisses
rv Sunday, September 28 from 14h to 23h for chti sex party sauna o relax a lens two guys duplex ok plane q tze popp yop bbk Notabou me tbm 20x5 and my lop is available enduring q ok several greg if t are free join we kisses
rv Sunday, September 28 from 14h to 23h for chti sex party sauna o relax a lens two duplex guys plane q Notabou pl tze popp yop bbk me tbm 20x5 and my lop is available enduring q ok several greg if t are free join we kisses
Sunday lunch vs AD 21 has seven 15h 18h sauna o relax lens cho good plan q tze popp yop bbk ok Notabou me tbm 20x5 duplex enduring my lop the available qa ok if several greg t're free join us kisses
vs 5 September from 15h to 18h o relax in sauna lens cho good plan q tze popp yop Notabou me tbm 20x5 and my lop available has very good stamina q greg if t are free ok to good sex is waiting for you
vs 5 September from 15h to 18h o relax sauna lens for a good plan q tze popp yop me tbm 20x5 and my bitch available very good q enduring greg t if you're free t wait for good sex
ap vs twelve o'clock 08/08/2014 15h 18h a sauna o relax me tbm 20x lens 5 and is available lop my enduring q q ok pl tze popp yop bbk ok ok several cho are guys more we expect you
I'm twelve o'clock tomorrow ap 08/08/2014 15 18 h o sauna relax Alens me tbm 20x5 and my lop has available enduring q q ok pl tze popp yop bbk ok several true love orgy of guys not trapped there waiting for you
a couple hours twice this after noon I intend to be around 16:30, very urge to lick making me take and suck a nice cock with Madame !!!!
jy going tomorrow ap noon 14h 18h has very good stamina q is available ok orgy popp not yop taboo hp of exhib very well queutards bastard for info jy am Wednesday ap twelve o'clock
vs sauna o relax lens ap Wednesday noon 14h 17h a total of lop ass greedy available revolving tze and enduring Notabou me wait tbm welcome
good q lop is available in a hammam Baizer non stop live ok tze juice poppers good bites to your cocks
jy am Wednesday, November 6 ap midday to make me well Baizer very greedy ass enduring available ok orgy good tails me wait no taboo pure BZE hard greg j hope to see you bizz
good bastard enduring q tomorrow ap 12:23 Oct. sauna hole available seats q tze poppers jy would 14h 16h may be more such good tails no taboo of pure BZE and hard more well Teubes no concern Pourr BZE has many
close history