Sauna - Les bains - Lille


Cruising spot gay in Lille

proposed by profilsupprime  (24/07/2013)

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Type : Sauna gay
City :  Lille
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Lieu mythique bien connu du milieu gay, mais aussi des hommes bi assumés ou en quête d'une relation discrète. Ce vaste lieu de 1200m² sur 4 niveaux se compose d'un hammam, un sauna sec, 2 jaccuzi, une petite piscine, des douches collectives et 2 individuelles avec glory hole, 2 salles de projection, 2 darkrooms et une multitude de cabines. Attention! Les jours de forte affluence (le dimanche surtout) tout est vite pris d'assaut!!! Pensez à venir de bonne heure ou le lundi (très chaud, avec moins de monde!)

Website :
Address :
52 Rue de Cambrai
59000 Lille
Phone : 03 20 53 02 02

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12 d. ago
je prends la route j'y suis pour 16h30

16 d. ago
Peut-être de passage la semaine pro, si des passif y vont n'hésitez pas à me mp

17 d. ago
J'irai faire un tour ce vendredi . Si intéressé on peut échanger en message privé. Bisous

18 d. ago
super moment ce midi dans le hamam. J’y retourne demain ou au soho si quelqu’un veut m’accompagner

18 d. ago
quelqu’un aujourd’hui pour y aller ensemble ?

19 d. ago
Yo! J’y suis vers 16:00

21 d. ago
j’y serai vers 12h30/13h

21 d. ago
Envie de sucer de bonnes queues dans le hammam cet apres midi

22 d. ago
Peut-être de passage cet après midi

24 d. ago
je vais y faire un tour cette aprem, il y a des actifs motivés ?

26 d. ago
Yo! J’y suis vers 13:00 ( tongs blanches)

20/02/2025 in 11h15
du monde ce midi ?

17/02/2025 in 11h15
On s'y retrouve demain !?

25/01/2025 in 10h00
Who's coming this afternoon... I need cock and juice

17/01/2025 in 07h07
Hello guys, see you on Saturday January 18th in the afternoon to play with my very hungry puck.

14/01/2025 in 10h22
Je serais au bains de 16h30 à 19h Bye

28/12/2024 in 07h09
I'm going there this Saturday, December 28th to get my ass filled with man juice.

20/12/2024 in 19h09
Hi everyone tomorrow Saturday 21 I want juice....guys come see me

13/12/2024 in 07h32
On Friday December 13th I will be there in the afternoon to collect your seed, my big ass will be open to everyone, my mouth too

16/11/2024 in 05h31
Hello guys, I'm going there on Saturday, November 16th from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. or later, I want juice.

05/11/2024 in 10h56
Hello, I will probably go there this afternoon, I hope there will be people there.

25/10/2024 in 05h40
Hello, I will be there on Friday, October 25th from 3 p.m. For those who want to play with my big puck

09/10/2024 in 13h55
Hello I'm there this afternoon

04/10/2024 in 06h03
Saturday afternoon I will be there with two friends for sex. I am passive open to everything and I am thirsty for juice ... it's been a while since my pussy had anything ... come and fertilize me

02/10/2024 in 20h28
Anyone out tonight? Looking for active hmurs where I can host hotel campanile discreet room

29/09/2024 in 14h37
Price 20€

29/09/2024 in 09h53
Does anyone have the prices please?

24/09/2024 in 14h52
I'm there...

28/08/2024 in 07h17
Hello guys, I will be Friday August 30th with 2 friends for a very naughty time.

18/08/2024 in 09h38
Are there people on Sundays? And guys from 20 to 45 years old?

13/08/2024 in 08h09
Bonjour a tous , je met ma chatte anale à disposition demain mercredi 14 août des 12h au sous sol pour sentir vos queues juteuses. Bonne journée à tous

06/08/2024 in 06h22
Dispo ? Je vais au bain vers 15h30 Bye

31/07/2024 in 10h10
Libre ? Je vais au bain ce midi Bye james

22/07/2024 in 17h48
Hello, is there anyone there on Monday after 8 p.m.?

05/07/2024 in 07h43
Herche bonne lope à remplir en soirée secteur Lille seclin

04/07/2024 in 04h54
I want man juice and have my mouth and pussy fucked

26/03/2024 in 04h38
Hello guys, I will be there on Saturday 30th with friends for a friendly time.

10/03/2024 in 12h58
Cherche bonne lope à remplir ce dimanche Lille Valenciennes

09/03/2024 in 05h43
I want to get fucked like a slut. I need cock and ball juice

20/02/2024 in 14h36
Apm détente j’y suis 15h 17h Bye james

09/02/2024 in 11h05
Who will accompany me this evening?

10/01/2024 in 09h46
Hello je suis au bain vers 16 h ce jour Bye-bye Jamesjessy59

30/10/2023 in 11h09
Who today?

12/10/2023 in 18h11
Qui me paye l'entree au saune pour que je suce bien baveux, avale, me fasse baiser bbk et me fasse remplir a la chaine ?

25/09/2023 in 10h17
I really want to go there this afternoon, haha

17/09/2023 in 08h44
Cherche une vraie lope pour ce soir . Pour baise directe Une lope adepte de jus partout Reçois ou me déplace

04/09/2023 in 10h51
Who today?

01/09/2023 in 16h19
Looking for this Friday a real slut who likes juice For direct plan this Friday Lille sector

07/08/2023 in 09h33
Free afternoon for a sauna, advice to amateurs

05/08/2023 in 11h50
Who invites me there to suck, swallow and potentially give my ass?

05/08/2023 in 10h46
Hello, my ass will be at your disposal in the backroom at the sauna "les bains" in Lille on Sunday August 6.

18/07/2023 in 07h23
Hi everyone, I'm passive and I'll be spending Monday afternoon before taking my train to Lyon. If assets are motivated (for the sauna or for the train

14/07/2023 in 18h25
I want to know I am not young, I have never frequented this kind of establishment, not wanting to die an idiot, and in addition, a desire is in me to discover if I can excite a guy, and vice versa. During the holidays less people? are you closed these vacation months.

14/07/2023 in 11h11
Hi I will be in Lille in the 1st or 21st week of August so if my profile interests you we can contact each other and see! =))

28/06/2023 in 11h52
Who this afternoon?

14/06/2023 in 18h56
Anyone out tonight?

16/05/2023 in 12h58
J'ai très envie d'y retourner prochainement. Il me semble qu'il y a une cabine ouverte à l'étage? J'aimerais m'y faire prendre à la chaîne :-) Sûrement vendredi 26

08/05/2023 in 11h55
Who is there this apm?

08/05/2023 in 11h01
It's open today :)

04/05/2023 in 17h25
N'ayant jamais pratiqué avec un homme ,comment dois je réagir ,j'en ai trés envie comment me comporter ? rester naturel ou montrer par des positions?merci de me conseiller j'aimerais y aller un jour avec pas trop de monde.

24/04/2023 in 16h44
I've never been to these places, as I don't want to die stupid, what are the cool days when there are less people, I'm over 66, we show each other, we touch each other, and?

20/04/2023 in 06h26
I confirm Essential I spent three hours last night 17/20 A beautiful place Average age 40/60 I would say easy to have fun with a partner 1 per hour Notice to the amateur it is very good in the sauna And it is very hot in the hammam Bye

19/04/2023 in 12h05
J’y suis vers 17h30

15/04/2023 in 15h59
I really like this place, on the other hand, I absolutely don't know if there are codes, so as to show what you want. Maybe someone could enlighten me. THANKS

01/04/2023 in 13h09
Hello I will be there this afternoon :) White flip flops…

31/03/2023 in 18h49
Are there people on Saturday afternoon?

26/03/2023 in 15h40
I'm there !

11/03/2023 in 14h09
Hi Zobes I'm going Sunday afternoon March 12 to blow up my puck

06/03/2023 in 17h06
Someone to show me the place tomorrow?

25/02/2023 in 10h23
Salut les zobes Je vais au bain Dimanche 26 février après-midi... J'offre ma chatte à ceux qui la veulent à Dimanche. J'ai un percing au téton gauche

13/02/2023 in 11h52
Anyone going today?

04/02/2023 in 22h26
Cc jy will be tomorrow in a thong in the locker room and then completely naked love the exib

26/01/2023 in 14h44
I'll be there in 10 mins

26/01/2023 in 10h43
Are there people on Thursday noon?

15/01/2023 in 22h55
Very nice on Sunday evening. Good activity at all levels!

12/01/2023 in 19h22
I tested the place on a Wednesday evening, it was quiet but I had a good time there. Very nice bartender ;)

02/01/2023 in 10h41
It's a hassle to find a place, for the 2 saunas... but we always find in the streets around

31/12/2022 in 19h54
Hello, I just wanted information on parking nearby. Where do you park when you get there? Thanks in advance

29/12/2022 in 15h20
Are there codes in the sauna, so you know who is looking for what.

21/12/2022 in 19h52
Great time going to the baths this Wednesday Meeting with a sexy guy

27/11/2022 in 08h38
Good morning. People tonight from 8 p.m.?

15/11/2022 in 22h23
Anyone tomorrow noon?

07/11/2022 in 12h38
who's going this AM?

24/10/2022 in 22h17
Hi, I want to spend there Wednesday November 16 between noon and 2am. Are there people, young professionals to take me and empty themselves into me?

18/10/2022 in 17h26
People tonight? Would like to go and have a look

09/10/2022 in 16h36
Hello J'y serais mardi soir vers 20h30 pour males actifs... Contact en MP

18/09/2022 in 08h38
Hi, I just read the description! A priori this is not a place for heterosexuals! Damage

05/09/2022 in 10h49
Hi everyone, I would like to go tomorrow Tuesday 6 between noon and 2pm. Are there hot assets to take care of my ass?

22/08/2022 in 13h59
I'm going to spend lunch there this week, if I find a place to park...

08/08/2022 in 11h09
Are there people at the moment?

02/08/2022 in 10h59
I'm going there this afternoon, hoping to meet some nice people.

01/08/2022 in 16h53
Hello I will be in Lille tonight and Thursday evening. I am a passive subject available to all those who wish to empty themselves. No condom OK.

10/07/2022 in 11h31
@Itdede Sunday is full!

09/07/2022 in 21h52
Are there people tomorrow? I want to suck cocks and...

01/07/2022 in 13h36
…/… I'm going there this afternoon; white flip flops...

29/06/2022 in 17h34
A little evening at the baths, just to relax… or rather to stretch out.

28/06/2022 in 00h56
I really want to take a ride I'm looking for someone to accompany me Thursday early afternoon.

15/06/2022 in 10h57
Hello I will be there on July 1 after 4 p.m. I think. I would like 2 assets to give me a double sodomy Who would be interested?

26/05/2022 in 20h54
…/… see you there tomorrow afternoon?

12/05/2022 in 11h07
Anyone passing through this afternoon? I'm dying to go there, lol

11/05/2022 in 15h29
…/… I'm there today around 4:00 p.m.… White flip flops & tattoo above left ankle…

09/05/2022 in 17h49
Little jump this Tuesday noon

09/03/2022 in 13h31
Salut a tous De passage ce soir sur Lille et même valenciennes,je cherche à servir,si du monde je vais sur ce lieux Sinon ce soir je serai à l'hôtel Bise réponse en MP

29/01/2022 in 15h10
During my last visit at noon during the week, I was able to suck a good big cock in the sauna. Then in the cabin I took this big cock deep in the ass. I'm going to go back there this week for lunch hoping to find a good queue to take me...

19/01/2022 in 12h35
De pas sage sur Lille ce soir. J irai me rechauffer ce soir après 20h. Ca bouge le mercredi a cette heure ci? Ou il faut privilégier un autre lieu? Merci

17/01/2022 in 08h53
Opinions on massage therapists? are they effective?

26/10/2021 in 14h16
People tonight after 8 p.m.?

08/10/2021 in 09h08
Are there people on Sunday afternoon and end of the day? I really want to get caught by several cocks ...

26/09/2021 in 03h58
Hi, I'm coming to Lille on 05 and 06/10. I am available evenings and nights. I receive at the hotel. I'm looking to get fucked and chain filled

08/09/2021 in 11h54
.../... I'm going there this afternoon... sunbathe naked on the terrace... and + if...

29/08/2021 in 12h14
I'm going to tell them.

25/08/2021 in 17h26
…/…I'm there… white flip flops ;)

25/08/2021 in 13h01
…/…nice afternoon to enjoy the terrace ;)

29/07/2021 in 11h33
I will surely be there Monday or Tuesday, depending on the people who plan to do it ...

22/07/2021 in 14h49
… /… Here I am… white flip flops…

22/07/2021 in 10h35
For a first visit tonight from 9:30 p.m. to get caught. I would like to know if there are still people at this time?

20/07/2021 in 09h57
... / ... Superb afternoon yesterday ... the terrace ... and especially the Hammam !!! Kisses to this handsome stranger ...

15/06/2021 in 11h29
… /… Tomorrow, another great day to enjoy the terrace!

08/06/2021 in 23h23
… /… We will find the sunny terrace tomorrow;)

08/06/2021 in 05h14
Hello everyone, I am making my pussy available on Wednesday June 9 from 12:30 p.m. in the basement, who is interested in coming and screwing it up and filling it? To read you, and have a good day

03/05/2021 in 13h20
... / ... June 9!

14/04/2021 in 20h42
if only

28/09/2020 in 18h00
Good morning all. The sauna les bains à Lille has been closed since last Saturday until October 10 for the moment. Too bad, nevertheless I understand very well because of the health situation of the MEL on COVID 19. I suppose that the cube has also been closed since that day. Good evening to all.

24/09/2020 in 09h03
Hello I make my cat available this Friday, September 25 from 3 p.m. for the whole afternoon and evening. I ch bon queutard bbk only. Plan in the basement or in a 2-person cabin. In addition, I receive a hotel in Lille at the end of the evening. See you

21/09/2020 in 17h47
... I got out :)

21/09/2020 in 17h35
Good evening, I put my cat at the disposal of the sauna tomorrow Tuesday September 22 from 12 noon for the whole afternoon. Who wants to pass me smash and fill.

12/09/2020 in 15h09
... / ... beautiful days in perspective to enjoy the terrace ... and not "queues" :)

07/09/2020 in 10h43
in the world on Monday?

02/09/2020 in 14h20
... in 10mn I am naked on the terrace of the Baths ... And more if affinities ...

05/08/2020 in 09h00
Slt, I ch an active bbk partner for hard bz in the sauna les bains in lille friday august 7 afternoon and early evening. Who is interested ?

03/08/2020 in 11h15
Hello who goes to the sauna baths in Lille on Tuesday August 4th. I would be there from 1 p.m.

30/07/2020 in 09h10
Slt, who smashes my pussy for a long time and thoroughly in the sauna baths in Lille this afternoon from 1:00 pm in the basement in the dark part. If interested please contact me here?

21/07/2020 in 12h57
... / ... we meet there today on this beautiful day !?

24/06/2020 in 07h04
Good morning all. I would be Thursday June 25 at the 12 noon sauna for a few hours. I ch an active partner for hot plan. Who is interested ?

16/06/2020 in 17h32
Hello everyone, I am making my cat available on Saturday 20 June from 2 p.m. in the sauna for the whole afternoon and evening. If interested please contact me here, before Saturday 1 p.m. I would be in the basement in the dark. See you.

15/06/2020 in 12h40
Hello I think to make a passage there Saturday evening I would be alone for the evening I hope to have a good time thank you for leaving me a message

14/06/2020 in 08h49
I make my male cat available Monday, June 15 from noon to the sauna baths in Lille. Who is interested in smashing it and filling it?

13/06/2020 in 17h23
Thank you, I confirm, it's open with a little constraint, wearing a mask is compulsory in the corridors. A plastic bag is given to you at the entrance to put your mask in tubs for showers, hammam, etc. Have fun.

13/06/2020 in 16h19
Yes it’s open too many people on Thursday during this period a good welcome

11/06/2020 in 18h12
Hello, can you confirm if the sauna les bains in Lille is reopened?

08/06/2020 in 12h21
... / ... They open on June 11! :)

02/03/2020 in 07h16
Hello, I would be Tuesday 03 March from 12 noon to make my cat available in the basement, in cabins on the 2nd floor or in the hammam. Who is interested? Tomorrow then

26/02/2020 in 17h11
While in Lille I plan to go there this evening around 7 p.m.

19/02/2020 in 20h13
Hi While in Lille has lhotel nearest station this Wednesday night sucks discrete plane or Seeking guy who wants to dump me without blah

19/02/2020 in 15h45
I ch an active partner to smash my pussy this Friday, February 21 at 12:30 pm. Map bbk if possible.

14/02/2020 in 06h44
Hello who goes to the sauna baths in Lille this afternoon. I would be there from 1 p.m. Ch to make me dose, who interested?

31/01/2020 in 02h25
I'll be there this afternoon from 13h

27/01/2020 in 07h13
Hello i ch a BBK ASSETS partner for hard sex encounter sauna baths in Lille Friday, January 31. J there would be from 12 am to put my pussy available, cool but warm if possible level in the cabin or in the basement in the room perched sombre.Plan also if you want.

14/01/2020 in 07h37
Hello i ch an active partner in meeting hard sex sauna baths in Lille Friday, January 17th. J there would be from 13h to put my pussy available, cool but warm if possible level in the cabin or in the basement in the dark room. If interested please contact me here. Thank you

27/11/2019 in 00h20
Good slut receives Lomme hotel on the night of 30/11 to 01/12/19 to suck, swallow and get fucked by big cocks max. Plan and several gangbang sought. I can wear underwear if desired

23/11/2019 in 10h22
Tomorrow afternoon that just

17/11/2019 in 12h33
I will tomorrow

14/11/2019 in 14h15
I think to go Monday 12hà14h ago the world in general Monday lunchtime? :-)

19/10/2019 in 09h15
I will be there this Saturday at the beginning of the afternoon

08/10/2019 in 09h52
Who will be this apm I feel like sperm

07/10/2019 in 10h20
Who goes there this after noon good lope I have very like doing my bitch juice

07/10/2019 in 07h28
Hello I have wanted to go there, and looking for a guy to accompany me or ke Tuesday, October 8 at night is October 9 evening from 18:30. I am passive.

30/09/2019 in 09h25
Good very lope feel like this after noon sperm jy be in the basement I am very good slut mouth good and beautiful ass open

26/09/2019 in 11h32
Bonour I'll go Saturday afternoon.

26/09/2019 in 09h47
Hello I am a good lope available tomorrow apm Friday to dump you with my mouth or my ass I love the juice I'll be in the basement come many

24/09/2019 in 10h36
Hello jy am this after noon to empty all queues

23/09/2019 in 09h36
Hello jy am this after noon to dump you with my mouth and my ass I love the juice

17/09/2019 in 11h50
Yes, multiple entries;)

29/08/2019 in 13h46
Yes of course...

27/08/2019 in 12h30
.../... I'm there ; sunbathing & QUEQUETTE! :) white Thongs ...

24/08/2019 in 10h53
there's bcp world ap Sunday afternoon and it was very hot! hummmm

11/07/2019 in 14h13
... / ... veiled sun, cramées buttocks!

26/06/2019 in 21h47
Bsr Jh Thin beginner recoi tonight Lille H eldest of preference, pm me if interested read my profile before thank you

26/06/2019 in 12h23
... / ... we meet today on the terrace !?

22/06/2019 in 10h46
Visiting Lille I would spend 23 to 20H

12/06/2019 in 23h30
Who goes there tomorrow night? From 17:30? Or evening?

15/05/2019 in 12h56
... / ... very nice afternoon yesterday terrace, open to the sun ... me too, not only for the sun! ;)

29/04/2019 in 17h35
... / ... I was yesterday ... Armored! 4:30 p.m. small taste;)

29/04/2019 in 10h51
Cc j want to go too and make my bitch

18/04/2019 in 15h20
... / ... look white thongs

17/04/2019 in 10h49
CC comes with me I am very good lope subject slut someone accompanies this apm m thank you

15/04/2019 in 18h39
Hello i ch an active partner in meeting the sauna baths in Lille this weekend. Free on Saturday afternoon from 14h to bare sex or not. Also free on Sunday and Monday. Which is free and interested.

09/04/2019 in 17h39
I'll be there may be Wednesday, 04.10 noon or after noon

09/04/2019 in 10h33
... / ... Done ugly ... I'm going!

02/04/2019 in 15h44
... / ... is ugly, I go;)

21/03/2019 in 13h19
Someone should the amabiliter to let me visit in late AM today, around 18:00? I put my dispostion my cock to suck. Leave message SVP MP.

13/03/2019 in 09h01
... / ... Bel afternoon yesterday ... Thanks David ...

04/03/2019 in 16h39
Who was 18h available? If you have a car I can masturbate or suck you in if interested go mp

03/03/2019 in 15h13
... / ... I go ... white thongs;)

03/03/2019 in 14h37
Hello, Thank you for reading my profile for my research, I am available tomorrow morning 7:00 to 8:00 for H wanting to suck it in Lille, I can receive. I am looking to suck the first time Discretion required! Thank you

27/02/2019 in 12h58
... / ... I spent the afternoon yesterday: open terrace! And me too...

14/02/2019 in 17h42
tomorrow I'll afternoon

11/02/2019 in 07h34
I'm going to this after noon

08/02/2019 in 15h10
Jh available tonight at 20:30 approximately 18:30 sauna but not read my profile if interested thank you

26/12/2018 in 14h01
I went this afternoon in good docile lope

18/12/2018 in 18h37
... / ... Wanted ... Went Sunday afternoon; around 17:00 I met a nice bear, enterprising and enduring, from Douai: If you recognize yourself! "Little father"

09/12/2018 in 12h42
I hope that many will be Monday

23/11/2018 in 10h47
not many people at lunchtime. I will retuurn on Monday

22/11/2018 in 12h16
Who today? Mp

09/11/2018 in 11h57
Monday 12, who comes? that will be there?

05/11/2018 in 08h21
I like men with one or more enterprising wall. What day is best?

28/10/2018 in 20h48
tomorrow sauna

19/10/2018 in 14h15
... / ... My dear Tonguy, expects to spend fifty, it will get better! ;)

08/10/2018 in 08h31
Who this after noon at the sauna? Are til many people?

29/08/2018 in 22h39
Hi I will go to the sauna Friday around 17h in the shower. You booked me

09/07/2018 in 09h11
I go on Tuesday to empty the balls of the many guys ..venez

26/06/2018 in 14h24
... / ... Terrace around 17:00; tracking shots on goal ...

26/06/2018 in 11h46
... / ... Yes, there are people every day ...

21/06/2018 in 22h36
This Thursday I do my ass dismantled despite little world This is the second time I go and I take for my account I retry the blow ☺ Sunday

08/05/2018 in 21h30
I'll probably this Wednesday May 9 :-)

10/04/2018 in 12h41
I go this afternoon to empty his balls guys. ... so come see me. ... I have a tattoo on the left arm and piercing the nipple

07/02/2018 in 16h39
There I go back there to please me, who comes to join me?

17/10/2017 in 12h45
It moves on weeknights?

12/10/2017 in 13h03
on Friday for a max of pleasure between men horny!

06/10/2017 in 19h54
Jh, Lille, Slim, 1m80 62kg, hairy ass, recherhce first experience tonight, I try to suck, near cormontaigne / outdoor / car if possible thank you

06/10/2017 in 19h31
Who will tonight

30/09/2017 in 11h25
Jh, Lille, Slim, 1m80 62kg, hairy ass, research soda first Sunday 6:00 to close cormontaigne / outdoor / car if possible thank you

13/09/2017 in 13h14
I envi beautiful meetings Friday, sensual, hot, humid, virile, exciting ......

12/09/2017 in 16h44
... / ... tonight, look for white flip flops :)

11/09/2017 in 12h10
... / ... kisses to the little guy from Dunkirk :)

29/08/2017 in 18h21
Hello jy am Saturday, September 2 for the afternoon and evening. I ch a guy who loves bz bareback long and spit in the background. If interested please contact me at 0677086718

03/08/2017 in 22h59
Hi, the world Friday night?

13/07/2017 in 08h59
Hello counts go tomorrow July 14th. This opens from 14h. I ch me bz bareback by one person. See you tomorrow,

08/07/2017 in 14h22
just discover me and do good ... ??

04/07/2017 in 07h57
That someone tries to go one night this week?

02/06/2017 in 07h57
Hi, the world tonight or this weekend? :)

26/05/2017 in 11h54
... / ... sunbathing on the terrace;) I have white flip flops ...

21/04/2017 in 13h50
Hello I wonder if there are people on Saturday in the early afternoon Thanks

15/04/2017 in 14h25
Who tonight? According to you, on Saturday, more Les Bains, or Soho where to go?

25/03/2017 in 11h54
Hello going Saturday, March 25 after noon?

13/01/2017 in 19h58
Do not know this place. Which for me to discover (c is a first for me)

03/01/2017 in 12h53
the world in the late ap afternoon and we

10/11/2016 in 16h32
the sling guy

28/08/2016 in 18h55
a little too elderly and too enterprising

02/05/2016 in 12h54
Friday but with whom?

17/04/2016 in 12h15
Midii after this, my tongue will seek large buttocks for s "there engoufrer

17/02/2016 in 12h38
J will be tonight to see me jump Touzer.

26/01/2016 in 18h41
J there would tomorrow Wednesday 27 from 12:30

05/01/2016 in 15h21
Bjr J y pass Wednesday, January 6 12:30 opinion liabilities ......

05/01/2016 in 11h32
Hello There will be the world on January 16?

25/12/2015 in 17h47

23/12/2015 in 21h51
I also Saturday 26th for a good fuck

13/12/2015 in 11h14
... / ... Thanks Jeff! ;)

28/03/2015 in 19h58
Bastard great cocksucking thoroughly sauna Monday, 3/30 to be insulted, dominate, enjoy it. Poppers. Who wants to let message MP

28/03/2014 in 09h41
I think being there at approximately the same times

27/02/2014 in 16h23
J there would be tomorrow February 28 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

07/02/2014 in 18h00
that tonight ?????

31/01/2014 in 16h18
C is what I am doing Tuesday very very hot ...... I start next Friday

04/12/2013 in 09h49
I'll be there this afternoon around 14h

28/10/2013 in 20h03
I think coming in qq days in Lille ... some tips / advice for a sauna where we have fun?

15/07/2013 in 18h45
Oh, I misread so I thought you criticized the excuses me then I withdraw what I have told you

15/07/2013 in 13h44
And no I am not unpleasant I just give my opinion as you and I'm not insisting

14/07/2013 in 13h47
and especially blacklist because we tell you your 4 truths Grosd fantasist

14/07/2013 in 13h46
arrested te peter actiftbm

06/06/2013 in 09h21
hi I go to the bathroom this apm, I seek H between 18 and 65 who would like to accompany me, I am passive and soumi and I agreed to do what he wants (to be naked without towel, take me in front of everyone or another ... etc)

07/05/2013 in 17h49
a lot of people on this Tuesday afternoon ap but not young, as fifties with belly! I made myself feel many times in the showers, sauna, hallways .... but nobody really to my taste so I jerked off in the showers

26/03/2013 in 11h50
I went there Saturday around 17:30 many, for everyone! Very hot in back rooms. I cums 3 times in 2 hours !!!!

24/03/2013 in 20h21
is that a regular, who knows well the 2 individual showers sauna, could inform me of the glory-hole therein ... thank you in advance

08/03/2013 in 14h17
Hello, very want to go there today from 16:30, there will be t he world?

22/02/2013 in 04h21
is what qqu'un can tell me about what place give the glory holes of 2 individual showers?

18/02/2013 in 10h18
I've never been there. I tried this one day. I like to h 50 65a

24/11/2012 in 10h06
Who Active to join me Monday, November 26, 2012 to make me discover the backrooms and other nice corners? I might be docile if you know you will take with me. Hope

22/03/2012 in 13h42
I fully agree with ben59 to say it is crowded with sauna sixties more ... however, I have already met some lovely people! I actually regretted that gives us a single towel as if you spend half an hour in the steam room, it is soaked ... however I do not find that the cabins are disgusting. the stairs are quite steep indeed! the soho, it is good if you have tendencies to love young people in youth me it's not my kiffe!

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