Salut Je serais au sauna cet après midi Envie de la faire sucer et sucer de bonne queue
before yesterday at 20:42
Si certaines personnes sont motivés pour y aller demain faites moi signe, je comptais y aller vers 15h mais s'il n'y a pas grand monde j'essaierai une autre fois
before yesterday at 10:10
Du monde demain pour un jeune sportif hétéro bien musclé ? (Moi haha)
before yesterday at 00:42
Hey je suis un jeune nouveau dans le domaine ! Très envie de me faire sucer au sauna et de rencontrer surtout de nouvelles femmes
Au sauna ce jeudi soir pour un jacuzzi et plus si affinités, contact en mp si intéressé
Des actifs cet après-midi ?
Au sauna ce jeudi soir pour un jacuzzi et plus si affinités, contact en mp si intéressé
J y serais sûrement le dimanche aprem
Du monde qui vient ce samedi au viaduc?
Très envie d y aller cet après-midi pour sucer lecher ou me faire prendre comme une petite lope. Des amateurs ?
Bonjour, Ma femme et moi serons de passage au Viaduc, ce dimanche après-midi. Nous attendons des mecs avec les couilles pleines pour que Madame puisse les branler et sucer pour les faire éjaculer sur elle. Soyez propres et respectueux.
Disponible demain soir pour un verre sur Clermont
Salut du monde motivé pour ce soir ?
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 20h, contact en mp si intéressé
Tomorrow, Sunday January 5th, in the afternoon, we will be passing through. Madam, you really want to find yourself in the middle of several queues? Be respectful and clean!!!
At the viaduct after 3:15 p.m.
Du monde ce soir pour me baiser?
Quelqu un pour me vendre des vêtements de travesti ?
Bonjour mardi 7 janvier Arthur ma lope sera au sauna de 14 à 18h à votre disposition pour tout vos plaisir. Il vous attendra à genoux en string dans la première salle Profitez bien de lui
Au sauna ce soir pour la soirée naturiste, contact en mp si intéressé
Le 31 allons dans une petite discothèque de Clermont j espère pouvoir recommencer le scénario de la fois dernière..
Au sauna à partir de 20h environ
T'es sur que ouvert ? Hier j'y suis passer note OUVERT et finalement fermé... Je ne prendrai Pas le risque. D'y allez la...pour rien..
Aujourd'hui dimanche 29 décembre au sauna.
On est devant, on te dira si ça ouvre bien ce soir
Qq un pour confirmer que c est oùvert ?
Au Viaduc ce soir après 19h
Ces noté 13h minuit... Tampis alors je vais voir ou sortir... ?? Je ne connais pas trop les lieux ici...
Pour info, il n'ouvre qu'à 19h aujourd'hui
J'y passe cette après-midi en espérant m'amuser sans trop de lourd ... avec où sans madame selon son envies...jattand vos mp en étant correct si non BLOQUER ET SIGNAL
My mistake closed tonight
Anyone out tonight to play in the dark?
Passing through Clermont this afternoon. People to receive me
Du monde en fin de journée ?
Des actifs cet aprem pour me baiser?
Couples on Monday afternoon?
Who this afternoon? Pm I can go in sexy trav
Cherche mecs intéressés pour organiser gang-bang avec moi en travesti. Mp pour ceux intéressés (motivés et sérieux)
Couple ou trans ce soir ?
Sur place ce jeudi soir de 20h à minuit
Au kerry's pour un verre avec certainement une sortie en club
Cet aprem avec madame pour mecs actifs
J'y suis jusqu'à 17h30 pour celles et ceux intéressés
Des couples ou F cet après-midi?
Est il possible de porter dessous dans ce lieu?
Maybe Sunday afternoon or somewhere else depending on what messages I have...
Disponible demain soir vendredi pour un apéro spa
Ça va être chaud demain aprèm au viaduc…
Avec ma femme nous y serons vendredi soir nous recherchons mec actif avec une queue bien dure pour nous défoncer l'un et l'autre bisous
Serai jeudi soir à poil prêt à l action
Si des mecs avec grosse bite réel y vont ce lundi apres midi venez en mp, une copine veut venir sucer grosse queue !
Coucou ce soir au viaduc pour vous vider
De passage ce soir pour la soirée naturiste, bien lire notre fiche
Hello du monde demain vendredi ?
Présent demain après-midi, je ne sais pas pour il manque la moitié des mots lol
Présent demain après si certains dentres vous aussi faite le moi savoir
Sur Clermont ce soir (lundi 04/11) j’ai bien envie de tester ce sauna. Qui m’y accompagne ?
Hello, I'm planning a very first visit tomorrow. Any couples potentially there for a little while with a beginner?
J'y suis jusqu'à minuit après en trav si quelqu'un est dispo
Ded active would like to take advantage of the fact that I am in Clermont-Ferrand tonight?
I plan to go there tonight, interested and available after midnight to 8am
Passage demain debut aprèm, c’est bien ouvert ?
Bonjour, Qui présent à la soirée naturiste ?
Surement présent ce soir en mode salope mp si présent
Peux t on sucer et plus dans le jacuzzi?
Dispo chez moi à Clermont Ferrand pour femme ou couple
Je vais peut être y faire un tour cet après midi. Couple, femme contact en mp
Je passe cet après-midi pour couple femme joueur et joueuse dans le respect. Envoyez moi un message privé
De passage demain après-midi, envoyer moi un message privé ( femme, couple ou plus.)
Bonsoir.. peut-être mais j'en sais rien lol découvrir ce lieu.. je cherche la motivation rire
Bonjour, un couple cet après-midi ?
At the sauna tomorrow Friday around 3pm
Peux y aller cette aprem si du monde y vas
Passage cet aprèm, Mme veut sucer grosse queue
Peut on m'expliquer ce que c'est la soirée black out ?
Perso j'adore et me rend souvent à la soirée du jeudi Black out. Viens en pv
Salut Je souhaite m’y rendre mercredi pour la soirée fétiche et black out, certains d’entre vous l’on deja fait? Cela consiste en quoi exactement ?
Bonjour, du monde cet après-midi, envie de me faire sucer et plus envoyez moi un message privé et on se cale
Au viaduc demain vendredi après midi, un cpl devrait être de la partie également !
Au viaduc demain vendredi après midi, un col devrait être de la partie également
Des actifs demain après-midi ?
samedi apres midi je sui trav passive soumise je cherche un mec voire plusieur ,j'aodore embrasser suçer me faire prendre,rendez vous en MP pour se interaisser!
I tried the jacuzzi at the Viaduc. It's very good, but not many people in the evening, the afternoon is maybe better, I'll try.
At the Viaduc sauna tonight, from 7pm for a jacuzzi and more if mutual desires. Read our profile carefully. Contact by pm if interested
It's going to be hot tomorrow afternoon!
Du monde les après-midi svp merci
Nouveau jaccuzy vraiment top
Bonjour à tous, je souhaite découvrir ce lieux. Beaucoup de femme seule ou en couple en semaine?
De passage ce soir, contact en mp si intéressé.
Trav passive soumise cherche mec chaud pour se retrouver au viaduc aujourd'hui donnez rendez-vous en MP
Bonjour ,du monde présent ce week-end ?
au sauna mercredi 11, l'aprem et possible en soirée, baise couples bi, mecs bi, groupes bi
Très joli jaccuzi,très cosy,le plus simple c'est d'aller l'essayer, maintenant on se sent bien les dimanches soirs, superbe ?
Des avis sur l’installation du Jacuzzi ? Il est bien ? Confortable ? Ils l’ont mis dans la grande salle ? ,
mercredi 11 serais hotel 1ere classe aubiere cherche h mur bm pour plan sexe recois sans probleme
I'll be there tonight, I've been waiting 3 years for the boss to put a spa there...finally
At the sauna tonight, gay evening
I was there today. I got sucked until the juice (and swallowed) and I also sucked a nice jh. Very nice. There is now a Jacuzzi in addition.
would be in Clermont for 4 days would like to go to the sauna or meet at the Aubiere hotel where I would be
I'll be there tomorrow afternoon, a friend of mine (m/f) was supposed to be there too!
Je serai présent demain soir
pour info le sauna a réouvert ses portes !!!!
A t'il reouvert, enfin d'aller m'y detendre et me faire prendre par mes deux ouvertures à zizi et plus di affinités
A priori pas avant mi août il me semble
C'est ouvert à nouveau? Si oui je compte y aller dimanche soir. Merci pour vos réponses
Available this evening for a drink or spa or both ;)
Ah yes closed for work, he is installing a spa
Le Viaduc est fermé pour un mois pour traveaux
I'm coming out of the sauna. I can stay in Clermont for 3 or 4 hours
I'll be at the viaduct tonight until midnight
Salut du monde ce soir? J'y vais pour 21h
Qui va au sauna viaduc cet après midi ? Moi plutôt passif…
Hello, who this afternoon for cuddly and naughty moment send me a private message
Uhmmm this evening dressed provocatively I'm looking for a bar where there are small groups of guys I love that we're noticed then that the guys dare to approach us to chat and if we get along well, invite us over for a drink.....
dispo demain apres midi au sauna je sui trav passive soumise
Première visite de ce sauna, j'ai été très bien accueilli par le jeune homme a l entrée, il m'a aimablement présenté l'établissement. Les installations sont très sympas, je reviendrai avec plaisir.
Au sauna ce soir, contact en mp si intéressé
Très envie de servir de salope cet après-midi, à genoux à 4 pattes.... Des intéressés ? J adore être dans le hammam
J'y serai demain soir pour actif
As a general rule, in slightly hot times, this remains protected? or are some of them under prep for more security?? On this subject, if anyone has a direct plan to provide themselves >MP
Bonjour, du monde ce soir, j'y serai
Bonjour Je reçois, CPL ou Hbi passif en cette fin après midi ou soirée à l'hôtel sur Riom Beau travesti accepté Message en MP
Je reçois aujourd’hui en journée et se soir à l’hôtel ibis avenue jean moulin à Clermont
Du monde cet après-midi ?
Disponible ce week-end soirée privée ou en club
Cool, vers quelle heure ? Peut-être que je viendrais y faire un tour ;)
Le cpl bien chaud avec qui j’étais au viaduc samedi soir sera présent demain apres midi ! Venez sortir vos grosses queues pour Mme !
Good evening, I will take a little tour tomorrow afternoon for female couples sensory and sensual exchange send me a private message
Who this evening, for couple?
Je vais au viaduc samedi soir avec une copine qui veut découvrir ce sauna, elle a très envie de sucer des grosses bites !
At the moment, is there any activity at the end of the afternoon?
Hello, Sunday evening, gay evening, I will be there, kisses.
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
People this evening? Read our sheet carefully, contact by pm if interested
Je serais présent au viaduc ce soir
At the sauna this evening from 7:30 p.m., read our sheet carefully. Contact by pm if interested
Je rejoins un col ce soir au viaduc des mâles BM intéressés ? MP
Bonjour je suis routier à Clermont-Ferrand ce soir cherche une bite à sucer dans mon camion
Bonjour je serais de passage cet après-midi. Des volontaires pour passer un bon moment envoyer un message privé
Lots of people for the 100% guys evening at the Viaduc. Read our sheet carefully, contact by pm if interested.
Possibility of going to the sauna this Sunday evening. Contact by pm if interested
Au sauna à partir de 19h30
Qui pour s'amuser au viaduc cette aprem
Passing by from 3 p.m. we'll see if there are people... starving or non-respectful people, I'll kick you out straight away....
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
Le couple de mercredi dernier devrait être à nouveau de la partie ce mardi après midi (7 mai)…
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
On passera peut être demain samedi dans la soirée avec une copine… du monde le samedi soir ou c’est calme ?
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
De passage demain mercredi vers 14h30. Un couple devrait passer également !
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
Au viaduc aujourd’hui dimanche après-midi .Serai ravi d’y trouver un trav .
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
J'annule le viaduc aujourd'hui... Isa a eu la gastro toute la nuit, pas évident pour sucer
Au viaduc en début d'après midi ce mercredi 24 avril avec ma complice, pour qu'elle suce des queues et peut-être être offerte à 4 ou 5 mecs en levrette. Je la baise, puis je l'offre.
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
Petite lope mâle mise à disposition samedi soir de 20h30 à 22h pour homme et groupes d hommes, très docile et endurante, obéissante il aime la bite, à utiliser sans modération, pas de violence ni crade. N hésitez pas à m'informer de votre présence pour ne pas lui faire faire le deplacement pour rien Merci
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Read our sheet carefully. Contact by pm if interested
in the sauna Thursday 17th, afternoon, group date ok
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Read our sheet carefully. Contact by pm if interested
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
De passage vendredi aprèm ! Un cpl devrait passer également !
Coucou à tous je cherche des infos sur ce lieu pour savoir s’il est adapté à ma recherche. Merci de me contacter par message privé car dans les commentaires ça risque d’être moins simple de suivre la conversation. Merci d’avance
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
Little reminder for the guys, tonight it's exceptionally closed
Disponible ce soir soirée apéritif jacuzzi
Du monde ce soir, contact en mp si intéressé
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
Je peux recevoir à l'hôtel en soirée sur Riom le 25 et 26 mars au soir Ma préférence couple,beau travesti ou trans,
Dernière semaine sur Clermont Pour femme et couple joueures
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Bien lire notre fiche. Contact en mp si intéressé
J y serai demain dimanche vers 19h pour la soirée....y a du monde le dimanche soir ?
Normalement présent ce soir
Bonjour, du monde aujourd'hui??
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
Passing through this afternoon
Femme ou couple de disponible se soire j'ai les couille plaine
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
in the sauna Wednesday afternoon, bi severalsome, bi couples, ok
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
C'est comme au Casino, un jour on gagne, un jour on perd. Ce n'est pas spécifique à cet établissement, c'est partout pareil. Il faut juste arrêter de penser qu'en payant une entrée on va gagner à tous les coups, l'entrée c'est pour les installations, le reste c'est la cerise sur le gâteau. Et puis, il faut être conscient qu'on ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde et tout le monde ne peut pas nous plaire. Parfois, même avec peu de clients on peut passer de bons moments et des moins bons avec beaucoup de monde.
Il est vrai qu'il y a en soirée de moins en moins de monde. Pourtant les thèmes sont orignaux et sympa et pour tous les goûts que ca plaise ou pas. Par contre je n'est aucune idée du taux d'affluence en journée
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
I'll be there tomorrow afternoon for a nice time
Je sais pas si c'est de la bêtise ou si c'est votre sexe qui écrit les messages mais s'il vous plaît messieurs faites un effort dans vos messages, C'est triste
I was there this evening until 10 p.m. Desert, we were 3 guys It's more and more deserted in the evening
De passage ce vendredi aprèm, peut être accompagné d’une copine ;-)
Bien envie de retourner au Viaduc mais est-ce accessible en soirée avec tous ces travaux ?la dernière fois il y’a 2 mois j’avais renoncé plus une place dans le secteur.
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
Au sauna aujourd’hui à partir de 14h environ
Envie de découvrir du monde ce soir
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
De passage cet apres midi avec Mr, des mecs pour bukkake, ou gangbang selon le feeling... Alors messieurs soyez respectueux et Propres !!! La moindre odeur suspecte vous fera prendre un stop.
Présent ce soir à la soir black-out. D'autres participant(e)s?
Présent jeudi soir à la soirée black-out. D'autres participant(e)s ? ?
Présent à la soirée black-out ce jeudi soir
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
Au sauna dimanche soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Du monde cette après-midi
De passage demain vendredi dans l’après midi
Lyonnais sur Clermont pour 2 ..3 jour Cherche femme ou couple joueurs
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
Présent ce soir a la soirée du viaduc
Never tried it but I would like to go there tomorrow for a premiere who's coming?
Hello, does anyone have any information on the Thursday evening blackout party? Do you know if couples are also present there?
Hello, people don't know if there can be couples at the blackout evening on Thursdays?
Are there people on Saturday afternoons? PM me for discussion
Are there any connoisseurs or regulars of the Thursday evening without lights? I'll be there this Thursday, contact by pm to discuss it. I would like to know if there are couples also at this party? Thank you for your feedback
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Read our Contact sheet carefully by pm if interested
des couples demain après midi? MP de passage avec une copine ici ou a l'elyx
Hello, want to come around 4:30 p.m. today? Sent private message
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Au sauna dimanche soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Bonjour, est-ce qu’il y a du monde cet après-midi qui va au sauna ?
Du monde cette après midi? Envie d’y faire un tour..
A great meeting, thank you for this good time.
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
bonjour j y passe à 14 h pour m amuser passif je vous attend
Qui présent samedi soir pour passer un bon moment sans prise de tête.
De passage d’ici 1h surment
Présent si le couple fait de même :D
Bonjour, pour suite à la proposition d’un couple cet apm , le couple a peur que vous ne soyez pas présent, donc il ne souhaite pas faire le déplacement, peut-être montrez leurs votre motivation. Sur le forum , n hésitez pas. Je vous tiens informer au cas où.
Compared to couple glory: I was twice at the viaduct where they had announced themselves… And (luckily?) they were there!
Anyway this is the last time I waste my time and money!
@Oméga: did we give you an appointment? Weird we didn't exchange messages with you!??
Really sorry for the fake plan! We weren't able to come at 2 p.m. as announced, we hoped to be able to come around 4:30 p.m. but that wasn't possible in the end! We are very real CPL, some on this site have witnessed it!
If I come with a couple Thursday afternoon, we would need 10 guys minimum. Can you respond by being sure to come Thursday afternoon knowing that Madame is greedy and Mr. Trav is also greedy. I like black reube so if there are any volunteers please confirm on the sauna and I will come back to you.
If it can reassure you, several people tried to go there even though they had made an appointment, and never anyone! No one on the site has ever seen them. So don't trust it.
And yes, nothing surprising! Like many on this site, CoupleGlory only fantasizes about the site and posing rabbits. zero respect! Personally, I didn't even go because I suspected they wouldn't come ^^
Indeed no trace of coupleglory, too bad
4 p.m. not the slightest trace of coupleglory even though I had come specially for them after chatting. Too bad I didn't warn...
3 p.m. I leave, thank you coupleglory for not coming without warning!!
Hello, are there people this week in the afternoon to celebrate the new year?
Tuesday 02, we will be there at the beginning of the afternoon, Madame wants to suck cock!
At the Viaduct around 3:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Passing work this evening. Sweet and docile slut for naughty hmurs.
At the sauna this evening from 7:45 p.m.
De passage en vacances dans région j'y passerai mercredi après-midi des 14h30... Espère passer un bon moment sans creuvard qui me colle trop si non dégage directement Au plaisir de s'y croiser
I will spend tomorrow Friday with a couple around 4 p.m.
People tomorrow afternoon?
At the Viaduct this evening. Hope to have the chance to find a sexy trav like last time (October 13).
Passing through this evening
Passing through Friday afternoon around 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, does it open at 1 p.m.?? Good attendance or blah blah....
Visiting Thursday evening from 7:30 p.m., contact me by pm
Cherche plan pour demain début de soirée
Au sauna vendredi en début d’après midi ! Mp si intéressé
La sortie de samedi est annulée 8 Le sauna est privatisé. Désolé
De passage samedi soir, avec ma femme, pour éventuellement un gangbang si les mecs sont respectueux et Propres !!! La moindre odeur suspecte vous fera prendre un stop, direct. Pour rappel : il y a des douches et du savon sur place...
Ici ou ailleurs après 17h30..
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
At the sauna this evening from around 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested
Available tonight for a private party
Présent demain après-midi
Certainement présent vendredi après-midi. Je confirmerai
mercredi 22/11 aprem, ok pour plan a plusieurs
Présent ce soir vers 19h. J'espère y croiser du monde
Bonsoir le jeudi soir ces noir total ,soirée naturiste, à poil complet, chaque jour ou une soirée à un thème aux viaduc il faux juste suivre la soirée sur le site 3 ième genre ou pas ses comme cela, chacun sont soir.
Bonjour, on me dit que pour les jeudi a 19h pour les soirées black-out les trav ne sont pas acceptés... je ne me trav pas mais c'est triste et surprenant je trouve. Les femmes et couples le sont? Ou ce n'est que pour les hommes ? Merci pour vos retour
Je serai présent demain pour la soirée black-out. Certains l'ont déjà fait? Des retours possibles ? J'adore l'idée du thème
Demain à 19h je serai présent à la soirée black-out. Certains l'ont ils déjà fait ? Des retours la dessus?
Présent demain à partir de 17h
Bonjour Je peux y passer le 28 novembre. Contact en mp.
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 21h 'contact en mp si intéressé.....
Présent mercredi à partir de 17h...
Je sui trav passive soumise habiller sexy aime embrasser sucer le sperme me faire prendre, disoo se soir et toute la semaine, pour rendez vous au viaduc me notacter en mp à bientôt bises
J'y suis allé hier soir pour découvrir le lieu depuis le temps que j'en entends parler, bref arrivé un peu tard mais lieux très sympa et convivial bonne mentalité des gens je pense revenir une prochaine fois plus tôt pour profiter plus Je ne donne pas de note mais un point positif je recommande à 100%
Bon finalement ça ne sera pas pr ce soir ! Une prochaine !
Je passe normalement ce soir avec une copine qui veut découvrir plan suce en glory ;-)
On passera ce vendredi autour de 15h00…
Cc de passage en debut d’après-midi
Libre mardi soir poyr une soirée privée
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 20h. Contact en mp si intéressé
I will be passing by with Mr on Saturday the 21st around 9:30 p.m. we are looking for guys for bukkake, or gangbang depending on the feeling...
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
C'est triste tout ces hommes en couple ou madame ne peut jamais venir jouer avec nous
Bonjour j'aimerais bien trouvé plusieurs mec pour un vendredi soir aux viaduc tbm apprécié et couple aussi, je suis uniquement passive, j'aime bien rigolé et m'amuser, ou un samedi soir dans le mois d'octobre, si intéressé laisser moi un message je vous repondrez.
Vendredi soir au Viaduc. Aimerai bien passer bon moment avec travesti, venez mes belles.
On ne voit plus de travestis au Viaduc quel dommage.
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Qui pour un plan à plusieurs ? Quel jour quelle heure ?
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Passage demain vendredi aprem vers 14h30 / 15h…
No capote !!! Vous êtes fous et dangereux. Si certains veulent y aller, c'est leur problème. Mais s'ils chopent une merde et qu'ils la refilent ensuite, c'est vraiment pas cool
Bonjour sa intéresse qui demain de venir et de prendre ma femme avec moi comme sur notre photo No capotes et remplisage chatte et cul obligatoire plusieurs homme possible max 20 homme et bouffeur de sperme obligatoire a la fin a vos messages….
salut trav passive aimerai etre acompagner ou retrouver mec actif pour aller mercredi apres midi au viaduc,me contacter en MP
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Merci à toi pour ce bon moment.
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
Salut trav passive soumise très chaude de passage sur Clermont Ferrand aimerai allez au viaduc, j aime tous sauf crade,surtout sucer me faire prendre capot ou pas,donner moi vite rendez-vous
Hello, I haven't been to this sauna for a few years now, at what time of the week can I find a couple or woman there? THANKS
At the sauna this evening around 7:30 p.m.
Someone goes to the sauna on Sunday evening. We can from 7:30 p.m. Contact by pm if interested.
Would like to take a look there this evening.. contact by pm..
hello, I want to go for a world sauna this afternoon, couple or other available send pm please
Bonjour du monde cet après-midi ?
vendredi 25 aout vers 15H je peu etre au sauna le viaduc si plan cul,je sui trav passive soumise,embrasse suçe me fait prendre,aime le sperme,plan a plusieur ok aussi,si interaisser me prendre en MP!
Attention, hier soir je suis passé vers 22h il était fermé ?????? Donc à vérifier avant d'y aller.....
Qui va au sauna en soirée aujourd'hui ? Contact en mp si intéressé.
Je suis dispo en fin d'aprem et ce soir vers 20h je vais au sauna. Ouvert à toutes propositions
hello I am submissive passive trav there are active people who love trav? contact me if interaiser in pm
I'm going to the sauna this Thursday night. Do not hesitate to contact me for plans of all kinds
At the sauna tonight from around 7:30 p.m. Contact in pm if interested
Bonjour qui va aux viaduc ce soir j'ai envie de m'amuser
J'y suis jusqu'à minuit, dispo sur clermont après
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
qui i va se soir? je sui trav passive soumise,aime suçer sodo le sperme! me donnez rendez vous en MP
Effectively ! Thanks for the info! So I would logically be there in the evening
Normally closed for works, only reopens Friday evening
In the sauna tomorrow (Friday) from about 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
At the sauna tonight from around 7:30 p.m. Contact in pm if interested
À partir de 16h30 possibilité de mettre mon jouet plein de jus à dispo à l’arrière de ma voiture
Je penses y venir ce soir
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
I am going to the sauna on August 17. Do not hesitate to contact me for any type of plan
In the sauna this afternoon
In the sauna in the afternoon. Contact in pm, if interested
hello to all who cho for meeting Tuesday end of the afternoon pm me
Thank you for this good time
Au sauna ce soir à partir de 19h30 environ. Contact en mp si intéressé
C est mon anniversaire aujourd'hui. Très envie de belles bougies dans le hammam...
Présent ce weekend au sauna et je peux recevoir chez moi . N hésité pas .
Bonjour du monde demain après midi afin de tirer le 13 juillet
Bonjour, est-ce qu'il y a du monde qui va au sauna cet après-midi, envie d'être nue pas cette chaleur envoyé Mp.
I'll be there around 9 p.m.
At the sauna on Sunday evening from 7:30 p.m., contact in pm if interested
I'm thinking of going there on Saturday afternoon.
Present this evening around 8:30 p.m. with an accomplice for cpl or trans
C'est comme partout, on ne peut pas prévoir
Il faut y aller quand pour y trouver le plus de monde?
Bonjour, de passage samedi 08 le soir si ça vous dit mecs ou couples bi.
Je sui trav passive soumise aime embrasser caressé suce le sperme sodo je peu être au sauna si plan cul,me donner rendez dez vous en mp
Salut qui ce soir au sauna ?
Hier abonné de lieux de dragues, je n'ai pas retenu ton pseudo, pourras-tu m'envoyer un message pour me rafraichir la mémoire. Merci d'avance A+ François63500
Hier dimanche, malgré le très beau temps, du monde au Viaduc. Bonne ambiance entre mecs.....certains pensent y trouver des dames, sans venir accompagnés !.....Retrouvé un adepte du site. ouf pour une fois.
Bon week-end à toutes et à tous. Ce dimanche après midi, je pense aller faire un tour au Viaduc....Si des personnes du site y seront ? A plus.
Hello, are there people here this afternoon? Send private message
Du monde ce soir j'y vais
In the sauna from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Quelqu'un va au sauna ce soir ?
Good evening I have already posted an announcement if there is ever no response, esque tonight there will be people at the viaduct
Il y a des trans sur Clermont ? Je suis actif 0749909854
Bonsoir, il y a un peu de monde dans ce lieu?
De passage jeudi aprem pour baiser…
Dispo à l’hôtel avec madame Uniquement pour femmes ou couple 0749909854 envoyez un sms
J'y suis en mode salope affamée
Je pense y aller vers 18h puis monter a Montjuzet à la fermeture, ou peut être avant... Quelqu'un intéressé par petite lope gourmande ?
Possibility to go to the Viaduct tonight, contact in pm if interested. (Read our sheet carefully)
Possibility of going to the Viaduct tomorrow evening. Read our sheet carefully, contact in pm if interested.
Non trop de vent. On devrait passer à 15h au viaduc
@coupleglory hello, pas envie de profiter du soleil en plan exhib Dogging plutôt ? On s’en parle en mp ?
Du monde cet après midi ?
I went this Sunday, May 14, 2023. People, in the afternoon. Good atmosphere. Even a young couple whose first time it was...
Salut je sui trav passive soumise aime embrasser sucer le sperme sodo je sui habiller sexy faux sein siliconé, je vais au viaduc si rendez-vous !
hello there are active this afternoon I am waiting for your messages kisses
Thursday afternoon from 1 p.m., ok for group plan
Who wants to meet there tonight? I only go there if appointment
Dispo cette après-midi, on reçoit à la maison
hello I spend this evening to suck beautiful than and more biz I am waiting for messages bizzz
Trav dress sexy passive submissive ae kiss suck get caught available this afternoon at the viaduct if date!
I don't know if tonight I put back, are there assets because I would like to be fucked
At the sauna around 7:30 p.m., contact in pm if interested.
Good evening, I'll be in the sauna in the early evening if you like?
Certainly at the Sauna on Sunday evening, contact in pm if interested
Hi everyone, passing through Sunday 30 early evening, let me know
Hello everyone ! People tonight???
Hi all ! I'll be at the sauna on Tuesday afternoon, if anyone is interested let me know!
Passing by tonight in female dog mode. I can wear black stockings. Also available on the go. wave
Who in the sauna tonight I would like to go
In the sauna around 7:30 p.m.
Bonjour, envie d'un couple aujourd'hui avec ma complice... en mp
hello jy pass late afternoon passive I'm currently missing
In the sauna on Thursday around 7:30 p.m.
Has anyone tried Wednesday nights? A lot of people ?
Hello, who can give me information on naturist evenings?
Friday afternoon in a hot, naughty greedy trav to do the slut well and empty cocks
Hello little passive nymoho looking for a dominating virile man around 2.30 a.m. or between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Thanks to you, young man, for this very good time in the steam
At the sauna around 7:30 p.m., contact in pm if interested
hello who wants to get sucked this afternoon here or elsewhere I'm waiting for your messages
Who's going tomorrow for very sex moments
couples tonight for my accomplice??
Thank you, handsome bearded man for this great time. If you're on the site and you want to see us again, don't hesitate...
At the sauna around 7:30 p.m., contact in pm if interested
Want to do a sauna today. Contact in pm if interested for the time
Definitely coming tomorrow. Contact in pm if interested
Hello, man. Bi real passive active for couple, man, woman, transvestite, I am open to any proposal
Jacuzzi aperitif evening if interested couples
I'm going to go there this afternoon to give and have fun
Who is going to the viaduct this Thursday?
Hello, this Saturday, March 11, people, couples. Were you there?.... Good atmosphere.
Coupledu63 apparently 100% guys
I would like to discover this place. But accompanied it would be better...
Always 100% male parties on Sundays where couples can go
At the sauna tonight, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., contact in pm if interested
I am submissive passive trav I would like to go to the viaduct this afternoon if I find hot guys on the site to find or accompany me, I dress in sexy silicone breast stiletto heels I like to kiss, suck, swallow sperm and soda, give myself date as soon as possible
passing through the viaduct on Thursday 9, the afternoon
Who knows the bar le 58b in aubiere, it seems to be a good atmosphere
I'm thinking of going there this afternoon....
Hello. I'm thinking of going there tonight after 7 p.m. Sign up if interested...
I'll take a walk this afternoon, who if I retuurn? Sent PM
Nice afternoon. There was a very hot daddy who sat on my cock. He had a very beautiful sex too
Passing by on Friday afternoon, a cpl candau should be there too...
Hairy daddies this Friday, February 17 afternoon?
BEWARE of lolo_63!! Pose rabbits 30 minutes before the appointment
People tomorrow afternoon?
People in the afternoon? Very want to lick a woman and suck a man Pm if interested
I'm ready to go tomorrow, who to accompany me?
Thursday 26, at the sauna from 3 p.m., ok for group plan
With my accomplice surely Thursday hoping to find a small couple
I am submissive passive trav available to go to the viaduct, I like to kiss, suck, get caught, sperm, if interested, take me in MP
Someone to introduce me to libertine pleasure tonight?
at the sauna on Thursday afternoon, after 3 p.m.
I am young and I have never been in this style of place but I would love to try in the week, someone to initiate me?
Passing by this afternoon.
Early yesterday afternoon, I had my mouth full... very exciting
Tonight in a naturist evening with my accomplice for f bi or couple
Good evening, I am looking for a couple or a woman for tomorrow afternoon. Send private message
going to the naturist evening tonight to play with my accomplice??
hello to all I will be present there Thursday at the beginning of the evening
Gay couple, present Thursday, December 29 for the naturist evening. For bi guys, read our sheet carefully. Contact in pm if interested
I follow passive submissive trav dress sexy silicone breast, likes kisses sucks, likes sperm, sodo ok, who finds me in the bottom? Contact me in pm for an appointment otherwise I'm not going, see you soon I hope
Hello, are there any couples or women this afternoon to get to know where more
Want to discover, people this afternoon
Will we have more proposals tonight?? contact in pm
People in the afternoon? Very want to suck F or H My mouth and my ass will be available PM please before if interested
We're going to warm up in the sauna this Friday afternoon!
With my accomplice here or elsewhere.. message in pm
hello, I'm available all day Tuesday for intense sex (not in work mode, in little pedal mode in heat)
hello, passing by today??
Little trip to Kerry's pub tonight
who today accompanies me to the viaduct, I am very sexy, passive, submissive! answer me as soon as possible!
tomorrow Thursday 1st afternoon work hot greedy very want to be available for males bm enduring loves raw words and open my holes well
passing through with my accomplice here or elsewhere.. message in pm knew a couple wants to accompany us
monday 28 aprem, plan fuck bi has several, I'll be there
Hello, tonight Thursday, November 17, I should be able to go there around 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m. until ???
Demain mardi après midi Salope de passage pour bon gangbang en trav chaude
Well a priori it's closed tonight...
I'm going with my girlfriend this Friday night, who's coming? TBM welcome...
busy afternoon or evening of the week?
hello, I plan to go and discover this club this Sunday evening, November 6, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. If one or more guys are interested in accompanying me... If you have any opinions or advice, I'm all ears!
Merci au seul couple présent cet après-midi !! Bon moment à trois !!
Thursday afternoon, group plan ok
Present Friday afternoon, a cpl of friends (m / f) should join me too!
De passage au Viaduc demain jeudi, envie de plusieurs mecs qui viennent se vider sur moi.. Envie de sperme sur mon corps
Available Friday afternoon with my accomplice here or elsewhere… contact in pm
Anyone this afternoon? I can go there for the first time..
Hello, Passing through Clermont Ferrand on Friday 07/10. I don't know this place at all, I'm attracted to go for a walk there in the evening but don't want to go alone, Would there be someone (Cpl, M, F) who would make me the pleasure of introduce me to this place? Contact me.
I'm going tomorrow friday afternoon
Rascals this Friday afternoon for fun? We will normally be there around 2:30 p.m.!
Thank you to the couple who let my accomplice discover the softness of Mrs.
Couple or f to accompany us tonight?
Thursday 29 afternoon, at the sauna, ok for a group plan
Hello everyone, We are a couple who frequent this place from time to time, and indeed we are not always players, already we cannot please everyone as not everyone pleases us, it happens that people correspond to us and there, very often some come to break the atmosphere by their ways of doing things, no courtesy not even a simple hello, insisting as much as possible, no it's no, and suddenly we prefer to stop, too bad for all gentlemen have you the right questions, you will certainly have the right answers to the flight of women, and couples
Too many single men who take women for a piece of meat
You didn't fall for the times when I go there with my girlfriend, Xoxo6359 so... Those who are present at these times generally leave happy and empty... But of course, we have a life outside the licentiousness, we cannot be there as often as we would like.
Passage tomorrow Friday afternoon, I will normally be with a girlfriend!
I'm there but not many people….
In very hot work tomorrow afternoon 2:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Mouth and pussy available for active males bm Really want to play the little whore
Hi. We'll be there this Friday at the beginning of the afternoon ;-) Who's hot?
Still no serious proposal... sadness this site...
Still no proposal.. we will be passing by on Sunday afternoon…
Stroll with my accomplice on Saturday or Sunday afternoon... any proposals in pm??
Hello, are there people here this afternoon?
An asset to make me discover this place tonight?
in the world for a submissive passive trav this afternoon?
Maybe a visit this Thursday at the beginning of the afternoon...
Passing by this afternoon?
To continue the discovery of the accomplice here or elsewhere... message in pm...
Sunday 21, from 7 p.m., group plan ok
I will be accompanied by my master on Thursday evening
Empêchement de dernière minute. Sortie annulée. Désolé
ji will be dressed as a silicone breast whore on thursday evening! passive submissive
Passing by tomorrow, Wednesday, in the afternoon with my partner. Rather look for guys who have a hard-on, to get sucked off, and who will squirt on her. The soft bands and the long ones to come, don't bother
I'm thinking of going to the viaduct on Thursday afternoon and or evening who will be interested? contact me in PM
who's going to the viaduct this week? we can make an appointment in pm
Good evening, I am a submissive passive trav looking for assets for the evening, who is interested?
Probably passing through with my accomplice around 3:30 p.m. Anyone interested?
I will be there on Thursday early afternoon, from 1 to 4 p.m. Pm if interested in meeting you
I'm at the viaduct until midnight
I go to the sauna of Italy
Hello, is anyone going there tonight?
We normally go there tomorrow Friday at the beginning of the afternoon
hello submissive passive work, from the world to the viaduct today?
People tonight couple couple bi woman Leave me a PM
Looking for a man who can receive in Clermont. To suck and get caught dressed in lingerie
What are the hours on Sunday evening?
I will also be there this Friday afternoon!
CC ! Passing through normally this Friday at the beginning of the afternoon around 2:30 p.m.! Kisses
Dispo ce soir et dimznche, envie de rattraper deux mois ( ou j'ai réessayer d'etre hetero.. )... Jr prends plus de plaisir a être le jouet d'hommes virils Qui intéressé par petit lope gourmand, et maso du cul ?
Thursday 23 in naturist evening, open for orgy
I'm working there until 6:30 p.m.
Good morning. Are there video rooms in this sauna? THANKS.
Really want to go there at the beginning of the afternoon to see active domi. I love waiting in the hammam and being directed on my knees or in the cabin. Contact me if you want
Who's hot tonight around 9:30 p.m.?
I will be there tomorrow afternoon to discover this place for the first time. If you want me to discover it would be with pleasure..
I'll be there Thursday night if anyone is interested ;) pm
Salut ! du monde ce soir ?
Hello, anyone on Thursday around 8 p.m.?
I plan to discover this place on Friday, June 3 in the evening. Who to help me?
Hello everyone! Appointment cancelled.. failure of my partner! dsl
hello! mercredi apres midi...avec une amie...vers 15h environ..
Passing by this afternoon around 2:30 p.m., a naughty cpl should join me!
Passing by tomorrow Tuesday 10/05 from 3 p.m., with my accomplice. We are looking for guys just to get sucked and cum on her.
I'll be there tonight with a working girlfriend around 9 p.m. Bring your poppers book to the big juicy
Hello world tonight woman couple?
This afternoon 15 to 18 Greedy hot trav for active males bm Loves to be female
Hello, are there people here this afternoon?
I will be there tonight for work
J y serais mardi après midi en trav chaude sexy Très envie bien faire la salope
CC. I hope to be able to go there with a girlfriend tomorrow afternoon
We'll be at the beginning of the afternoon this Friday around 2:30 p.m.!
hello couples for couple thursday afternoon? private message to see if they move. THANKS
Bonjour Du monde ce soir?
Hello, are there people here this afternoon?
Thursday afternoon, ok for group plan
Hi, I'm working, I'd like to go to the viaduct one evening, not before 7 p.m., who can find me (not available on Wednesday evening)
CC. We should be there around 2 p.m. on Monday!
Hello, are there any couples or women coming by this afternoon? Send private message
Information on the passage of Glory zavatrash in Clermont?
Very hot, I'm going this afternoon!
Thursday evening from 9 p.m.
At the sana this Friday afternoon!
at the sauna Friday afternoon
I will go to the sauna on Friday April 1 around 2 p.m. .. if anyone is interested .. write to me in pm
who's going this weekend? message in PM
I'll be there around 8 p.m.
Finally there are people this afternoon??
I serzi there Friday afternoon and evening (if not alone),
I serzi there Friday afternoon and evening (if not alone),
confirmez vous présence couple demain après midi vendredi ? si oui h est il bi? qu accepte la femme?
At the viaduct Friday afternoon! A cpl m/f friend should be there too!
Gay on Sunday evening? Is there a hammam spa and sauna?
What schedule for this club??
People in the club on this beautiful afternoon?
Someone in the sauna around 6:30/7 p.m.?
A couple or a single woman for a young person? In a club or much quieter by booking accommodation
I'm working I'm thinking of going to the sauna the viaduct tonight, see you in pm
couples for couples tomorrow afternoon?
at the viaduct Friday afternoon
At the viaduct tomorrow afternoon with maybe a friend!
People this Friday afternoon at the viaduct?
J'aimerais faire connaissance avec ce lieux. Quelqu'un pour me le faire découvrir ? Je peux y être mercredi 9 mars vers 17h
hi, i am a submissive passive trav, dress sexy, silicone breast, would like to go to the sauna only if i have a date, people interact?
Dsl we will not spend this afternoon
I'll be there this Friday afternoon, I really want to suck and get sucked!
Tomorrow Friday afternoon, we will be at the viaduct!
Someone to have fun Saturday 26 afternoon at the sauna? Write me in pm
I can be there Wednesday afternoon. If tried private message. thank you
Sauna plan this Friday afternoon, another cpl should be there!
At the viaduct Friday afternoon: Mrs. wants to suck good cocks!!
World tomorrow in addition to replica63 who offers this beautiful blonde?
Hello, That's it Sophie has her pass, RDV Thursday Feb 3, my beautiful blonde will be available, on all fours for speed sex, chain fuck, everyone can take it but fast. On Thursday.
Bonjour à tous Si quelqu’un est intéressé je serais certainement au sauna vendredi 4 février en après midi ou début de soirée Hésitez pas à m’écrire
hello I'm going this Saturday evening to the sauna of the viaduct if some or some want to join me there, let me know
Well, sorry, the blonde's vaccination pass will only be re-valid on Saturday, so the viaduct refuses to let her in tomorrow, we're pushing back to another date, I'll let you know. Definitely she fucks.
Hello, Ca Y est Sophie va mieux, RDV ce jeudi 20 janvier a 16h, toujours pour baise a la chaine, Mme offerte a 4 pattes pour levrette. Entre 10 et 15 mecs seront invités a venir baiser Mme. Elle sera seule a l 'arrivée, commence seule et j'arrive 15 a 20 min après histoire de la voir en action, ce jeudi c'est baise a la chaine, pensez aux autres et ne restez pas trop longtemps sur sa croupe.
ATTENTION. Cancellation for tomorrow afternoon, my girlfriend just got... the COVID sucks. See you next.
at the viaduct on Thursday afternoon,
Salut Replica63 14h00 au viaduc jeudi 13 janvier 2022 Tu peux me confirmer pour que je puisse jouer avec ta blonde avant ton arrivée 30' plus tard
Thursday at 2 p.m., my girlfriend will be present, I will arrive 30 minutes later. I want to see her get fucked by as many guys as possible, we'll stay 2 hours, everyone will have a chance, I prefer chain fucking.
People for my ass? Here or elsewhere ... contact in mp
This afternoon Tuesday 28 j hesitates between the saline sauna and the viaduct if someone is motivated who contacts me and I will choose
It is open ? Are there people tonight?
I'll be there at 2pm… want to suck and get sucked!!!
I called the viaduct, it's open this Friday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
I'm going Friday afternoon, it's open even if it's Christmas Eve??
We would like to go there this Friday 24/12 at the very beginning of the afternoon, Mrs. wants to suck cocks! Hot males?
What is best between a Friday and a Saturday afternoon? Thank you for your answers
Passing by this afternoon, with my accomplice...
Passing by tomorrow Wednesday, I dream of meeting a couple including a bi guy to suck dicks with Mrs.
We do not know what will be done tomorrow! You have to take advantage of it while the saunas are open !! So Friday afternoon we'll be at the viaduct with a friend who wants to suck! Preference for bi BM guy!
I will be there Friday afternoon! Looking forward….
This Friday, November 26, we will spend the middle of the afternoon, Mrs. is very hot!!
at the viaduct saturday afternoon
CC. We'll be at the viaduct this Saturday afternoon!
People for this Sunday, November 14 in the evening?
Hi Anyone tonight? Late afternoon or evening
What are the total days guys and how much the entrance thank you I would like to go but alone not obvious
flotrav_pass oui bien sûr !
Is the health pass compulsory?
Chacun son tour et 2 minutes par mec lol.....très sympathique et coquine
On the way to the sauna, who do I meet there?
Thank you to the friendly couple present this afternoon for the sauna-hammam "in turn";)
Thank you to the sympathetic couple present this afternoon for the sauna-hammam "to each in turn"
visiting today to be available .. mp for contact
I would be there on Friday 29 around 4:30 p.m. If interested contact me
I withdraw what I said previously, I just left it, I had a wonderful meeting with a very very very pleasant woman and her accomplice
I go there regularly accompanied by my accomplice too. Often Thursday afternoons. Or Sundays
Ok, I must have had no luck then
@ omega63: Friday afternoon I have always seen at least 1 or 2 cpls there, not to mention having been there sometimes as a cpl too!
We should go tomorrow Friday afternoon around 3:00 pm!
Hello, personally I have only ever seen men in this club
Hello, has anyone seen a young couple on Thursday at the beginning of the afternoon in the establishment!?
For those who have met Sophie, curly blonde, last Friday at 2 p.m., we come back this Friday early afternoon.
I think I will be there around 3:00 p.m. to discover this place, hoping that there are a few people there
As much for me, I thought we were talking about L'Elyx. The Viaduct is obviously open Mea Culpa
I mainly believe that they are closed on Saturday afternoons.
I want to go there for the first time this afternoon, are there people in principle on Saturdays?
tomorrow wednesday afternoon working in slut mode for active males endurance bm very want to be slutty
Pourleplaisir63 yes there are couples
hello are there couples on saturday evening
Cc I will be there Friday afternoon. A cpl should pass in the middle of the afternoon!
Really want to go for a walk this afternoon My mouth and my ass will be available Really want to receive cum on my face Amateurs??? MP would be well before
thursday aprem, bi guys orgy, bi couple
A couple a woman for a nice meeting tonight or this weekend? Open to any proposal
Passing by this Friday afternoon with normally a rascal! Cpls or bm guys present??
Je serai au sauna avec un pote aujourd’hui.. Qui est chaud ?
Fancy some games this afternoon.
cc, of the world tonight?
We will spend there this Friday in the afternoon!
At the sauna tomorrow Friday afternoon! Of the world ?
Trav chaude gourmande cet après midi 14h30 17h Envie faire la pute à mecs
Hi ! People tonight for blackout?
Qui chaud pour ce soir ? Moi vers 21h…
In the world this Friday afternoon?
Who's going tomorrow afternoon?
Cc, motivated for tonight?
Hello, are there people going this afternoon ?, I have never been there but it tempts me well
Good morning! People tonight? Would like to take a walk....
On vacation in Clermont-Ferrand... I'll be there tomorrow from 1 p.m.... If any members go there I'm waiting for your pm I hope the place is fine
yes bonnebche43, Sunday aprem c, is quite busy, especially in the event of gloomy weather
Morning. Are there people on Sunday afternoon in general? We really want to go ...
Sunday 01 August, for two-person plan, couple, from 2 p.m.
I'm taking a rascal tomorrow Friday afternoon! From the world going there?
Passing through the 28 beginning of the afternoon. Mp if tried. Thank you
Passing through this Friday afternoon, Ms. is hungry !!
I will certainly be there at the beginning of the afternoon, especially in the hammam, but I am only passive
Hello passing by tomorrow Friday afternoon! Of the world ?
crowd this Sunday evening. I offer myself to the highest bidder.
I'm going in 1 hour for sex plan
I'm there tomorrow from 1 p.m. for sex plan
I would be Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for sex time
I will also be there this Friday afternoon
Who joins me tomorrow at 2 p.m. for a sex plan
I will be there Friday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., who joins me for a very sex plan
Tomorrow afternoon in the sauna, we will be less hot than last Friday! Finally it depends .... Who passes?
Couples or women at the end of the afternoon?
in the world this afternoon?
Alone but a friend cpl must come!
bonnebouche43 ... alone or with someone else !?
In the sauna this afternoon.... it's going to be hot! People who go there?
I'm going tomorrow afternoon, who wants to have sex?
Hello, who for tonight !? There is a naturist evening and no light in the cabins
Bjr à toutes et à tous peux être de passage aujourd'hui fin d'après-midi début de soirée
Couples today late afternoon early evening?
who goes there saturday afternoon for sex plan
bonnebouche43 wave if your girlfriend comes !! ;)
I go to the sauna on Friday afternoon with maybe a girlfriend! Hoping that there are a few people!
Reopening on Wednesday 09 June if all goes well!
openact63: It has been closed since Saturday following the tightening of health rules in Clermont.
A couple to accompany us this evening with my accomplice?
Hello, I will be visiting this sauna on Thursday 8th at the beginning of the afternoon! Write to me;)
who's going there tonight on sunday? I am passive submissive docile good lope
This Friday afternoon ... who's hot for a good fuck on the viaduct?
Tomorrow (Friday) around 3 p.m. with a girlfriend normally, we're looking for bi BM guys! Come and have fun with us before we can't do it again !!
passive submissive submissive, I would be there Sunday evening from 9 p.m.
I will surely be present tomorrow afternoon
There were some nice cocks to suck this afternoon, it was Top!
People tomorrow Sunday around 10 p.m. ??
Temperature measurement at the entrance and compulsory mask inside
Please note: the sauna is privatized this Saturday from 7 p.m.!
People tomorrow Monday afternoon?
A couple or a woman today?
In the world this Thursday around 3:00 pm ??
There are individual cabins for this transvestite hy would be on the weekend of the 15th
someone Friday August 7 in the afternoon? Private message;
Anyone in the sauna tonight Saturday?
Aprem in the sauna tomorrow Friday! Who to suck or get sucked see more?
Passage tomorrow (Friday) in the middle of the afternoon for a good glory plan! Notice to guy BM and more !!
This Friday afternoon, a good sex plan ...
Passing through Clermont at the end of July, I really want to have fun there, couple or trans women, do not hesitate to contact me if you are looking for a well-hung young man ...
I'll be there around 10:30 p.m.
Bjr, I'm going there this Friday afternoon, who will be there ??
Hello, is it open in the afternoons?
Who Friday afternoon? Last Friday it was very nice!
Couple or woman this afternoon ??
Who this Friday afternoon? Maybe I would come with a naughty girlfriend!
Good evening, couple or woman tomorrow late afternoon?
Hello, is this open? Tonight? Would like to go
A couple in the afternoon?
I go there maybe around 9pm this Sunday evening ...
Hello, this place has reopened ??
Tonight I'm going to the Le Viaduc sauna .... from 7 p.m.
A couple or a woman this afternoon?
To you with whom I played this evening: CT cool, whenever you want! Olivier
This afternoon, Tuesday June 9, I will be there.
I plan to go there around 8 p.m.
So much for me liqui63, it seems to reopen on Saturday indeed !!
Liqui63, there was nothing nasty in my remark, more teasing ... That said, I was wrong, you're not on the planet Mars, but even much further, in another galaxy itself !! ;)
You live on Mars, right? ;-)
You're a comic liqui63 !!
coupleglory at what time?
We are looking for guys well mounted for sauna viaduct plan this aprem ...
Anyone this Friday afternoon?
Thank you to the couple for the excellent time all 3 in the room with the cross of Saint Andrew!
This afternoon, Saturday, February 15, I will be in the Le Viaduc sauna.
Woman or couple to accompany me tomorrow afternoon?
Hello I am looking for 1 dominant male to offer me as 1 little slut
This afternoon Friday, February 7, I will be at the Le Viaduc sauna.
transvestites or cross in the corner? MP
Hello I am looking for one dominant male will make me discover the place and offer myself to another or to keep me to let him 1 post pourRDV
A couple or woman tonight?
the world this after noon?
Couple this afternoon? ???
Tomorrow Friday after noon?
The world Sunday after noon?
A couple or woman tonight?
Someone to accompany me tonight ??? Seeking travesty in my ages!
A big thank you to the lovely couple that aprem the show was very exciting hummmmmm
Actually very good last Sunday sauna parcontre rants those cheesy who locks himself alone in the room .... more who do not even bend ....
Delicious time spent this afternoon with the couple present very very greedy lady and for the mr bravo very good performance....
Couples or women tonight?
a great place to relax or we spend very good very hots times every time we spend in the region
The world tonight? I think to go
This aprem aware of one girl who discovered the club. Rarely seen as pretty a very good momentv
couple or woman this after noon ??
The world tomorrow, Wednesday 16h? Too want sex ...
Who can give me the price of admission
A couple or woman this afternoon?
Hi couple or woman tonight?
A couple or woman to accompany me tonight?
Who available aujourd eight
Couples or women tonight?
women or couples to exchange caresses massage .... Sunday afternoon? MP
Hello everyone ... the world after 20:00 tonight?
Tomorrow the world debut of the afternoon?
someone Wednesday, 6.19 in the afternoon to accompany me? Thank you
thank you to the couple who has passed a great time
rectification I will go there after the kamasutra from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
I'll be there after the Kamasutra at 18h until 23:30
Bm tbm guys or Saturday night? I want to take a girlfriend (38 years old nana) to make him suck cocks!
hello I sui trav sexy dress, love me or acompagner reach the viaduct on Wednesday after noon merçi contact me!
Now with a plurality naughty for
FYI I dress with wig High transparant, false silicone breast, mini skirt, fishnet low stiletto, contact me deprive bizz
I sui dress trav subjected passive sexy love hot guy to join viaduct, available Wednesday Thursday evening! or next week after the noon, I like kissing suck me caught, cumshot oral, facial ok!
hello I sui trav sexy dress, available Thursday, April 4, after noon, the viaduct only if active interaisser, contact me, merçi!
Tonight passage with a naughty
I do not find this place! Is it really ??
Hello end daprem for couples woman trav respectful own private msg
Tomorrow after noon I'll be down from 13h until 15h has max.
Couple this week in the evening?
Couples for Valentine's Day?
Couples this week in the evening?
Couples or women this afternoon?
Couples or women on site ??? for good relaxation !!!!!
World onsite couples or woman ... Although motivated to move around 17h
World Sunday 20 afternoon?
I would find out on Saturday 19 from 15h if couples or hetero men are starting to accompany me thank you m.prive Contact
Very good evening tonight through replica63 and his girlfriend.
Tonight 22h30 with naughty young and pretty very very greedy, couples or men with pleasure.
Thank you to the couple mariedom, I discovered that sauna for the first time, this well-designed is clean, the showers excellent missing only the jacuzzi to be perfect ....
Couples in afternoon this week?
The world this Friday, December 21 at 3:00 p.m.? Couple?
rather to 21H, always looking for hot guy, merçi contact me soon!
I think there be not before 18H, hot guys and motivate interaisser?
I sui passive subject trav, blond wig, sexy short dress, thong, fishnet low boot, I love kissing, sucking, hot sperm, sodomized me, I'll be at Friday night overpass, hot active interaisser ?, contact me time! kiss!
ditto, depending on the time ...
coupleglory ... as always, everything is a matter of time;)
The world tomorrow, Monday afternnon?
Hi, a woman or a couple tomorrow 11/11 afternoon???
vincenzo97 Warning is a fake
World this afternoon and Sunday, October 28 Women Couples
toujour person when accompanying me tomorrow night? From 8:30 p.m.?
trav short blonde wig sexy dress, stockings fishnet boots looking person can acompagner me Friday night at the viaduct? merçi me sign!
Hi, a woman or a couple tomorrow night 29/09 ??
DC, this world after noon ??
Mr balagne also my Blacklist while I have not even spoken to him but it is a mytho who has already come talked to me about a sexy site
jy be the beginning 29 June after noon
17 between 13 h and 17 h couole. Ms. adept plurality
I'll ausauna Tuesday March 13 to 15h to 16h30 until tbm guy or girlfriend welcome
I'll be there tomorrow afternoon for couples
Hello Guys BM Friday afternoon?
Hello we looking for a woman or a couple in the February 8 63 15 19 18 one moves far enough easy man banned
Wednesday 24 Jan sauna viaduct from 15:15 to girlfriend or avce tbm man, I'm good sucker and loves getting caught
I go to the sauna viaduct Monday, January 15 from 15:00 until 16:30, if interested girlfriend or boyfriend
I discovered this place today in drag, very well with good attendance and good atmosphere, great I will retuurn
CC! well mounted couples or guys this Friday night?
On 23 / 13h (viaduct). who is coming?
Coupleglory Hello, me and WB available by the hour? Contact me I will give you my MP as
I will spend this evening green 21 or 22 pm
A couple or woman this afternnon?
Someone this after noon ??
somebody tonight to play ??
Couples on Thursday night?
Somebody tonight to play warm ??
Hello ! Passage Wednesday night torque guy if not too well mounted maize! Who ?
somebody want to accompany me tonight ??
Hello. this sauna is open or it work?
Again, I am available for you couplecurieux
we will this after noon at 21/8 hot saunas Madame viaduct is open to spirit not just physical criterion own people has maintained pillositer
I spend this afternoon to make me suck. Who is coming ?
couples on weekdays? how much for one man?
who goes there tomorrow Sunday, August 17 in after noon ?????????????????
who goes into Sunday, August 17 after noon ???????????????????????????
WHO CAN GO Sunday, August 17 IN AFTERNOON ???????????????????????
that there will be Sunday, August 17 at twelve o'clock ap ????????????
who goes Sunday, August 17 the after noon ??????????????
who will start Sunday, August 17 after noon ???
who will tomorrow ap twelve o'clock ?????????????
who will be tomorrow after noon?
who's going tomorrow, Tuesday 8 evening
Monday, 12/23, I lent my tail for women, trav couple
Loves sucking several guys in the hamam
I can yetre Wednesday 18 and / or Thursday 19
I can be a night of the week 51. Who to accompany me?
What is true thename of this sauna?
FPIC or woman 24/11/13 Sunday after noon to 15h in evening
Too shy'm looking for someone to go
I look for someone to come with me
The world after the Friday afternoon 16/08 ??? Want to clear my balls with little slut;)
looking for a woman or a very effeminate transvestite for accompany me to the Kama Sutra sex shop and sauna viaduct during the week from 6th to 14 September 2013
I look for a nice guy, sweet and active to accompany me to my first outing in the sauna. Free tomorrow afternoon 13/05 at 14:30
Very want to go but need more information: gay or mixed sauna? Hours, website? Thank you for your answers
Hi, tried also. This is where and how it's called?
eager to discover the place to watch and why let me try. What address, time and price please
I went the last 2 Friday aprem varied clientele but male What is the best time: after noon and night or any day. Thank you
there will be tomorrow after noon there will be lining up to meet me
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