Sauna Avanchets

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Type : Sauna gay & straight
City :  Vernier
Area :  Geneva
Country :  Switzerland

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Sauna très sympa avec bar, jacuzzi, hammam dark, cinéma, cabines discrets, glory holes, sauna. Tout ce dont on a besoin pour avoir du plaisir. Mixed tous les jours sauf dimanche (gay). Plutôt fréquenté par des gay et bi, rarement des femmes ou couple.
Address :
Avenue de Baptista
1220 Vernier
Phone : +41 22 796 90 6

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19 d. ago
I am looking to meet a single woman or a couple, if interested contact me!

28/11/2024 in 09h09
Madame sera envoyée pour la pause déjeuner en mode pute "gratuite". Vous la trouvez, elle devra s'offrir à vous. Petit jeu, elle est blonde cheveux long mais attaché, de type européenne, assez reservée. Voilà à vous de jouer. Ce sera beaucoup plus simple pour ceux d'entre vous qui la connaissez déjà.

22/10/2024 in 06h08
All that remains is the Bains de l'Est as a good sauna without whores in Geneva.

21/10/2024 in 14h16
Still as many whores there? I'll have a little sauna but not with whores

10/03/2024 in 08h02
Rien n'a changer, prostitution interdite, mais que des putes sur place. Au point de te faire insulter quand tu viens accompagné. Ne mérite en rien d'être répertorié ici.

06/01/2024 in 01h03
It has become a real brothel there, this place does not deserve to be listed here.

05/01/2024 in 18h03
Someone this evening?

23/11/2023 in 12h29
Who wants to warm us up a little now?

11/11/2023 in 23h33
Qui dimanche ?

01/05/2023 in 09h32
I'm going there this afternoon...

27/03/2023 in 14h43
Haven't been back there for a long time. Does it fuck well between guys or couples. Where is it always loaded with prostitutes.

27/03/2023 in 12h15
Anyone today?

24/11/2022 in 12h29
Anyone you this afternoon?

20/07/2022 in 09h38
A couple interested in going today?

26/04/2022 in 12h33
I'm thinking of going there tonight to suck some cocks

25/04/2022 in 16h05
I would like to go for the 1st time in a sauna, I put myself at the disposal of the one who accompanies me and guides me

27/02/2022 in 13h26
What's coming today? I'm waiting for big cock

11/01/2022 in 01h18
Tomorrow on site MP

22/12/2021 in 10h36
I'll be there around 1:30 p.m.

16/11/2021 in 11h03
From around 1 p.m.?

12/11/2021 in 15h56
Is there a rascal available for a nice part of the legs in the air at the end of the day?

05/11/2021 in 15h52
Is there a couple to join us tonight on site or tomorrow at the pink beach in Lausanne She 44 years old 165 50 bi, him 53 years old 183 100 bi. Trending ds games.

04/11/2021 in 12h46
Would be there at 1pm. Someone to have fun?

04/11/2021 in 12h45
Details there at 1 p.m. Someone to have fun?

02/11/2021 in 17h23
@therapon74160 There are almost always guys out there having fun, from my experience.

02/11/2021 in 13h12
Request for advice: busy during the week for plans between guys?

21/10/2021 in 12h39
Someone ca after noon from 2 p.m.?

19/10/2021 in 11h06
I will be there today around 1 p.m.

18/10/2021 in 06h56
I will be there at the end of the day, available for bi couple.

17/10/2021 in 01h54
Will he have someone tomorrow?

10/09/2021 in 12h10
Anyone want to join me down there for a little weekend relaxation? Will be there from 2 p.m.

… close history