Rue Jean Monnet behind Malbosc


Cruising spot gay in Montpellier

proposed by bbpassif  (17/05/2016)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Montpellier
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Behind the school François Mitterand Street Malbosc (access from Malbosc: access from Jean Monnet is cut for cars). Leave the car in the parking lot and walk to take the path laid along the shared gardens parallel to the bowling to the benches and tables concrete (50m). Immediately after left and enter the small path immediately right: last discreet location after the development work on the park.
Address :
389-691 Rue de Malbosc
34080 Montpellier

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29/10/2024 in 18h31
I'm there.....

29/10/2024 in 17h07
In an hour and a half

29/10/2024 in 17h02
Anyone there in the afternoon?

28/10/2024 in 22h17
I'm there.....

18/08/2023 in 07h54
Still frequented?

23/01/2018 in 14h29
I'm from 15h to 17h to suck a good tail manly

01/07/2017 in 15h08
Who wants to get sucked this afternnon?

07/06/2017 in 16h37
I'll be there at 17h15 to suck

22/05/2017 in 22h56
I can spend a morning or Tuesday, 5.23 aprèm to suck

13/03/2017 in 20h21
Who tonight to suck me or getting sucked?

03/12/2016 in 19h33
Never person not discreet enough this area always full of young people, joggers and families and more.

15/09/2016 in 21h00
I go tonight to suck

30/06/2016 in 19h59
I'll be there tonight to suck

17/06/2016 in 12h18
Available to pump it this afternoon

14/06/2016 in 12h30
Jamai person lunch :(

20/05/2016 in 13h29
Never person when I go

18/05/2016 in 11h52
The world now?

28/04/2016 in 20h53
I come back to the moment

27/04/2016 in 14h31
I go this afternoon

10/09/2015 in 13h01
Never person for lunch?

21/03/2015 in 16h20
Are people here?

18/08/2014 in 07h35
Who's going to tonight? Come mp

06/03/2014 in 17h08
that now on malbosc?

05/11/2013 in 15h22
who's going there this afternoon?

18/10/2013 in 19h45
I am available

27/07/2013 in 14h22
passing through it this afternoon 27/07

18/07/2013 in 23h47
jy me pass tomorrow who will be there.?

10/06/2013 in 12h52
who this afternoon to Monday?

04/06/2013 in 13h39
which for this after noon?

03/03/2013 in 04h43
J and I live near ss alle but there's nothing

01/08/2012 in 00h15
good evening

30/07/2012 in 18h28
yes jy am

30/07/2012 in 18h25
By 1 quarter hour

30/07/2012 in 18h24
tell me the time and will jy

30/07/2012 in 18h22
What time ?

30/07/2012 in 17h49
bsr I just be there tonight;)

30/07/2012 in 00h19
tell me qds

29/07/2012 in 09h58
jy me you'd pass it when?

26/07/2012 in 16h50
I just be there for good drainage;)

25/07/2012 in 21h15
That evening

25/07/2012 in 12h26
22- 23 hours to tell me what time you will be there

24/07/2012 in 15h56
around when?

24/07/2012 in 15h39
I'd jy tomorrow night

24/07/2012 in 15h09
which now goes there this afternoon for a good motion ??

20/07/2012 in 11h00
which now goes there?

11/07/2012 in 17h16
which now goes there? and what time?

09/07/2012 in 16h08
Somebody tonight around 18:30?

06/07/2012 in 18h19
oh yes it would be nice ... but when?

06/07/2012 in 16h43
we could give sy hot date jy time to pass time

06/07/2012 in 11h31
Yes damage, never anyone yet there's pretty nice and quiet corners for .....

22/06/2012 in 11h55
it is clear jy went several times and are person !!!! Yet there is the potential ...

… close history