Rest area St Jean de la Neuville

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Saint-Jean-de-la-N.
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Out of the A29 (from the Havre) towards Fécamp. After the toll rest area and co-operative. stealth and discreet meeting. Small concealing wood available from the car park.
Address :
Échangeur de Bolbec
76210 Saint-Jean-de-la-Neuville

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14 d. ago
I'm there! I really want to get sucked.

11/01/2025 in 12h22
Tonight around 5pm in the toilets I want to get sucked!

03/01/2025 in 15h58
Désolé je ne pourrais être là à 17h problème au taff dégoûté j'aurais tellement voulu pomper partie remise

03/01/2025 in 08h44
Want a good cock to suck tonight around 5pm

02/01/2025 in 17h20
Personne veut venir me vider !

02/01/2025 in 14h54
Qui peut venir ? Et à quelle heure ?

26/12/2024 in 11h54
Why not on bolbec tonight from 7pm. I suck I receive

21/12/2024 in 15h07
Bjr. Dispo cette après-midi jusqu'à 19h pour vous sucer. Chez-moi . Près de gruchet le valasse

11/12/2024 in 14h35
Pk pas vous sucer sur St jean de la neuville. Bolbec. Gruchet le valasse

07/12/2024 in 12h30
Dispo à partir de 19h.plan réel je suce reçois discret

07/12/2024 in 11h55
Hello, the weather is not great. I can receive to suck good cocks tonight. Discreet

28/11/2024 in 10h52
Possible this afternoon to suck you

27/11/2024 in 21h54
Qui et quand ??????

31/07/2024 in 13h26
Hello, are there any Active Dominators during the week between Monday and Friday who would be there around 4:45 p.m. - 5 p.m.

11/06/2024 in 21h56
Du monde dans le sens Rouen > Havre ?

07/01/2022 in 16h55
Who wants to get sucked

19/07/2019 in 07h34
I'd probably late afternoon

20/07/2018 in 16h46
18h to people?

08/08/2017 in 21h10
Who this Saturday afternoon?

29/04/2017 in 15h20
I person on site!

29/04/2017 in 08h23
The world today 29/04

11/04/2017 in 14h09
desire to caress me or see this week?

06/04/2017 in 18h48
not obvious to find quiet contacts as damage site!

11/02/2017 in 11h09
I spend around 15h

25/01/2017 in 18h45
Are Who evening

09/01/2017 in 15h45
J feel like doing me sucked. there are women?

09/01/2017 in 15h39
Are the business around the parking lot

18/12/2016 in 22h39
who want to suck me in the week to give the hour!

30/11/2016 in 10h50
I m stopped in temp Temp person is

06/09/2016 in 14h30
Nobody here ?????

23/07/2016 in 16h06
I'm the ba who did want to suck me hummm

22/07/2016 in 17h31
want to suck me coming ????

19/05/2016 in 19h33
passing next week to caress me or see .moi 205 black.

09/05/2016 in 13h05
I'll be around 16.45

09/05/2016 in 09h43
Around 13:30 this afternoon that ...

09/05/2016 in 07h55
Around when?

09/05/2016 in 07h54
Who in early afternoon on Monday ...

26/04/2016 in 16h44
Who this evening between 17h 30 6:00 p.m.

26/04/2016 in 11h52
Who this evening between 17h 30 6:00 p.m.

26/04/2016 in 09h37
Who this evening between 17h 30 6:00 p.m.

20/04/2016 in 08h34
Tonight at 18h

19/04/2016 in 18h21
I'm in the parking lot a black 205

19/04/2016 in 07h20
I happened to 6 p.m. tonight

08/04/2016 in 15h36
nobody ever comes date grrrrrr

24/03/2016 in 17h37
passing Friday, March 25 in the morning to one o'clock ?????

28/12/2015 in 16h23
which comes in the evening 18h

16/12/2015 in 12h03
I retuurn to 15h morning person grrrr

15/12/2015 in 23h58
I'll take a ride tomorrow morning around 10:30 am

08/12/2015 in 16h58
I'll take a ride around 17:30 ba

11/11/2015 in 17h47
person each time I pass grrrrrrr

24/10/2015 in 13h21
if there have the world go ba give a schedule!

17/10/2015 in 17h59
I would like to make me suck pass often enough person.

… close history