Rest area on N13 (meaning Bonnieres - Evreux)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Saint-Aquilin-de-Pacy
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Area ideal rest for meetings and small pleasure, N13 direction Bonnieres -> Evreux. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.
Address :
Chemin du Moulin Maheu
27120 Saint-Aquilin-de-Pacy

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02/10/2024 in 19h17
It is no longer possible to meet here, the area is almost closed, it is no longer like on the map

07/07/2023 in 10h31
Arrived early, looking for a big cock to take it while I caress myself...

07/07/2023 in 08h40
I'll be there from 11:00 to 12:00.

02/04/2023 in 22h34
Who available in 15-20 min

05/01/2023 in 19h29
Hello, I will be tonight at the place noted on my profile if interested send me a message

21/12/2022 in 21h08
Come on, I offer my ass to the most beautiful cock I will receive in my clean-shaven messages! This person will be able to lower me or she will want position that she will want!

16/06/2022 in 15h14
the world in the evening, road cut for the night for example?

10/03/2022 in 18h15
Anyone tomorrow noon?

10/12/2020 in 19h24
sorry but this point is closed

24/09/2020 in 18h55
Truckers tonight?

10/09/2020 in 14h44
Anyone going there today?

30/08/2020 in 15h04
There are heaps that close the site but I saw behind they scratched so it will be asphalted and I think reopened

21/07/2020 in 12h10
I just went there. It's still closed.

13/06/2020 in 13h50
Who in the corner I want to suck

26/05/2020 in 17h06
ce site est fermé pour travaux. Combien, de temps je ne sais pas. Je viens de m'en rendre compte

21/05/2020 in 19h16
9/10 p.m. Tonight someone wants to get sucked? Contact me on PM

22/02/2020 in 15h35
I'm going there to 3:45 p.m.

12/11/2019 in 11h07
The world this afternoon?

01/09/2019 in 14h35
I am looking for someone to offer me his sperm to season my dishes for lunch.

29/06/2019 in 15h11
I receive liabilities pacy

17/06/2019 in 00h21
available not far away, leave me message if envi suck my dick or ke I take your ass

02/06/2019 in 01h45
available for Sunday night. I can even receive female couple or transvestite for a good fun evening

29/05/2019 in 16h43
I think spend the evening

25/01/2019 in 19h54
World passage tonight

25/01/2019 in 13h45
Hello there quite busy here? I'll be there Thursday, 1/31 between 16:30 and 18h.

11/01/2019 in 13h33
available on Evreux and its surroundings for fucked ass and fill a 16x5 mouth with well-filled balls

02/11/2018 in 20h07
I would be tomorrow evening.

30/10/2018 in 23h07
I passed today around 19h and I had the chance to suck a very big dick. I would like to see this one if the person acknowledges thank you send me a message I would like you too resuce

14/09/2018 in 21h27
Pending a simple and direct plan weekend

18/08/2018 in 10h44
Hi, I'm currently following

04/08/2018 in 22h40
Do you want is to get caught

05/06/2018 in 19h57
Passing now I hope to make a nice hot and friendly meeting

23/04/2018 in 11h00
If a nice big tail drags on the rest area on 25 between 10.00 and 12.00, maybe let me I try ....

22/01/2018 in 17h14
On nissan khaki rest area that wants to treat me pte'm cho

10/10/2017 in 20h41
excellent meeting Sunday night in the little wood.

14/05/2017 in 18h50
J will pass well to discover places tonight if someone just tell me how its spends sy down

21/01/2017 in 12h09
Hi guys I am ds wood or there is the area I'm without a vehicle.

11/12/2016 in 18h25
there would t it a good or asset cho sy after me tonight in early evening

11/12/2016 in 17h26
I am now to suck cocks

15/05/2016 in 18h15
I just discovered this little corner trankill Jy often happens now that I know I'll often stop my

24/08/2015 in 16h25
Which for me now plan assets or liabilities at your pleasure

21/08/2015 in 22h29
s for which occupied me and my ass pt

… close history