Rest area of ​​Clamecy


Cruising spot gay in Pousseaux

proposed by travsuzy89  (16/07/2020)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Pousseaux
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Rest area and timber at the outlet of Clamecy, N151 towards Auxerre. Dredge and forth, day and night.
Address :
58500 Pousseaux

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8 d. ago
People passing by tonight, accept all offers!!

21 d. ago
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a naughty photographer and available if anyone knows one I'd be delighted

23 d. ago
Bonsoir a tous et toutes Je suis après varzy en camion pour la nuit, Si une femme, un couple,ou meme un homme veux venir me rendre visite en cabine n'hésitez pas. Avec homme je suis plus passif .

01/11/2024 in 12h52
Full58 is the one who blacklists you

01/11/2024 in 01h54
Want to empty beautiful tails

30/10/2024 in 16h06
People passing by in the evening, to have a little fun??

20/09/2024 in 00h01
passing through on the night from Monday to Tuesday to suck a good cock

19/09/2024 in 15h40
Available tomorrow

16/09/2024 in 11h08
Hello, who is available?

16/09/2024 in 08h02
Mp for available people

15/09/2024 in 22h49
guy 42 YEARS OLD tomorrow night from 11pm and part of the night for blowjob plan

13/09/2024 in 12h21
I'm going there today between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. and then around 4:30 p.m.

30/08/2024 in 21h35
Anyone out tonight for a quickie??

28/08/2024 in 16h52
dispo tous les jours jusqu'à dimanche 1 septembre je me deplace dans la demie heure en mec lopette soumise ,,, tel : 0658248828 suce avec facial, insultes, sodo avec capote meme à plusieurs

20/08/2024 in 12h40
je decouvre l'endroit, j'avais discuter avent et rdv ce matin. impecable dans compter un invite surprise a participer un moment,,,, en tres convivial,,, top

19/08/2024 in 16h58
anyone tonight after 11:30pm?

19/08/2024 in 10h28
Looking for women or transvestites to go tail hunting

22/07/2024 in 21h00
I'm there meaning Auxerre Clamecy

09/07/2024 in 21h47
Go do something tonight in the parking lot…nightfall!

26/06/2024 in 00h07
People around? I'm there..!

08/06/2024 in 10h31
I will be passing through Thursday June 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. my slutty ass is available for whoever wants it, blue leggings red t-shirt sitting on the bench

07/06/2024 in 15h11
I would like to get caught by several cocks at the end of the afternoon, leave a private message

06/06/2024 in 14h15
Thanks to the guy who blew my mouth open with his cock, it was awesome. See you soon I hope

04/06/2024 in 12h50
Hi everyone, I'm going to be a little late.

03/06/2024 in 12h36
Re everyone, so I'll only come by tomorrow around 1 p.m. to empty as many balls as possible. So if there are any volunteers I will wait for you with my mouth wide open

03/06/2024 in 12h10
Hello everyone, I really want to eat cock and empty balls. Are there any volunteers? I can be there in 30 to 40 minutes

16/05/2024 in 18h12
Focus389 normal you drop rabbits

16/05/2024 in 18h03
Crazy, it's normal that you drop rabbits

19/04/2024 in 12h25
I'm going there tomorrow at 11am to give my ass

09/03/2024 in 16h05
Anyone tonight??

03/03/2024 in 11h19
I'll stop by on the 25th to give my ass to whoever wants it.

26/12/2023 in 17h30
I'll be there at 6pm to suck

16/12/2023 in 11h53
Looking for regular sex plan minimum 60 years old for pleasure

15/11/2023 in 20h28
Thanks to the guy who fucked my ass

31/10/2023 in 16h37
Still no one at a party to have a good time?

29/10/2023 in 21h45
Passing by tonight??

29/10/2023 in 08h24
I'll be in the parking lot getting fucked this morning leave a private message

25/08/2023 in 10h56
Really want to get sucked this afternoon, any volunteers??

17/08/2023 in 08h39
I'll be there on Saturday 19/08 around 5:00 p.m. to get pumped or even more if we feel like it.

16/08/2023 in 19h09
This evening-night? Give a sign!

14/07/2023 in 15h10
Passing by tonight?

11/06/2023 in 20h11
Good sex plan this afternoon

23/05/2023 in 15h23
I'm there in a camper van

11/05/2023 in 12h24
Bjr I will soon be at kls

25/04/2023 in 09h46
Available today for sucking and more

29/03/2023 in 21h56
Cock sucking this afternoon by someone who put his cock in my ass

15/03/2023 in 09h11
Try to make me empty by a beautiful trav tomorrow morning

28/02/2023 in 21h02
Friday I'm at kls

27/02/2023 in 18h59
who wants to take my ass

01/12/2022 in 17h05
The kls it and closes just when

01/11/2022 in 18h47
Good anal yesterday at kls

24/10/2022 in 17h04
Good sodom this afternoon

24/10/2022 in 08h14
Bjr I will be there in the week

07/10/2022 in 22h34
Passing through Saturday late afternoon

06/10/2022 in 00h18
will be present on the night of Saturday to Sunday

14/09/2022 in 17h26
The 24 to suck or give my ass from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., pm me

13/09/2022 in 16h41
I will be Thursday morning at the rest area

23/08/2022 in 22h46
WHO in the night from Wednesday to Thursday for jerk off sucks

13/08/2022 in 09h41
Bjr j.azzive soon my number 0668463629

17/06/2022 in 20h37
People on Saturday night??

16/06/2022 in 21h19
I am this is dessert

08/06/2022 in 11h06
I went there yesterday at night nobody, too bad

05/06/2022 in 23h06
This Monday 06 from 11 p.m.

06/05/2022 in 12h26
This afternoon in the parking lot

04/05/2022 in 16h14
Someone ?

10/04/2022 in 18h43
Bjr Tuesday I will be at kls

06/12/2021 in 20h17
Hello, I'll be there tonight around 10:15 p.m.

06/12/2021 in 16h38
Someone tomorrow in Clamecy

06/12/2021 in 16h32
Bjr my ass and available

10/11/2021 in 10h00
Bjr it's ok my number 0647799118

01/11/2021 in 13h06
Good anal that I just had

30/10/2021 in 23h34
Bjr it's ok my number 0647799118

04/10/2021 in 15h04
Bjr I serve in the parking lot on Saturday night

30/09/2021 in 22h22
Bjr who was on Saturday 18 at the little break in Jooyy

20/09/2021 in 14h31
I fucked my ass to redo

19/09/2021 in 23h07
in the night from Wednesday to Thursday for reciprocal sucking jerk off

17/09/2021 in 15h02
From 5 p.m. until 6 a.m., juice tank will be available for all guys, married or not, fat or not. I swallow it all, uro welcome.

11/09/2021 in 22h45
People in the parking lot

08/09/2021 in 10h39
Bjr I'll be in the parking lot tonight

06/09/2021 in 22h51
On parking 23 pm max tonight!

05/09/2021 in 23h24
Bjr I may be Wednesday night in the parking lot

02/09/2021 in 20h26
In the parking lot tonight…!

31/08/2021 in 13h24
Clean cute driver wax tomorrow morning around 5am looking for a mature man to fuck me

16/08/2021 in 19h09
Someone ?

28/07/2021 in 18h52

26/07/2021 in 19h02
I'll be impregnating all night long in the parking lot. Come and fill me many. But holes will be opened for a filling for all. Contact me

16/07/2021 in 23h52
I got my ass fucked well hum to do it again

13/07/2021 in 20h35
Bjr I'll be Friday my number 0647799118

13/07/2021 in 18h56
I will be friday

27/06/2021 in 17h08
Who evening

19/06/2021 in 11h41
Who this evening to directly impregnate me? I'll be in the woods naked waiting for the good juicy cocks. I love juice and piss in my holes. Come many!

19/06/2021 in 11h34
who is available for this day

10/05/2021 in 16h05
Who wants to empty their balls this afternoon?

09/05/2021 in 08h48
Search for sex in the morning on am on Auxerre

24/04/2021 in 19h18
I have a cock this afternoon for my ass

24/04/2021 in 12h04
Bjr who and in the parking lot this afternoon

22/04/2021 in 09h02
Bjr who and in the parking lot this morning

07/04/2021 in 05h08
No one to suck me off?

04/04/2021 in 12h47
Bjr who wants to plan ass tomorrow

31/03/2021 in 02h30
Hello, someone available to corvol, I want to make me suck

28/03/2021 in 11h55
Bjr who for plan ass at my place

14/03/2021 in 21h25
Bjr person this afternoon at par show my ass to one or two guys but they ain't stopped

24/02/2021 in 10h28
Bjr who was in the parking lot yesterday afternoon

19/02/2021 in 10h57
They are going to cut wood with skins some and no one

14/02/2021 in 23h12
Bjr I'll be in Autun soon

14/02/2021 in 14h20
Aparament I say aparrament at noon or at the end of the day sometimes there is a salesman fooling who comes to exib or to fuck who has already seen thank you in mp or here

13/01/2021 in 16h52
Cc on clamecy tonight if I have mp ...

12/01/2021 in 17h39
Cc of passage this evening or for the night ... cpl trav welcome ... or exhib

07/01/2021 in 12h19
Hello everyone, I would be passing around 1:30 p.m. in my bare cabin in the direction of clamecy Auxerre to suck see more if interested

24/12/2020 in 06h50
Who today? On 12/24/20

24/11/2020 in 18h36
I'm still 30min

02/11/2020 in 11h14
Bjr, passive driver passing through the parking lot around 12:15 p.m. if interested sucks sodomy etc, biz

21/10/2020 in 13h25
nobody for this afternoon

02/09/2020 in 11h59
Ji am so interested to say Auxerre

02/09/2020 in 10h40
Bjr everyone ji would be naked today in the cabin to suck and get caught etc, I'm a truck driver10

11/08/2020 in 03h44
I'm there, I'm waiting for you

07/08/2020 in 23h45
Not far from arriving ..

07/08/2020 in 20h15
Plan tonight ... suck ... slip on ... several plan, mp for details ...!

26/07/2020 in 15h17
give an appointment for your niche on this site

26/07/2020 in 15h11
who to make me cum and make me cum give appointment

08/07/2020 in 09h35
If the person who passed yesterday in scenic old model recognizes that he is manifesting ... tomorrow 5 p.m.

05/07/2020 in 16h22
Who to fuck me now ......

24/06/2020 in 10h26
Hello everyone I'm on the road I will be in the parking lot in 30min for 1 hour, I'm passive

22/06/2020 in 14h22
Hello road on site to kiss

14/06/2020 in 15h22
I will spend the evening to get caught around 8 p.m.

09/04/2020 in 09h44
On site naked, :)

09/04/2020 in 05h41
Hello everyone, I am a trucker10 I will be in the parking lot around / 10:00 am this morning, sense to say Auxerre, I would be naked in the cabin to reach take care of your tail. Several plan possible

24/03/2020 in 10h25
Bjr I'm road ji am to get caught

06/03/2020 in 11h25
There is a trav this night around 2:30 am for fun

04/03/2020 in 14h44
I look for the one who my good sodo he had a black car thirties after m having a good fingering he my sodo I liked and I would like to see him again I did not have the cheek to give appointment on the same site

03/03/2020 in 10h44
I'm naked in the cabin

03/03/2020 in 09h42
Bjr to all, I am a passive driver10, I would be naked in the cabin around 10:45. Possibility of a group plan if interested. Biz

19/02/2020 in 05h17
I'm on the area to serve balls empty before work. From 5 am to 8 am this morning. Come relief. Message pm thank you.

13/02/2020 in 18h23
Lope in lack available until 7.15 p.m. and again around 10 p.m.

27/01/2020 in 07h49
bjr how to recognize and what time

28/11/2019 in 13h35
Ji was naked in the cabin in the direction clamecy Auxerre.

28/11/2019 in 11h27
Bjr has all road I am bi ji passive assets would be to 13h30 13h bare cabin passenger side just happy ji would be for 1 hour to give and receive

25/11/2019 in 18h59
I'm in the direction Auxerre clamecy I am passive and active

25/11/2019 in 10h49
Ji'm naked truck sleeper map

25/11/2019 in 09h42
Bjr has all nje am Pass road act, ji would be around 10:30 this morning to take a good cock

14/11/2019 in 17h15
access not possible road closure

14/11/2019 in 12h04
I think may be going TANTOT dressed as a woman

23/10/2019 in 12h42

18/10/2019 in 11h42
Bjr to all, ji will pass around 12:15 p.m. to get fucked and if amateur to eat my ass, I will be naked in the cabin in the truck

10/06/2019 in 00h26
I'm sitting on the table waiting for you to come plunge your big cock

09/06/2019 in 20h57
I come soon ... I hope I will find myself caught between two beautiful stately Tails ...

04/06/2019 in 20h27
Hi all someone has tonight?

09/04/2019 in 09h02
who to suck up to me 14h 15h Tuesday 09

06/04/2019 in 14h16
Available 3-3:30 p.m.

06/04/2019 in 08h51
Hi all, someone available this afternoon to 14 am h30-15?

11/03/2019 in 13h04
That available to 15 pm

10/03/2019 in 17h56
World available this evening?

06/02/2019 in 15h23
I'm in 10 minutes. To avail for good tails

24/01/2019 in 20h23
I am person

24/01/2019 in 17h30
Tuesday, January 29 that finally after noon early evening ??

21/01/2019 in 09h49
Hello all, I go from time to time, I walk my dog ​​or I go alone I know it is time to frolic seen time but can be empty anyway if s' lingers too soon can be !!!!!

20/11/2018 in 14h22
Is the world around 17:30 6:00 p.m. ??

13/10/2018 in 09h32
Who kiss envi morning an ass

29/08/2018 in 20h06
lope available tonight

12/05/2018 in 08h28
shit I'm often missed more

11/05/2018 in 22h13
She came super sucker and beautiful breasts

11/05/2018 in 21h14
Then the gas or not motivated

11/05/2018 in 18h57
Beautiful blond woman

11/05/2018 in 18h54
Notice to all this beautiful patou 58 evening will be passing from 21h 30 to 22h 30 and only she sucks cock like many

03/04/2018 in 17h50
jy am tomorrow morning and afternoon

20/03/2018 in 17h40
Always one to Friday 23 ??

19/03/2018 in 14h47
Who will be on Friday 23

19/03/2018 in 13h47
Who Friday, March 24?

05/03/2018 in 15h16
The world this afternoon?

17/02/2018 in 11h51
I'm persons

27/01/2018 in 20h49
I would be in 15 min

27/01/2018 in 16h04
The world?

08/01/2018 in 17h36
I am tomorrow morning about 6:30

04/01/2018 in 09h13
Good lope hole, good balls today on empty area of ​​Clamecy. What hmurs want to empty? the 01/04/2018

28/11/2017 in 17h09
Tomorrow from 5:00 am to 5:30

15/11/2017 in 18h11
Quincy in 30min

23/10/2017 in 15h49
What time it takes me 30 minutes to be I can at 6am

12/10/2017 in 20h42
Someone to suck now?

12/10/2017 in 18h28
I am until 21:30 12.10

11/10/2017 in 21h14
I'm persons

23/07/2017 in 20h05
I would be around 23:30

06/07/2017 in 11h39
What you said is not suzygomatiques this 10th

19/06/2017 in 10h59
Someone early afternoon (14h) for hot time. F or preferably cpl. Leave me a message to meet.

03/06/2017 in 16h06
Strange but bi58500 easily put it when the gene Members bakliste I have never met him and always curious stealth right? So even advertising for him to really avoid it will not PAZS my dick (or my ass)

30/05/2017 in 19h46
J there tomorrow around 8 am 8:20

23/05/2017 in 19h44
are people for dry kiss me tonight?

17/05/2017 in 20h11
Who tonight. ?

24/04/2017 in 23h52
Who tomorrow night come by mp

01/04/2017 in 20h12
Attention there is a guy soidusant "BI58500" Who does not agree to receive or to zepl

01/04/2017 in 19h42
tomorrow (1e 2 4 2017)? to get sucked give me the MP Fairesavoir Huere thank you in mp course

28/03/2017 in 20h01

11/03/2017 in 16h02
World PM tomorrow to get sucked?

12/02/2017 in 16h33
The world this afternoon which is what I look for in my profile?

29/01/2017 in 09h23
Who tonight? Come mp

05/01/2017 in 22h19
Ds tomorrow morning ???

27/12/2016 in 17h10
Who tonight. ?

22/12/2016 in 00h13
Who tomorrow night? ?

26/10/2016 in 13h14
Thursday, 27/10 at night which come by mp

19/07/2016 in 07h00
I'm in one hour

29/05/2016 in 20h16
On site now to mouth young couple exhibitionist or hot woman;)

28/05/2016 in 19h42
The world tonight?

25/05/2016 in 20h05
Somebody tonight? Or tomorrow night? I active for couples exhib young guy or trav / trans

28/04/2016 in 16h02

26/04/2016 in 15h26
that tonight ??

22/04/2016 in 18h51
that tonight ??

14/04/2016 in 06h36
I'm in 30mn

08/04/2016 in 18h35
that tonight ???

13/01/2016 in 19h00
Who tonight? Message pm

25/11/2015 in 16h55
Someone good plan for tonight? Young Gay guys ...

19/11/2015 in 19h51
can be passage this weekend if we are a young gives appointment! with pleasure

11/11/2015 in 07h45
Someone for tonight? Preferably young !!!

28/10/2015 in 19h48
Someone good plan for tonight?

13/09/2015 in 19h02
On site for young sucker

12/09/2015 in 18h53
there are young people who are in this place ???

04/07/2015 in 19h35
Would there from 23h, research BM Active or woman

16/06/2015 in 20h19
Passage tonight 21:30 to 23:30, to live young passive guy who wants to suck good cock ...

08/05/2015 in 23h29
On hand to make me live well pump. Or young guy who wants to empty

02/05/2015 in 15h13
I probably spend tonight if no rain. Some interested?

01/05/2015 in 19h22
2 tips Sunday despite the rain ... I will retuurn tonight if the weather is calm

23/04/2015 in 22h53
I am at the moment for a young guy

21/03/2015 in 20h21
A young passive or bi young tonight in the area?

17/03/2015 in 05h27
Jy jy am going in a good half hour

16/03/2015 in 16h44
Jy would tomorrow morning around 6am rest 30 minutes I suck

14/03/2015 in 17h55
I'm good for passive Vdc max ... 40

09/03/2015 in 12h58
It is there in 30 minutes, but remains in lgt so come soon

26/02/2015 in 17h14
Surely passage tonight to make me empty ...

18/07/2014 in 17h59
That Monday, 7.21 in the evening ??

25/05/2014 in 17h19
We're going there to stay and good hours for a guy moin 30 if possible

12/01/2014 in 06h08
I wanted to go this afternoon

28/07/2013 in 18h45
I spend in an hour, enjoyed young passive ...

21/07/2013 in 17h21
It is now! Very good place damage your person today! There is still a time if you told her the bogosse

02/07/2013 in 20h02
I am for young passive, direct map appreciated

10/07/2012 in 16h27
tomorrow 11/07

06/10/2011 in 17h40
who tonight?

… close history