Il n'ya plus personne nulle part dans les p.o ....sans les touristes ce département est mort mdr ....
Do people still go there?
Passing by today or tomorrow?
I'll be there around 4:30 p.m.
Passing by right now? This afternoon maybe?
Good question. Before I could easily find people there but not anymore.
Someone this morning ... around 10:15 .... 10:30 to suck a mature cock .. very clean ?? Give an appointment please ... thank you
Who is available in the morning?
Hello, I am arriving Friday 19th and will be available between 2 and 6 p.m. at first class Perpignan sud. Saturday 20 I will be available between 4 a.m. and 6 p.m., Sunday 21 between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. It is IMPERATIVE to tell me the PRECISE day and time of arrival.
Am in Perpignan WE from Saturday20Sunday21. Receive a discreet hotel type 1Classe Perpignan south, access to the rooms from the outside. Will be available Saturday 20th in the afternoon until early evening then Sunday 21st between 4am and 10am. Submissive, cerebral, verbal, shaved on both sides, passive not inactive, I am looking for H ACTIVE, enterprising and enduring, XL or XXL to sodomize myself and or fist long and deep. I kiss, caress, suck without cum in the mouth., gloves, lubricant, condoms available. Non-commercial, just mutual pleasure. The bedroom door will not be locked even at night... Just push it! Hotel address communicated to anyone who expresses interest and room number indicated upon my arrival. Reply in PM please.
Qui y passe ce matin ??? Envie de me faire sucer ...bien a fond ...vers ..10 h 30 ...environ ???
Someone to suck me off?? ..around 4:30 or so?
Passage today who also passes there?
Passage between noon and 2
I wanted to go there once but I couldn't find the toilets, if someone can help me
Who's going there in the afternoon?
Guys, stop squatting in the cubicles (like this afternoon). We said to the urinals! Haha ,)
Who goes there after 3pm today?
The problem is the security guard who understood and who often passes by. It is better to stay at the urinals and not lock yourself in a cabin together.
Really a shame because the place is clean and quiet...
Rien non plus les dernières fois où j'y suis passé... :((
I was there this morning around 11am. Too bad no one...
Wednesday I go there between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.! Who wanna get sucked?
Anyone this morning around 10 a.m.?
Today between noon and two
Passage today around 12 p.m.
Passage today between noon and two
Today Passage between noon and two
Anyone around 4 p.m. or 4:30 p.m.?
Hello I pass Monday 6 in the morning 10:30 am to empty thoroughly of beautiful tail.
I will be there tomorrow around 2 p.m.
Who today between noon and 2?
Anyone passing by tomorrow afternoon?
Someone has to go there today around 7 p.m.? I won't be far
Someone has to go there tomorrow around 7 p.m.? I won't be far
Dispo demain, me contacter en mp si jamais quelqu'un d'intéresser, je cherche quelqu'un de bien monté et endurant. Possible a plusieurs
Will anyone be there today? What time
Directly to the urinals of the golden square
Hello. I will be there Tuesday for a visit I will be in Perpignan Tuesday until Wednesday who can tell me where exactly thank you in advance
Who at the end of the day around 6 p.m.?
Short passage between noon and 2
Who around 1:30 p.m. on 02/28 I really want to suck a nice cock thoroughly, and take it in my mouth
People with big tails between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.? Leave PM
Who this noon around 1:15 p.m.?
Who today late morning or between noon and two
Anyone around 1:30 p.m. today?
Someone today between 5 and 6 p.m.
Qq'un around 1:30 p.m. today?
Who's going tomorrow and when?
Who goes there today between noon and two
Anyone around 1:30 p.m. today?
Who goes there today between noon and 2?
Passage between noon and 2 who goes there too?
Passage between noon and 2
Demain vers 16h30 17h00 On s’amuse
Around 1:40 p.m. today anyone?
Passage today who passes there too?
Who am I in the saloon toilet?
Small passage around 13:30 today if you pass in the area
Qq'un around 1:30 p.m. today?
Who passes around 2:15 p.m.?
Passage on Sunday morning?
Tuesday was a lot of passage of guys between noon and two the best time so I will surely spend there
Passage today between noon and two
Who spends there today between noon and two?
Whoever goes there today will surely go back, yesterday it was nice
I will spend there tomorrow Monday 28 between noon and two to have fun like the other days
Nice moment today at 1 p.m. sharp 2 guys bg meet at the urinals so tomorrow I think to go back same time
Passage today between noon and 2 who also passes there?
Passage today between noon and 2 who will pass there too?
Who is going there right now wants to go tomorrow
Hello I will be in Perpignan is available this afternoon message to MP for a naughty meeting with active
Around 4:30 p.m. / 5 p.m. if that means you come in MP
I'm going to spend there today who's going there today too
Who today between noon and 2 or early afternoon?
who goes there before noon
I'm there. But not for long
I'm there, but no one yet
Who today before confinement?
That one is going there today?
Who late morning today mp thank you
I may be going to see what it gives and relax at the beach we will see.
Small passage this afternoon
Will spend there today at the beginning of the afternoon
Anyone between noon and 2?
J surely now pass there who also goes there
of that available between 12 / 14h soda for me?
Yesterday the passage c was very nice I will retuurn this afternoon to kick
Who spends early afternnon?
Start aprèm tail by hand urinals motion between good guy like yesterday hum
Who Are going for a ride today
J will go there early afternnon today
Happy New Year 2020 to all and to all, health, prosperity and good shots coming ass. Biz.
J will be there at the urinal cock hand
Hi to all, available Monday, 2 aprem for mutual motion?
Notify me if you are interested when I go
Who's going this afternoon?
J y go for a walk this afternoon
Who goes there this afternoon?
This afternoon that the bottom?
Skip to aprem nice toilet right time with several guys bogoss then tomorrow aprem jy retuurns
Who today beginning aprem
Why not, I'm not very far
I'll be in the station toilets to jerk me around 16h
Going to turn this afternoon
Who has to go this afternoon
Will retuurn Wednesday or Thursday because aprem c was nice
I'll go for a ride around 15h
Who available for motion?
that available tomorrow 13/03 for mutual motion?
Someone available to do this sucks fast discreet
Someone this afternoon going?
J'll time to time and i repeatedly sucking nice cock ...
Someone tomorrow at 11:30 for it out
quiet place that would deserve greater attention!
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