Pres des Fontaines 17340 YVES


Cruising spot gay & straight in Yves

proposed by jopass  (03/08/2018)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Yves
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
On the D137 between La Rochelle and Rochefort, after the area of Marouillets, take the first exit (Yves) right at the stop sign turn right, then 1st RIGHT, make 100 meters and turn left towards the ocean. Go to the end !! Often guys waiting in or around their car. Also for couples swingers. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.
Address :
Prés des Fontaines
17340 Yves

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17 d. ago
Apparemment on peut de nouveau y aller, avant hier aprem il y avait 10 voitures

21 d. ago
est il encore possible de ce faire baiser a fond en ce lieu merci pour vos réponses

27 d. ago
J’y serais entre midi et deux

27/02/2025 in 11h57
Does anyone know if the parking lot is still accessible?

24/02/2025 in 14h04
I'm in whore mode in my car, an Audi, so if you see my little buttocks, come and abuse my lips.

24/02/2025 in 11h08
I'll park down the exit in a semi if anyone is interested in a couple or a sexy little ass shemale

18/02/2025 in 14h50
@vinnie I am not trying to start any controversy. I was simply indicating to those who are wondering why this place will eventually be banned from access.

18/02/2025 in 13h27
D'accord, c'est donc en rapport avec l'extension de la réserve naturelle. Du coup l'accès aux véhicules sera interdit et ça va s'appliquer à cette zone. L'accès ne sera pas "interdit à toutes personnes", il sera juste interdit de quitter le sentier pour la tranquillité des oiseaux. J'approuve et je n'ai pas du tout l'intention de me rallier à ces opposants rétrogrades.

18/02/2025 in 11h53
Hello, if you say that in relation to the banner... it has nothing to do with it... it's because the environmentalists obtained the extension of the nature reserve to the entire bay of Yves up to Fouras, thus prohibiting access to all people. There is a collective opposing this project and this decision called TUDAF. And don't hesitate to go see their site and maybe join them in this battle...

18/02/2025 in 11h27
soon inaccessible as the road is expected to be closed apparently

17/02/2025 in 16h39
the road to the place near the fountains is completely broken up, and access to the seafront is almost impossible, 10cm holes in the road.

17/02/2025 in 13h16
@robin17: "place soon inaccessible by car" -> why please?

17/02/2025 in 12h57
lieu bientôt inaccessible en voiture ... une solution de rechange ?

08/01/2025 in 17h57
@filoucoquin : par ce temps de cochon, vous êtes courageux ! ;)

08/01/2025 in 16h20
7 janvier 2025, petit tour vers 15 heures avec un temps très pluvieux. L endroit est devenu impraticable avec de nombreux trous et prochainement fermé, tout au moins vers la droite où sont garés de "drôles" campings cars, pour la protection de l environnement. Vu le temps avec un ami qui m accompagnait, sommes repartis !!

29/12/2024 in 10h09
Bjr le week-end possible de trouver je suis en surpoid possible me brl dev en voyeur merci

17/12/2024 in 12h13
I'm here until 2pm!

30/11/2024 in 17h02
Quick stop on November 28, 2024 around 3:55 p.m., still these two vehicles (camper van type) to park enough to push me away with my friend to do a little exhibition in my vehicle. It's a little scary for me...

16/11/2024 in 10h05
Le 13 novembre 2024, petit passage sur ce lieu avec un temps ensoleillé mais très frais. Deux grands campings cars de stationner au bout du parking très mal entretenu... Avons attendu quelques instants !!!

16/11/2024 in 10h03
Le 13 novembre 2024, petit passage sur cet air avec un temps ensoleillé mais très frais. Deux grands campings cars de stationner au bout du parking très mal entretenu... Avons attendu quelques instants !!!

15/10/2024 in 12h24
I am there

08/10/2024 in 15h47
Bravo lapinou17 pour ta mise en garde !! On n'est jamais trop prudent, gardons ces endroits pour le plaisir.

08/10/2024 in 13h12
Attention to all the naughty boys and girls, tonight the storm is starting, be careful at the seaside!!

22/08/2024 in 18h34
Bonsoir j y suis pour la nuit

26/07/2024 in 13h54
Hi, I really want to suck men tonight 06/26 in Angoulins, alone or with a friend to watch, maybe

19/07/2024 in 14h35
Hello, looking for tonight 19/09 2 guys (my age or a little younger) to hotly suck and lick big balls in lope mode on Angoulins

11/07/2024 in 19h51
Here for the night

04/06/2024 in 17h51
I will be there tonight from 8pm.

30/04/2024 in 12h32
Hello, I'm here for women or couples until 2 p.m. :).

28/04/2024 in 13h29
C’est clair ninnie79 Je pense approche à proscrire

28/04/2024 in 13h16
"good slut for cunnilingus"... Oh yes, no woman could resist the seduction that emerges from a call so full of delicacy and poetry... It's always gratifying to see the number of crazies who post here.

18/04/2024 in 19h34
Free Friday evening for couple woman and transvestite, contact me for good time

14/04/2024 in 16h16
Lots of people tonight

05/04/2024 in 21h13
I'm here for good pleasures

05/04/2024 in 15h16
really want to go there and discover these places

30/03/2024 in 20h08
no one seems interested so i stay home

30/03/2024 in 15h36
I'll be there this evening to suck and get fucked, I'm hungry for nice cocks

04/02/2024 in 20h49
Nobody, I'm leaving in 5 minutes. Too bad, I would have liked to meet someone tonight.

04/02/2024 in 20h26
I'll be there in 20 minutes

27/01/2024 in 16h08
Are there people around at the moment because I want to suck

25/12/2023 in 20h22
Anyone out tonight?

23/11/2023 in 13h18
Salut je recherches plusieurs mecs BM pour baise à la chaîne et moi en tenue de salope. Le mieux serait un hôtel ou un gars qui peut recevoir . Plan à organiser pour semaine prochaine. A vos claviers

31/10/2023 in 16h56
If one or more people want to fuck me on Thursday around 5:30 PM, PM me. I am passive submissive.

15/10/2023 in 15h09
I will be there tonight 15/10 at 9:30 p.m. to suck and get fucked, I take the juice in my mouth and I wear stockings. Very hard cocks desired.

29/09/2023 in 11h49
Are there any women or couples available at this location?

29/09/2023 in 11h22
I'll stay for another 10 minutes, if there's no one I'll leave.

29/09/2023 in 10h50
I'm there, sitting at the picnic table at the end, waiting but not too long.

29/09/2023 in 10h40
I'm going there...

29/09/2023 in 09h46
Anyone here this morning?

09/09/2023 in 20h48
I'm here tonight to suck and get fucked

01/08/2023 in 12h40
Micky17, we have created a nice profile just for you for this car park in Chatelaillon so it would be good if you went there from now on instead of polluting it, thank you.

01/08/2023 in 12h25
Ps: Chatelaillon parking lot

01/08/2023 in 12h23
I'm waiting for you there to serve as a urinal tonight from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. hooded (insult required). Walk along the parking lot on the left gas station discreet place alone, group or couple thank you

31/07/2023 in 12h35
I am waiting for you from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the parking lot at the entrance to Chatelaillon to serve as a urinal for a single group or couple.

28/07/2023 in 08h04
Chatelaillon parking lot at 10 p.m. to serve as a urinal thank you sent pm

27/07/2023 in 18h47
yes me, if you want to get sucked

10/07/2023 in 12h39
Couple or woman for tomorrow between noon and 2?

06/07/2023 in 13h02
I receive or in the parking lot of chatelaillon (from 8 p.m.) to suck and serve as a urinal send pm

26/06/2023 in 17h08
Human urinal available from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. along the parking lot entrance to Chatelaillon then left left I am waiting for you seated thank you

26/06/2023 in 08h15
From 24:00 to 01:00 tonight

26/06/2023 in 08h14
Tonight free human urinal parking entrance to Chatelaillon thank you

25/06/2023 in 00h11
I'm in the parking lot waiting for you

24/06/2023 in 12h18
I'm waiting for you this evening at midnight in the parking lot entrance to Chatelaillon, mouth open to serve as a urinal, send pm

12/06/2023 in 08h30
I receive between 12h and 13h I suck you deep throat and insult (be careful come with a full bladder) send mp ps coming in a group would be the best

09/06/2023 in 08h15
I receive between 12h and 13h I suck you deep throat and insult (be careful come with a full bladder) send mp ps coming in a group would be the best

08/06/2023 in 07h59
I receive between 12h and 13h I suck you deep throat and insult (be careful come with a full bladder) send mp ps coming in a group would be the best

07/06/2023 in 12h43
I receive from 8 p.m. for blowjob and Uro send mp

05/06/2023 in 13h59
I receive from 8 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. everything is allowed (deep throat, sodomy, Uro) send mp

22/05/2023 in 16h01
Who will be there late afternoon around 8:00 p.m.?

22/05/2023 in 08h17
I'm looking for a dominatrix or dominatrix to whip my ass and piss on me send pm

19/05/2023 in 08h20
I receive this evening from 8 p.m. until Sunday evening to be submissive spanked hard (belt, paddle) insertion (golf ball, tennis, fist) Pissing I suck send pm for more details thank you

17/05/2023 in 23h23
My ass oozes the fleet it's so clean I get hooded for all kinds of hard

17/05/2023 in 13h46
I receive this evening and tonight hooded to be submissive spanked hard (belt, paddle) insertion (golf ball, tennis, fist) Uro I suck send mp for more details thank you

14/05/2023 in 08h42
Je pense y etre vers 15 h j aimerais me faire sucer. J ai rav 4 je serais garé en descend a gauche, porte arrière droite ouverte

07/05/2023 in 16h43
I receive this evening to be milked slowly and have my buttocks whipped violently (belt, cane,..) send a private message thank you

28/04/2023 in 16h54
you both want you look like a good slut

27/04/2023 in 08h38
I receive this evening to be milked slowly and have my buttocks whipped violently (belt, cane,..) send a private message thank you

25/04/2023 in 19h28
I'll be there tonight from 9:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. to suck and get caught, black stockings and slit panties, orange truck sheltered in case it rains.

20/04/2023 in 23h12
Free tomorrow to suck cocks I receive send mp

16/04/2023 in 09h25
I'm free today to receive a hard spanking session (belt, paddle, violent cane) if you're interested send me a little message

14/04/2023 in 13h45
I receive you all in the afternoon to end the evening smelling of piss and sperm mp

14/04/2023 in 10h37
I too would like to be a whore

14/04/2023 in 08h09
Little free reminder from 12:00 p.m. until tonight to serve as a hard whore send a message

13/04/2023 in 09h39
Free tomorrow from 12 p.m. for the afternoon I receive hooded (Pissing, hard fisting, cane,...) send a private message

06/04/2023 in 12h51
I receive every weekend at my house hooded to suck big cocks and serve as a urinal send a message

25/03/2023 in 12h08
Reminder I'm free all day to serve as a whore (sadomaso Uro deep throat fisting) send pm for more information bis

24/03/2023 in 20h10
I receive Monday all day for man woman couple for session Uro fist deep throat I receive hooded sent pm for more info

17/03/2023 in 20h46
hummmmmm je connais c au carrelets tu voudrais quand micky

15/03/2023 in 08h31
I receive from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. to serve as a urinal pm

14/03/2023 in 18h49
I'll be there tonight in bitch mode to suck and get fucked, in my sheltered van

10/03/2023 in 17h56
I am looking for a group to suck in throat smashing mode without mercy kisses mp

09/03/2023 in 12h52
I'm also looking for the weekend to serve as a whore (Pissing, fisting,...) send pm

09/03/2023 in 08h35
Free tonight I receive to serve as a urinal and purge your balls send pm

22/02/2023 in 12h25
I receive this evening to serve you as a whore send pm for the address

21/02/2023 in 08h43
At the toilets of the port of chatelaillon open mouth to all from 10 p.m. to empty your bladder thank you

21/02/2023 in 08h32
Tonight 10 p.m. human urinal open don't hesitate pm

18/02/2023 in 04h24
Free immediately until 12 p.m. for hard fisting Uro la total, I receive a hooded thong and fishnet stockings discreetly

16/02/2023 in 08h21
I am looking for this evening no one to come to my place to smash my throat, pussy until fisting the piss of hard sex I will be hooded in a thong sent pm thank you

15/02/2023 in 13h03
I am looking for this evening no one to come to my place to smash my throat, pussy until fisting the piss of hard sex I will be hooded in a thong sent pm thank you

10/02/2023 in 19h10
I receive this weekend to serve as a urinal and suck huge cocks send a message mp

30/01/2023 in 16h34
Hi, receive tomorrow Tuesday 31 end of the day at the Sofitel, rech meks for a good part..

26/01/2023 in 12h26
I'm looking to suck big cocks for tonight and see to serve as a urinal send pm for the hour. I receive hooded thank you

24/01/2023 in 12h54
I'm looking for a group for Thursday to serve as their obligatory insult whore (all is allowed) I'll receive you hooded from 7 p.m. sent pm thank you

22/01/2023 in 13h24
I'm looking for people to burst my throat with a cock and piss on me. I receive you in the evening hooded. send a pm thank you

17/01/2023 in 12h25
Tonight 6:15 p.m. at the WC of the port of chatelaillon I am waiting for you hooded to serve you as a urinal, you grab my head you push your cock deep in my throat until you empty your bladder and balls with insult kisses

16/01/2023 in 19h10
Who to suck and mznculate tonight and why excuse at the same time

16/01/2023 in 12h20
Tonight 6:40 p.m. at the WC of the port of chatelaillon I am waiting for you hooded to serve you as a urinal, you grab my head you push your cock deep in my throat until you empty your bladder and balls with insult kisses

04/01/2023 in 19h16
A desire for a urinal I move around hooded (within reason) until 11 p.m. and I suck you as long as you grab my head to push it down my throat with an insult send pm

04/01/2023 in 13h44
Tonight 6:15 p.m. at the WC of the port of chatelaillon I am waiting for you hooded to serve you as a urinal, you grab my head you push your cock deep in my throat until you empty your bladder and balls with insult kisses

31/12/2022 in 09h25
Research for this evening people who would like to come to my house to use my mouth as a urinal, darken my throat to introduce his fist in my ass I will be in resile stockings, string and hooded sent pm thank you

25/12/2022 in 20h30
Want to suck big cock tonight sent to mp

23/12/2022 in 20h05
i'm coming tonight friday to suck and get fucked

21/12/2022 in 12h59
Last visit tonight at the Chatelaillon WC from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to serve as a urinal and blow my throat send pm thank you

20/12/2022 in 08h45
Available at 6:15 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the toilet of the port of chatelaillon to use your urinal and suck you send pm thank you

19/12/2022 in 12h49
Available at 6:15 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the toilet of the port of chatelaillon to use your urinal and suck you send pm thank you

16/12/2022 in 16h06
A beautiful desire there are people there now

05/12/2022 in 08h09
Unless there is a last minute impediment, I will be there this AM around 3 p.m., in the blockhouse after the chalet, in submission mode.

04/12/2022 in 18h14
Tonight Sunday, in my van. I really want to get sucked and fill my throat with good syrup.lope, trav, femme welcomes

02/12/2022 in 12h42
Looking for tonight (I receive) a person who wants to kiss my throat insultingly and introduce my fingers to the fist to have the puck compote. send a message thank you

25/11/2022 in 15h51
I now receive at home hooded to serve as a human urinal to blow myself up (alone or several) until the fist sent pm

24/11/2022 in 13h01
@jaimgrosbit: you should really think about getting the "s" key on your keyboard fixed because it's been messing around a lot and has been for a while. ;)

21/11/2022 in 11h28
Free at 8 p.m. at my house hooded to serve as a human urinal and blow my throat and ass (dildo fisting) (alone or in a group) send pm thank you

18/11/2022 in 17h25
Passed at 5:15 p.m.... but already left... too bad

18/11/2022 in 14h51
A little ride with my naughty this afternoon

02/11/2022 in 08h04
An urge to pee I am sispo from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to serve you as a urinal. I receive you hooded sent pm

17/10/2022 in 13h24
I'll see you from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the dark I'll be wearing a hooded thong and fishnet stockings everything is allowed in the extreme throat pissing alone or in a group insult obligatory no blabla send pm

16/10/2022 in 15h57
I'll see you from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the dark I'll be wearing a hooded thong and fishnet stockings everything is allowed in the extreme throat pissing alone or in a group insult obligatory no blabla send pm

13/10/2022 in 11h56
Looking for group min 2 to suck tonight 8 p.m. and serve as a urinal at the same time please send pm

12/10/2022 in 15h59
Free at my house tonight from 7 p.m. to serve as a urinal, alone or in a group, send pm

20/09/2022 in 12h48
Looking to serve as a human urinal send pm for more info

19/09/2022 in 11h29
Available at my house hooded down resile every afternoon to serve as a urinal and suck you deep throat with insult send pm

14/09/2022 in 18h16
Free I receive you at my house all evening hooded to suck you in deep throat mode to smash

05/09/2022 in 13h03
Looking for a bm or group man to smash my throat with an insult and serve as a urinal I receive discreetly (resile stockings and string) from 6 p.m. sent pm

25/08/2022 in 14h19
this site isn't what it used to be but really want a 3some tonight on this place or at my house (Angoulins) likes to pump and lick good packages... leave a message for more

25/08/2022 in 12h19
Looking for bm man or group to smash my throat with insult I receive discreetly from 6 p.m. sent pm

24/08/2022 in 17h54
I'll be there tonight 24/8 at 9:30 p.m. with a lope who wants to be fucked on the chain, come many

24/08/2022 in 07h30
Looking for a man able to use my mouth as a urinal and kiss my mouth (deep throat and insult) thank you

23/08/2022 in 11h26
Is there anyone to jerk off and suck me off tonight?

20/08/2022 in 17h39
Human urinal available on chatelaillon send pm

19/08/2022 in 21h44
I'm going there at 10:30 p.m. tonight 19/8 with trav to be subdued

18/08/2022 in 09h05
Bonjour l'endroit et bien au fond du parking et aller jusqu'au petit bois au loin ? Car j'aimerais passé pour juste me faire branler et peut être aussi branler jusqu'à ejac

05/08/2022 in 13h43
At your disposal tonight on this place if interested leave a message (to several it's more fun)

03/08/2022 in 14h54
Who comes to join me, it's good under the trees. I'm naked on my towel very close to the wooden house until 5:00 p.m.

27/07/2022 in 12h38
Micky17 why do you systematically post your appointment proposals on an area in Chatelaillon... on a sheet concerning another area which is in Yves?? If this area of ​​Chatelaillon is worth it, create a file instead of posting here...

27/07/2022 in 12h19
Human urinal available from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. new carpooling area in chatelaillon behind the stones on the right send pm

21/07/2022 in 12h23
At 2 p.m. at the bottom carpooling parking lot in Chatelaillon to suck you in deep throat and serve as a urinal I hope to send pm

16/07/2022 in 17h35
From 11 p.m. to 12 a.m. human urinal and throat exploded at the bottom of the chatelaillon carpool parking lot

13/07/2022 in 08h19
Human urinal at The carpooling area in front of the bakery at the entrance follow the path at the end there is a stone barrier and on the right a shaded area under the trees send pm

12/07/2022 in 20h12
I really want to take a ride around 9:00 p.m. / 10:00 p.m. I'm passive active if interested in pm

28/06/2022 in 12h20
I will be at the WC of the port of chatelaillon at 5 p.m. to serve as a human urinal and I can empty you right after come many sent pm

28/06/2022 in 11h06
@passifactif29: my apologies for my teasing message, you're not to blame, it was obviously a temporary bug on the site...

27/06/2022 in 18h17
Free now at my house or port toilet in the evening or tonight to serve as a urinal then have my throat smashed with an insult send pm

18/06/2022 in 09h52
Free from 2 p.m. and all weekend to make me fist (alone or several) and suck you in total discretion at my house downstairs terminated hooded string sent pm for more info

12/06/2022 in 10h48
Free from 2 p.m. to make me fist (alone or couple) and suck you in total discretion at my place send pm for more info

12/06/2022 in 08h00
Jaimgrosbit I too am looking for

10/06/2022 in 12h42
I'm looking for someone or a couple to fist me and suck you tonight at my house discretion assured send me a pm

09/06/2022 in 18h27
I receive you immediately at my place to have me fisted sent pm

05/06/2022 in 18h32
I receive in the dark hooded to suck cocks with insult and press on my head, have my throat fucked with insult send mp

02/06/2022 in 12h47
Free tonight from 7:30 p.m. at my house hooded to serve as a human urinal and blow my throat with a big blow of cock sent pm for more info

01/06/2022 in 12h30
Free tonight from 7:30 p.m. at my house hooded to serve as a human urinal and blow my throat with a big blow of cock sent pm for more info

31/05/2022 in 12h20
I will be at the toilet of the port of chatelaillon to serve as a human urinal at 10:15 p.m. tonight send pm thank you

14/05/2022 in 14h30
I'll be there around 11 a.m. Sunday morning, I'm doing the Bordeaux / Vendée route via Rochefort and La Rochelle.... If there's a way to take a nice break

09/05/2022 in 10h10
I'm here I'm waiting

26/04/2022 in 19h05
I will come tonight to make myself super, trav or trans h bi with lingerie are welcome

26/04/2022 in 07h14
En début après midi vers 14h00 je serai là pour me faire prendre dans le petit bois vers la cabane Me contacter par MP

24/04/2022 in 18h56
I don't get anything from this post either, even with an H less...

24/04/2022 in 09h25
@jaimgrosbit: can we have a French translation?

10/04/2022 in 17h34
I'm there

30/03/2022 in 20h33
J'y suis allée aujourd'hui pour une première fois j'ai rencontré un homme Super après un éloignement des lieux vers la cabane en bois Un autre nous suivez sûrement resté sur ça fain après sont désagréable comportement

19/03/2022 in 18h33
tonight to suck and get caught

04/03/2022 in 09h26
Bonjour à tous jybserai vers 18h45 de préférence un couple ? Mais faites vis proposition

17/02/2022 in 16h28
Hi if a woman and ok to get caught tonight

17/01/2022 in 22h25
Hello I stopped at the end of the morning at the gps point after, should I go where

13/01/2022 in 17h44
Hi want a little naughty if her aunt send a message

30/12/2021 in 17h45
tonight to get caught

29/12/2021 in 15h07
I will be there today 29/12 at 5:30 p.m. to suck and get caught, in a van so safe, leave pm

29/12/2021 in 07h40
Tomorrow morning if anyone is interested in a good ass to take or cock to suck or both at the same time. I'll be in a sexy slutty little outfit. Before the day

25/12/2021 in 18h47
Very very want to empty you tonight quickly sent pm for the hour on chatelaillon

24/12/2021 in 14h22
Hello free on chatel all next week at night to suck you and use your urinal. Send pm if OK come smash my throat with a big blow of cock

25/10/2021 in 15h21
Hi all. I can be there at the level of the small grove of trees in the early afternoon on certain days to suck a good cock. Leave me a message, in retuurn, I will let you know the day of my visit.

22/10/2021 in 07h26
Available tonight to serve as empty balls and urinal on chatel send a private message for the place and time biz

21/10/2021 in 19h18
A little reminder that my mouth can be used as a testicle vacuum and a urinal tonight at the Chatel WC as soon as it gets dark, send pm

20/10/2021 in 19h41
Hello very want to suck in deep throat of all swallow this evening or tomorrow evening until 10 p.m. meeting WC handi of the chatel park and even empty your bladder send mp biz

26/09/2021 in 17h41
want a cock tonight

14/08/2021 in 12h31
Hello, is there anyone who knows this place. Can we have a little fun there.

14/08/2021 in 11h06
Hello want a discreet and sensual exhibits with a couple in the vicinity of the wooden beach or other come by mp.

29/07/2021 in 19h35
would be there on August 5 from 11 a.m. to

29/07/2021 in 01h06
People from the site on site? I am there a few trucks and caravans but calm.

04/07/2021 in 16h30
At the hotel in Suregères "Logis des oiseaux" from 06 to 09 July to empty your balls ... Very good sucker and very welcoming ass ... a real little whore to empty you ... enough message for RDV .. . Bizzz

12/05/2021 in 10h03
I will be in Fouras at noon at the public WC opposite the post office near the kiosk for the day for couples see man come PV please

02/04/2021 in 14h06
Who between 3 and 5 p.m.

02/04/2021 in 14h05
Who around 3pm? Until 5 p.m.?

27/03/2021 in 16h29
I'm there !! it does not move too much

27/03/2021 in 12h11
I will be there this apm 03/27/21 in the motorhome

24/03/2021 in 09h35
Someone early in the afternoon or late in the afternoon?

09/03/2021 in 17h48
sorry for those who came this morning, but really too cold to get out of the vehicle in undress. we put it off until later

08/03/2021 in 19h20
tomorrow morning from 6 a.m., little bitch to use everything is allowed, I will probably have a dildo in the ass

28/01/2021 in 22h43
want to get caught tomorrow morning, I would be clean and lubricated, with condom

30/12/2020 in 13h44
Old gays pump this evening 6 p.m. on Angoulins 1 or 2 juicy cocks leave messages kisses everywhere

11/12/2020 in 21h52
I will be there Sunday around 6 p.m. open mouth to receive piss and sperm especially not hesitate with the piss I swallow all biz

10/12/2020 in 20h43
Thanks to the one I empty but too bad he doesn't want to fill my mouth with piss

25/11/2020 in 19h33
No one to get sucked off tomorrow morning?

24/11/2020 in 17h54
Passing through Thursday morning would like to find a suck. Me mp

27/10/2020 in 13h16
Hi I'll be there from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. looking for active guy under 45

24/10/2020 in 11h37
thank you to the one who came to suck me off, too bad he didn't want to make himself known

22/10/2020 in 19h49
Hi, I'll be there early tomorrow morning around 6.30am, in sexy outfit

28/09/2020 in 13h55
Who joins me around 7 am for pleasure sucks and maybe more if feeling

28/07/2020 in 11h00
Slt. People in the morning around 7am to start the day well ??

01/07/2020 in 11h43
Hello want to have a good time with an asset I can host in my campsite

15/04/2020 in 12h53
There are express couriers where prepaid phones

13/04/2020 in 10h51
What the fuck do you not understand in containment ??? From a reliable source, the resuscitation service at La Rochelle hospital is full! Do you want to go there?

29/01/2020 in 16h03
World available for a plane sucks ??

29/01/2020 in 12h33
J y would 16h to 30 f and Cpl

28/01/2020 in 16h57
Hello you lovely lady. N not hesitate private message. Alex

27/01/2020 in 20h13
Hello tomorrow from 16h to 18h I spend in the van for couples woman or man. See you soon

26/01/2020 in 17h35
any wall lime me?

03/01/2020 in 13h32
Someone over there in late afternoon. Or a weekday evening around 19h?

17/12/2019 in 22h23
I come in with my beautiful tail 45mns

17/12/2019 in 15h53
J will be at 18h if interested send pm

09/12/2019 in 17h28
I'll stop by m are t he world

29/10/2019 in 11h47
I would be from 12:30 to 13:30 in showing off in my car ... Women private message to tell how to recognize;)

26/10/2019 in 19h10
Good evening an available asset I can receive in my camper

23/10/2019 in 08h18
Hello I'll be on Thursday night I can receive in my camper

10/10/2019 in 12h52
I am for woman or couple .. Mp

06/10/2019 in 11h30
Hello an asset available this afternoon

15/09/2019 in 11h00
Hello quelqun available from today

12/09/2019 in 12h57
I'm shows off for woman or couple ... Mp if interested

11/09/2019 in 16h30
Hello quelqun to avail for a good time

08/09/2019 in 10h12
hello, you'll be there tonight? in disguised? I very want to make me suck thoroughly.

07/09/2019 in 17h49
Hello from 11 to 17/09 I for a few days and Yves oleron I search the island has a good time I can receive in my camper

06/09/2019 in 15h50
Lt. Wednesday night I'll be there I can receive in my camper I'll spend the night

26/08/2019 in 19h33
I come tonight with a trav who wants to exiber, she wants us to watch me suck and maybe more ....

23/08/2019 in 11h16
The world's tonight to take my dick

19/08/2019 in 09h28
Who available tonight at 17:30 to suck me and do take

18/08/2019 in 15h10
Who wants to suck me now?

17/08/2019 in 14h11
Hi are you, my good slut passive good looking males dick assets and full balls to kiss me on Monday Rochefort aprem from 14.30 in another asset. Maximum 5 dicks just for me. I suck, soda and make me swallow. mandatory convertible tops and required hygiene

18/07/2019 in 17h12
I'll get to close in 15 min y t he world

03/07/2019 in 12h51
Hello jy will be from 15h to all pleasure.

30/06/2019 in 13h29
I arrived and waiting in the camper to suck and take me

29/06/2019 in 16h42
I'll be there tomorrow APM Sunday, June 30 in the camper

26/06/2019 in 23h45
Good evening I went for the night in camper

26/06/2019 in 21h54
I'll find out tonight, there are people at night?

26/06/2019 in 21h35
What Wall Lime me?

26/06/2019 in 19h37
Good evening I'm quelqun of available tonight to have a good time

24/06/2019 in 08h40
Hello quelqun of available this afternoon or this evening to have a good time I can receive in my camper

20/06/2019 in 15h18
Hello quelqun tonight to join me in my camper I'll spend the night

19/06/2019 in 15h23
Hello that tonight to have a good time

13/06/2019 in 18h25
Hello on 26 June 20AU region want to have a good time with an active I can receive in my camper for more discretion

07/06/2019 in 00h08
Always me !!! Lol. Available now until tomorrow soir6

28/05/2019 in 16h11
of the world? I can be soon

12/05/2019 in 22h36
Thank you to the guys for the good times on this site that apm

10/05/2019 in 18h37
I will pass Sunday, 12.05 apm !! if anyone is interested ??

01/05/2019 in 09h56
Hello SOMEBODY today to get sucked see +

30/04/2019 in 19h16
I'm want to suck a nice cock

28/03/2019 in 18h24
I am someone wants to suck?

28/03/2019 in 13h24
Who sucks tonight at 18 pm?

04/03/2019 in 10h36
Hi ! Who will be there this weekend? Evening or other

22/02/2019 in 08h36
Cc I'm thinking of going there next Friday, take a walk if the weather is nice of course

19/02/2019 in 07h25
J y person am

29/01/2019 in 14h57
Who gives me appointment in his camper (more fun by this time) one afternoon to 16 pm.

25/01/2019 in 13h56
J 'are happening every day. Which gives me an appointment evening around 19h?

19/10/2018 in 17h24
interested person?

22/09/2018 in 09h55
What Wall Lime me

07/09/2018 in 14h19
in the motorhome

07/09/2018 in 14h10
I got someone interested?

04/09/2018 in 19h47
I stop myself! only motorhome early Friday, 9/7 apm If interested contact MP

27/08/2018 in 15h21
I can stop my retuurning Rochefort on tonight? someone is interested?

26/08/2018 in 14h36
j'y suis!!! je vous attends

25/08/2018 in 15h20
J'y passerai demain 26/08 apm en camping-car !! j'm me faire prendre sans obligation !

25/08/2018 in 14h19
Who now? ch wall

24/07/2018 in 14h18
Who lime me ??

13/06/2018 in 14h02
I 'm stop there tonight after work, anyone is interested? ;)

18/05/2018 in 15h06
I can stop there tonight after work. Someone wants? ...

05/04/2018 in 18h55
bjr me nut brown bm 22cm interested if available tonight

22/02/2018 in 14h32
A nice place with a great landscape. J y passes from time to time. If I want that I stop. Send message

20/11/2017 in 14h22
bj there often you in the world has this easy accées thank you place

19/11/2017 in 12h56
Hello female couple exhibition trav trans search this afternoon on the Charente Maritime

31/10/2017 in 19h28
I'll be there tomorrow at 11:30 appointment with hunter to suck if other fans no worries my mouth is wide ...

31/10/2017 in 06h56
Who will be there early Sunday afternoon ??

24/10/2017 in 00h12
who is going to this week?

05/07/2017 in 16h57
hello evening to 21/22 pm I seek sex with older man. (July 5)

22/06/2017 in 13h12
I'll be looking around 17h hungry mouth to look after my tail

24/02/2017 in 15h55
Hello everyone is always open there this place THANKS

13/01/2017 in 16h32
I can be there in half an hour for who wants to be pumped by a slut below

15/09/2016 in 06h16
I have to spend in the area Tuesday or Wednesday night, there will be there in the world to take care of a bitch, thank you to answer.

05/09/2016 in 21h23
I intend to spend 6 September mid apm around 15h30 16h motorhome. Are there be someone!

24/08/2016 in 13h55
want me to be fucking tonight as poppers, a big tail interested?

14/06/2016 in 21h53
ch passive young for me to visit this site and many other things! I would be on vacation from June 20 to 22! guy for liability under 25

24/05/2016 in 12h53
Someone this afternoon to take care of my tail?

11/09/2015 in 13h22
I put my cock available for hungry mouth !!!

02/09/2015 in 12h00
I spend every night to 17H from 7/09, welcoming mouth searching for my cock, if that's your tents let me know ...

02/09/2015 in 11h54
me I feel like it of course !!! by cons you're on the date ?? from December 7

02/09/2015 in 11h51
I spend every night to 17H from 7/12, welcoming mouth searching for my cock, if that's your tents let me know ...

19/07/2015 in 16h21
hello would be the lowest on 22 and 23 August 2015 in which evening bvenir want to fuck me without restraint and getting sucked thoroughly

17/03/2015 in 12h27
someone to suck me to 4:30 p.m.?

01/07/2014 in 15h55
Who would want to get sucked well to real background (01/07)

01/06/2014 in 11h02
transvestite slut for hours vicious active bm Monday, June 2 would be the bottom 18h such 0687574071

08/05/2014 in 20h51
The world at night?

14/03/2014 in 18h30
would be Saturday, March 15 from 18h to kiss me which sucks thoroughly steamy fuck

08/02/2014 in 20h42
Saturday 15 February, which would come to kiss me or am soiree leave messages

21/01/2014 in 23h36
would be Saturday from 15h am January 25, 2014 which for me fuck am first class hotel angoulins active only h

11/01/2014 in 16h22
ki tonight Saturday, January 11 to suck me back here to 20 M

28/12/2013 in 19h47
would be provided by my teacher January 5, 2014 from 14h to 19h contact phifou sore 40340

20/12/2013 in 23h17
December 21'd offered by my teacher that want to fuck me around 19h in camper

08/11/2013 in 11h13
While in the camper 10/11 apm and evening contact me by MP

07/09/2013 in 16h55
I went up to 18h 30mn

07/09/2013 in 10h42
I'll be there early apm 7-09

29/08/2013 in 17h34
29-08 on which interested in a large suction lope swallower cocks cum actual contact PV

28/08/2013 in 18h30
28-08 on which interested in a large suction lope swallower cocks cum actual contact PV

27/08/2013 in 11h51
which inclined by a large suction lope swallower cocks cum actual contact PV

06/08/2013 in 07h48
I can not but between noon and two at 18h 06/08 so I can check it out or do rochefort SexeShop sign me really want to make me gorging on hot sperm

01/06/2013 in 13h16
Who Sunday start and end apm in the camper

31/05/2013 in 10h07
I will spend Sunday, June 2 beginning apm

01/05/2013 in 20h10
went that day at 13:30 ... anything ... that motor home cars..dommage

26/04/2013 in 10h53
ji will be 10:30 p.m. evening to suck and get caught

22/02/2013 in 07h36
Who wants to get sucked this morning around 11am'd jy

21/02/2013 in 06h50
SLT ki sucks me vien Saturday night March 2

03/02/2013 in 16h06
yes, clubdocti: you're right and it's bian to go there !!

… close history