Pool Didot, Paris 14


Cruising spot straight in Paris

proposed by jerome94  (29/05/2018)

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Type : Swimming pool straight
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Pool Didot, BC. G. Lafenestre, Paris 14, metro Porte de Vanves. Swimming pool not too busy and rather by patrons and families. Cloakroom and not mixed shower. Some nice meetings.

We remind you that exhibition and sexual practices are prohibited in public places.

Address :
20-24 Avenue Georges Lafenestre
75014 Paris
Phone : 01 45 39 89 29

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07/01/2025 in 16h26
A Didot ce mercredi 08/01... Qui vient pour un bon p'tit trip exhib matage dessape sans pudeur au vestiaire, tâte du paquet, baisse du maillot et branle cool côte à côte sous les douches ? Message en privé pour heure de rdv

28/12/2024 in 10h58
Here I am... who's coming?

15/11/2024 in 15h39
Bonjour Du monde aujourd’hui ?

03/11/2024 in 18h38
Piscine Didot (Paris 14) redecouverte cet après-midi suite à la fermeture pour travaux pendant 2 ans. Pas beaucoup de changement. Vestiaires : 2 rangées de cabines juste face aux casiers (too pour exhib en laissant la porte de la cabine ouverte). Toujours les petits trous dans la cloison des cabines pour mater ce qu'il se passe à côté... Douches : 10 douches en face à face, sans visibilité directe sur le bassin (top pour baisser le maillot)

13/10/2024 in 11h16
Didot swimming pool reopens Wednesday 16/10. Who plans to go? Me probably next weekend

09/08/2024 in 09h49
The Didot swimming pool being still closed, this weekend, lunch break time, which for a good little exhibitionist trip, shamelessly stripping, touching the package, jerking off in the locker room, Aspirant Dunant swimming pool (Paris 14 - small quiet swimming pool, changing rooms non-mixed men and women separated, face-to-face cabins and possible to undress without shame in front of the lockers)

12/01/2024 in 10h40
@soumisainsulter, the Didot swimming pool has been closed for over a year and for a few more months

12/01/2024 in 10h22
Anyone interested tomorrow?

04/08/2023 in 07h39
Didot being closed, Trip exhib matting disrobes shamelessly, feels motion in locker rooms and showers swimming pool Aspirant Dunant (Paris14) this Friday 4/08. Contact me privately for appointment

03/03/2023 in 19h06
cooool! I subscribe to this new places of cruising for me! ;)

03/03/2023 in 18h45
ah ok thank you for the info I don't know this pool. Separate men's/women's locker rooms?

03/03/2023 in 18h15
@Pierreaparis the Didot swimming pool is closed for work until the end of the year. Aspirant Dunant in the 14th is nice

03/03/2023 in 13h40
anyone this late afternoon?

24/02/2023 in 10h31
Who for a good little trip shows off matage dessape without shame, feels the package, jerks off in locker rooms and showers this Friday evening or in the weekend, swimming pool Aspirant Dunant (Paris 14) or any other cool place, conducive to this genre tripping?

15/01/2023 in 08h54
Didot being currently closed for work, I will go to Aspirant Dunant (Paris 14) this Monday 16/01 between 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

08/10/2022 in 12h05
really want to go back!

08/10/2022 in 10h21
Well want to test ... I'm going next weekend!

05/08/2022 in 13h41
nice yesterday nice moment with guy in blue jersey with red stripe

05/08/2022 in 05h42
Again at the Didot swimming pool today for a good little cool trip exhib watching the package, jerking off... Contact in pm for an appointment

04/08/2022 in 11h53
I'm going this afternoon

03/08/2022 in 13h17
Passing by this afternoon

03/08/2022 in 12h55
Bon petit trip exhib jerking off sucking in the locker room this afternoon + 1 guy watching and jerking off in a cubicle... very nice! I'm going back tomorrow. Private message for appointment time. And I am interested in other swimming pool places in Paris 14/15.

03/08/2022 in 08h34
Who's swimming Didot today for a good little cool exhib trip watching, feeling the package, jerking off... Contact in pm for an appointment

01/08/2022 in 08h03
Pool trip this Tuesday 02/08. Contact me privately for locations and times.

01/08/2022 in 01h42
I'm going tomorrow amateurs showers and more?

25/07/2022 in 15h35
Who for a good little trip to Didot for lunch this week, like around 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (the swimming pool closes at 1 p.m.)?

25/07/2022 in 15h33
Who for a little trip to Didot for lunch this week like around 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (the swimming pool closes at 1 p.m.)?

24/07/2022 in 15h44
Still relevant ?

14/01/2020 in 19h19
Very want to redo a passage Didot this weekend or early afternoon Saturday or Sunday morning for good trip exhib matting the changing rooms and showers, or more, good good sucking motion cabins. Let private message

12/10/2018 in 20h20
Very fancy a good trip in the pool, locker rooms showers kif atmosphere, mega want to watch and show myself and offer my mouth good and beautiful tails ease. Who this Saturday? Send private message.

06/09/2018 in 01h31
Very good memories there ... eager to retuurn

05/09/2018 in 23h18
Always holes in the cabins? (Mp)

24/03/2018 in 16h10
Get mercury Vanves hotel three nights

17/01/2018 in 00h36
Get sucker hotel door vanves.

15/01/2017 in 07h16
there will be that day at 12.15. 2nd row of cabins near the dry hair 1st and 2nd cabin. red bathing suit with vertical white stripe in the middle

07/01/2017 in 16h27
I'll be there tomorrow around 16h

03/01/2017 in 18h27
yes showers are separated H / F and collective.

07/03/2014 in 06h25
ki available for this Friday or this weekend?

21/12/2013 in 21h04
Saturday 21 December. The changing rooms and showers have become MIXED !!! even if women and men continue to go to their locker room as before it is not uncommon to see women EX side of men. C "is complete the mood locker room with the guys. I never used the changing rooms ..... the END of a good time in this little pool.

13/11/2013 in 18h02
Saturday noon, showers and changing rooms were mixed ... not great. I do not know if it is temporary, where final ...

10/03/2013 in 07h54
Friday midday: jme motion in the showers in front of a guy who had m ​​understand that he wanted me, he then goes to the toilet next to the showers jle rejoind Jerk off in s kissing and basta. mostly c's just hammering in the showers or a little exhibitionist in the locker room or is a way to lock two ds s cabin.

10/03/2013 in 00h15
when and what time we can take a shower without hair was too gener other ??

09/03/2013 in 19h09
who was this after noon (Saturday, March 9) has Didot pool ?? I took my shower at the same time a beautiful rebeu. Good cock savonage him and me but I have not Ossez remove the shirt. it has all the same matter. two young guys turned in the dressing room.

08/03/2013 in 11h08
People this afternoon?

24/02/2013 in 20h54
could be me tomorrow afternoon. . . I do not know yet

24/02/2013 in 12h11
Tomorrow at noon?

17/02/2013 in 13h57
the world this afternoon?

09/02/2013 in 13h53
how a family man with his kid breaks your delirium in 2sec ... :(

09/02/2013 in 12h38
guys now?

06/02/2013 in 07h12
ki available to navigate this weekend? am available to vendrdi to Sunday all day.

27/01/2013 in 08h05
jy probably pass me this morning ...

19/01/2013 in 14h53
already yesterday, today, humm exhibitionist in the showers there's the way to go. . .

18/01/2013 in 13h10
this nice little session matting / exhib in the showers with 2 guy and this little motion in the locker room ...

11/01/2013 in 23h11
which for exhibitionist in a changing room and shower hair Saturday morning around 10am 11am ??

30/12/2012 in 11h37
qqun today?

28/12/2012 in 10h46
jy probably pass me tomorrow :)

28/12/2012 in 09h41
hi I plan to go this weekend. who is with me?

13/12/2012 in 19h43
Sunday 16 to 17h ??

08/12/2012 in 11h14
today ?

05/12/2012 in 21h45
tya and found your account?

30/11/2012 in 10h08
qqun lunch? !

25/11/2012 in 18h39
dj, the world Wednesday 28 to 17h

09/11/2012 in 10h15
people today?

07/11/2012 in 21h55
Friday midday ?

02/11/2012 in 10h45
opportunities that I am ...

02/11/2012 in 09h42
People this afternoon?

21/10/2012 in 12h39
qqun today?

20/10/2012 in 09h08
I had the mate puscine exib plane motion and sucks in the locker room. Do not be shy guys show your cocks.

16/10/2012 in 21h37
I'll go swimming on Saturday morning. J 'hope to see the guys and I exib j' hope to have hair meter myself in locker rooms or showers.

16/10/2012 in 17h39
Hi. Is there a good atmosphere locker room? Looking exib plane and mate. How it goes in this pool? Can be a hair?

14/10/2012 in 11h25
people today? What time?

12/10/2012 in 11h18
I would find the world or not?

12/10/2012 in 00h26
there would surely noon tomorrow :)

04/10/2012 in 22h19
can be Jirai mexiber Saturday after having a swim

03/10/2012 in 20h39
ok me I'd probably Friday ...

03/10/2012 in 18h29
when and what time c best?

16/09/2012 in 10h55
qqun today?

31/08/2012 in 10h05
Someone today 31/08 at 13h in the showers?

25/08/2012 in 12h20
qqun today?

23/08/2012 in 20h39
This Saturday around 13h

29/07/2012 in 21h51
I met a really cute guy in the shower with which I finished in the cabin. Excellent memory.

26/05/2012 in 01h37
I should spend Saturday beginning aprem

05/05/2012 in 01h25
Or to 13h or 15h to

04/05/2012 in 23h53
Me, I'll ...

21/04/2012 in 11h33
Me, I go around 14h or 2:30 p.m. ...

14/04/2012 in 11h40
Me, Jy be rather from 14h

20/03/2012 in 22h44
Hi 18h and tomorrow?

31/10/2011 in 13h08
Am also interested for next week ...

10/09/2011 in 20h46
Passage pool 14:30 today 17:30. In the cabin of the locker room I occupy there is a small hole. Very very nice little hole. Increasingly exited I masturbated and I appercu the guy in the cubicle next to me mate through the hole. I look at my turn and he shows me his beautiful erection. he put his jersey and he went swimming. I did the same. I think back to the pool tomorrow.

05/09/2011 in 15h19
Hi, you are sure that the pool will be open Tuesday night? Well am interested ...

05/09/2011 in 11h31
OK, but is it that guys really do?

05/09/2011 in 08h51
I think to go Tuesday night. It's really possible to shower naked?

17/07/2011 in 20h42
Me, jy am Saturday at 13h.

31/05/2011 in 23h27
13h, it suits you?

31/05/2011 in 23h22
For me, Saturday is ideal.

31/05/2011 in 23h10
Manu, your idea is very good! If you are available on a Saturday, I'm in ...

31/05/2011 in 22h15
I do like you. J there often go on Saturday between 12h and 14h. Sy should find one of these days ...

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