Pool Carquefou


Cruising spot gay in Carquefou

proposed by profilsupprime  (15/05/2020)

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Type : Swimming pool gay
City :  Carquefou
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
It matte much to the pool of Carquefou. In the locker room men more we spend time to dry out naked ... I met 2 times guys we had seen in the park then ...

We remind you that exhibition and sexual practices are prohibited in public places.

Address :
9 Rue Pierre Mendès France
44470 Carquefou

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22/09/2016 in 14h13
will resume pool carquefou, discreet guy as cravings, map, feeling .......

16/02/2016 in 14h25
motivated to a pool level ajd of my person?

01/07/2015 in 14h30
qq a night?

12/03/2015 in 08h17
Who available next week for a pool after noon)

30/01/2015 in 18h07
jy go every noon Thursdays and yes I confirm it's hot yesterday crossed hunk ki sest a little jerk DVT me pity him leaving me I could !!

19/01/2015 in 19h47
young people who want to make a swimming pool with changing rooms feel free between noon and two contact me

19/01/2015 in 19h46
young people who want to make a swimming pool with changing rooms feel free between noon and two contact me

30/03/2014 in 19h05
someone goes there tomorrow at noon?

20/01/2014 in 14h01
spends in tps tps ok matter tail see burn ...

11/12/2013 in 17h54
A guy was showering naked hot this afternoon ...

03/10/2013 in 18h52
who will tomorrow late afternoon (Friday)?

27/06/2013 in 15h15

13/06/2013 in 14h46
can be there tonight ..

06/06/2013 in 14h13
qq can be a Tuesday night?

05/06/2013 in 22h06
ability to quell the furry guys in the locker room ... some looks that speak volumes

12/05/2013 in 23h47
available weeknights for matte exhibitionist or shower cabin

29/03/2013 in 16h50
ok give me appointment weekday evening

01/03/2013 in 14h37
there is even guys who are taking a shower naked! too early to matter

26/02/2013 in 16h56
cool the locker room to the pool carquefou ... we can DESAPER front of everyone

26/12/2012 in 15h01
There he collective showers?

09/11/2012 in 14h36
that this pool tonight

26/10/2012 in 16h24
that pool tonight ?????

22/10/2012 in 18h11
that pool tonight

19/10/2012 in 16h22
that pool gazebo

… close history