Pond between Grez and Montcourt


Cruising spot gay in Grez-sur-Loing

proposed by ramon77  (28/05/2015)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Grez-sur-Loing
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Quiet place early morning or late evening. There is ample parking and a small parking a little further by turning left. The forest is nearby, all around the pond.
Address :
Chemin de Montcourt aux Chapelottes
77880 Grez-sur-Loing

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04/11/2024 in 19h59
Good evening everyone, I'm not far from this place to have fun, a trucker on a break for the night, send a message if interested, kisses

06/09/2024 in 21h22
Who now?

01/09/2024 in 17h02
I'm here, who's there?

11/06/2024 in 17h57
I'll be there in 30 minutes, anyone there?

11/04/2024 in 18h36
I'll be there in 30 minutes, anyone?

17/10/2023 in 17h33
I am,,, small stone bench,, anyone?

13/10/2023 in 13h35
I'll stop by today, anyone?

06/10/2023 in 18h16
I'll be there in 30 minutes,,,straight path next to the little stone bench ;)

05/10/2023 in 16h38
Who today?

26/09/2023 in 11h01
Really want to suck that he has this afternoon we would not be disappointed I am a very good sucker can send a private message

20/09/2023 in 15h43
I'm close to people

11/09/2023 in 17h44
I'll be there in 30/40 minutes, anyone?

06/09/2023 in 18h29
I can go between 8:00pm/9:00pm, anyone?

05/09/2023 in 17h47
Hello, receive in the Dordives soups sector, plan q cho very juicy with active.

05/09/2023 in 17h46
I'm here,,,, anyone?? On the path right next to the stone bench

01/09/2023 in 20h42
I'll be there in 15 minutes, anyone?

16/07/2023 in 05h03
Who this Sunday 07/16??

13/07/2023 in 18h22
I'm there, anyone?

13/07/2023 in 16h13
I will be there today from 6 p.m.

11/07/2023 in 15h16
Who today around 7pm? Straight path, small stone bench on the right ;)

09/07/2023 in 16h41
People are going there during the day tomorrow

05/07/2023 in 20h07
I'll be here in 20 minutes if someone

01/05/2023 in 18h36
I'm on the spot

29/04/2023 in 20h46
I'll be here in 20 minutes,, anyone?

30/03/2023 in 13h00
I don't know this place, I might go for a little walk there and see what it looks like in the late afternoon if it's not raining

30/03/2023 in 12h47
I'll be there in 30 minutes, anyone???

21/03/2023 in 18h28
I am,,path to the right with the small stone bench

21/03/2023 in 17h51
I'll be here in 20 minutes, anyone?

17/03/2023 in 07h25
I will be this afternoon from 15:00,,,

16/03/2023 in 16h43
I will be from here in 30 minutes "path on the right with the stone bench" ;)

15/03/2023 in 08h49
Hi, who today?

06/03/2023 in 09h44
hello everyone who wants to get sucked tonight I have a very good mouth send message in private

01/03/2023 in 07h34
Who today?

19/02/2023 in 16h31
I'll be here in 20 minutes, in the little stone bench, anyone???

14/02/2023 in 06h24
You want to spend the night with me I am a very good pumper a very good pussy

13/02/2023 in 14h57
I'll be here in 30 minutes, anyone there?

12/02/2023 in 14h00
I'm now, someone around for fun?

13/01/2023 in 10h51
Who today???

07/12/2022 in 10h16
Who today?

06/10/2022 in 18h05
I'm right now, anyone around?

14/09/2022 in 13h57
Available from 11 a.m. to be sucked for a long time.

06/08/2022 in 16h31
I'm at the tacot des lacs, pad corners far?

03/08/2022 in 21h59
Anyone going there tomorrow?

05/06/2022 in 18h06
I'll be here in 20 minutes,, someone ???

30/05/2022 in 15h12
Hello groups of young guy there to make me turn on Wednesday?

23/05/2022 in 14h04
Young guys there on Friday for me bz

22/05/2022 in 21h23
Are you still there?

22/05/2022 in 20h25
I am,,,

07/06/2021 in 19h49
Somebody ???

28/02/2021 in 10h27
Hello I will move in next month I would like to know when there are people I am looking for guys of all ages to suck thank you

04/04/2020 in 08h04
Cuckoo couplexibe

10/04/2019 in 00h04
From memory there is no barrier

09/04/2019 in 23h42
or is this pond and you can approach with a small camper

22/08/2018 in 20h37
Quelqu'un ce soir ?

13/12/2015 in 14h33
RECEIVE 8am demin noon sud77 nord45 according scenario on my profile if you are interested send me a message I will answer

27/11/2015 in 17h16
Who frequent this place?

16/11/2015 in 18h24
seeking someone to pick me gently tomorrow between 12:30 and 16h next to egreville South 77 North 45 sent me a pm and made your proposal

… close history