Point appointment Loretto Chapel nothing there but discrete small roads a bit further

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Comblessac
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Once at the chapel continue to 1km and some discreet drill available on the sides.
Address :

35330 Comblessac

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10/06/2024 in 20h50
Someone from here or an acquaintance who was there in a camper van? Me PM ;)

01/09/2023 in 13h30
People to pass?

18/08/2023 in 13h37
I'm on my way to Guer....

18/08/2023 in 13h24
Hi, I'm looking for a good cock to suck tonight from 5pm. Available...

26/01/2023 in 11h25
I'll be there today with my female ass in a thong!!

02/11/2022 in 15h50
Small spotted area, leaving Guer towards Carentoir, 2.5km on the right along a sheltered road. Seen stopped cars, are there regulars or anyone interested in this area? Jerk off in the car possible see +

18/09/2022 in 13h52
Qui lundi en début d'après midi 14h

05/07/2022 in 14h53
Who is available on a weekday evening? Very quiet and discreet place

20/06/2022 in 10h40
J'y passe et m'y arrête régulièrement, jamais vu personne.. Il y a t'il des suceurs discret dans le coin ? Quelle moment privilégier ?

30/05/2020 in 20h46
Plan sucks tonight?

22/05/2020 in 20h51
Who for plan sucks tonight

20/05/2020 in 18h54
Who tonight?

07/03/2020 in 18h53
Who this evening for plan sucks?

01/03/2020 in 16h53
Who for plan sucks?

26/02/2020 in 19h14
Plan sucks tonight?

20/01/2020 in 00h07
Passive now?

16/01/2020 in 19h53
5 min from my liabilities are evening there.?

16/01/2020 in 19h42
Map sucks tonight?

15/01/2020 in 19h55
Who to map sucks tonight?

15/01/2020 in 17h51
Who for appointment at this location, date and time please

01/11/2019 in 17h32
Who goes there ?

12/10/2019 in 15h12
Very quiet relaxing place.

12/10/2019 in 11h51
Who for this afternoon.

12/10/2019 in 10h25
I'm there and no one in sight.

02/10/2019 in 16h48
Who is free this week afternoon evening meeting for sex at this location

30/09/2019 in 21h19
Why not test can this week

… close history