Plan gay Carcans 52.17 panel beach dunes below


Cruising spot gay in Carcans

proposed by john33100  (11/06/2016)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Carcans
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The easiest c is to park at the beach car park and take the path in the woods, spend a pass and go after the big climb, turn right by a small way and then arriving at the dunes we go along to the left up has to be 52.17 panel. There you go down below there is space enough clear but hidden. I love coming here and already some guys found m and have good care of me. Have fun !!
Address :
Rue de l'Océan
33121 Carcans

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14 d. ago
Bonjour ce lieux existe t il toujours

26/09/2022 in 07h40
who can receive me warm on shackles / Maubuisson today? no taboo

16/09/2022 in 05h23
I can suck you off tomorrow night in the WC or the woods

30/08/2022 in 01h53
I'm around to suck until the 21st

10/07/2022 in 09h15
Hello, Someone to accompany me and guide me on this place? To the pleasure.

23/08/2021 in 15h46
Hello everyone I am for 4 days not far from this place if its tempts you

31/05/2021 in 16h36
Anyone this week in the shackle corner? An appointment ..?

28/03/2021 in 15h52
Hello, place still active? Small walk planned tomorrow in the area.

10/02/2021 in 08h01
Who is available in the early morning in the forest to pump me and empty my balls and take it easy towards Carcans not far from the resinier inn? A pretext for a little jogging to make me pump

23/05/2020 in 00h14
Ce lieu est bien mais il faut aller plus loin pour faire des rencontres et au moins au panneau 52,500 qu'on voit sur la dune. Si on arrive par la forêt en suivant le GR8 à partir du parking de la plage sud, suivre ce chemin jusqu'au réservoir d'eau allemand (2mx3mx2m) en bordure du chemin sur la droite, tourner juste avant ou au chemin suivant à droite puis monter la dune. On se trouve à la hauteur d'anciens blockhaus qui sont plus ou moins ensevelis sous la plage. C'est par là, sur la dune ou sur la plage que ça peut se passer, lgbt, Par la plage ou la forêt il y a près de 2km. Pour se repérer, sur le flanc de la dune on aperçoit de grandes dalles en béton. La balade en forêt est très sympa et par la plage à marée basse, un vrai plaisir! Quelques rencontres possibles aux beaux jours et en été. Soyez discrets, protégez-vous et protégez cet environnement exceptionnel.

14/08/2019 in 15h55
I'm on the beach not hesitate if you want a good pipe we are left to ji health until 19h am

14/08/2019 in 09h54
Someone at around Maubuisson beach straitjacket and I am available 12 jusqua

13/08/2019 in 09h34
I am available until 13h do not hesitate i very thirsty

11/08/2019 in 23h29
Someone ? I can i be jusqua 1h

11/08/2019 in 12h35
I'll go run beginning of the afternoon the place was advising me to fall on a cock sucking (i very thirsty) thank you

10/08/2019 in 05h30
Nobody ?

09/08/2019 in 00h47
Someone suck in the field bombanne

09/08/2019 in 00h43
Nobody ?

08/08/2019 in 09h03
I will suck in the health of the dune camping blue I am available until 12 am

07/08/2019 in 01h45
I'm camping dune blue has straitjacket until 20/8 jadore jaimerai suck suck maximun before retuurning thank you n'hesitez even late thank you I count on you

11/07/2019 in 21h11
On maubuisson from July 15 looking plane sucks the late evening

21/03/2019 in 16h37
The world with this beautiful sun

… close history