places dredge hexib tip nick mixed gay and bi

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Saint-Lunaire
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Go up Dinard. Skip deceit management st lunar approximately 1km5 2km turn tip nick. Take an immediate right and go to the bottom of coastal path and walk in the woods some nice meeting you do there
Address :
Chemin du Nick
35800 Saint-Lunaire

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06/12/2024 in 07h45
who is available this afternoon for a nice plan

10/10/2024 in 07h04
I will go there today from 6:30 p.m.

31/08/2024 in 05h52
available late afternoon..

24/07/2024 in 09h37
Anyone here this afternoon?

21/06/2024 in 07h18
I'll go there at the end of the afternoon

14/05/2024 in 22h36
Who's up for a direct plan now?

06/05/2024 in 18h08
I'll be there all week, I'm on vacation to empty my balls

11/04/2024 in 12h11
passing by Friday 12th in the afternoon for a nice meeting ;)

08/03/2024 in 07h04
passing by Friday 8/03 end of afternoon for a nice meeting ;)

04/03/2024 in 14h43
Want to get caught in the evening

21/11/2023 in 08h42
I'll go there at the end of the afternoon

15/11/2023 in 20h35
Good evening, I was there this evening around 6:30 p.m. and not many people.

14/11/2023 in 05h35
Anyone here early afternoon?

20/05/2023 in 12h42
People for an ass plan this afternoon?

11/05/2023 in 13h03
passing through Friday 12/05 for a nice meeting

22/04/2023 in 15h13
I'm there until 4:30 p.m. .. notice to fans!!

22/04/2023 in 11h43
People this afternoon for a sex plan??

08/04/2023 in 18h31
I'll be there tomorrow from 3 p.m. my cock will be available for what we want!!

08/04/2023 in 12h38
People tomorrow afternoon??

08/03/2023 in 21h47
passing through Friday 10/03 for a nice meeting;)

19/08/2022 in 19h37
I'm there right now on a walk

13/08/2022 in 12h16
Anyone free this afternoon to have some fun??

02/07/2022 in 12h04
Who's available this afternoon for an ass plan??

19/02/2022 in 13h11
aujourd hui le 19 2 2022 vers 14 h 14h 30 rdv pointe du nick

11/08/2021 in 18h39
New attempt tomorrow from around 2:00 p.m.

08/08/2021 in 19h07
Well I tested for myself, a beautiful corner and conducive to rascality of all kinds. Unfortunately, sportsmen and women, walkers and women, but that's nada. Conchairs on corners and schedules? Thank you

05/08/2021 in 10h27
Hello, sur la region a partir de samedi. Si un couple veut me faire visiter cet endroit, aucun souci, je suis un touriste attentif ;)

21/06/2021 in 18h45
I really want to suck a nice cock tomorrow or even a good sodomyMe tries too

21/06/2021 in 16h08
Who's there tomorrow at noon?

21/06/2021 in 12h42
People this afternoon?

15/06/2021 in 11h56
Who gets sucked?

11/06/2021 in 15h13
People at the moment?

25/04/2021 in 08h42
I'm going back today I had fun yesterday with a threesome !! Notice to amateurs !! Leave me a message for a possible appointment.

24/04/2021 in 08h49
Cherhe partners for sex this afternoon or tomorrow. Leave me a message

15/06/2020 in 11h47
Look for ass this afternoon from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. here or elsewhere. Leave mp

06/06/2020 in 14h25
Well then ..., nobody this afternoon ...?

24/05/2020 in 14h54
I'll be there around 6 p.m. looking for a nice smooth cock to suck and mine will be available of course!!

13/03/2020 in 13h34
Someone to blow my ass this afternoon? Or to get sucked ...?

26/10/2019 in 14h35
I was yesterday (Friday, October 25) to 16h and there found two nice cocks I sucked all the way !!! :-) Do lacked more than to take me ...

15/09/2019 in 13h58
There should be in the days way to get "the hot spots" of this place that have nothing to do following the work created and parking !!!

19/08/2019 in 14h48
Am on site

17/08/2019 in 13h26
Vraiment envie de belles bites dans ma bouche et dans mon cul! Suis open pour toute proposition...

17/08/2019 in 13h22
So there will be the world to come next week?

06/08/2019 in 20h30
Hi, I'd probably all aprem the week of August 19 to 23. All beautiful bi ... seont welcome! :-)

30/05/2019 in 14h05
Yesterday ... not terrible, quickly tomorrow ...

19/05/2019 in 13h32
Not seen the ad quickly, shame!

03/02/2019 in 14h50
I am until 15:30 if someone wants to have fun a little !!!

19/08/2018 in 14h21
I'll be there all next week in the afternoon (from August 20 to 25) in one of two small clearings and would be open all around for beautiful b .... that arise. Am uncomplicated, friendly and open to any proposal ...

19/08/2018 in 13h50
Parking in the parking lot, then from the beginning of the road towards the sea take the downward road, or do 50 meters down the road and stop at the barrier. Once down, go right on 20m and enter the fields to the left. It remains only to follow the small paths in the grass ... ;-)

10/07/2018 in 16h04
No, they are banned!

04/07/2018 in 10h00
Hello everyone Can you you park a camper?

26/03/2018 in 12h23
J there will come around today from 18h

23/11/2017 in 10h36
who avail this after noon to map'm nice passive

29/06/2017 in 18h07
hi there can you park a camper?

17/04/2017 in 16h27
Jy am until 18h many hidden spots you can get a hair !!! umm ... without any risk for the fans

28/08/2016 in 12h38
Some people often elderly gentleman there will regularly seen torque alas !! Unfrequented morning rather late in the day Good luck to you

22/06/2016 in 10h29
I come tonight!

08/03/2016 in 09h40
On holiday in St Lunaire the first week of April. I'd probably a / towers in the area hoping to find walls and vicious guys.

26/12/2015 in 13h20
there are fans for a sex aprem this?

14/04/2014 in 12h41
Hi, available for a woman loving caresses and language games during a quiet stroll on the coast, or caresses on the beach

09/03/2014 in 20h02
jy am yesterday some guy but all damage !! INDECI the corner is nice to have fun ...

10/02/2014 in 18h39
There is a quiet corner to guard Guérin?

22/08/2013 in 13h01
10 hours!!! too early: am on vacation! :-) Well, yesterday and before yesterday really big world / without interest! I hope that today and tomorrow will be better to memo, I am between 17 and 19 days ... ;-)

20/08/2013 in 12h28
Yesterday (August 19): Really not many people, it's a shame because the place is really conducive to meetings. In short, few people but I found chausure my foot or my rather b ... c ..! :-) I go back at the end of the afternoon !!!

18/08/2013 in 21h35
Today not many people at the end of the afternoon ... Bad ... FYI, I would be every day of the week! :-) Apart from the guys, there's a trendy cpl around?

13/05/2013 in 09h47
I was there last Friday, but not many people have been able to do anyway a very nice meeting!

18/07/2012 in 12h03
Hi, there's what time does the world?

20/05/2012 in 10h50
I am available in the head area the week for couple or trans woman leave me messages biz

22/04/2012 in 16h41
I like it, too bad there is not many people ...

13/10/2011 in 23h22
available regularly for beautiful trans women, couples

13/10/2011 in 18h25
who will be tonight?

28/07/2011 in 23h37
I feel like a dick, it's Thursday 23h if someone goes there?

… close history