Parking room Equality


Cruising spot gay in Nantes

proposed by sylvanus44  (09/05/2023)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Nantes
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
parking Equality. Quiet corner for nasty encounter. nights for mulled plan.
Address :
Rue de la Convention
44100 Nantes

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14/05/2021 in 12h52
If there are people available for lunch, I gladly suck!

04/04/2020 in 23h01
dear friends, be inclusive and kind, the world will be better .. don't despise those who are not aware of the nuances of sexual identities ... especially if these same people are looking for information. And beware of germs;) now is not the time to get sick

04/04/2020 in 08h59
By the way, I had tried IPL for 2 years, well I had to stop 1 year ago! In addition to a poor result (regrowth very slow in some places, so a little less shaving hair, and finer perhaps, but no more), I almost burned my skin (yet clear so a priori adapted), and I have some traces, very hardly visible fortunately (quasi-burns, some colorings or spots, which fade with time but it is long). So it doesn't suit me (at least the model used), but I'm not saying it doesn't suit anyone! Surely my skin is too fragile for that.

04/04/2020 in 08h06
Slt, I constantly hesitate on full shaving: on the one hand I find it hyper sex (accentuating my submissive side), but it is long and restrictive, and the hairs have an advantageous aesthetic side and easier to assume in daily life (discretion, pseudo-virility ... although beardless guys are less rare like some athletes for example). So sometimes I opt for a compromise with a short mowing. Do you also have this kind of dilemma? And what choice do you make in the end? ... good day Biz

04/04/2020 in 03h52
I'm stopping here to remind everyone that pornhub is 100% free for everyone right now ... so we are serving our teeth and doing good alone for the next few days ... :) and shit be empathetic and respectful to each other it's shameful to have about moving towards others especially here and at your ages for some ...

03/04/2020 in 20h49
Strongly back to school! In the meantime I masturbate while thinking of all these beautiful cocks in need which will come and go long and greedily against my palate, then more and more deeply, until discharging at the bottom of my throat in abundant multiple ejaculations very quickly swallowed and accompanied by their powerful orgasmic spasms ... While others will take advantage of my lying position on the back with thighs wide apart to deepen their knowledge of my rectum, while experimenting and perfecting their new penetration techniques imagined during containment ...

02/04/2020 in 17h49
What is difficult to assume I find is also that what I like most is also what makes some people suffer the most ... remembering the com the other day from a member who said he had lived hell for years to offer themselves to men (at the Bois de Vincennes I believe). I imagine myself taking a lot of pleasure in this sort of thing (I won't go that far anyway, too dangerous), and at the same time there is a horrible side of human exploitation. That said, I also really like horror movies. Sacred ambiguities ... lol We should be able to have fun, but in security i.e. not with anyone and without limits. It's a shame because offering yourself to strangers with the surprises and adrenaline that it brings makes your heart beat very hard,

02/04/2020 in 16h47
Sorry to not be informed, probably due to the fact that I grew up in a homophobic family with lots of things really very out of place and even today. It must be my fault ..

02/04/2020 in 16h41
Okay, thank you for your sparse submission, it enlightens me a little. The feeling that you are currently experiencing is more or less what I feel

02/04/2020 in 16h35
I must say that I don't understand too much either, and it's a big mystery for me, why what interests me / excites me the most is to feel "slut" "whore" ... but it is a reality (not always, however). There, right away, I would like a man to take me under his wing, like a beautiful little chick who is made for and who takes great pleasure in giving pleasure to others ... "the pleasure of giving" as we say (to offer your body and be shared)

02/04/2020 in 16h23
Yes I play with words but when we want to explain something and criticize I think it is important to have the right

02/04/2020 in 16h18
I wanted, thought, etc. To ultimately insult me ​​bitch because it penetrated me. I don't feel like a personal slut

02/04/2020 in 16h17
Because I understand very well the fact of not being comfortable with her body, but on the other hand the fact of saying that we are a slut and wanting to get fucked a little less. I recently met a man because I needed sex to know what I wanted was thinking

02/04/2020 in 16h12
Ah .. I'm stupid but you talk about a psychological and mental "problem". I don't really see where the problem is other than not being accepted.

02/04/2020 in 15h51
These words speak to me, anyway. It is extremely mental for me, I am able to imagine a body that I do not have, to visualize many things in my head, and to draw a lot of pleasure from it, including in real acts

02/04/2020 in 15h27
Simply put, it's not all about what you have or don't have between your legs. It is also a psychological and mental problem for bcp de trav to feel like a woman or a man or both. You can be a non-operated, hormone-free worker and still feel like a woman. Feminizing is not dressing up, it's not carnival

02/04/2020 in 15h17
Jnhom, arguing over stupidity, will hide from you, I also confirm, you're very stupid. You're wasting your breath

02/04/2020 in 15h06
It's not really related to these exchanges, but I regularly ask myself the question: if I had been a girl, like the ones I'm fond of and that I try (with limited success) to imitate or meet, would I have been as hot / easy / submissive / greedy? It excites me to think so and allows me to offer myself even more, but I will probably never have the answer ;-)

02/04/2020 in 14h46
I want misso, but argue ... because for me a man who dresses up is neither a trans man nor a trans woman it is a trav ....

02/04/2020 in 13h49
Fox widgets ... before wanting to give a lesson on what is foreign to you, you should be able to accept the dialogue. And to accept the dialogue, it is still necessary not to blacklist the person who contradicts you for free ... a word to the wise ... Your credibility takes a hit ...

02/04/2020 in 11h59
jnhom, yes you are very stupid !!! I confirm it to you !!

02/04/2020 in 09h17
Hi, I'm taking advantage of this discussion to try to get answers. I agree with you fox and I have the impression that even the people who write their profiles on this site do not know the difference, or maybe it is I who am stupid? But when we research trans men or women we find the same kind of profile ... don't understand ..

01/04/2020 in 00h30
I came to feast my eyes, but I stayed for the human drama.

28/03/2020 in 23h35
A bit thin as a counter argument ...

28/03/2020 in 23h28
Ouch, ouch, ouch ... Tifounette "the vigilante" of morality slaps me on the muzzle!

28/03/2020 in 23h06
You talk about work, trans, your personal experience, prostitutes ... Believe me, no professional listening and support would make such confusion. All these confusions stigmatize the people you want to support. If you work with these audiences, consider each of them as a unique person, listen to their story as if you were learning a new story, and you will hear a new story every time ...

28/03/2020 in 18h59
I join the conversation to recall that a "trav" person and a "trans" person have nothing in common, and are absolutely not systematically homosexual.

28/03/2020 in 16h00
At the same time the guy registered for 6 years no comments! No credibility and there is no point in listening to it! Debilooooos

28/03/2020 in 15h59
Coolmistic if read on this site that trav or trans equal twisted .. in addition it puts it on its page. We must stop victimizing ourselves. All transvestites and trans people on the site will appreciate it. Do not reverse the roles, you defend your friend it is in your honor, allows us to do the same. He apologizes

28/03/2020 in 15h49
I forgot, long live the less than nothing

28/03/2020 in 15h48
1 those who have not yet understood that we are in a pandemic crisis and that the hour is serious, continue to do as you want, but do not cry after 2 behind a hetero, a bi, a gay, a trav, a trabs etc ... There is a person who has his identity, and attacking this person for his kind is homo phobia and here it is shameful 3 when all is over, everyone will resume their life, there will have sex at all costs, and there will only be the idiots. Who will not have changed 4 everyone has the right to make a mistake, just have to accept it yourself, forgiveness and we may forget being 5 damn we are only on the 11th day !!!!! 6 long live sex, and long live S ........

28/03/2020 in 15h20
Portotbm you once again demonstrate your lack of altruism and openness You are just a troll

28/03/2020 in 15h10
Hello atmosphere. Without doubt one of the effects of the virus ... When the workers have understood that homo does not automatically rhyme with trav we will have made a little progress ...

28/03/2020 in 14h02
Portotbm, that's enough !!!! To qualify the 3rd kind of twisted on a libertine site, it is inadmissible !!! Shame on you !!! And the c is a woman who speaks to you, close your mouth and yes good riddance if you leave the site !!! Homophobic insults here do not have to be !!!!

26/03/2020 in 11h08
Portotbm, you should change your username .. I suggest you calimero .... You give appointments during periods of confinement and you blacklist people who have the misfortune to remind you of the elementary rules of civility and hygiene .. easy then victimize myself .. look for hatred in my remark towards your attitude .. there is none ... People are dying right now and the hospital staff is helpless .. let's be reasonable and responsible ..

25/03/2020 in 21h18
Ba no, ya containment

25/03/2020 in 17h22
We check that it ticks on the exit certificate for this trip?

25/03/2020 in 02h43
Say containment makes people crank .... Even if it's hard, take reckless risks to see a dick ... Pornhub is free at the moment if needed

24/03/2020 in 11h28
I didn't say I wanted it ... But I didn't care, it's not the same at all ...

23/03/2020 in 19h13
You have not understood, confinement = you stay at home. If you die, we do it because of your behavior. You are not the only one who wants to continue living, but there it is even more of irresponsibility, it is deep debility. I hope you will be banned from the site, you deserve no better.

23/03/2020 in 17h11
Put your cock away and go home .. and after the epidemic bought a brain .. any invitation to go to meeting places is tort and completely a step of total egoism ... in addition he plays the victim on his profile by pointing the finger at those who teach him moral ..

22/03/2020 in 21h29
@portotbm It's totally irresponsible to offer this right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you have not understood there is an epidemic at the moment and everything that risks spreading it increases the danger that hospitals will be overwhelmed ... then no, no action this evening in this parking lot or in a other public place. It is not the fine of 135 € that should stop you, but the concern for the common good

17/02/2020 in 12h46
Who for an appointment one evening there?

04/09/2018 in 18h04
Never anyone

07/08/2018 in 12h32
memory, precisely, the small parking lot, he goes around the small room ... and must be rather quiet so!

07/08/2018 in 12h10
and strut your stuff doing this or that place? .. saw the map on Google Earth there is room and parking that's it?

07/08/2018 in 10h34
Hello lucéen is under construction at the moment over the area ... But they can come to me :)

06/08/2018 in 18h42
there is a municipal hall (equality) there? or are rogues?

04/07/2016 in 17h03
there jaimais person

… close history