Parking nice just outside Sartilly, direction Avranches

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Sartilly
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
On leaving Sartilly towards Avranches. Parking right, attended the evening from 17h to 23h approx. Giant at night ... Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
50530 Sartilly

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19 d. ago
Bonsoir, Je me déplace ce soir entre Granville et Coutances, pour sucer

29 d. ago
I am there

20/01/2025 in 19h23
Available tonight to suck and get deep throated

05/01/2025 in 14h51
given the weather, not sure :)

05/01/2025 in 14h48
People today?

08/10/2024 in 18h36
Anyone out tonight?

17/09/2024 in 22h08
I'm receiving tonight for a soft cuddle, blowjob, handjob between guys

09/09/2024 in 21h48
Hi, who is interested PM me. I am receiving tonight for a soft cuddle blowjob jerk off plan between guys. I am from Villedieu-les-Poêles

10/08/2024 in 21h33
a couple, a woman or a female transvestite tomorrow evening, Sunday 08/11/2024 around 10 p.m.? Leave your messages here!

21/07/2024 in 08h57
Hello, who will be there at the end of the afternoon, want a queue?

03/07/2024 in 22h48
Who is available tonight? I am receiving for a discreet soft plan near Villedieu-les-Poêles.

29/06/2024 in 16h24
I want to?

19/06/2024 in 09h13
I'll be there this morning in a whore's outfit from 10am to noon.

14/06/2024 in 09h23
Bonjour, je propose un cunnilingus aux femmes qui en ont envie, voir olus si vous le souhaitez, je serai à l'air à 10h30 aujourd'hui

30/05/2024 in 08h13
Hi I'm going there today, want a cock, my pussy is ready

19/05/2024 in 13h43
May 20 around 10:30 a.m....I want to be sucked...what do you think?

08/05/2024 in 23h33
Yo who available?

13/11/2023 in 09h43
A woman or a couple tonight?

03/11/2023 in 12h22
Passing by at the end of the day. Notice to pumpers. Personal message if you want

24/10/2023 in 23h45
Who to take it? Check my profile and contact in PM

18/10/2023 in 14h10
Receive a transvestite couple in a house near Avranches

11/10/2023 in 18h30
Du monde ce soir ?

04/10/2023 in 07h18
Who to take it?

02/10/2023 in 11h48
Anyone out tonight after 9pm?

20/09/2023 in 15h18
Hi who is passing by around 4:30-5pm today

04/09/2023 in 08h28
Hi, I'll be there this morning, I want a cock, see you later

30/08/2023 in 08h56
Hello I'm in need I need to suck to offer my ass and sperm I want to meet someone at night I am available after 10:30 p.m. around Genets I only travel by appointment kiss

20/08/2023 in 01h32
Possibility to come by tomorrow late in the evening ;)

26/06/2023 in 12h39
Hello! A woman or a couple for exhibition and other tonight?

14/05/2023 in 10h09
I will be there around 8pm tonight

11/05/2023 in 16h50
People this weekend at nightfall?

27/06/2022 in 13h21
Bonjour ! Qui pourra être là à la tombée de la nuit ce soir pour que je sois participant, on verra.. Venez à plusieurs.. Femmes, couples, trav, etc..

15/06/2022 in 07h39
hello someone has sartilly today

06/06/2022 in 18h42
Good morning ! Who can be there at nightfall tonight so that I can be a voyeur.. Come to several.. Women, couples, trav, etc..

02/12/2020 in 13h13

23/09/2020 in 12h00
Hello everyone. If there are women or couples interested. Send me a private message. Kisses.

14/09/2020 in 16h27
Who tonight?

11/09/2020 in 12h17
Who tonight or tomorrow night. I suck and offer my butt

22/06/2020 in 22h53
who tonight

17/06/2020 in 16h38
Available this week from 5.30pm for women or couples. Here or somewhere else. Kinky kisses.

13/06/2020 in 06h41
Sl who is interested in meeting a sexy transvestite Sunday evening here or elsewhere?

25/03/2020 in 18h09
Failing to be able to meet during this period. If there are people interested in cam maps. Let me know. Take care of you !!

02/10/2019 in 08h03
Hello I am available during the day for woman or couple to pleasure to meet you

01/07/2019 in 17h59
Of the world ?

17/06/2019 in 08h24
Who are you today?

17/11/2018 in 12h50
Hi is Available in the evening I get warm in a friendly atmosphere around a glass aperture for a good night out guy so do not hesitate to contact me

16/06/2018 in 23h54
Someone Sunday, 6.17 am or in the evening?

04/06/2018 in 15h48
Hi, I will pass this evening between 21h and 22h. Asset

16/10/2017 in 21h48
J I want to go there tomorrow Tuesday 17 at night wants to come 18.30. 21h women couples private messaging thank you

11/10/2017 in 13h11
The world day?

18/05/2017 in 19h34
Does he have a woman or couple tonight around 22:00 18/05

14/05/2017 in 20h56
The world tonight?

11/12/2016 in 23h37
at what time you go there

11/12/2016 in 20h08
Cuckoo I'll go this week to take me gang bang no limits, there will be someone?

15/10/2016 in 14h36
Someone today?

05/05/2016 in 08h35
Texas 62 if you had not blakliste I would have told me

20/04/2016 in 00h17
Passage .. if a guy wants to empty the balls tomorrow night he contacts me

25/01/2015 in 06h22
that tomorrow at 14 pm

06/01/2015 in 07h32
which for a night around 22 pm this week

10/11/2014 in 13h19
yes me tomorrow morning

01/10/2014 in 17h55
that tomorrow morning

27/09/2014 in 07h16
that to take me on Monday morning

17/08/2014 in 15h40
World available this evening?

13/08/2014 in 14h40
The world this weekend in the corner?

11/08/2014 in 21h43
that tomorrow morning

25/06/2014 in 18h18
Someone night?

23/06/2014 in 14h13
bjr I'm free Tuesday 19 ha 5h 00

12/05/2014 in 09h54
I spend tomorrow Tuesday 13 to 19h 15 to pump

30/04/2014 in 11h57
World Tonight

27/04/2014 in 01h18
I sui locally quelcun want to see me

10/04/2014 in 22h41
Nobody tonight

21/03/2014 in 18h46
Is there going to be women the low tonight ??? Kisses ladies ladies

13/03/2014 in 18h56
Nobody tonight ?? Road Friends? J y c'm the desert

22/02/2014 in 08h16
I'm free Wednesday evenings from 6 21 ha

09/11/2013 in 13h44
v that take me this afternoon to 16 h 30

18/10/2013 in 13h45
I spend Tuesday around 15 pm

18/10/2013 in 13h18
I pence just be go check it out tonight, I sui liabilities. leave me a private message kiss

17/10/2013 in 14h01
me but next week

01/10/2013 in 17h59
can be set this sodomiser Thursday to 15 h

22/09/2013 in 08h53
me tomorrow at 14:30

05/09/2013 in 17h29
that to take me tonight between 19 pm 20 pm

10/08/2013 in 07h52
if you want this am

01/08/2013 in 13h46
me when you took my hole as

10/05/2013 in 07h09
I v if you bent down (but when)

07/05/2013 in 23h08
who goes there tomorrow evening?

27/04/2013 in 08h35
to 15 pm you come down to me

27/04/2013 in 08h25
will have SARTILLY this afternoon or Sunday morning

26/04/2013 in 14h10
me I receive

22/04/2013 in 11h50
Who on Wednesday night for fun moments?

07/04/2013 in 08h51
which come take me tomorrow 15 ha 16 h left me a message to tell me if you come

24/03/2013 in 16h37
tomorrow at 16 h 30 bent down

19/03/2013 in 12h12
I'm free around 16:30 Monday and Tuesday at 14:30

10/03/2013 in 14h01

10/03/2013 in 08h12
but when I

16/02/2013 in 08h59
to me what time

15/02/2013 in 15h30
I'm free Monday afternoon

04/01/2013 in 13h29
me but next week

17/12/2012 in 14h12
around when

16/12/2012 in 13h54
ok tomorrow at 14:30

01/12/2012 in 08h36
I'm free monday tuesday 14 ha 19 h lowered wants me leave me a message

29/11/2012 in 18h01
I'm free monday tuesday 14 ha 18 h wants me down

11/11/2012 in 08h42
ok what you love

10/11/2012 in 08h29
that I bent down Monday around 17 pm

08/11/2012 in 19h50
we see this when

08/11/2012 in 16h48
J would be good for this passive ki available tonight?

30/10/2012 in 22h22
me Friday morning

27/10/2012 in 19h41
8:30 p.m. 21 h

26/10/2012 in 06h43
tomorrow Saturday night for me down

18/10/2012 in 16h40
that this evening to 18 am for me down

18/10/2012 in 14h23
you like transvestite

18/10/2012 in 14h18
pence'll check it out tonight worm juska 18h 20h + see, if there Jireh on the world to me ECRI private message

24/08/2012 in 14h00
the world to evening whether postage was me a private message

18/08/2012 in 16h27
19h 20h ji has been down dress fishnet thong bra stroke the meeting of a tourist couple or g sucked MESSIEUR stroke madam e ke After my lady sucked pendan ke her husband sodomized me. ed from 20h to 9:30 p.m. I sui changed me be pr mini skirt tank top stroke lé same dessou or 1 g meets ki guy just wanted ke I suck

15/08/2012 in 11h39
I would be Friday night pr woman, couple, gay or bi

09/07/2012 in 00h46
which will be the evening to 21H 30 kissed a transvestite

21/06/2012 in 12h56
pr world tomorrow night?

18/06/2012 in 16h14
Friday, 22 yora worm 21h world?

16/06/2012 in 08h21
there will be the world next week 13 H30

15/06/2012 in 23h59
The world saw nothing mé c pacé shame gt dressed in jeans tank top sticky Bodystring

14/06/2012 in 11h56
who will be Friday evening from 21h?

12/05/2012 in 17h41
pr is the world tonight sucked me e pr soda

11/05/2012 in 18h01
World pr plane tonight

08/03/2012 in 14h24
I would be tomorrow morning from 3:30 A 4 H 30

01/03/2012 in 19h57
who will be tomorrow's sartilly? kel é a time seré are you?

27/02/2012 in 12h35
yora world pr Friday, March 2?

03/02/2012 in 16h24
the world tonight?

13/12/2011 in 12h12
what time

12/12/2011 in 09h52
who fucked me on weekdays between 5:30 6:30

30/11/2011 in 19h21
Nobody tonight ... Damage

30/11/2011 in 08h06
Qq one tonight at 18h?

28/11/2011 in 13h09
who bowed to me Thursday morning from 5am 30 at 6:30

24/11/2011 in 15h59
World tonight at 20h?

17/11/2011 in 17h08
World tonight at 18h

17/10/2011 in 07h54
when you want

14/10/2011 in 13h09
who wants fucked me one evening around 21:30 the week from Monday 17 to Friday 21 man, couple, woman

14/10/2011 in 13h09
who wants fucked me one evening around 21:30 the week from Monday 17 to Friday 21 man, couple, woman

28/08/2011 in 09h24
passage Tuesday at 22 H 15 joined by a man (hummmm) but I seek woman or couple, man who likes to plan several transvestites

24/08/2011 in 09h22
Passing this evening around 21:30, joined by a sexy trav which to plan more ?? leave messages

19/08/2011 in 13h46
I'll be there tonight around 19:00, someone else?

16/04/2011 in 07h59
who wants a nice fucked trav after 21 pm left me a message please

08/04/2011 in 10h09
I look for someone to take me I am a transvestite 44 years

06/04/2011 in 18h55
New to Avranches, is it enough ?? frquenté qqun know other places not far off?

06/04/2011 in 18h54
New to Avranches, is it enough ?? frquenté qqun know other places not far off?

… close history