Parking near the pool Gien


Cruising spot gay in Gien

proposed by profilsupprime  (12/06/2013)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Gien
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Near the pool of Gien, in the car park opposite the Loire
Address :
99 Quai de Nice
45500 Gien

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01/02/2024 in 08h50
Who is available Friday around 6 p.m., I am passive

02/11/2023 in 21h23
Un trav , une femme ou un couple h/f disponible demain vendredi 03 novembre entre 12h et 14?

28/10/2023 in 23h40
Looking for a transvestite, woman or male/female couple available one afternoon next week?

28/06/2023 in 06h31
Passing by at the end of the day, available in Gien

07/04/2023 in 20h13
CC of the world Saturday morning 4:30 am for a suck plan, if available let me know

29/09/2022 in 19h20
People tonight?

23/09/2022 in 20h54
People Saturday morning around 4:30. sent pm

22/04/2022 in 21h11
Crowded Saturday morning around 4:40 a.m.

12/12/2021 in 06h45
cc everyone who is available for a suck plan today

14/08/2021 in 17h10
In the park on the banks of the Loire, below the car park, at the moment there are young guys from the construction site who are looking from 7 p.m. (after the day's work and the shower...). Quiet bushes around the pool and further along the shore.

28/07/2021 in 21h04
Want to get sucked off for the night on gien zi boisserie

11/03/2021 in 05h07
Who is available I suck now

06/09/2020 in 07h59
who sucked and wanked her on Gien

09/07/2020 in 23h36
Bsr, is this place still relevant? I haven't seen a post since 2019.

20/12/2019 in 19h11
Who want to suck it ... tonight?

20/12/2019 in 19h06
Who can come tonight?

17/12/2019 in 17h11
Yes often the world around 23h for bz

24/09/2019 in 21h25
Available now to suck

19/09/2019 in 22h54
From tomorrow morning around 7:00 am crossing

15/03/2018 in 19h24
The londe tonight?

26/02/2018 in 06h31
You find them or because I never

19/02/2018 in 06h39
More people ?!

14/11/2017 in 15h00
Hello I am looking for some moments cuddling with a naughty granny preference. I am very nice and very pig or I can be very simple. Search an ongoing relationship ... Ladies and gentlemen, if you know a very naughty granny around Gien Briare bonny ... Do not hesitate to get in touch or give me a phone number or postal address, email ... Thanks has all and good looking!

20/08/2017 in 11h41
There's no one on this place and against a lot of people walking around.

24/04/2017 in 00h07
Often the world on the big parking lot after working hours (18h to 19h30), lunch hour and Saturday afternoon.

19/04/2017 in 23h32
Toujour dactu?

30/08/2015 in 22h24
I'll be at the pool tomorrow morning (Monday) from 9:45 am until 12 noon. If there are guys who want to have fun in the showers / changing rooms (matting, touchetage or other ...) Contact mp

26/01/2014 in 17h37
J will be tomorrow around 10:30 am Monday, 2701 red Twingo

19/01/2014 in 01h21
someone today Sunday 19 evening to 23H?

13/09/2013 in 21h26
If world tonight around midnight on 13/09

22/08/2013 in 16h56
That there will be Thursday evening called me ??

12/08/2013 in 04h10
that night I

07/01/2013 in 11h41
Hello all of those 45 here I am looking for a married bi friend with a rolling touran minivan often moving in Paris but lives recently in the 45 gray touran registers 45 also man of fifty years with mustache and strong enough. Thank you to tell me if you cross the road to pass a hello from his friend's 77. I count on your help.

22/11/2012 in 12h24
And the castle car park toilet?

19/09/2012 in 12h32
who will now ??

12/07/2012 in 13h57
someone after this afternoon from 15h ??????

27/06/2012 in 16h39
I would dare today to 27/06/2012 to suck and make me take many come I love to suck more quickly and take me right buttocks

03/05/2012 in 15h12
who want to get sucked tonight on 03/05/2012 at 17h?

… close history