Parking church of Rousset-d'Acon


Cruising spot gay in Acon

proposed by mod_fr20e_paris  (13/10/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Acon
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Take the N12 in the direction Verneuil / Dreux. In Rousset-d'Acon, turn right at the traffic lights on the D565. Drive about 500m and turn right just before the church. There is a small parking lot. Go to the little wood, you will be very hot encounters! Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.
Address :
Rue des Laris
27570 Acon

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22/01/2025 in 13h59
Cc I'll be there at the end of the day passing by if there are people I'll stop if not I'll get back on the road for more details'private message

06/01/2025 in 10h52
Who are you today to suck me? I can be there for 2pm leave a message

17/12/2024 in 18h19
What day and time to find people?

17/12/2024 in 14h11
Hello I was there on December 16, 2024 it was nice guy greedy to swallow everything I will come back

09/12/2024 in 15h04
De passage demain mardi vers 13h30 Ici où dans les environs (direction Dreux) Cherche bites à sucer. Laisser moi un message en MP

29/09/2024 in 10h03
je corrige : 11h15

29/09/2024 in 10h01
bonjour, j'y serai vers 1hh15, alors celui qui veut etre sucer qu'il se radine !!!! lol :) :) :) :)

25/08/2024 in 23h11
Dégouté, pas libre demain

31/07/2024 in 15h22
A woman or a transvestite tonight? In MP

29/07/2024 in 17h19
Are there people in the evenings on weekdays?

14/05/2024 in 11h33
Message I'm going today 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

05/05/2024 in 09h46
j'y serai ce jour dimanche 5 mai entre 11h et 11h45 , ds parking eglise car lavoir inondé

22/04/2024 in 18h11
I will be at the washhouse tomorrow Tuesday around 3 p.m.

11/03/2024 in 12h11
A little message to announce my arrival this afternoon around 1:30 p.m.

15/02/2024 in 11h56
Will there be people this afternoon around 1:30 p.m. or 2:00 p.m.?

14/02/2024 in 12h09
je serai ds le parking ou plus bas à 500 m au lavoir vers 15h 30 15h45

05/02/2024 in 15h20
j'y serai ce jour lundi 5 février de 16h15 à 17h ,parking église ou lavoir à 500m plus bas

30/01/2024 in 10h43
Nice place, unfortunately no one, shame

29/01/2024 in 13h19
I'm going to do a little lap dance corner

10/12/2023 in 09h15
I will be there today December 10 from 10:30 a.m. to be even before at 11:15 a.m.

03/12/2023 in 09h55
I will be in the church parking lot or further down at the washhouse before the small bridge 100m from the church from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. today, Sunday, December 3.

02/12/2023 in 14h32
I will be in the church parking lot or further down at the washhouse before the small bridge 100m from the church around 4 p.m. today, Saturday December 2

19/11/2023 in 08h29
I will be there today Sunday November 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

12/11/2023 in 08h20
je serai sur parking église ou plus bas au lavoir avant le petit pont à 100m de l'église vers 10h , ce jour dimanche 12 novembre

07/10/2023 in 11h09
j'y serai ce jour samedi 7 octobre de 15h à 16h45 17h , j'ai une grave envie de sucer et de me faire prendre, poppers bien venu !! :)

28/08/2023 in 13h46
Anyone out tonight????

21/08/2023 in 14h43
People this week?

12/07/2023 in 15h24
You World tonight around 8:00 p.m.

05/07/2023 in 17h37
Quietly posed...

04/07/2023 in 16h50
I was there just now... I loved the guy dressed as a woman in his SUV.

26/06/2023 in 07h53
Maybe there's a slut Thursday morning between 8am and 10am

24/06/2023 in 15h22
j'y serai de 16h30 à 17h30 , soit au parking face Eglise soit au lavoir

23/06/2023 in 15h41
Nobody is deserted

14/06/2023 in 12h49
I stayed there for an hour under this beautiful sun....

05/06/2023 in 15h15
j'y serai ce jour de 16h à 17h15 soit sur parking face église soit au lavoir à 100m plus bas juste avant le petit pont

04/06/2023 in 10h26
I am currently at the washhouse, quietly sitting there, hoping to meet someone...

29/05/2023 in 10h18
I will be there from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., either at the washhouse or in the church parking lot.

20/05/2023 in 23h10
People on Sunday morning?

19/05/2023 in 15h02
j'y serai tout a l'heure de 16h à 1715 , si pas sur parking en face eglise je serai plus bas à 100m avant le petit pont , sous le lavoir pres de la rivière

19/05/2023 in 12h21
People this afternoon?

03/05/2023 in 09h17
a submissive this morning from 10 a.m. for him to show off in front of me and jerk him off

03/05/2023 in 07h31
Tomorrow can be there 8 am 9 am to suck swallow I would like to know this place ready for anything very slutty will obey

02/05/2023 in 10h12
People today to show off?

18/04/2023 in 12h32
I'm there for the pose already, I hope to make a nice meeting there...

18/04/2023 in 09h57
Hi anyone available for lunch?

25/03/2023 in 14h32
People tonight?

14/03/2023 in 10h39
people this morning?

03/02/2023 in 08h12
Anyone today?

27/10/2022 in 17h11
Passing by, can be there around 6:15 p.m. Sent pm

20/10/2022 in 15h02
People today?

22/09/2022 in 12h17
Anyone this afternoon?

20/09/2022 in 14h16
anyone this afternoon?

30/08/2022 in 13h05
People today?

28/08/2022 in 12h49
Of the world ?

28/08/2022 in 12h46
I went there, walked there, I sat at the washhouse

28/08/2022 in 08h12
I'll be there around 11:30 a.m.

28/08/2022 in 04h59
From the world ajd?

23/08/2022 in 10h59
People during noon 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.?

20/08/2022 in 06h24
People during the day?

11/08/2022 in 14h32
People tomorrow morning?

10/08/2022 in 13h30
Too bad I was there yesterday at 2:30 p.m.

10/08/2022 in 12h21
I will be there this afternoon between 2 p.m. and 3:15 p.m.

10/08/2022 in 10h56
Passing through the day?

14/05/2022 in 02h02
Available for everything

13/05/2022 in 08h42
I will be there this morning from 9:15 to 10:30

11/04/2022 in 16h27
People tonight?

10/04/2022 in 11h08
People this afternoon?

18/03/2022 in 11h40
People this afternoon for exhib jerking off?

16/03/2022 in 08h02
I will make a short visit this Wednesday at the beginning of the afternoon between the church and the washhouse... For young men under 40 years old....

10/12/2021 in 16h29
Cc available to suck on this place today. Leave PM

20/11/2021 in 11h14
Who wants to get sucked there. Contact by PM.

17/11/2021 in 12h10
Who to suck me I can be there until 3:30 p.m.

15/10/2021 in 13h31
Hello, who is available on this place?

23/09/2021 in 00h48
Who to suck me on Thursday or Friday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.?

13/07/2021 in 10h17
Who will be there this week or next week? We are only looking for assets

24/06/2021 in 09h20
hello to all I have assets to empty because g 2 hours of time to kill this apm from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and who could take me to the corner because I don't have a license and I accept all trips except the scato

26/05/2021 in 12h01
hello who is active and who could fuck my throat and double sodomy reserved for cocks over 10 cm in erection

23/05/2021 in 09h03
People this afternoon?

28/09/2020 in 16h32
I have never seen guys for sex

10/09/2020 in 10h54
I had several nice encounters there .... even a little black boy but not smiling .... I walk between the church parking lot and the wash house .... nice walks .... I like to suck nice dicks reserved for under 50 ...

29/06/2020 in 19h23
Nobody for my virgin ass and to suck

02/06/2020 in 09h00
Anyone this afternoon?

24/05/2020 in 14h44
Anyone tomorrow afternoon?

22/05/2020 in 12h28
I will be there this am as of ab! :)

20/05/2020 in 11h21
People next week in the afternoons

19/05/2020 in 14h44
aujourd'hui 19 , comme dab , meme heure meme lieux , G pris un abonnement , lol

18/05/2020 in 14h23
I will be in the Acon church parking lot from 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. otherwise 50m lower at the washhouse just before the small bridge

14/05/2020 in 14h59
I will be in the Acon church parking lot from 3.30 p.m. to 5.15 p.m. otherwise 50m lower at the washhouse just before the small bridge

19/02/2020 in 09h37
Someone in the afternoon?

28/01/2020 in 09h09
Someone this afternoon?

03/09/2019 in 13h23
Someone this afternoon?

22/06/2019 in 07h52
Hi Often person but I believe Gives appointment

19/06/2019 in 17h37
Ask quietly at the laundrette

15/06/2019 in 23h30
Quiet corner, shame not more people coming

14/06/2019 in 13h49
More nobody comes?

14/06/2019 in 10h18
Someone today?

20/08/2018 in 01h32
Who available on this Monday night?

11/08/2018 in 13h32
Who ? This apm in sex mode

08/05/2018 in 09h03
I passed yesterday the end of the afternoon but no

08/05/2018 in 07h44
Hi Am available to plan sex If good feeling good massage Sex Uninhibited

06/05/2018 in 15h36
I can go on weekdays so reliable appointment

06/05/2018 in 15h18
Cc who avail this place. Fuck hot and exhibitionist without blah blah. No chitchat as Live Sex

02/05/2018 in 15h54
Mythos attention to ...

02/05/2018 in 13h44
So when Koro t are available for overnight close we loupe

02/05/2018 in 13h12
pardon me come many available noon tomorrow

02/05/2018 in 11h56
Available today if one or a good suction is also available ??? to wave

24/04/2018 in 16h48
Mr alone to suck

24/04/2018 in 16h45
Present on the parking lot until 17h 45

24/04/2018 in 09h01
Bjr someone interested today for just exhibitionist masturbation?

19/04/2018 in 09h19
The world today this beautiful day?

16/11/2017 in 08h36
Want to suck someone available to 16h?

08/11/2017 in 13h58
Someone this afternoon?

31/10/2017 in 14h52
Someone to map exhibits / voyeur masturbation?

31/10/2017 in 14h38
Someone this after noon

29/08/2017 in 14h02
Someone this afternoon for exhibits

14/07/2017 in 09h34
bjr available 1st half of August for farmer, hunter... contact me in private

25/06/2017 in 23h15
Who available on this place tomorrow evening (Monday) evening?

21/05/2017 in 17h20
I went but there had walkers. I will retuurn in the evening

21/05/2017 in 12h31
Someone today?

18/04/2017 in 14h16
Cc me I go on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon at around 15h. Any takers ...

27/03/2017 in 15h16
No one to watch myself or I could watch?

27/03/2017 in 14h20
A couple or woman to watch me jerk off in my car this afternoon?

02/03/2017 in 15h13
Someone from 15:30 to 4:15 p.m. watch me jerk off in my car or conversely I could matter

01/03/2017 in 18h10
Someone tomorrow afternoon to playe me masturbate or Sue I can watch?

01/03/2017 in 16h03
I extend until 4:15 p.m.

01/03/2017 in 15h40
Always on site

01/03/2017 in 15h29
No one ?

01/03/2017 in 14h55
Someone to watch me jerk off in my car or I could watch?

07/10/2016 in 15h16
someone tonight?

10/09/2016 in 20h20
Who avail this naked Ballad week in the groves of Rousset?

03/09/2016 in 13h34
Who will be this afternoon

24/08/2016 in 15h27
There was an intruder on site so stayed in the area, coupled happened, to the wise you can go;)

24/08/2016 in 13h16
on site this afternoon for exhibitionist / voyeur masturbation

16/08/2016 in 10h04
Somebody in 30 '?

08/08/2016 in 01h32
Who avail this place for evening flashing plan. Let pv message.

04/08/2016 in 22h04
Very nice place to flashing plan. Join me in discrete groves for naughty plan.

29/06/2016 in 21h42
Who avail this place this week for flashing plan. Leave MP.

13/05/2016 in 07h37
Bjr, will be in the forest around 17:00 for naughty biz plan.

04/05/2016 in 14h39
Cc, which is available on this place today? Come in pv for appointment.

22/03/2016 in 12h06
that the 22/3 tonight to suck me ???? send MP

19/12/2015 in 11h45
Who avail this place to plan night?

08/12/2015 in 13h40
I went to do me good, there was no email, so I'm relieved myself.

15/11/2015 in 20h37
In walking tour in Verneuil sur avre trav in the vicinity of the path height

07/11/2015 in 06h43
Cc a transvestite available today? November 7

09/10/2015 in 09h09
looking plan for Sunday night

03/07/2015 in 23h28
Who will be tomorrow ???

24/06/2015 in 16h48
ba good I am no longer available tonight ... too bad

20/06/2015 in 16h48
I would go back anyway Wednesday around 18h45 in case ....

17/06/2015 in 19h20
pfff! First I fall on the closed road ... I'm a big detour, I finally arrived at the church, not a cat! I expect a good quarter of an hour, person ... every time I go there, there is nobody !!! damage j''avais prepared my ring ... I would go to this place!

10/06/2015 in 20h38
good in principle, it should be okay for Wednesday 17 to 18:45 too fancy a good cock sucking and / or to make me put ... if more I find myself getting sucked and / or to enter a good ass to dump me, this will be the best! thank you to tell me if there are candidates ..

09/06/2015 in 19h02
finally I would not be available tomorrow 10 June, can be 17 ...

07/06/2015 in 13h11
my dick, my mouth and my ass rested Wednesday 10 June around 18h45 / 19h, which is the lessee?

21/05/2015 in 10h13
Want a ride buttocks in the air ....

18/05/2015 in 16h27
I'm in 10 min.

05/04/2015 in 22h40
Who avail this place ?? Pv Leave Message

22/02/2015 in 20h58
I was a good injury 19h, dressed as a hooker, hot like a slut but no, the place looks nice

21/02/2015 in 18h19
tomorrow from 18:30 to 20h I did paris, mortagne in pole if the world on the road wants to be an ass, contacted me, PS: I would do the road trav, I'm greedy sperm and pee

12/05/2014 in 21h27
I went 3 times last week person, jy spend next week in vers15h week, beautiful place

25/04/2014 in 19h56
Who tomorrow 10 to 12

12/04/2014 in 18h13
Who available this week for naughty exhibitionist and plan?

18/03/2014 in 15h39
Who to map sucks ??

13/03/2014 in 20h09
hi, I sometimes pass and not see ever person, a pity because the place is nice ...

06/11/2013 in 14h45
I spend November 22 around 16:30, if someone available to let me suck Message

30/08/2013 in 19h21
Cuckoo, passive hot guy looking for plane Q and exhib !! kiss.

22/07/2013 in 18h07
I'm ki vial are available now ??

22/07/2013 in 18h07
I'm ki vial are available now ??

12/07/2013 in 17h45
Who available for Saturday or Sunday ???

11/06/2013 in 23h12
I'll be there this Friday, June 14 to 18h15-18h30 to be pumped ... if interested let Post

19/05/2013 in 18h18
to find plans must be posted by appointment !!

01/05/2013 in 13h21
I spend 30/04/2013 15h to always be someone I'm not going away asser.

27/04/2013 in 12h40
I saw perssonne 14h and 18h ​​I think sé of pipo

24/04/2013 in 18h44
bjr that tomorrow in the afternoon after

25/03/2013 in 14h37
account go down the transvestite looking guy or leave messages submitted

31/01/2013 in 14h03
Hi I am passing yesterday but nobody will aimerterencontrer

30/01/2013 in 14h01
looking transvestite I pass around 15:30

22/09/2012 in 16h04
Or tomorrow AM

22/09/2012 in 15h39
Who goes there this AM?

30/07/2012 in 17h09
which is dipo for hot plane ?? !!!!

05/07/2012 in 05h51
Yes that's right, but I've never seen anyone either, I think it is better to give them appointment

25/04/2012 in 18h26
Who to get there late AM (around 17:00)?

20/01/2012 in 00h45
jy went right plan hardcore ass !!!!!

22/11/2011 in 11h37
let me pv message if a young pass in the corner! on Sundays and Wednesdays I go to rate !!

… close history