Parc Georges Valbon 93120 La Courneuve

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Type : Public garden gay & straight
City :  La Courneuve
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The Georges Valbon Park (formerly Park of La Courneuve) is a wooded 400ha park with a lake, refreshment stands and free parking, the park closes at 21:00 during the summer. It comes not a cruising spot or encounter itself, but it lends itself perfectly to it and it has many very discreet corners to practice a few acts with discretion, it is best to make an appointment in the parking lot of the "Green Carpet" then sink into wooded areas. It is frequented by the Gay and bi community, but many illegitimate couples meet there after leaving office. It's not bad in drag especially in summer park. For Gay it is mainly happening in the woods along the tracks since the case no longer exists. Gay guys, straight or bi of GPS Address Parking: 48 ° 56 '23 "N, 2 ° 24' 20" E

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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20/11/2024 in 15h36
Who is it that sucks.

19/05/2024 in 11h55
cc everyone, yesterday I. went to the park... j. I looked for the path along the railway line??? where exactly is it, can anyone tell me? there are two bridges... Thanks

21/10/2023 in 16h59
I thought the park was closed in the evening!!!

02/09/2023 in 15h31
Black passive good cocksucker looking for walls to suck

20/08/2023 in 07h58
I'm here to get sucked

09/06/2023 in 09h21
Hello who's going today? I'm passive and a good sucker I can be there around 12:30

05/06/2022 in 14h51
I'm looking for a plan tonight on gosse I receive

07/04/2022 in 22h30
It's right next to my house, I'll go check it out when it's warmer :P

15/03/2021 in 13h47
Of the world today

01/03/2021 in 20h19
Cp93350 I'm hot my guy: p

07/07/2020 in 08h52
Who is joining me this morning?

30/06/2020 in 23h55
I might go for a walk this Wednesday afternoon around 3pm to 4pm, towards the entrance on the Garges les Gonesse side (KFC, McDonald's) For -40 years old

10/10/2019 in 18h59
Who suck 6:30 tomorrow morning

02/09/2019 in 10h53
Hello it's Monday I spend the afternoon in La Courneuve if anyone wants to join me in the cabin to impregnate me I'd be the happiest

02/09/2019 in 09h27
Who today?

28/08/2019 in 11h39
Someone this afternoon?

21/08/2019 in 08h52
Someone this morning?

20/08/2019 in 16h13
Jy am now to masturbates and sucks

20/08/2019 in 09h35
Who goes to the party of the huma? tip kiss behind the tents!

05/05/2019 in 23h34
Now that I suck at the park?

02/05/2019 in 00h20
Now I suck that?

06/04/2019 in 18h32
I am now I suck.

27/01/2019 in 11h40
I suck

27/01/2019 in 03h46
Who suck me around?

21/01/2019 in 23h46
Now I want to suck down the ace who wants to? Switch to deprive Message

18/05/2018 in 21h49
syth14 thank you

18/05/2018 in 18h11
I think for a ride tonight to suck, see. If you have pipes ....

18/05/2018 in 00h00
This is how these days?

08/06/2017 in 02h30
hummm I would love

08/06/2017 in 01h35
interested suce93

24/03/2017 in 23h41
Who will be this weekend?

20/03/2017 in 23h08
I live next to and I am bi active and domineering, I receive with or without my slave

24/11/2016 in 22h36
What do you mean?

07/11/2016 in 20h54
person from 11 to 13?

08/09/2016 in 21h18
Nobody tomorrow or the weekend?

01/03/2016 in 07h02
not to park there

14/02/2016 in 08h01
I went yesterday vers17h00

18/07/2015 in 11h21
is the person down

25/11/2014 in 12h21
Map parking in week to 18.30, on Pantin to Marie pumpers and pumped WELCOME. Direct Plan poppers. Registration MP with only date available.

04/11/2014 in 13h14
Who to map to 13ha Courneuve St. Paul valiant designer or Porte de la Villette

04/08/2014 in 13h59
No, it's more drag down the c is a shame: !!

20/07/2014 in 11h33
no girlfriend weekday lunch?

16/03/2014 in 13h24
Hello I just arrived at the park want to suck

08/03/2014 in 09h48
Tuesday someone?

22/02/2014 in 06h35
black passive looking good tail walls 50-65a has greedily suck at the park this morning; serious ad

24/12/2013 in 11h48
take advantage of the storm, parking Green Carpet will be empty, I spend at 12.30 Merry Christmas

21/10/2013 in 13h56
I intend to go there at the end of day today, around 17h, I will be on the car parking for cash or kind plan. If someone tried, eager to get sucked, let me know!

18/09/2013 in 14h11
the places where dredging is prior to the green carpet, av Waldeck Rocket from Dugny, you have to park before the railway, then there is a possible right entrance, just climb through the gate, a +

30/08/2013 in 09h12
The world this weekend?

17/08/2013 in 14h45
hope to do tomorrow morning meetings. tell me specifically whether the parking green carpet ca does?

30/07/2013 in 22h40
who will be tomorrow night at 18: 30 pm?

10/07/2013 in 10h51
I ch a docile guy to do the menial home. If t have a mental maid or love you undermine thee girl, make a sign. You'll have to do the cleaning and ironing under me.

03/05/2013 in 22h55
Hi if there are queers who want to bet pumped here let me know

03/03/2013 in 08h01
hi I want sucking big cocks

27/01/2013 in 15h54
who's going to 17: 00?

17/12/2012 in 14h58
hello that moves this afternoon in the park?

23/08/2012 in 09h27
kelkun today or tomorrow?

11/07/2012 in 18h08
has black stuff looks walls costo hairy bm !!!!

20/06/2012 in 09h16
anyone this weekend?

13/06/2012 in 11h54
Hello are there any people who go in the corner this after noon?

03/06/2012 in 15h28
I am now in the park that is?

30/05/2012 in 16h36
I go now, break a 17h

30/05/2012 in 12h41
someone goes there today dmain or after tomorrow?

27/05/2012 in 09h52
this is the car park or the woods along the railroad voice?

19/05/2012 in 15h05
J there was this after noon that want to suck it?

19/05/2012 in 01h00
he is there a woman who would like to be fucked by a black guy?

19/05/2012 in 00h32
t it is a woman for this week?

14/04/2012 in 09h45
Who this weekend?

06/04/2012 in 18h11
someone go?

29/12/2011 in 09h35
hello, who will at that time in La Courneuve, RDV in a parking lot?

28/10/2011 in 10h04
thank you, yesterday I parked in the parking lot gate Green Carpet of the park, after I saw nothing. I'll go back. a +

27/10/2011 in 17h57
hello, how we go to this place, which side you come back? thank you

19/08/2011 in 01h22
Well, it's time to qque thing about this place in total loss; what a shame .. while everyone lends itself to a serene and tranquil drag ... qqun Has it real drag schedules? for I do not understand when to go to find guys ... anyway, it became the home of eretraite the hippest courneuve this place ...; o))

15/08/2011 in 00h32
Tuesday, August 16 will be the whole aprem late for blacks or beurs wanting to empty ...; o)

02/08/2011 in 19h32
So I'm sorry passifprblack! but I have a little mytoné! there was bogoss inches !! much less magic! I'll do my sport the low very often at all hours and I have never seen it! j'voulais be kind to attract the world! but that does not walk in! apparently! I did not inch the secret of eternal youth! but simply about people my age! ke as I can! :)

28/07/2011 in 23h29
Loghan my dear, some tolerance in this superficial world ... we are still (and you probably also) the ugly or old qqun ... if you can stay young all your life, there will be much to want know your secret ... That said, I understand you are quite the "clientele" of yesteryear and less since the work ... and it reduces the number of people in our taste ...; o)

25/07/2011 in 20h43
I take back what ke I have said! lol jy'm go to 19h and 18 kom magically a mek + tot bogoss! :)

25/07/2011 in 12h33
Yeah! but EVERY time that I'm there, that old or ugly !!!! so if a drinking mek it will warn me lol !! :)

07/07/2011 in 18h27
catex: off topic, but yes it always dredge here ...; o)

03/07/2011 in 18h00
Derai the park before and after its closure on Sunday pr active black: 0650418636

03/07/2011 in 17h07
Be input side dugny to 18h for active black.

25/06/2011 in 11h57
ca must be it yes ... especially the West Indian ...

20/06/2011 in 00h27
Y went tonight from 19:30 to 21:00: person from 2 to 3 poacher picked rabbit or another ... but where are the North Africans or blacks of yesteryear !!! Let me know; o)

09/11/2010 in 21h43
I was speaking about the Villette in response to sacrilege. :)

09/11/2010 in 21h42
it was hitting a lot at a time, especially before work. For 1 year (approximately) is much calmer and especially much more dangerous! Pay attention ...

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