If interested in sucking me I can be there often contact me
I'll be there Wednesday January 15th around 2:30pm to get sucked and take a little ass
When the heat comes back I'll go back to get filled in this great place! Looking forward to you guys!
Rein d'intéressant apart un trave D Mais qui a rdv deja
Hello women or couples in the area
Hello, anyone tonight or tomorrow?
Bonsoir je resoi en rbnb se soire sur Lyon 7 Femme ou couple joueurs
I went there a long time ago late at night with a guy who took me to suck cocks and I always found something to empty there.
Who at the moment? Tuesday 6th, 8am.. I'm there for 30mins
Who at the moment? Tuesday 6, 8am
Normally tonight I'll go because at the restaurant right next door, I really want to suck, but no guys over 40. Thanks
who's going there tonight?
Seriously, where are you?
I have to dismantle here the 27th of passage from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. approximately! Don't forget to put a 5 star "note" instead for the referencing, it's great!
anyone today between noon and 2pm for direct sex?
Je peux y être ce soir vers 19h. Je suis grand métisse sportif tatoué et gros juteur…
Yes, but since no one rates it 5 stars as it should because it is still in operation, well it has disappeared, normal, vote!
This place was very busy I think? more comments!
This place is already referenced on the site
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