Panorama Allier Bec - Marzy


Cruising spot gay in Marzy

proposed by libertin41  (16/07/2020)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Marzy
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Panorama of Bec d'Allier. Small parking frequented by gays and quelquefois couples. * Small rest area * 200m above in the woods with tables and benches.
Address :
117 Route du Panorama
58180 Marzy

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08/09/2024 in 12h09
Anyone here early in the afternoon? Want to suck

02/09/2024 in 11h23
Anyone here this afternoon?

15/07/2024 in 14h19
Who is coming this afternoon?

01/07/2024 in 11h20
Available today. F couple, sexy trav. PM for appointment.

27/06/2024 in 19h55
Passing this evening, let me PM

18/02/2024 in 22h22
Hello, who one evening during the week to empty my balls a little

12/02/2024 in 09h38
Anyone out today? PM me for a meeting

10/01/2024 in 16h33
Anyone to pump now?

04/12/2023 in 11h13
Anyone available this afternoon?

04/09/2023 in 17h35
I'm here. Who's joining me?

30/03/2023 in 18h57
Anyone tonight?

15/02/2023 in 09h31
Who's available today? THANKS

11/10/2022 in 14h25
Hi, who in Nevers around 5 p.m.? Or Saint Eloi?

10/10/2022 in 16h37
I'm there

06/05/2022 in 22h02
I'm there. Anyone to join me?

23/03/2022 in 19h58
F or cple available there tonight? let me pm

10/01/2022 in 13h37
Beautiful sun in the panorama. Anyone to join me? Pm for appointment

29/11/2021 in 14h09
People this afternoon?

10/09/2021 in 23h07
I'm there. Anyone to join me?

23/12/2020 in 16h35
I pass on nevers around 11h on the 26th. If someone wants to receive me at his place, he can suck me and I will do his ass, I also suck

18/09/2020 in 11h48
I'm there. F or cpl to join me on this beautiful day? Message in mp if you want us to meet again.

13/07/2020 in 12h23
People this afternoon? Give me a sign

15/06/2020 in 10h35
People today. I am there. Mp for appointment.

09/06/2020 in 18h37
So there are people

09/06/2020 in 17h22
Anyone around 6.30pm?

03/08/2019 in 05h58
Who want to suck me? Mp p

15/07/2019 in 15h50
Woman or couple this afternoon? I am but one.

07/02/2019 in 19h58
Who to suck me as a birthday gift gise

05/12/2018 in 10h28
If a kitten is in the corner jy happening tonight at 21h for me a good deep j exchange pipe against intense cuni

23/07/2018 in 13h52
The world this afternoon? Let me mp

28/06/2018 in 18h31
The world right now?

01/08/2017 in 20h48
Well I for one canping as a family s just settle for the night

01/08/2017 in 20h09
No one as sports

01/08/2017 in 19h30
I am for cpl or woman only

14/10/2014 in 16h25
Parking and toilet crossroads nevers now!

14/10/2014 in 15h58
Hospital Parking nevers

14/10/2014 in 15h32
In the hospital parking nevers

14/10/2014 in 14h38
Nevers in an hour

14/10/2014 in 14h38
Nevers in an hour

14/10/2014 in 13h21
Visu possible ally or beak Parking intersection or hospital parking nevers from 16h

14/10/2014 in 12h32
Or hospital parking nevers

14/10/2014 in 12h00
Qqun around Nevers (crossroads) to 16h?

14/10/2014 in 10h31
Appointment beak to combine 16h

13/10/2014 in 18h22
I'll check it out tomorrow after noon to 15h on 10/14/2014

11/07/2014 in 18h42
I would be in the area this weekend for the fans / trainers!

04/07/2014 in 21h50
Someone to show me his night panorama? :)

30/01/2014 in 19h09
Who available for that night around 2 much? Leave Meeting place!

07/06/2013 in 17h05
07/060/2013 ...... if the couple happened this afternoon at Panorama with superb black for going on here exhib ... he does not hesitate to contact me privately !!!!!

23/04/2013 in 22h18
Incredible Shanks. You got to find you in 3 locations at the same time, it is already very strong, but in addition, you lived exactly the same story with these 3 places. You really have no luck you say so, you should avoid going out, these 4 young people seem to follow you on track: 0)

23/04/2013 in 16h30
She was the RDV! A treat this chaudecoquine.

… close history