Outdoor Ormoy


Cruising spot gay & straight in Ormoy

proposed by ffff91  (30/03/2021)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Ormoy
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The street Roissys Netherlands in Ormoy is a quiet place surrounded by nature discreet. Located between Corbeil Moulin Galant Ormoy along the Essonne. The entrance is located at a large abandoned house (there is only so impossible to miss). Getting to the bottom of the driveway, cross the foot bridge and go down the road.
Address :
Rue des Roissys Bas
91540 Ormoy

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12/10/2024 in 08h54
J’habite à côté de ce lieu. Je reçois chez moi mardi 15 et mercredi 16 octobre soir (20h) 1 ou 2 actifs ou versa, femmes ou couple pour plan sexe en toute discrétion. Me contacter en privé

05/08/2024 in 14h08
Qui maintenant ? Faire message privé

27/06/2023 in 10h09
I'm going there now

27/06/2023 in 07h00
Qui aujourd’hui ? Faire message privé

21/06/2023 in 08h16
An asset today?? make private message

16/06/2023 in 13h30
Quelqu'un vers 15h?? Faire message privé

16/06/2023 in 09h40
I'm going!!!

16/06/2023 in 06h29
Je m’offre aujourd’hui vendredi 16 juin à des actifs. Plan avec 2 actifs possible Contactez moi pour rdv

14/06/2023 in 07h56
Un ou des actifs dispo aujourd’hui ??? Faire message privé pour rdv

09/06/2023 in 12h21
Qui dispo cet après-midi ? Faire message privé

09/06/2023 in 06h49
An active this morning June 9th around 8:30 am?

08/06/2023 in 06h50
Un ou des actifs aujourd’hui ? Faire message privé

07/06/2023 in 07h55
Quelqu’un aujourd’hui ?? Faire message privé

06/06/2023 in 10h52
Qui cet après midi ? Faire message privé

05/06/2023 in 08h21
Coucou, j’ai envie de m’offrir dans la nature au bord de l’eau cette semaine. Qui est partant pour s’occuper de mon fessier ?? Faire message privé pour rdv Plan à 3 possible

31/05/2023 in 09h32
Qui aujourd'hui vers 14h30 15h? Faire message privé

07/05/2023 in 18h49
nobody now

29/07/2022 in 11h51
Quelqu'un maintenant ? Faire message privé

26/07/2022 in 14h43
Anyone for 3:30 p.m.? make private message

19/07/2022 in 14h36
Anyone this afternoon? Shady place Make private message

15/07/2022 in 13h37
J'y suis pour environ 1h Faire message privé

15/07/2022 in 11h08
Qui aujourd’hui vendredi vers 14h? Faire message privé

13/07/2022 in 06h47
I'm going there from 7:30 to 8 a.m. Make a private message and arrive in warning please

12/07/2022 in 07h21
I'm there until 8am

12/07/2022 in 06h26
Qui dans 1 h a 7h30? Faire message privé

10/07/2022 in 11h59
Who around 2 p.m.? make private message

09/07/2022 in 08h40
Who this morning at 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m.? make private message

08/07/2022 in 14h26
Quelqu'un cet après-midi ? Faire. Message privé

18/06/2022 in 10h37
Un actif aujourd’hui samedi 18 juin? Faire message privé

17/06/2022 in 14h52
Quelqu’un ? Faire message privé

16/06/2022 in 14h59
Qui dispo? (Pour actif) Faire message privé

28/05/2022 in 15h30
I go there 15 minutes if nobody

28/05/2022 in 15h15
Person ??

28/05/2022 in 13h54
J'y suis. Je reste 20 minutes si personne. T shirt corail

28/05/2022 in 12h14
Qui cet après-midi ? Faire message privé

30/04/2022 in 15h29
J'y vais qui me rejoint Faire message privé

29/04/2022 in 13h38
Quelqu'un ? Faire message privé

28/04/2022 in 13h51
Quelqu'un dans 40 minutes ? Faire message privé

22/04/2022 in 11h57
I'll be there!'.

22/04/2022 in 07h56
Who available (active) today Friday, April 22 around 1:30 p.m.? make private message

20/04/2022 in 09h36
Error today Wednesday April 20 An asset?

20/04/2022 in 08h57
An active today Wednesday 4/19? make private message

19/04/2022 in 15h52
An asset tomorrow? make private message

21/12/2021 in 08h09
Salut, qui veut m’y retrouver pour un moment sexe aujourd’hui mardi 21/12? (2 actifs possible)? Faire message privé

26/08/2021 in 08h49
Someone this morning? Make private message

19/08/2021 in 15h30
Who now?

19/08/2021 in 09h32
Quelqu'un ce matin? Faire message privé

18/08/2021 in 13h38
Un actif cet après-midi ? Faire message privé

22/07/2021 in 10h30
I go. I wait 15 minutes and I leave by order

22/07/2021 in 07h48
Someone this morning for a sex plan? Provide hood Make private message

03/07/2021 in 10h29
I receive now or outside Make private message

25/06/2021 in 13h41
Anyone this afternoon? Make private message

24/06/2021 in 15h04
Anyone available? Make private message

31/05/2021 in 13h12
Who now?

31/05/2021 in 07h58
Un actif de dispo cet après-midi ? Prévoir capotes Faire message privé

25/04/2021 in 12h03
Anyone today? Normally I would spend there around 2 p.m. by bike. As a reminder, we can no longer enter by car. For plan sucks or more. Provide condoms. I will confirm my visit 30 minutes before Make private message.

01/04/2021 in 17h08
Kokins at the end of the day?

19/12/2020 in 08h24
Someone today to get sucked and take care of my ass ?? Make private message Provide condom for sodomy

11/12/2020 in 10h25
From the ojd world ??

10/12/2020 in 16h53
I'm on site until 5.30 p.m.

10/12/2020 in 13h39
Someone around 2:15 p.m.? Make private message

10/12/2020 in 08h41
Someone today Thursday 1012 for plan sucks, swallows see sodomy? Freshly washed sex and condom for anal sex. Possible to be in female attire Make private message

21/11/2020 in 11h27
Who is available to take me wildly over there

20/11/2020 in 15h05
Receive at 5 min at home active possibility of being in stockings and female outfit

19/11/2020 in 15h36
Receive at my place 5 min until 6.30 p.m.

19/11/2020 in 06h56
Receives this morning at my house at 5 min Who to take me I would be in stockings and thong

16/11/2020 in 10h17
Who has full balls to take my ass and spit it all in my mouth this morning before noon

12/11/2020 in 13h41
An active see 2 this apm Want to make me take good

01/11/2020 in 09h15
Are there people living near the Moulin Galant station? Me yes so for a more practical appointment Reply by private message

27/10/2020 in 14h08
The abandoned house is not visible from the road, I saw it on the road in the opposite direction, which confirms that I was in the right place, but you have to meet there otherwise very very little luck to meet guys!

27/10/2020 in 12h02
Didn't see the abandoned house, I saw a small dirt road along the river with fishing pitches and a dangerous little bridge at the end of the path, is that where it is? past ? Thanks to the connoisseurs for their answers!

12/10/2020 in 07h57
Hi I have been there

23/09/2020 in 11h02
Hi where is this place

13/07/2020 in 16h19
Available... want juice... who active around 6:15 p.m.?

26/03/2020 in 16h43
I've never been there and you?

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