Old Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher


Cruising spot gay in Cavillargues

proposed by marc34090  (05/06/2014)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Cavillargues
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Between Mégier and Cavillargues. Head to the Holy Sepulcher. Take the path that leads to the chapel. You can park all along, even in the chapel. Calm and in the woods with the possibility of lots for fun.
Address :
Puech Siblon
30330 Cavillargues

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26/10/2024 in 14h22
I'm here for half an hour if anyone wants to suck and take me.

09/10/2024 in 11h33
Je vais y passer en mec d’ici peu 11:45 si quelqu’un y est tant mieux Caresses branlette pipe …

23/09/2024 in 12h59
I went there this morning between 11am and 12pm, no one there!

14/03/2024 in 03h48
Ce lieu est-il toujours d'actualité ?? Vendredi je suis disponible vers 13h00 secteur Uzés alors si vous connaissez un lieu Je serais à votre disposition contactez moi

17/03/2023 in 04h24
Wave when you go

13/10/2022 in 14h02
Jy passe souvent a vélo en journée ....si quelqu'un intéressé possible y être en coquine en auto Contactez moi en pv

12/03/2022 in 14h19
no one since August 2019 ... I find it hard to believe! pity this corner is isolated calm

07/08/2019 in 14h29
We'll be there in the late afternoon today sucks good and also 3 or more

25/02/2018 in 12h30
Never the real person desert

25/02/2018 in 11h34
the world this after noon?

27/12/2016 in 13h03
The world between 12 / 14h

09/10/2016 in 18h12
hi someone tomorrow ds day?

18/09/2016 in 14h43
slt the world to 16 h17h?

05/09/2016 in 08h16
Hi there will be qq a aujourdh'hui?

19/07/2016 in 16h36
Someone Today 6:00 p.m.?

16/07/2016 in 11h30
World tonight at 19h?

04/07/2016 in 18h06
World weekday around 17:30 / 18h00?

26/06/2016 in 14h48
the world available 16h to the bottom?

16/05/2016 in 15h32
Want to suck it. I 'am there until 16:30 pm if sending a ca te aunt!

29/03/2016 in 11h01
15 to 16H is get a tail on Tuesday 29

12/03/2016 in 17h50
That available for me smash or be pumped deep?

07/03/2016 in 10h25
Location ghost Y never yet has a pretty cat place

18/02/2016 in 07h42
Soon to be 4:15 p.m.

02/02/2015 in 16h52
large and fine Trav ch h single (widowed or celib) receiving during the day around Nimes. I suck only. I love bukkake and insult. Contact me by mail or by email: anouk-gourmande@voila.fr

13/06/2014 in 11h07
Yesterday person yet right corner

12/06/2014 in 12h57
Am spend Tuesday person retuurns there this afternoon around 4:15 p.m. / 4:30 p.m. if someone would of course take care of my hole and I suck it puts me and reverse if INTEREST

10/06/2014 in 18h43
I can go there to suck on Wednesday at 18h

08/06/2014 in 20h35
few there be Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. me suck and suck me soda

06/06/2014 in 15h20
Nobody goes there before 16h?

05/06/2014 in 15h09
Is the world the afternoon nearly 16 hours I would be well and suck +

… close history