naturist beach at the city ladies

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Type : Beach gay
City :  Saint-Pierre-des-Corps
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Naturist beach near Tours, in the town of Ville aux Dames on the island of Metairie. GPS Position on Google Earth: 47 ° and 0 ° 24'17.77''N 45'16.05''E! 6/29/2013 this is it guys the beach is water knees many come I expect you
Address :
Quai de la Loire
37700 Saint-Pierre-des-Corps

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20/01/2025 in 13h11
I will be at the Métairie tomorrow from 4pm to 6pm, for jerk off and blowjobs with men or couples...

25/09/2024 in 15h05
Present on site from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., by car given the weather...

21/08/2024 in 08h17
I went there yesterday, apart from the elderly couple who are there very often, few and poorly attended...really a shame

24/07/2024 in 08h21
Bonjour les coquins, La plage est elle accessible?

03/07/2024 in 08h24
Si quelqu'un y est allé récemment, la plage est-elle accessible (et fréquentée)? J'irais bien bronzer un peu aujourd'hui...

09/06/2024 in 07h15
Du monde cet après-midi, à la Métairie ou à la Briqueterie?

07/04/2024 in 19h34
Salut JMC77, Tu peux suivre ça : Il faut environ 1m pour la plage accessible. On en est loin ;)

07/04/2024 in 17h03
The beach must be impossible at the moment given the flooding of the Loire.

07/04/2024 in 15h48
I would like to be available to several guys

02/04/2024 in 15h17
Really want to suck one or more cocks tonight... small, tall, skinny, fat, it doesn't matter as long as it's clean and full of juice...

13/09/2023 in 23h31
Anyone tomorrow morning or around 12pm?

02/06/2023 in 18h35
I am at Berthenay naturist beach naked in boots to exhibit in the mud humm

02/06/2023 in 13h17
Est-ce que cela arrive qu'il y est des jeunes mecs 18, 22 ans ? Merci les gars !

01/06/2023 in 23h21
Bonsoir, L’île est elle accessible ?

27/01/2023 in 19h11
Available this weekend

02/11/2022 in 20h45
I can be there tomorrow around 7 a.m. Pm if interested

28/10/2022 in 16h03
Passive pumper cho available around 6 p.m. parking lot this Friday 28/10/22

29/08/2022 in 12h27
People to get sucked off in the toilets of the Leclerc in the ladies' town?

23/08/2022 in 05h26
Who is available today at this place

29/06/2022 in 23h10
Watch out this Thursday and Friday. Following heavy rains in the central massif, the level of the Loire will rise quickly by 1m!

18/06/2022 in 16h07
Player37 are you kidding???!!! Didn't we tell you it would be hot???!!!!!

08/06/2022 in 00h02
Is the place frequented by young guys? Thanks guys.

07/06/2022 in 18h43
Given the weather, not sure you were luckier today!!

07/06/2022 in 15h46
Bonjour, pas grand monde hier . Temps moyen mais j’y retourne de 16h30 à 19 h

06/06/2022 in 12h16
All-over tan afternoon today.

03/06/2022 in 15h04
hello, I will be available to work this evening at nightfall in the back parking lot at the farmhouse for direct shots I am waiting for you many

17/05/2022 in 23h38
Grecoit in the berth of my truck to be sucked or take a good ass

17/05/2022 in 21h18
It's not really a beach but an access along the Loire opposite Primagaz

17/05/2022 in 20h48
hello can someone tell me where this beach is because I have never found it and I have asked several people but never had an answer!! thanks in advance

10/04/2022 in 20h12
Ass available today from 9:30 p.m., want to take cocks, direct plan

14/10/2021 in 17h55
J'en viens, la plage est accessible sans se mouiller... Quand comptez vous y aller ?

14/10/2021 in 12h00
Hello, we plan to go there this weekend. Is the beach accessible?

03/09/2021 in 13h07
D'aujourd'hui au lundi 6septembre, je recherche complice pour plan exhib, brle et suce en exter comme chez moi à Chambray. Si tu as envie de te laisser tripoter dans slip/string et m'en faire autant avec plan original, excitant et jouissif contacte moi en mp pour organiser rdv. J'aime plan originaux du style attablés en terrasse de café et sentir etre tripoter sous table...

26/08/2021 in 15h38
Corrigendum. Since 1 p.m., movement everywhere

26/08/2021 in 12h26
I'm there Not a Surprising cat with this beautiful sun

15/08/2021 in 16h11
I really want to take a little exhibitionist break on my trip ... Couple or trans woman do not hesitate to contact me! ;)

27/05/2021 in 11h24
We would like to go there for the weekend. Is the beach accessible?

28/07/2020 in 21h03
Hi couple passing through the region week of 2/08 We are looking for an exterior plan. What do you advise us? Straight couple and bi passive man

10/06/2020 in 17h57
of the world right now?

17/10/2019 in 20h35
what time are you here until tonight?

16/09/2019 in 22h14
I think spend tomorrow from 18h ... see my profile for info

04/08/2019 in 12h15
I went in the am 08.03.2019. Not easy to find because you have to park on 2nd parking Metairie and walk along the banks of the Loire on the bottom left of the car park, then cross sandy beaches to go to the Loire still left ... and there " miracle "guys had hair ... so I undressed total before joining and I admit that to find myself naked in my nature to walk off a lovely excitement ... which seduced these good voyeurs who joined them as excited me and made me cum like a beast in rut ... the walk !! thank you to you the "greedy" ... I go back that's for sure

27/06/2019 in 13h35
Someone planned Private or tan this afternoon here or elsewhere? Switch to mp

25/04/2019 in 16h54
Rather from 18h because of rain

25/04/2019 in 12h03
This evening from 17h open to all

04/08/2018 in 21h42
Ok thank you seb3756, yes I do not disagree but I have a weakness for young people! :)

04/08/2018 in 20h40
Is that the place is frequented by young guys?

26/01/2013 in 19h21
Just this huge damage ke place I am not otherwise ki towers will tt day ji is already several times too many good plan to

06/01/2013 in 20h15
This Sunday 20h / 21h. Passive dispo.poppers. Direct Plan.

30/03/2012 in 14h44
there til couples or FEMMS also ??????? we will be there in July 2012

… close history