Nature vincelles


Cruising spot gay in Vincelles

proposed by dinamite89  (08/12/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Vincelles
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Vincelles cross towards the airport stay on the path Buildings in ruins on the right Or continue on path and kindling
Address :
10 Entre les Chemins de Crava
89290 Vincelles

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12/08/2024 in 20h41
I'm going to go there

02/04/2022 in 12h55
Bonjour, Ce lieux est-il fréquenté ?

04/06/2021 in 07h32
Slt, are there people still in this place?

21/02/2021 in 14h22
I'll try to take a walk around 10am this Monday Feb 22, if there is a cock to suck ...

10/08/2020 in 16h24
I'll be there tomorrow

10/08/2020 in 07h13
Simple found

22/06/2020 in 09h24
I plan to take a look, can someone give more details?

02/06/2020 in 10h00
Available during the day

18/08/2019 in 07h20
I can be there for you dump if possible this morning

16/08/2019 in 09h09
That this afternoon?

05/05/2019 in 08h44
yes I am not far from the place

04/05/2019 in 16h10
There are always people in this place ???

26/12/2018 in 18h29
Can go tomorrow morning message for appointment

12/08/2018 in 12h44
je peux passer cet après midi pour 14h

21/04/2018 in 17h04
I can be there for pipe

28/12/2017 in 10h23
Who wants to suck it

18/07/2017 in 07h49
Désolé je n'y serai pas je suis à tonnerre ce jour

17/07/2017 in 17h11
Je me balade en vélo dit moi si vous être la

17/07/2017 in 16h45
J y suis dans 10mn

16/07/2017 in 07h57
Moi j y vais des que je suis

15/07/2017 in 22h39
Who goes to this place?

14/07/2017 in 20h26
there's the world the morning between 7:30 and 9:00 ???

30/05/2017 in 19h43
I am available tonight

29/05/2017 in 19h09
Tonight I can if interested

01/05/2017 in 18h08
Can more at 19:30 I can in the 15 minutes

01/05/2017 in 16h05
If I can ok I am only 10 minutes so the site is that you warn me

01/05/2017 in 16h02
And around 19:30?

01/05/2017 in 14h52
I can in 15 minutes

29/04/2017 in 16h24
I'm in 15 minutes

29/04/2017 in 09h30
No thank you lopettecocu

29/04/2017 in 09h08
Hello I am willing to make the trip if you like a lop down portejartelle

29/04/2017 in 08h44
My tail was available for a good cocksucking or to plan more. Available all next week

23/04/2017 in 17h03
I'm in 10mn

14/04/2017 in 12h24
I can be there that day

10/04/2017 in 13h16
I'm real to 14h to 2:30 p.m.

02/09/2016 in 15h14
jamains person

29/04/2016 in 16h50
I'm in 15 minutes that want to suck or be sucked

24/04/2016 in 09h09
I'm sui want to suck

08/09/2015 in 16h03
Who on vincelles now

14/08/2015 in 09h45
Suck this afternoon or tomorrow morning vincelles real

04/07/2015 in 05h27
Pipe now on this place

18/06/2015 in 14h27
jamains person

26/04/2015 in 14h21
Who is this available after twelve o'clock now I suck

24/02/2015 in 11h55
I can be there this afternoon

19/01/2015 in 15h27
I can be there in 15 minutes

04/01/2015 in 09h48
Jy pass sucks around 10 A11H

31/12/2014 in 17h00
Hi after two beautiful tails suck this morning jy would tomorrow morning at 10am advice to amateur can suck in car a little further on the road tomorrow so leave message or appointment

31/12/2014 in 08h04
Jy am asking this morning appointment

30/12/2014 in 16h24
Jy has 17h am

09/12/2014 in 17h03
tomorrow morning to suck me? 10/12

06/12/2014 in 09h20
J y would this morning at 11h

15/11/2014 in 08h14
Jy would 9am this morning

02/07/2014 in 17h46
we Cpl hf and we'll be there tomorrow night just join us?

31/05/2014 in 11h47
I am tomorrow, Sunday 8 am to 8:30

26/05/2014 in 16h41
tomorrow to suck me?

25/03/2014 in 12h40
available next week to pump your tails ... beckon!

23/03/2014 in 08h26
Thor58 warn when you subscribe or rather my personal do it 3 times I encounter guy

08/03/2014 in 21h19
Jy am tomorrow around 7 or 8 am I would be right in jogging

23/02/2014 in 14h12
J there would be from 15:30 told me if you spend

20/01/2014 in 21h03
J yy'd Sunday bike

26/12/2013 in 12h33
He is apparently this is the great desert for grans mments lonely !!! after several passages never seen anything ...

… close history