N2 Between Vaumoise and Gondreville


Cruising spot gay in Coyolles

proposed by mec41abimarie  (17/08/2014)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Coyolles
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After the railway barrier, towards Paris, two car parks on the right. Not bad road, even on weekends (foreign trucks). discrete drag on the second car in the morning.
Address :
02600 Coyolles

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02/12/2024 in 16h46
Hi all, who for a sensual blowjob plan Wednesday late afternoon/early evening Wednesday? Contact me in private message please

08/02/2024 in 18h09
People there tomorrow at noon?

24/12/2021 in 13h13
hello I live attichy alone tonight I would like a road or other if available for the night good bitch

02/09/2021 in 15h47
Hello, are there any couples who frequent this place? I'm new to the area and want to get sucked by a couple.

25/07/2020 in 22h25
Good evening, woman. Works great to suck

14/11/2017 in 14h57
of (a) ers for 19 M?

20/04/2017 in 19h09
I trave very feminine, someone interested?

03/09/2014 in 08h37
A planned to stop in samaine?

20/10/2012 in 10h39
Alas, this car park is now inaccessible.

13/09/2012 in 05h29
I'm there? Up to 07 h

05/09/2012 in 16h44
What time?

05/09/2012 in 10h08
passing early in the morning?

02/07/2012 in 01h34
Monday, July 2, at 7:00 am

15/06/2012 in 00h03
Say from 6:30 to 7:30

07/06/2012 in 05h42
I'm June 7 6:00

… close history