Y donne mes trous à doser no limite ce samedi 1er de 13h à 18h
Cet apm à partir de 15h met mes trous à dispo pour servir de cuve à jus
Mes trous à dispo ce samedi de 14h à 18h pour vider un max de teubs trous en libre service pour servir de cuve à jus
Hi everyone, I'm Jamel, passive, chubby, big, big ass, big breasts, belly with curves, I'll be in Mykonos on Saturday, I have a really hot and wet ass.
Finalement je vais passer au Mykonos, envie d'être a poil a dispos pour les mâles. Une petite black room pour m'y faire baiser sucer des queues devant tout le monde et m'offrir a tous ceux qui le désirent
I was planning on going this afternoon, I just looked at their website which says the sauna is now only open Wednesday to Saturday...
Super bon moment aujourd'hui, ou je me suis bien fait baiser, sucé plusieurs bites. Un vrai délice de sentir les mains me parcourir pendant que je me faisais prendre et que je suçais en même temps. J'en veux encore
I plan to come to this sauna in a while! If anyone has experience and can give me some information about the place....!
Bonjour circo92, Il me semble que le lieux ouvre qu'à partir de jeudi dans la semaine. Je me suis déjà cassé les dents, leur jour et horaire ont changés
And for the hardcore ones I animate getting filled with piss in all my holes
J y vais ce mardi comme vide couilles J’aime sentir de sperme couler dans ma gorge ou prendre une dose anale Plan à 2 ou à plusieurs dans le sauna ou en cabines
Bonjour Est ce finalement réouvert ?
Hello Adrien, I passed by on Friday and it was closed. They are on annual leave.
Le sauna est fermé du 16 août au 5 septembre d'après leur site.
I wanted to know if this sauna has reopened. I will definitely go there again tomorrow
Thanks for the info choduku3, but then why this closure? So it will be without me.
Reopened yesterday, nothing has changed, still as dilapidated and what's more, it was curdling, almost no heating.
Who went? Is there anything new after 2 1/2 months of closure? I hope for work, a good cleaning, painting, shower etc...
That's it, it's open since March 14. I passed this day
On their site they indicate a single price of 15 euros, so apparently there are no more happy hours at 10 euros, especially between noon and 1:00 p.m.
Thanks for the info @metrenu75!
Great thanks for the info
For information, Reopening of the place from March 14 with new hours. Thursday to Monday from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. No other indication as to the price. To be continued...
on the site it says temporary closure but it's been a while so yes probably permanently closed
Snifff I have good memories there
It smells like a definitive closure like many gay saunas (for example in Vincennes)
J'avais pas vu le message passer.
I posted a message 17 days ago, it was already closed and there is no planned reopening date.
Seriously?? It's closed?? It's not that old then
Sauna still closed today...
Please note, this sauna is currently closed with no plans to open soon. I broke my nose in front of the closed door yesterday, January 11th.
I'll be there this afternoon from 5pm for good juice deals
Hello, I plan to visit this sauna on Monday, November 13, can you tell me if it is clean? What facilities are there?? Hammam? Jacuzzi? Darkroom? Glory?? What is the average age, especially because it is very popular with mature men, even more, Arabs, blacks?? Thanks for your feedback
I'll see if I can go there around 5pm/6pm.
I'm going there today for a direct sperm plan
who would like to make me suck cock under his orders? contact by DM
I'm there this afternoon for juice and piss plan
passing through Paris next week can you tell me if this sauna is still dirty, are there any mature men, black rebeu to suck in short what style of attendance is there?? THANKS
From 12:00 who fucks my holes?
Hi I'll be there from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I'm passive round big ass big breasts belly with curves I'm here to suck and get fucked I have a good hole wide open hot wet deep like a pussy
Thanks to Karim the young 28-year-old Arab that I met this afternoon and who fucked me really well, and when I say really well I know what I'm talking about, a real guy who knows how to make love and give pleasure , not a big nag who empties his balls, with him I really had my foot. No need to have a big cock, he with his toys of about 16 x 4 which he used very well, he does a good job in terms of sex. Thanks to you my Karim and see you next week, Kisses man.
I am thinking of going Friday July 28th. I'm looking for active people to fuck
Hi everyone, I'm Jamel, passive, chubby, big ass and big tits, belly with curves, I'll be there tomorrow to suck and get fucked
Le sauna en bas est HS M Merci d’updater si réparé
Le d’aune en bas est HS Merci de mettre à jour si réparé
Hi me c Jamel passive chubby big ass and big belly tits with curves I will be present to suck you and make me kiss kisses on your cock
I'll be there this Tuesday, March 14 Plan for 2 or more in bareback Plan juice donor and receiver
Passing by this Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
I really want to go there today to see
I go there from 1990 to 2020 regularly to meet great people there, I stopped a bit because of my work and the Covid, but this time it's up to me to come back Thursday afternoon from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. hoping to find there the guy who assures, kisses the males.
After a long time without going there, a short visit of barely 2 hours on Tuesday. The time to take a welcoming ass in the backroom, then to be taken in my turn in the hammam by two pleasant friends well endowed by Mother Nature. These have taken turns several times for my greatest pleasure. If they recognize each other, let them PM me. Yum !
Bonjour, qui compte y aller mardi 1er novembre, je ch un mec sympa pour m y bz bbk uniquement ( no capote ) en plan cool en étant détendu. Qui serait intéressé ?
I went there this Saturday, nice places but problem, no condom, the guys fuck bareback
yesterday not many people only 1 hurt my ass
I will be there on Sunday
present Friday from opening to relieve you. Looking for a vicious guy Likes to suck, make me smash my welcoming little pussy and fill it up for me Do not hesitate to contact me in pm
I will be there Sunday 18/09 around 11:30 am
Exhvoy do you think you are a site for everyone I have the funny idea of asking live .. and the opinions sometimes it's not that why it's wrong .. you have to relax
Painful seblover94 to ask the eternal questions. Can't read comments?
I don't know it well it's clean it's hot in any case it's not too expensive but it closes early at 9 p.m.
yes i liked being taken by force by a guy in the dark room in front of the others
For STEVII: Yes in the basement
Hi me c Jamel from passive chubby big ass and big tits belly with shapes I will be present to suck and get fucked I waxed my big tits I have the ass wide open deep hot and wet like a pussy
I went there on Sunday it didn't take 2 minutes for a guy to fuck me by force I always had pain in the ass
Bonjour à tous, de passage sur Paris du 12juillet au 17 inclus ch actif bbk ( no capote ) uniquement pour bz au sauna en journée ou à mon hôtel 18eme en soirée, voir nuit. Moi bon cul endurant à défoncer et remplir en plan cool. Si intéressé, veuillez me laisser un message. A vous lire.
If interested you can contact me in pm Here thank you
Cc present Saturday, May 21 from approximately 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. to make me take shaved anal pussy and pump beautiful cocks until the cum in the mouth massive guys heavy beefy hairy teddy bear type appreciated ditto Arab and Black rather stocky even round very active
Hi everyone me c Jamel passive round big ass big tits belly with shapes I will be present at the sauna on Friday 6th me to suck you and get fucked
J'y serai demain (Dimanche) tout l'après-midi. Mes fesses disponibles à tous. Si intéressé vous pouvez me dire comment vous reconnaitre (votre pseudo). Le mien (aperancis3,
Have pumped today at the end of the afternoon in the backroom a young man a little balding small mustache with golden glasses who discharged well in my mouth if you recognize yourself would like to see you there or elsewhere
I haven't been to Mykonos for over a year, but the showers aren't in the basement, they're just before the steam room. What is unfortunately true is that the clientele is not numerous. It seems to me that it is a meeting place for some regulars who pass the time talking to each other.
première fois mercredi. Facile à trouver vers 13h30, accueil correct casiers bien grand c'est appréciable. je commence par la backroom et ma queue est vite mise en bouche avec habileté et difficile de se retenir. je cherche les douches il faut descendre ça pue c'est limite écoeurant. je trouve enfin les douches (2) il faut actionner carrément au niveau de la pomme ça fuit mais c'est chaud. je passe au hammam vide peu chaud et visqueux.. j'y reste 5mn puis sauna.. tout juste correct mais pas assez chaud. 2 s'y trouvent pas motivés... après un moment je retourne au hammam toujours vide puis en haut à la backroom ... vide.. et les lieux bien déserts. Je quitte les lieux un peu déçu vers 15h30. Atout: le prix inconvénient : l'odeur, peu de monde, pas assez chaud.
De passage ce mercredi de 11h45 à 14h
What is the entrance fee?
I've never been there but from the reviews this place looks interesting. Want to find out soon and meet guys to suck my breasts
hier quelle orgie !!! ca baiser tous ensemble et sa couiner
Who to pump me greedily and get screwed tenderly tomorrow at Mykonos around 2:00 p.m.???
hello to all me c Jamel passive chubby big ass and big breasts belly with shapes I will be present in the sauna to suck and get fucked
Toujours des bons moments! Ce mercredi après-midi je n'ai pas arrêter de sucer et de me faire prendre (hammam, sauna, darkroom, glory-hole). Une super sauna avec des mecs qui y vont pour baiser et se faire baiser sans chichi!
Hi me c Jamel passive chubby big ass and big tits belly with shapes wide open ass deep hot and wet like a I'll be there tomorrow to suck and get fucked
I'm going there this afternoon of 02/23 around 3 p.m. Hope to suck on some nice rods and get filed. See my profile for appointment I'm a big bear with blue round glasses Come and play!
Visite ce samedi de 18:00 à fermeture. Peut-être parce qu'il fessait beau très peu de monde. Quand même trois doses de protéines et deux bonnes visites à mon cul. Un petit indian très mignon, doux et avec une respectable bite. Bon, dirons que l'aprem en semaine est mieux.
Lavement profond fait! Prêt pour l'aprem au Mikonos.
Voilà, hier (jeudi) je me suis régalé! Arrivé et dans le hammam, de suite des belles bites à sucer. J'ai fini avec une dans la bouche et autre dans le cul et les mecs ont après changé de position. Plus tard dans le darkroom et dans le sauna encore des bites à sucer et des doses de protéines. Á lundi!
A little disappointed with this Wednesday. Just a dose of protein and frankly guys you have to have a hard-on to get your ass fucked. It doesn't do it with half a mole. I will go back this Thursday to try to have more doses of protein and to be entitled to a well-filed ass.
Passing through this Thursday from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. Real TBM very Exhib AND Voyeur. Loves a stiff cock in the hallways, in the sauna, in the shower. Am often on the bench stiff cock well exhibited. Jerk off, suck, ass eating if feeling Réciprok! Preference to vicious, provocative hairy guys with nice ass. Notice to amateurs
Hi everyone, chubby passive Jamel, big ass and big tits, belly with curves, I'll be there to suck, lick your 3t balls, give you deep throats and get fucked see you Saturday
La description a besoin d'être rafraîchi. Il n'y a pas d'écrans dans le cabines (pas un souci) ni d'espace de projection, c'est maintenant une grande cabine, ainsi que l'espace en face du sauna est aussi une cabine. Sinon j'y suis allé pour la deuxième fois et en plus de bien sucer, j'ai eu droit à un bomec poilu, TTBM que m'a bien limé au sauna (pipe, sodo et pipe avec jus) et presque à la fin un autre dans l'espace hammam (limé à nouveau par deux fois). Je pense y aller plus souvent. Pour info pour les actifs intéressés, je me balade toujours avec un bracelet noir.
hello to all me c Jamel passive chubby big ass and big breasts belly with shapes I will be present tomorrow at the sauna to suck and get fucked
Hi me c Jamel passive chubby big ass and big tits belly with shapes I will be present tomorrow at the sauna to suck and get fucked
Hi everyone, chubby passive Jamel, big ass and big tits, curvy belly, I'll be there to suck your cock and balls and take a lot of cock in my ass, my hole is super hot, humid, deep like a pussy, and I'll take it well See you on Sunday !
I'll be there tomorrow guys from 2:00 pm ..... Too much desire to feed my glans and stuff a good ass.
Hi guys I'll be there Sunday January 9th to suck and get fucked I have big tits big ass curves kisses on your cock
I'll be on Friday like the 31st in the common black piece
merci a ceux qui mon si bien baiser hier pas beaucoup de mode mais de la qualité bonne année a tous
aujo in the black slleurdhui
Hi everyone I will be present today to suck and get fucked
J'y serai ce lundi de 12 à 14h environ. Réel TBM très exhib ET voyeur, kiff avoir la bite raide ds les couloirs, sous douche ds le sauna. Fan de beaux culs poilus. Branle, suce, bouffage de cul si feeling réciproque. Avis aux voyeurs/exhib.
Hi me c Jamel passive big ass big tits with shapes i will be there to suck and get fucked
Hi everyone, chubby passive Jamel, big ass and big tits with curves, I'll be there tomorrow to suck and take your cock in the ass
jaime la piece noire on ne voit rien es c est très bon de ne ne pas savoir qui vous aller sucer et qui va vous baiser
Qui prend mon cul j y passe vers 18h ce mardi
Not active for my little ass and my mouth for Saturday or all next week
Hello I will try to spend Saturday or Monday in the afternoon To get caught by good long and big stiff cocks My favorite position doggy style be on all fours with your ass in the air I like to get fucked gently and powerfully, pound like a nag. Welcome active enduring Private Message to tell me what time you come that I prepare for your beautiful big cock hummm
Hi me c Jamel passive chubby big ass and big belly tits with curves I will be at mykonos for intense sex to suck you and take cocks in the ass
Who buggers and doses my ass made available from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the mykonos sauna
Bonsoir a tous, je serais au mykonos mercredi 10 novembre de 12h jusque 18h. Ch a me faire defoncer et remplir bbk uniquement. Qui est intéressé pour se faire plaisir dedans ?
Hello everyone, passing through Paris next week, I want to get fucked and filled up, would you advise me to go to this sauna?
Who has info about this place
I will be there this Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. I love to suck and swallow the juice and to dilate and fill my hole hairy and massive guy appreciated
Hi me c Jamel de chelles 77 chubby passive big ass and big tits with shapes I will be there to suck cock and get my ass fucked
....And very hot this Friday, September 3...
Hi guys, me c Jamel passive with curves big ass wide open hot well wet gray tits will be there for your cock to suck and make me widen my ass well
Hi I don't know this sauna I'm on vacation? There is the Black room open c strange c yet the covid
Me, I'm going to be my slut and I got sucked several times and me nothing, just a Vietnamese who takes care of me
I'm on the train to Paris I think I'll arrive around 1 p.m. at the sauna Big desire to suck and get sodomized and I swallow for those who want See you later
J y serais demain vers 13h J adore être traité comme une salope J aime que l on me mette la bite bien en fond de gorge et bien défoncé mon trou du cul et j adore avaler jusqu'à la dernière goutte Et j aime aussi à plusieurs
Bonjour j y vais mercredi vers 13h J ai envie de me faire démonter bouche et cul et j avale par de très belles bites toute la journée Je m appel Yves
@exhvoy well I don't really like the blakroom the old ones scare me lol yes to see the beautiful asses needs light
Wednesday from 6.30 p.m. Are there people?
Ah ok I don't know the beautiful buttocks I'm looking for lol
Seriously, the Black room is open? That's or because it's not the case at Sun City
J'y serai Dimanche 22 tout l'après-midi; Ce sera la 1ere fois dans ce lieu ..... donc, découverte complète Mes fesses disponibles à toutes queues
Just discovered this clean place, thank you roxy for this unforgettable moment
Hello everyone I would love to go there in the week I loved that they fill me mouth and ass and the top anal double penetration I love the dicks of Arabs or blacks others too
I'll be there to suck and get me put in the dark room
Hi me c Jamel de chelles 77 passive chubby big ass and big tits with curves I'll be there on Saturday to suck and take your cock in the ass
I'm going to go there around 3pm, take some cock in my pretty well-preserved senior ass, I like this small but nice place! I am active passive for info !!
present dim 25 07 env de 13h à 20h
I went there again yesterday
The description looks nice. I'd have to go someday
I spent yesterday afternoon in the black room I sucked a multitude of guys too bad at 5.30 p.m. Bigger world
I'm going there this afternoon
I'm going to discover this place this afternoon want to suck and get fucked
passing through paris monday 28 and tuesday 29 to suck and get caught by nice cocks
I'm going it will be open on Wednesday
For exhvoy: no major cleaning and renovation, just 1 in 2 cloakroom is condemned. On the contrary, I haven't been there for 1 year, and there are no more condoms or gel in the cabins.
I went there this afternoon, I sucked several nice cocks, but a little soft. My ass was still honored twice, the 2nd was great, the guy a very big fucker, a very good fucker, he opened me up as hard as he could, it was amazingly good, in addition very good enduring, he m 'proposed that we meet again another day with 2 other assets he knows, but unfortunately he left without exchanging a phone number. Pity !
Bjr, will be in Paris at / c from tomorrow until Sunday. Want to go there Friday at the beginning of AM to have a good time. Good sucker and ass to take without moderation What's new since the reopening of this sauna
here is the link of the website the other no longer works https://www.sites.google.com/site/saunamykonosparis/ the auna is still closed for the moment
following Parisian weekend, I'll be there Friday the 28th around 1:30 p.m. good bitch, love to suck. Bm research to fill my little lope ass Love to be spanked and sex without taboo.
I would be there on February 5 from 2:30 p.m. very want to wander naked suck and be sucked in a group ...
Who to piss today plan? At Mykonos or elsewhere ...
Hello, is there any pussies yopeurs. Jy If so would this afternoon.
Hello there t he world the weekend?. I'm in Paris late Thursday afternoon for 10 days and I ch bbk active partner plan to the sauna or at my hotel. Who would be interested.
I'll be there Saturday around 13:30 or 14h and 17h until about. I suck cocks. I eat the ass and makes me take on the sling or dark corner! Open to all. You can empty your balls in my mouth or my ass or my chest or back.
I'll be 28 this around 17h. I will seek to suck guys. Also like to eat the asses and be fucked in sling or dark corners. I can also kiss an ass ... Pissing ok. Come splash my skinny body ...
is t he a guy who would go with me? I'm pretty shy and everything is possible with me as long as it is secure ...
I am active or passive choice. Would also be sprayed with good juice or warm piss. Who wants to take me this 14? My ass is available, my mouth too obviously!
I'll see if I spend this Saturday at 17h.
I'll be tomorrow around 17h. I will seek to suck guys. Also like to eat the asses and be fucked in sling or dark corners. I can also kiss an ass ... Pissing ok!
big lope me ... I think this will be apm
Hello, I would like to know if it gets busy at night. I'm in Paris in early November for 10 days and I ch an active partner in this bz hard bbk sauna. J are already went last year in the day. Failure night? This is it up?
Presentle 31 to 14h to pump fiddle lick wants me pumped fiddling also by several guy at a time and see
There are people around 14h on Saturday? I think this coming 31 to suck and fuck.
who will be present from 12 am to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, August 10 I suck fiddles fiddling I sucked likes to be submitted by several guy
I suck and suck me fiddling noon tomorrow loves to be submitted
It's Pigalle choupinet, everyone found there!
I think to go there on April 3! I suck every cock and can fuck or be fucked.
Waoo it stings the eyes, we do not understand it ...
jy would after this midi..a from 14.30
strongly tomorrow I suck thoroughly all presented tails ... envy no good cum shower that will be from 14:30
Wednesday 06 from 14:30 I adore a walk naked and suck every cock there will be who will?
Paris on the 06/02 I intend to go from 14.30 knees to suck all the cocks and presented me watered sperm into the dark room downstairs comes? I confirm 06 at 6:30 here
I hope you will still be there when I'm coming!
It includes many customers TILT (closed).
Someone interested in a piss plan?
Will see if I retuurn tomorrow, Wednesday. Y went 21 but few people.
Following Paris we, this Friday 30th am.Petit ass entirely dispo.Adore suck and be interested possédé.Sans tabou.Si mp.
I could not go 14. I think this go on Saturday 17! There are people on Saturday?
I will be on 14 ... My language and my ass will be available!
hi me jh docile passive 24years, this sauna is hot?
Yes they give kpotes and also the gel to the cocks slide well in your little hole. By cons takes some tissues because they do not provide paper towels. Unless you swallow everything .... schedules demand Google.
Mykonos is a naturist sauna .... So we're all naked. As against all sorts of creatures meet and mix with Amphibi and Atlantis.
Good evening Lauraisy, I do not know for Mykonos, but Atlantis transvestites are accepted below
Bsr I haven never frequented sauna. Pretty trav are they accepted? We just walk around in sexy underwear or devont we be at this hair is easy to accept the low kapotes? Kiss
Bsr I haven never frequented sauna. pretty
Homme9301 a guy with a tattoo on her shoulder with a huge cock, but he personally took me jen did not shout and himself to ask for m fucked. Jy I'm staying 8 hours in this sauna, sucks in the end, but excited at this time of night
J went there from 11am until 19h, I have good guys fuck bareback in the darkroom and in the cabin and I got fucked good washer & top bareback. J retuurns there tomorrow, before I was going to tilt but is now closed. The Mykonos is hot, I have noticed that there were more people on Monday, probably the artt there are a few things. Highly tomorrow.
Yes it is easy to kiss and do virtually see nothing. There's also a sling, I'll see if I try. Would like to be covered with juice.
Great place to have a good time
This bz bareback easily in the darkroom, easy to fuck and be bz
Went on Friday 26. World! Immediately I was sucked steam room, we were 3. Then in the dark corner, I was sucked with full mouths, and I obviously sucked tails. Very cool ! A remake ...
Hello I wonder if bz bareback in the sauna, in fact I am visiting Paris from November 2 to 11 inclusive and I ch places for me to fill. Thank you to inform me
Envy of many active tails ... Who to offer my very smooth body and my washer Tuesday afternoon? Mp for RV here or elsewhere if interested
Freshly shaved, well want to kiss me do this afternoon ... See you in pm if you want. Bizzz.
Hi dd transition noon tomorrow that interested
I'll be there Friday, 08/06 from 14:30 to 18:30
I'll be 25/05 Friday 14:00 to 18:30
I'd suck 19h.adore Friday to be dominate and fesser.Mon ass if your interested disposition.Message
hi what is the average age? This place is clean? thank you for your retuurn
I'll be there Friday, 18.05 from 15.00 to 18.30
I'll see if I spend Wednesday afternoon! Lean guy with glasses that loves to suck ...
Who this Tuesday apm to pass the time, appreciated virile guys
I'll be there Monday to empty those big juteurs
Although want to retuurn Thursday afternoon. Who comes kiss me?
AlixYummm thank you for your comments and Sucette78 this place. I had a great afternoon. A bit much given and received with meekness and strength ... Who was there?
I also quite like. The equipment, customer, price, everything is very decent, especially compared to the competition. I always have a good time! (And sometimes I even found my friend sucette78)
I also quite like. Already I sometimes go during my lunch break so even nickel cleanliness issue. And reduced price 10 € for all, it's cheap fun lil. And frankly the friendly staff, we do not come here to chat.
Well I ended up going alone. Pretty disappointing. Some guys expect and that's it. A guy of a certain age eventually connect me and it excited me and that's it ... If I retuurn, it will be with someone with whom we have held our meeting!
I redo an attempt: I'm fat bi shy and submissive, without experience, and I've never tested sauna and I would like to test this one. The naturist side attracts me a lot. Who would teach me and accompany me? With me, I have the impression that everything is possible if one is soft and tender! I would like to be pawed ... who can accompany me Wednesday, February 20 at noon?
Feel like a naturist sauna and libertine evening this week. I'm bi liabilities. I suck and I'm getting fucked. Which do you recommend? An appointment?
I redo an attempt: I'm fat bi shy and submissive, without experience, and I've never tested sauna and I would like to test this one. The naturist side attracts me a lot. Who would teach me and accompany me? With me, I have the impression that everything is possible if one is soft and tender! I would like to be pawed ... who can accompany me?
I'm fat bi shy and submissive, without experience, and I have never tested sauna and I would like to test this one. The naturist side attracts me a lot. Who would teach me and accompany me? With me, I have the impression that everything is possible if one is soft and tender! I would like to be pawed ... who can accompany me?
visiting Paris, will be Friday sauna Adore suck my ass getting caught is available, likes to be spanked and dominated Small lope If interested pm this evening or tomorrow morning early Kisses
hello, I would be in Paris on December 6 in the evening and 7 December evening, I want to know if this place is frequented for passive bitch like me who likes the plans without taboos or it is better to go elsewhere ... thank you
I intend to go tomorrow, Tuesday 21/11, around 11:45 am, for an hour of exhib of motion and tripotements. Exhib'm really ABSOLUTELY NO modesty and love to show my dick shaved more and masturbate in front of everyone in the bar to the locker room and everywhere. Will I have of the company?
I would say 45/65 years ...
Y will be from 14:30 Q total available to take a max juice
Paris Weekend: bitch ass with available, like suck and be dominate, Uninhibited sex if interested let mp
Hi, I was always told that this place was dirty, I'm alle for the first time yesterday, already you have to go to find out, I found the place clean and not shy guys, all there to kiss goodbye ....
Passing tomorrow afternoon with a buddy
I'll be there tomorrow Wednesday from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. with my fag subject AlixYumm. I will put it to you, for your pleasure and enjoyment. Especially do not be shy.
Again a great time spent there. Thank you to all who joined us in our antics. With a special mention to one who has long sat on my face and Bear who let me enjoy his tail and body as much as I wanted. And of course thank you to my man that I washed down with a large sperm shower followed by a powerful golden shower. What fun!
I confirm that today is Wednesday from 24:15 I found my lover for a tender embrace before he offers me all the strangers who will want me. Take advantage!
Eventually we'll be there tomorrow afternoon my lope subject wants to find themselves under ground harassed by tails
Okay. I could not go there either. I'll see if I spend this Thursday ...
An impediment, forced to postpone.
Cool. I'm going to see if I can spend Tuesday in this naturist sauna.
He who has never allowed himself does not know what happiness it is to let go in the arms of her lover and let him turn you into an object of desire and pleasure for him and all those it will want to you to offer. then gets rid of all restraint and obey and give becomes an enjoyment. That's what I'm about to do Tuesday at noon with my man. Come and enjoy
I'll be there Tuesday 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. with my lope subject AlixYumm. As with our previous visit, you are invited to our antics. We hope you'll be as warm and enterprising, more ...
sauna Friday from 11:30 to 13:30 I love pumping me pumping me I like fiddling fiddling I expected I let you do to your desires shots came several well
yes ok lollipop78. So AlixYumm sucks cocks and gets caught.
Envi very moving noon tomorrow
Marsu, my submissive slut AlixYumm does not suck and takes even less is female in her genes.
I hope to go there once when AlixYumm will be there ... In the meantime I think to spend 18 or 22 or 27. I love to suck or be well fucked.
Agree with my man at all (obviously). I only add that if you were yesterday and our antics (in corridors, cabins, in the shower) you liked (especially you fucked me well) or if you read our adventures and want it participate next time, do not hesitate to contact us ...
Delighted with this first. This property is unknown but for € 10 we had a very good time. Especially my Alixyumm subject lope was sodomized by a man respectful and competent in the matter. Too bad not having enough free time to enjoy it but I will.
It is from 12:15. Come party with us ...
On Tuesday it was me who made the bitch. I will be exhibited and offered by my Master! I am already quite hot ...
I will come on Tuesday with my lope subject AlixYumm. The men present can participate in our games and antics.
yes and the prices are still the same? 8 or 10 or 15 euros depending on the time of arrival?
In response to relatively late Louie. I go very regularly. The welcome is friendly. The place is not huge. it is clean contrary to what is said, but comfort is minimal (tiny cabins, few seats for videos that look in the hallway) Customers of all ages and all backgrounds, it's pretty nice. Here we just blabber not for sex. In the hammam meetings are facilement.On starts there and ends in the cabin, if one wishes to isolate or we stand there and here ends several. It's hot in every sense. Opportunity to break out in the backroom often very busy. There is also a small room with sling, I can not tell you more because I'm not a fan. In the basement, small sauna used mainly in premises !!!!! Overall, a place not to be missed if one only comes to sex.
Who went there recently and can give me an opinion? Thank you !
I'll see if I spend Saturday afternoon to suck cocks ...
Today from 13h to 18h to serve vacuum balls available to the hole to take a max dose and tamp me juice
In the corner next week, I search for contacts ...
I'd blonde lope jy Thursday
I think to go there once but I do not know yet what day. 25 or 1?
Who pr getting sucked Thursday, 19/01 between 17h and 19:30?
A passage between 17h / 19:30 for me to be dosed before continuing to the bunker
that makes me discover from 13h?
hello makes me discover 13h today?
who want to go today 1:30 p.m.?
Tonight available for me to fertilize juice and pack my lope hole from 19h
I think go tomorrow or another day ... between 11:30 and 14:30. Come splash my skinny body and take me ... I am passive or active!
This Saturday to serve as empty holes balls acro self service juice
I will soon ... Around 11:30 / 14:30. To suck the hot tails and be well watered! Fucked also ...
Go this afternoon to 17h for me to fertilize the juice before spending my evening at bunker
I go once in a week at 11:30 until 2:30 p.m. ... Want to suck cocks full of good, to be watered, or fucked!
What is the type of customer to Mykonos ??? Thank you !!
I think going Monday around 15h ...
I'll be 29 on Friday from 15:30 to 18h. Want to suck good tails ... Want juice on the body, be well sprayed !!! ass and mouth cock available to other naked guys. Otherwise I'll be 3 or 4.
Hi oasse of noon tomorrow
Hi available tomorrow noon in steam
I will can be this Tuesday at 13h / 17h.
Then nobody noon tomorrow
Passing tomorrow Monday lunchtime hummm
I'll be on Tuesday between 12 am and 2:40 p.m. ... Want to suck all these tails and be well watered juices ... I can also get caught in the cabin or dark room or steam room !!!
passing the afternoon 29.05.2016
passage 19/05 after noon that want to make this pump
Passing Monday at 11 pm 8 euros
Not go on Tuesday. I'll go Thursday 12th or Friday 13th or 19th.
I'll be 10 on Tuesday between 11:30 and 14:30. Want to suck good tails and can take me ... sperm envy on my naked body ... Being doused!
I intend to spend Tuesday morning
they still have the dark corner? dark room ...
I think to go Monday morning
I'll be there Wednesday 4th from 12:30 to 15h. TBM very real exhibitionist and voyeur. I love wandering the stiff cock to be well Provok all positions. Seeking guys even trip. And no cabin plan
I'll be on Friday between 12 am and 3:45 p.m.. Loves sucking hot tails and be sprayed juice or be well fucked!
Hello everyone ! I think spend tomorrow, Tuesday, between 12 and 14:30. The dark corner still exists ??
Who is showing off with me? Bo shaved sex, I love wandering naked me shaking me in the most public places. I go this afternoon to give me a show. Seeking friends and vicious exhibitionist like me.
Before there were 2 under ground I believe? There remains sauna steam room, small glory hole, cabins, showers, and a dark room! It is little !
Hi all, did not go in the sauna for almost 9 years. There he had the change? That informs me?
I may be going this Friday ... Would be doused sauces.
how much input before noon? Always 8 euros?
I go Friday 18 between noon and 16.30 or 17h ... Enjoys suck cocks and be fucked good in the cabin or dark corner!
I'll be tomorrow but otherwise in November!
I think I will pass on 13 ...
That comes Saturday afternoon flashing plan to pump sucks I'll be your subject
I go tomorrow 17 ... Likes sucking cocks more ...
This Saturday afternnon to suck me fiddle fiddle pumping spanking
I'll be there Tuesday 14 or Friday 17 ... to suck and more.
the world planned to go tomorrow Saturday, March 28 at noon and 14h? many wanted a sex steam room or in the dark corner
I'll be there tomorrow from 13:30 to 4:15 p.m. ... Would be full of cum on my body all shaved! I can also swallow the hot sauces ...
I go there I think tomorrow from 15:30 to 5:50 p.m. ... Want to suck and be well sprayed sauces on my slim body!
I have 24 years and I wish nice guys to accompany me: max 30 years ... Send me a photo and your face as by mail: zaphyr75@hotmail.fr
I'll be there tomorrow 17 from noon to 14:30 ... I suck and fuck !! 1m75 thin guy and 65 kg in ...
m which accompanies this apm
I go on Friday between 15h and 18h ... I'll suck all the cocks! ok to get caught in the dark corner of the sauna ... I can also take the sauces on my naked body or me !!!
I'll be there on Tuesday 10. Between 12 am to 14:30 ... I suck these cocks! Like being doused with sauce ... or be well fucked !!
Qq a passage for m accompany
I'll probably tomorrow the 3 ... I would suck lots of cocks in the dark corner and swallow sauces !!! Come splash my body all shaved ... mmm
I go tomorrow 27. Aime full sucking cock in the dark corner ... Come splash me! also possibility to take me ... Y went on 19.
March actif50 me, when you're there? posted February 19
I spend tomorrow can be between 12 to 14:30 ... shaved thin Dude loves sucking or more !!
I go tomorrow around 12:45 pm ... naked to suck and more !!!
A strange atmosphere ... Customers are original .. You will not easily find in the swamp ...
hi I'll sauna Friday around 12 pm or 1:30 p.m.! I suck in the steam room or the dark corner !!! Want to be sprayed juice on my body or my face shaved! I can fuck or be fucked well ... Dude thin 1m75!
no this sauna, not bcp world, and cleanliness level again ...
damn it rose to 8 euros before noon! Unable to enter!
hi I'll sauna Friday. I suck in the steam room or the dark corner !! Want to be sprayed juice on my body or my face shaved! I can fuck or be fucked well ... Dude thin 1m75 ...
hi I'll sauna Friday. I'll suck all the hot cock in the steam room or the dark corner !! Want to be sprayed juice on my body shaved! I can fuck or be fucked well ... Dude thin 1m75.
I can pass on Friday 31 ... to suck everyone!
Friday I go !!! A total hair ... I'll suck all the cocks! Who comes to take me and my body spray?
I'm going there tommorow ! from 11:45 am to 2:35 p.m. ... shaved thin Dude! Want to suck cocks and be well sprinkled ...
hi I'll sauna Friday 10. I'll suck all the hot cock in the steam room or the dark corner !!! Want to be sprayed juice on my body shaved! I can fuck or be fucked well ... Dude thin 1m75.
I advice you another for a first
totally agree, there have been there a few myself, disgusting sauna and little frequented!
Last time I go! Only an interesting guy! Sauna not very hot, Hammam with a strange odor, deplorable welcome, no smoking room as specified on the website, disgusting cabin, very rare condoms and no gel dispenser! One good thing is the hair dryer
I will pass tomorrow or 7
I go Friday around 24:30 or 13h! Want to suck cocks well and be thoroughly sprayed juice on the face or mouth or on my body or elsewhere !!!
It is true that it is not always very clean, and we quickly made the turn, but the guys are very hot and not running hours
tomorrow sauna to total hair! I suck the tails before everything else!
tomorrow I'm sucks everything and sprinkled with your hot tails on my body !!! cabin or steam bath or dark corner! Come to 13h ...
I'll be there 4 I think !!
21 it was hot! A guy followed me everywhere before putting his dick in my hole, I was 4-legged in the dark corner! I then stopped his enthusiasm ... I sucked 2 or 3 guys and I ejaculated.
I'll be there again ... Around 13:30 on 28 / 16h !! I suck, I kiss and I kissed naked ... would be well sprayed with plenty of juice ...
I will be tomorrow in the sauna ... Passage at the glory hole then in a cabin lying naked waiting cocks and then in the dark corner, lying ... I suck a little while!
I'll be there Friday around 13h.
just sprinkle shaved my body and my face Friday in the sauna !!! Want hot juice on the torso and face ... or else !!
I'll be out this Friday 7. sauna around 14h or atlas.
ben ah shucks I can not come this 28 !!
just sprinkle shaved my body and my face and my mouth Friday sauna !!! Want hot juice on the torso and face ...
I'll be tomorrow ... I suck in the dark!
I'm on Paris on Wednesday 5 and very desire to go there from 13h to suck all presented tails ... and receive cum shower ... leave message before 8am tomorrow ..
I think to go ... Always Wednesday 5 to suck cocks and be watered!
I went there yesterday and it was hot! A guy ejaculated on me ...
just spray my body and my face and my mouth Friday sauna !!! mmm!
I'll be there Friday 10. Nu to suck good tails in dark rooms! Whoever wants to be my teacher and guide me in this place ...
I go on Thursday 19 and I'll be there to suck all the hot tails and be well sprayed all over my body slut !!! face, mouth, chest, abdomen, back, anus ... You can fill my slutty holes !!! I'll be in the dark corner behind the curtain on the right !!!
I was Friday the 13th and I sucked at least 5 cocks in any dark corner! A repeat again ...
I go Friday around 24:30 ... want to suck full of hot tails and be doused sauces !!!
I'll Friday 13. Still in dark corners to suck full of sex!
I love it out someone today to let me discover? I live just nextdoor
I was Friday and I sucked the cocks in a dark corner of the main hall! Cool...
Who goes there all the suite level branlexhib the poppers?
I will go this Friday 6! Probably between 12 and 15 h ...
I go Friday 29th between 13h and 16h ... All naked in the corridors before the mirrors, naked and lying in the cabin, waiting for equality to suck! Would be well sprayed on the body or face !!!
I'll be the 22 (or 29)! Depilated body, legs and torso, I suck ...
I go 15 or 22. Naked body and shaved! I'll be in the cabin, down, and I will wait to suck all the hot cocks! ok to cum shower on the body and swallow the gravy ok to fuck or be fucked good !! RDV possible PM!
yes it is possible that the tilt is better ... Went to Mykonos Friday and almost nobody, I still sucked 3 tails in the cabin and the glory hole! Disappointed not to find the dark room with mattresses and videos ... Just cabins or bench!
The tilt St Anne's more fun still cheap 11 euros, open from 12 am to 7heure morning and it fucking everywhere
I will probably tomorrow Friday around 15h / 17h! Love being naked! Am shaved everywhere !! I leave my glasses to the locker room and so I shall be available to suck every cock, be well sprinkled ... I can be fucked but I especially love sucking and have a good sperm shower !!! thin guy with little belly, 1m75 ...
Tuesday 22 early in the afternoon really wanted to go fuck myself naked and masturbate shamelessly bar, sniffing poppers. Who wants to join me?
And this fucking around this place? In dark rooms?
^^ salt all say the site is down ... it's cmb the entrance ?? I would like to go and if possible during the day and QQ1 !!
Search the Paris Nord guy who fucked me there 2 weeks we had to meet at the exit to go home.
Many people think of the site go tomorrow noon?
Qui a envie de se foutre à poil et de s'exhibranler partout, mâme au bar? Cherche pote hyper exhib sans aucune pudeur pour trip exhib à poil cet aprem - au Mykonos ou ailleurs.
Who wants to get naked and show off everywhere, even at the bar? Looking for a hyper exhib friend without any shame for a naked exhib trip this afternoon - in Mykonos or elsewhere.
Who wants to get naked and show off everywhere, even at the bar? Looking for a really exhibitionist friend with no shame for a naked exhibitionist trip this afternoon.
Who wants to get naked and show off everywhere, even at the bar? Looking for a hyper exhib buddy without any shame for a naked exhib trip this afternoon.
can receive sperm showers there? gang bang kind ...
I think to go there tomorrow at noon: you know if there will be a few people and reduce them if the rates apply equally we?
well agree with you adrien1975 ... plus you will keep your pennies!
who can tell me what is the best day and the best times to go to Mikonos?
J was yesterday arcaik equipment but otherwise very good pass another day too dark default location, damage
I think to go Saturday, February 2
I'll be 18 or 25 January !!!
Hi I'll spend this afternoon! Will there be a few people?
I think to go this week, whlch is the best day?
I'll be there tomorrow, Thursday, November 15 dice opening envy plan exhib motion put me dipo
I will be again in November or December ... I love being naked and suck!
ah this is still the same gentleman thus making the entries ... I went once in 2007!
I think to a passage between noon and 14h is there going to be a few people?
Good evening to all and for information. After several years of absence, I retuurned to Mykonos to see if places had improved. Well no, still murky, very poor cleanliness, showers .... there are still two of the three and the clientele has always rejuvenated. Only works in the basement (not or sauna), but the other, there are now 2 cabins. Of course if you like the third age (sometimes with difficulty walking ...) Youcan go.
Ben me I went there there's a small year. From there to go back ... Location shabby, moderately clean. The worst of the worst: reception. customer side, not terrible.
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