Meet stage Aurillac


Cruising spot straight in Aurillac

proposed by Cho1525  (18/03/2021)

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Type : Public garden straight
City :  Aurillac
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
At the roundabout Aurillac gendarmerie take the stadium to park a dimension of the park in the park one can make nice meeting by lighting pa against
Address :
59 Boulevard Louis Dauzier
15000 Aurillac

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29 d. ago
Are there any who go there?

25/04/2020 in 18h40
I'm here tonight to show off my tail and watch

11/04/2020 in 02h11
I'll be there tomorrow evening to show off my tail and matter

20/08/2018 in 02h55
I am looking young beardless man for 33 years well mounted and domineering

28/09/2017 in 20h30
Goodnight tonight someone 28/09? leave a message. kisses

13/08/2017 in 20h58
someone tonight 13/08?

11/08/2017 in 21h00
Good evening. if you go leave me a message !!! thank you today 11/08. thank you. kisses.

13/06/2016 in 11h42
Tuesday, 6/14 passage beginning of the afternoon

13/04/2015 in 15h31
Passing the toilets Friday, 17.04 noon

13/11/2013 in 19h13
bsr for woman or couple tonight or tomorrow;)

29/07/2013 in 17h42
Pity ;-)

29/07/2013 in 17h31
No we will not be there.

29/07/2013 in 17h24
this is far from the best. rather try the wooden croizet. I'll be there around 18:30 I think

29/07/2013 in 15h59
Nothing last night. It tries again tonight but it looks the mytho this place.

28/07/2013 in 18h40
at what time?

28/07/2013 in 18h06
us, let's go now

29/04/2013 in 09h06
salvation that passes to the bathroom in the morning today ??? I can go there if response

26/10/2012 in 12h00
You will be alone?

15/10/2012 in 23h11
Frankly it's clear that it's a bit like tin flashing plan. The day many walkers and family and complete darkness at night, no lights, so zero exhibitionist

29/09/2012 in 11h19
thin damage vien I just seen the ad, contacted me by email I will post filerai two or three pipe ;-)

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