Louis Armand Pool


Cruising spot gay in Marseille

proposed by maluti  (16/07/2020)

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Type : Swimming pool gay
City :  Marseille
Area :  Provence-Alpes-Cô.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Swimming pool with changing rooms separate cabins and group changing rooms for men and women collective lockers. Showers Commons and individual shower cubicles. It is matte, we play, we touch, we suck, more ...

We remind you that exhibition and sexual practices are prohibited in public places.

Address :
12 Boulevard Louis Armand
13012 Marseille

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16/10/2024 in 04h22
I will be there today around 5 p.m.

26/07/2024 in 14h37
Hi, who would be interested in joining me there for a quickie?

03/03/2024 in 16h23
Anyone going and interested?

19/03/2023 in 19h26
I went there last Saturday, it was great… the perfect collective men's locker room

20/01/2023 in 11h31
Is this place still relevant? I'm trans FTM manly I love getting licked and sucked

27/09/2022 in 17h11
Still worth it?

08/12/2019 in 11h22
Never alee would spend Monday morning's interested?

08/12/2019 in 01h08
which interested to discrete plane Monday after noon? I'll be there

04/02/2019 in 16h06
Someone morning?

15/01/2019 in 13h16
Someone from 14:30 to 16h?

10/12/2018 in 08h30
bluntly yes

24/09/2018 in 20h31
That morning? I go from 9:30 to 11:30

13/09/2018 in 07h54
the world this morning?

12/09/2018 in 19h23
That tomorrow, Thursday 13/9 morning?

06/09/2018 in 09h23
who goes there this morning?

05/09/2018 in 07h35
Will there be someone this morning? I go around 9:30 am about 10 am

14/08/2018 in 00h52
J'y serais demain après midi

14/08/2018 in 00h11
If it's open ...., me!

14/05/2018 in 22h54
I'll be there tomorrow from 9.30am! At 11 o'clock

14/05/2018 in 16h11
I'm going there tommorow

25/03/2018 in 03h21
how and where to be dredged?

24/03/2018 in 22h16
It opens from 8h to 18h Monday afternoon I will go to 16h On Wednesday morning around 9:30 am

22/01/2018 in 13h41
Another great place in that pool .. a very well made fifties who had an exquisite mouth and sexa with beautiful remains that had hot ass. A one in a closed shower in a locker room ... to redo viiiiiiiite

28/12/2017 in 09h20
hello will contact us for a good villain appointment year-end party

27/12/2017 in 08h28
it makes you want to come very soon has swum

05/12/2017 in 20h00
I see schedules posted like that to chance. Check the opening hours !!!!! It is not open bar from 5 am to 23h .... hello what

04/12/2017 in 20h29
Well I am part ... It seems that we will be more ... the same time ???

04/12/2017 in 20h19
you're a damn good to fertilize celya;)

29/10/2017 in 15h48
I am also the 11H 30/10

21/05/2017 in 23h12
Who to suck me down tomorrow?

24/02/2017 in 14h59
I'll be there next week

14/02/2017 in 23h21
I am available next week to get there, which will be available?

… close history