Little rascal between Beaupréau and Aubry chapel

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Beaupréau-en-Mauges
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small sitting pretty, naughty, exciting, around a water pond area, nothing around. Tables and park it easily enough for a few cars. This place is surrounded by a hedge of the road and hide in this place there is ample opportunity to do some roguery and pretty meetings I suppose. This place is on the small road between Beaupréau and Aubry chapel. At the roundabout in Beaupréau to super u take direct volkswagen made Garage 2/3 km and left after two right turns the small pond on your right next to a goose paste. Very visible from the road if we come not too fast, but well back for beautiful strut or others.
Address :
Rue de la Croix du Giron
49600 Beaupréau-en-Mauges

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15/08/2024 in 23h55
anyone tonight?

01/06/2024 in 02h33
From the NOW world?

22/05/2024 in 09h09
Hi! I'm going there on Sunday evening. Between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. for pass and travs

13/05/2024 in 22h31
People this day

18/10/2022 in 14h33
I take a break there all afternoon

09/03/2022 in 18h21
Who's there tomorrow, looking for good cocks to pump. wave

05/07/2021 in 14h54
People in the toilet 4.30pm?

13/01/2021 in 16h07
Someone in the Beaupreau forest after motocross terrain, want to pump good tails after the rabbit posed by humm49

01/10/2020 in 17h17
A young and handsome kid tonight to take care of his beautiful cock?

30/09/2020 in 20h39
A handsome kid to join tonight ?? well equipped is a plus :)

19/04/2019 in 16h14
I'm going rotten !! no parking, no access and no!

12/02/2019 in 08h34
Hi, has the hotel in Beaupréau tomorrow night (13/2) looks nice plan cho, wave!

02/08/2018 in 19h21
I go by 1:30

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