Kokin Shop (Sexshop mixed Amiens)

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Type : Sexshop gay & straight
City :  Amiens
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Kokin Shop is at the bottom of a small industrial area, very discreet parking. Kokin Shop sells a wide range of products: Erectile stimulants, sex toys, videos, condoms, lubricants. One single cabin is available. The space is also equipped with back rooms divided into five areas: four rooms and the main hall. A part including an arsenal more SM, containing a cross of St. Andrew and a gyno table, the last room is a room in darkness. Presence of a shower, a toilet and a final room containing a sink.

Website : http://www.kokin-shop.com/
Address :
219 Rue d'Abbeville
80000 Amiens
Phone : 0322438912

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8 h. ago
Hello, is there anything happening this afternoon? I plan to come at 4 p.m.

yesterday at 12:13
Bonjour du monde cette aprem ?

7 d. ago
Bonjour est ce que mel fréquente encore l endroit ?

14 d. ago
Merci à Lapin02 pour leur réponse. Cela fait plaisir de voir qu’il a encore des gens sains sûr ce site… De vrais libertins et non pas des gens aigris comme sepico je ne sais trop quoi, qui poste des commentaires sur vous juste parce que vous ne souhaitez pas les rencontrer. Bref. Bonne journée à tous !

15 d. ago
Je dois y aller très bientôt, connaissez vous le prix ?

15 d. ago
Oups, je voulais dire : qu’il y à erreur sur la personne….

15 d. ago
Bonjour Lapin02, vous m’avez blacklisté et je pense qu’il est erreur sur la personne. Au plaisir de vous lire.

16 d. ago
Coucou toulmonde. Nous serons de passage au sauna le dauphin à Amiens ce samedi 15 mars au soir Arriver :20h00 20h30 jusqu'à la fermeture. Au programme : Félation nature Pénétration vaginal nature ou protégé selon vos envies Double vaginal très apprécié Remplissage (creampie) Éjacucation corporel , interne et facial. Nous sommes sous prep et suivi régulièrement donc aucun risque. Venait nombreux et en forme ?

24 d. ago
De passage cet après midi. Des femmes Ou couple dans le coin ?

26/02/2025 in 21h14
Du monde demain à partir de 16h?

24/02/2025 in 20h55
Hello, I will be there on Friday 28th around 2 p.m. with a nice job, pleasure to meet you

24/02/2025 in 10h54
people this afternoon

19/02/2025 in 13h15
J'aurais un peu de retard, je serai là pour 14h00

18/02/2025 in 15h54
Hello, I will be there tomorrow afternoon around 1:30 p.m., will there be someone to show me around, reward included?

17/02/2025 in 17h53
L'entrée est t-elle gratuite pour les travesti ?

17/02/2025 in 11h06
Bonjour, j'aimerais bien faire ma première fois la bas , qu'elle est le prix d'entrée et est ce que le lieu est équipé ?

12/02/2025 in 10h15
Looking for work available this afternoon

07/02/2025 in 20h08
good evening nice meeting this afternoon with pretty young woman with beautiful shape pretty breasts sensitive like her pretty apricot see you soon pretty young woman kisses

31/01/2025 in 21h12
Giorgio27 her account no longer exists. Result of some frustrated and angry people who inflated it. I don't know if she still frequents the place.

31/01/2025 in 17h36
Hello, does anyone have any news about Mel?

15/01/2025 in 22h13
Good evening, is there anyone there this Saturday?

09/01/2025 in 09h49
Hello Saturday I will be at the sauna le dauphin in Amiens from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. for a chain gangbang Saturday everything is allowed facial body ejaculation and natural creampie we are under prep so come with your balls full

07/01/2025 in 13h27
Bjr bonne année a tous. Je vzis aller ai kokin vendredi avec petite tenue sous jogging car toujours un peu d appréhension. J espère que claudia sera la j m qd elle me dirige. Sinon au plaisir de vous voir la bas et pourquoi pas etrexa votre service bises à tous

07/01/2025 in 04h45
Hello in Amiens today looking for fun to share with a couple if you like let me know kisses

27/12/2024 in 13h58
Hello!! Anyone here this afternoon??

27/12/2024 in 10h58
Hello! Who's coming this afternoon?? I'll be there for you!!!

20/12/2024 in 23h54
Hello, who's going, during the holidays, Thursday or Friday December 26-27. Good cock available for guys, nice transvestites, or couples...also likes to suck..see you soon for a good time!

11/12/2024 in 17h36
Who knows Carla, a trans from Amiens who frequents this place?

23/11/2024 in 13h13
Bonjour J’y serais lundi après midi apres le dauphin !! Qui vient ??

02/11/2024 in 12h07
Coucou les garçons !!! Y a t'il de bon soldats motivé et bien rempli pour lundi après midi??

24/10/2024 in 12h57
Anyone out today? I might go there this afternoon.

22/10/2024 in 02h38
Passing through Amiens on Wednesday morning. Active! Let me know

21/10/2024 in 22h36
Hello, passing by next Friday afternoon here and/or at the Dauphin. Let me know here or in PM if interested.

21/10/2024 in 06h54
Hello, who can describe to me what this place is like and how it works? Thank you.

20/10/2024 in 20h48
Bonjour, Cherche femme (bi de préférence) pour plan a 3 avec couple. Je recherche uniquement une femme. Mp mesdames si vous êtes intéressé

19/10/2024 in 09h27
Hello!! Who is coming this afternoon to take care of me??? More info in PM!!

18/10/2024 in 17h10
Hi I'm coming tomorrow afternoon!!!! And then to the Dauphin!!! Who wants to join me????

10/10/2024 in 13h34
Hello!! Who is coming this afternoon to take care of me??? More info in PM!!

10/10/2024 in 11h06
Hello!! Who is coming this afternoon to take care of me??? More info in PM!!

10/10/2024 in 08h28
Hello!! Who is coming this afternoon to take care of me??? More info in PM!!

05/10/2024 in 11h10
J y serais lundi après-midi, si quelqu'un veux me rejoindre envoyé moi un mp

04/10/2024 in 21h26
Good evening gay traveling Sunday evening I will be available. Passive I await your cocks

04/10/2024 in 21h01
it sucks there stop 18 bucks for nothing

03/10/2024 in 11h13
Bonjour il est vrai que c ewt calme par moment mais pour y etre aller qq fois avant les gdes vacances c était très sympa. Après cela doit dépendre des jours J y passe demain vers 13h00 petite tenue sous jogging. Laisser moi messages

02/10/2024 in 21h18
Personally, I've been there some days and been bored, and others it's been a blast. Like any place like this, paying doesn't guarantee anything.

02/10/2024 in 20h28
it sucks there stop 18 bucks for nothing

02/10/2024 in 19h45
Je confirme ! A l intérieur 4 vieux qui discutaient de leur problème de maisons … Lamentable endroit !

02/10/2024 in 17h45
Le Wkokin shop tu payes 18 balles l'entrée !?? Pour entendre des mecs qui se connaissent et qui passent leurs à bavarder du boulot de la retraite de macron,,!??? Cc est du grand n'importe quoi Plus jamais j'irais dans ce sex shop Celui de lens est 100 fois mieux

30/09/2024 in 12h43
I'm going there this afternoon

30/09/2024 in 00h18
Good evening! Who would be interested in an old slut?

25/09/2024 in 06h42
Bonjour je oensevy passer vendredi à partir de 13h00 avec petite tenue sous jogging.

19/09/2024 in 11h47
Well apparently no change!! So I'll be there this afternoon!!

19/09/2024 in 11h43
I'm going there this afternoon!! Come in large numbers!!! Unless the prices have changed... who can confirm that it hasn't changed...??? Or confirm that it has changed!!?

19/09/2024 in 09h28
I'm going there this afternoon!! Come in large numbers!!! Unless the prices have changed... who can confirm that it hasn't changed...??? Or confirm that it has changed!!?

17/09/2024 in 11h09
A ceux qui peuvent, et qui ont un minimum de correction, c est un plaisir de rencontrer une charmante libertine, Melcoquine, qui aime s eclater, en ce lieux bien sympa, et sécurisé. Une vraie gourmande, a satisfaire par de grosses queues, soyez classe et respectueux, et une femme envoutante se decouvrira a vous avec de la chance!

13/09/2024 in 14h48

07/09/2024 in 21h11
Luckily we have this place which is pretty cool

07/09/2024 in 20h26
In short, we have a "melcoquine" tout and a boss who doesn't respect customers! The whole lot!

07/09/2024 in 16h33
... Indeed!, > It was Much Nicer!, Brilliant!, And.. Enjoyable!!, in Sokona's time!!..

07/09/2024 in 15h31
Hello, for my part, every time I go there, there is no problem, the manager and his girlfriend are very nice and I find the place rather good compared to what you sometimes see for this type of establishment...

07/09/2024 in 15h26
I just got on the phone with them, and they told me that there was indeed a membership card, but that it was up to the customer... That if the customer didn't come back to them, they would make them pay up in the hope that they wouldn't pay and that they would leave... LOL Completely illegal practice... I would only say one thing: avoid this establishment!

07/09/2024 in 15h02
For my part I'm not complaining I was just surprised for personal reasons I haven't been there since April and there was no membership card that's it. Have a great day melcoquine

06/09/2024 in 18h42
Now we need membership!

06/09/2024 in 18h31
Avoid this fool's trap for tailgaters

06/09/2024 in 18h09
He only went yesterday to meet melcoquine parton said asks for 60e for a membership card plus 18euro between don't know what to call it only comes in there, and for information he with speak before sending photo contact OK

06/09/2024 in 15h16
For Melcoquine, stop bringing guys to the club so we can pay a fee, we're not all stupid or ugly enough to be ripped off

05/09/2024 in 12h17
Mel I'm going to have to punish you if you don't learn your lessons properly...

02/09/2024 in 12h23
Hello! I had warned 5 days ago of my possible arrival on the 5th or 6th but my friend and master told me this morning that he would rather take me to a club in Pontoise but could not say anything not knowing the name and exact location of the said club. Kisses to all

29/08/2024 in 01h17
I will be there to share and exchange pleasure with a woman this Thursday ??

28/08/2024 in 07h02
Thanks to this great couple yesterday afternoon and this crazy Gang-bang. Madame was really very greedy. Hoping that she was satisfied.

28/08/2024 in 00h33
Hello! My master told me that he would take me on September 5 or 6 to fuck me in front of other men and then offer me and share me with them, I then suggested the Kokin-shop!, who would then be interested in keeping us informed, I would then be a transvestite

27/08/2024 in 08h52
Passage in the early afternoon. Couples or naughty girls to meet up and maybe have fun together?

13/08/2024 in 23h23
Hello, anyone expected this Wednesday afternoon?

09/08/2024 in 17h50
Hello everyone, I'll be there next week if nothing happens, hugs to you

31/07/2024 in 09h26
Hello, in discovery mode there this afternoon, a couple or a woman to show me the place?

21/07/2024 in 09h01
Hello melcoquine I can go to the Kokinshop on Monday around 4:30 p.m.

12/07/2024 in 12h59
Hello women today around 5 p.m.?

12/07/2024 in 06h31
Hello no one will be there

11/07/2024 in 08h28
Hello, I'll be there Friday around 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. I would be in scantily clad under jogging pants to help me free myself, still too shy. Leave me a message. Good day

09/07/2024 in 20h58
Hello, I will come next Friday afternoon, rather after 4 p.m. I hope to meet people. Leave me a message f/cple/trans who also come.

03/07/2024 in 09h25
Trés cher bichopourvous, Si tu étais allé hier au kokin entre 13h et 16h tu aurais peut-être eu la chance de jouer avec melcoquine, car elle y etait bien et en pleine forme comme à son habitude. alors avant d'avancer des suppositions, renseigne toi. Bien à toi, Antoine.

02/07/2024 in 17h14
It's funny, no melcoquine at the kokin shop

01/07/2024 in 22h52
Good evening melcoquine, I will be there

30/06/2024 in 08h49
Melcoquine. Why don't you blacklist?

13/06/2024 in 06h03
Bonjour. Je passe vendredi à partir de l ouverture. J m être dirigée, petite fessée mot crus pourquoi pas attachée et promener ainsi petit clin d œil à claudia. Assez timide il faut un.peu m aider à me lâcher. A vendredi

10/06/2024 in 07h58
Bonjour, je pense y allé cette semaine , quelqu'un peux me donné plus d informations sur ce lieu et éventuellement m accompagné

05/06/2024 in 11h26
Well, discovery, I'm going there hoping to meet a woman or couple

04/06/2024 in 00h57
Good passive slut passing through Amiens Saturday 15/06 in the evening looking for good deals with h with full balls. I do not receive. Suggest your plans

30/05/2024 in 11h25
Hello, I confirm my arrival to see my previous message Friday at the opening. Kisses to Claudia if she sees message

28/05/2024 in 18h35
Someone today?

27/05/2024 in 10h26
Good morning. To say that it would be Friday from 12:30 p.m. I was directed to be spanked with harsh words, why not tied up blindfolded and walked around like that. A little wink for Claudia. jm suck and receive spetm on me. See you soon Katia

23/05/2024 in 11h48
Hello, who is going to the kokin this afternoon?

22/05/2024 in 11h55
Hello everyone, I went there yesterday, had the pleasure of meeting Melcoquine, a very beautiful gourmet, and of discovering the place, very nice, good warm atmosphere, well laid out. It will be a pleasure to retuurn!

14/05/2024 in 21h16
Well, maybe I'll see another place!

12/05/2024 in 02h00
Hello my darlings, I am seriously considering coming for my first time Saturday 18 Which handsome males would be interested? leave me a message after visiting my profile ;-)

09/05/2024 in 11h17
Bonjour j y passe demain à l ouverture. Jogging noir et en dessous ummmmmm. J m sucer petite fessée certains m ont vu avec Claudia vendredi dernier. Qui y sera

01/05/2024 in 20h40
Je viens vendredi si qq peux dire a claudia que je viens. J espère un.peu de monde pour pouvoir sucer. Bises

26/04/2024 in 13h36
We're going to have to cancel unforeseen events at work, sorry guys.

26/04/2024 in 09h17
Bonjour qq pourrais dire à Claudia que je passerais vendredi 03 la voir. Et vous en.meme temps. Merci d avance Katia

25/04/2024 in 00h32
We will come this Friday April 26th afternoon for gangbang came many biz

08/04/2024 in 21h12
What a pleasure with Claudia ummmm I moaned ummmmm

05/04/2024 in 12h26
I'll be there around 1:00 p.m.

04/04/2024 in 18h49
Good evening, I'll be there around 1:00 p.m. I'll be wearing a pair of jogging pants because I'm a little apprehensive. Unless someone helps me see. Maybe Claudia will be there I played well with her 15 days ago. Katie

30/03/2024 in 08h25
Je pense y passer cet apres midi avec petite tenue en dessous car toujours appréhension Malgré que l autre fois Claudia m à mis à l aise mais... Au plaisir

28/03/2024 in 14h17
Lots of people this afternoon around 5pm

20/03/2024 in 08h12
well yes it is open

19/03/2024 in 23h11
Is it still open?

12/03/2024 in 07h08
Hello, I will be there at the opening of the world to suck?

29/02/2024 in 11h41
Couples or women this afternoon?

27/02/2024 in 14h52
It's sorely lacking in women, please come lol

27/02/2024 in 13h00
Hello, I would like to spend Friday there after noon. A little apprehension to be there as a girl maybe a friend would be there too. In any case I would already be below under jogging and why not more if I am encouraged. Kisses

15/02/2024 in 16h19
Woman or couple available? I would like to come

14/02/2024 in 14h11
Hello, any women or couples going today?

25/01/2024 in 11h01
Hello!! I'm going to kokin this afternoon!! Anyone interested??? PM!!

29/12/2023 in 05h43
This afternoon, I will be at the cokin Shop in female dog mode in heat if any vicious people are interested pm me for more info

20/12/2023 in 16h23
I'm there until 7:20 p.m., if any F or CPL want to play

19/12/2023 in 15h38
Hello from the world this afternoon?

18/12/2023 in 23h32
Good evening, is it open the week between Christmas and New Year? Want to come play there...,

18/12/2023 in 06h21
Hello everyone. Visiting the Kokin shop, tomorrow from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. A naughty girl or a couple to meet me there?

12/12/2023 in 12h17
Hello, people today or during the week

06/12/2023 in 17h23
Come on, it's hot

28/11/2023 in 17h59
tomorrow afternoon ?

21/11/2023 in 11h42
I'll be there tomorrow afternoon for bi or straight guys to satisfy. Fan of glory hole plans. Hoping to have fun

21/11/2023 in 10h58
ben oui ce lieu est frequente... d'ailleurs j'y serai cet apres midi

20/11/2023 in 12h48
Hello. Is this place popular? Thanks to those who will answer. I was planning to go there on Wednesday 22/11

13/11/2023 in 13h55
this afternoon at the kokin

08/11/2023 in 15h17
who's going today?

02/11/2023 in 04h54
Who is going on 02 Nov?

29/10/2023 in 23h59
Tomorrow if some cpl want to be watched by a respectful voyeur

27/09/2023 in 12h02
If any f or cpl go there today, I'm interested

28/08/2023 in 18h50
Passing by on the 12th at the end of the day, I am open to all proposals…

21/08/2023 in 09h31
I'm going there today

17/08/2023 in 19h55
Just to answer tibilope yes it's true that there are few people when I went there I went there with 2 and I knew what I wanted to do if we go alone not sure of finding someone and unfortunately the owner does not say if there are people so if we go alone it's true that jerking off in front of a porn for 15 euros is expensive for me but the owner lends us equipment (for me it was a riding crop and nipple clamps) to be on the cross and no regrets

06/08/2023 in 07h57
Naughty libertine looking for an exhibitionist or candauliste couple from the week of August 15 for plan in the Somme near the coast. I'm traveling. Maybe see you soon.

04/07/2023 in 07h37
Hi, anyone want to come with me?

29/06/2023 in 10h52
Hello everyone, is anyone doing well today?

27/06/2023 in 18h29
Lots of people before closing, I planned to spend an hour there

18/06/2023 in 11h38
Hi. Are the libertine rooms chargeable? If so, how much please?

16/06/2023 in 13h38
Is there anyone here this afternoon?

13/06/2023 in 00h14
I'll be there tomorrow around 3:00 p.m., lovers of beautiful trav, or girlfriends?

02/05/2023 in 22h32
Bonsoir, Demain après-midi je serais libre pour être reçu par couple femme homme. Me faire vos propositions par message privé. Je suis très coquin

25/04/2023 in 13h26
Tomorrow I go with a friend to the kokin. shop

21/04/2023 in 13h20
Hello everyone I'm there right now there's not a lot of people so if a people or a woman is tempted, I'm staying until tonight

21/04/2023 in 09h20
A super nice sex shop where you can practice your favorite sport

20/04/2023 in 17h21
First coming tomorrow. I hope to meet a pretty couple there and that people will be courteous and respectful.

17/04/2023 in 18h23
oh the Picards are you sleeping?

17/04/2023 in 16h39
Is it moving?

14/04/2023 in 10h27
Bonjour C’est combien l entrée ? La tendance est plus gay ou c mixte

28/03/2023 in 10h07
Back soon, because I like this very clean sex shop where I have already had a great time

21/03/2023 in 12h23
People at 3 p.m.

16/02/2023 in 06h44
Hello very want to dy zller but a lot of apprehension to put me in nana. Who will be there on Saturday

22/12/2022 in 05h40
hello, on Amiens on the move 22/12 23/12 next week from 26 to 30 available during the day looking for a place to land have a good time kokin in good company kisses

15/12/2022 in 12h16
De passage aujourd'hui vers 16h30 sexe propre long, large bien dur et bien raser.

30/11/2022 in 12h33
hello available this am

01/11/2022 in 22h16
Hello, I confirm my first visit to the Kokin-Shop on Saturday November 5, I should be there accompanied by my master, he wants to fuck me in full view of everyone and then offer me to anyone who wants to fill me up! , COME MANY

13/10/2022 in 08h35
HELLO ! That's it for sure on Nov 5 and 6 I'll be in Amiens, I even already have my hotel reservation made, "normally" a man who contacted me should take me here, he would then like fuck me there in front of other men then offer me to those who will want it, HUUMMM AWESOME

25/08/2022 in 09h09
People today?? Leave me a message in pm

06/08/2022 in 14h33
Slt, y'a pas de regle, un jour ne fait pas l'autre... couples et tra les 2

06/08/2022 in 14h31
Hello I would like to know if it is well animated there. And if it's more travs or couples who frequent this place?

02/08/2022 in 07h42
bjr has your regular pass available on your sector do not hesitate kisses to you

17/06/2022 in 06h47
Is it air-conditioned on the cabin side??

09/06/2022 in 14h24
Hello, I will be there around 3:30 p.m.

08/06/2022 in 14h27
Couples looking for voyeurs?

23/05/2022 in 11h53
Is the kokin shop always free for transvestites

11/05/2022 in 06h22
Hello I'm going there around 5 p.m. hoping to meet people If interested in pm

30/04/2022 in 17h34
Spent this afternoon in this charming place, the owners are very welcoming, the facilities are excellent, and the people are very respectful, to be recommended

26/04/2022 in 15h27
Hi I ch woman who would like to teach me how to make her come

24/04/2022 in 18h13
hello passive submissive hard passing tomorrow around 3 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. ch active dominant perverse hard real

29/03/2022 in 06h02
bjr passing through today 03/29 hope for a nice meeting..... around 3:00 p.m.

22/03/2022 in 09h54
I will be in this sexchop tomorrow afternoon Those interested in pm thank you

16/02/2022 in 11h27
Maybe passing through with a naughty friend. What are the times and prices for couples?

18/01/2022 in 09h39
I would be in Amiens on Thursday afternoon which passes zu kokin.

21/12/2021 in 18h03
I'm going there tomorrow afternoon hope to see people there

17/12/2021 in 09h11
Who around 3 p.m.?

13/12/2021 in 09h45
In Amiens on December 15, 2021, receive active, virile guys, good fuckers, for a 2 or more plan! I love gang bangs. No drugs! Hygiene requested. Hotel in Longueau

11/12/2021 in 07h23
Hello, I'm going there around 4:30 p.m. I'll be a man but why ask me to dress in trav to suck you off I'm a little scared so who would like to zider me

10/12/2021 in 13h42
Très envie d'y aller mais un peu peur d etre en femme. J m sucer ejac facizle mot crus pourquoi pas bukkzke

05/12/2021 in 10h43
In Amiens on December 8 and 15, 2021, receive active, virile guys, good fuckers, for a 2 or more plan! I love gang bangs. No drugs! Hygiene requested. Hotel in Longueau

15/11/2021 in 17h41
Good evening who to accompany me tomorrow afternoon around 3:30/4 p.m. I will be in sexy naughty

15/11/2021 in 17h39
Who to accompany me tomorrow around 3:30 p.m. / 4 p.m. I'll be naughty

14/10/2021 in 11h55
I will be there at the beginning of the afternoon, hope to see people

29/09/2021 in 10h01
Naughty trav this afternoon for your greatest pleasure gentlemen

27/09/2021 in 13h36
Good morning ! Very hot transvestite I would like to come and offer myself to several men, which day would be the best?

12/09/2021 in 23h15
Hello men, I would like to come to the Kokin Shop and meet several men there to suck them and to offer them my pussy in turn I would come there as a lope the first few times but if the place is hot enough in my taste I would end up coming and dressing up there

03/07/2021 in 20h12
It tempts me, is it good this place?

19/06/2021 in 03h21
hello I'm looking for plan sucks with bm guy if possible black in Amiens .. send me a message :)

12/06/2021 in 11h37
Hello a good bitch come on Tuesday, I hope to see many of you there to take my ass and mouth

06/06/2021 in 23h26
Hello ! Would there be guys interested in a hot slut where she works (I don't know yet) to offer himself to several guys?

28/05/2021 in 19h34
hello yes there are closed rooms with a curtain and porn film I know there is a Glory Hole place but I admit that I did not pay too much attention was busier with the cross of St Andrew and the table genico

28/05/2021 in 14h33
Are there booths for watching porn and masturbating? With Glory hole just in case?

26/05/2021 in 10h48
It's open again

07/02/2021 in 01h38
i'm hot to suck bm / tbm man this sunday i move or get

13/01/2021 in 21h39
there's not too much interest then, at the same time it's normal given the situation ... who wants to be in an enclosed space at the moment ...

13/01/2021 in 21h28
I went there this afternoon; the store is open but not the backroom. The boss told me to wait for the opening of restaurants, theaters, cinema.

26/12/2020 in 09h04
Hello, can someone tell me if it's open next week before New Years? Thank you

22/09/2020 in 14h06
Hi to all gay, trav, BI (real) and couples (including Mr. BI), I'll be there tomorrow September 23 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Kisses

08/09/2020 in 12h45
we came ... very nice place with new facilities (showers, changing rooms, etc ...), intense moment, spoiled by a bad guy ..... we will take certain precautions next time ..... very bosses nice and listen

07/09/2020 in 08h28
we will go there today with zabou ... before 3 p.m., I think ...

19/08/2020 in 17h55
Hello everyone, Friends BI, Gay, Trans, TRAV and others I would be there between 2 and 4 p.m. I really want to have fun.

11/08/2020 in 10h18
hello I have already gone to do some personal shopping (whip pliers) and the owner made me visit I will be tempted by the cross of St. Andrew I find a volunteer who will be ready to submit to this test but I would like to know which day preferably to go there (are there days or hours to respect for gays for swingers or couples) because it will not bother me that 2 or 3 people see a couple attend but no more thank you of your answers

05/08/2020 in 20h48
Hello everyone, Friends BI, Gay, Trans, TRAV and others I would be there between 2 and 4 p.m. I really want to have fun with nice cocks.

05/08/2020 in 20h07
good luck with the covid ...

03/08/2020 in 15h21
Hello I will be passing through Amiens this week I would like to meet a hot and sexy transvestite

19/06/2020 in 13h24
bjr passing through Amiens today around 3:30 p.m. hope to find a woman or cpl for a little while kokin

15/06/2020 in 18h25
yes I confirm it is open and since last Monday back room is also open

08/06/2020 in 05h50
bjr of passage today present at 12:45 pm will like woman or cpl for a moment kokin share

21/04/2020 in 07h56
bjr ditto as soon as its open i am happy i will be at your disposal kiss

18/04/2020 in 11h23
lucid ...

09/04/2020 in 16h05
I confirm we will have to be patient because the epidemic is not regressing!

02/04/2020 in 10h56
be very patient then because it's not tomorrow the day before ...

02/04/2020 in 09h29
After the end of the epidemic, I will put my body in self-service here or elsewhere, tied up and blindfolded!

04/02/2020 in 18h06
Hello, would like to suck a good cock, or have fun with cpl if bi man.

30/01/2020 in 16h31
hello, I'm on Amiens all next week, who wants me to discover the kokinshop ......

24/01/2020 in 09h37
I will pass today may be late after noon

22/01/2020 in 09h41
bjr I hope you see the low fania be kokin hmm mm kisses

20/01/2020 in 14h33
Hello I would like to go on Saturday to play a little I admit to being a little apprehensive to go there in trav but I might be having a bag with qq in business I have wanted to suck bukkake etc. that are serzit

13/01/2020 in 04h11
Cuckoo to accompany me this afternoon I have a small hole was dilated.

11/01/2020 in 15h57
mt80 Hi, for one can not we ... I'm alle Thursday ... if you are going back in week warn me, we could see in this case ...

11/01/2020 in 10h19
I try to be invited this Saturday / m to come kiss me several good tail

26/12/2019 in 14h32
Hello everyone, I'll be there tomorrow December 27 in the early afternoon. Want to suck good tails, or failing to have fun regardless of sex.

23/12/2019 in 11h33
Bo jiur I'd like to spend tomorrow who would very like to play and be sprinkled who would still date leave a little message me

21/12/2019 in 12h17
I think it closes an hour earlier in the week, so it seems to me 19h

20/12/2019 in 23h33
Quelqun just tell me what time ca closes tomorrow samddi 21

20/12/2019 in 00h41
Good evening! This Saturday 21 WHO calls me and offers me all the guys who want to take me?

29/11/2019 in 14h22
and today?

28/11/2019 in 10h05
Who to kokin today?

21/11/2019 in 07h05
bjr I spend there around 13:00 if you told her to kiss a cpl or woman you

13/11/2019 in 11h47
I'd date Wednesday from 14 to 16h.

13/11/2019 in 10h24
I love doing that with couples, tell me jh60bi when you plan to go together ... there is no better day than others ...

11/11/2019 in 19h00
Thank you for your answer and maybe soon by cons I'm not with her bi

11/11/2019 in 18h59
Hello I would like to go to discover this place to my're girlfriend torque 50taine she'd get caught while I caress that she sucks, getting hit lick so I want to take it while she also sucks is that there is an auspicious day in the afternoon pourxrencontre

01/11/2019 in 09h30
anyone know if the kokin is open today?

31/10/2019 in 21h33
goodnight post an ad before and I would come by now that I want to feel you eric cambrai

30/10/2019 in 15h55
hello, I am in kokin shop 17h / 20h for the fans ...

23/10/2019 in 18h56
Someone tonight to 23h Meeting for fun

10/10/2019 in 06h38
bjr this 14/10 Tuesday's opening free if a woman or a cpl kiss your available to all

29/08/2019 in 08h01
bjr on Monday, 09/02 Amiens want to go to kokin shop will be at the opening if it says you'll go to your available kiss to you

19/08/2019 in 18h05
Cuckoo who will be present tomorrow in the early afternoon I pass for the first time. Hugs.

11/08/2019 in 18h26
A couple or a woman who want to introduce me to this place? Available in the evening on weekdays!

01/08/2019 in 07h18
bjr I will be present at 24:30 1/8/2019 3:00 p.m. opening j'usqu'a beautiful hope cpl or woman meeting your available bise

30/07/2019 in 11h45
Hi all could someone tell me how much is the entrance to the sex shop on Saturday in advance thank you

10/07/2019 in 10h08
Excellent Fania!!!!!!!

10/07/2019 in 10h01
there is the Bois de Boulogne in this case

10/07/2019 in 00h56
Hi, I lope when trav limit nymphomaniac, I WANT me fucked ass by several guys in rotating / slaughter, guys mounted if possible mini 4.5 / 5 in thickness!

05/07/2019 in 09h44
Hello who would Saturday around 16:30 I would like to suck gloryhole or corners No I dared not go into a woman but I have below on me let me know

03/07/2019 in 19h45
Huummm I would try many meetings in sex shop Someone could tell me more about the best time to be met active, schedules and rates

27/06/2019 in 19h01
bjr Cyriax was available to me your info if you go there for a while kokin share a kiss you

14/06/2019 in 11h54
We were there yesterday after noon with zabou ... small meeting of bz in the room bars before qq voyeurs .. very exciting! has again places are clean and welcoming, and ... free for couples!

10/06/2019 in 15h46
passage hi Amiens on 12 June to see kokin hope f or cpl for a moment kokin share available to your kiss

05/06/2019 in 09h43
the world this afternoon?

16/05/2019 in 11h50
just received longueau hotel May 20 evening. message pv

14/05/2019 in 19h40
J 'Skip to 16h c' Calm my scene very well

14/05/2019 in 07h01
Hello, I am from 13h30 to 16h, eager hummmmm

12/05/2019 in 14h09
hello, I'll Tuesday apm hummm .....

12/05/2019 in 12h25
Hello. I would be traveling on Amiens from 3 to 6 June and available from 18h, for couples or active man. If you want to fulfill your fantasies contact me in PM, thank you.

09/05/2019 in 07h10
bjr not free for Cpl normally I go today, Thursday 09 to 24:45 at the opening

07/05/2019 in 17h27
Hello We have a small question. Is access to gloryholes and bdsm room pays for couples?

06/05/2019 in 18h47
bjr damage again tomorrow Tuesday on kokin shop has a amien 12:45 am there if you tried his kiss

06/05/2019 in 11h56
hi dz Amiens passage on 19 and 20 May pzux receive the hotel .... message pv

05/05/2019 in 11h43
I spend yesterday at 15:30 2 couple have a good time and trav

04/05/2019 in 08h08
Hello I think come and visit the sauna after which there would jm sucking bottom of cum on me I hesitate to come to women because many apprehension strength but why not leave messages

05/04/2019 in 09h17
12h45-13h00 on 9/04, it is a bit short as niche! I could possibly be a little later in the afternoon to spend at least an hour or two with one or more men.

05/04/2019 in 06h35
bjr passage next Tuesday for cpl or woman has 09/04 12:45 / 13h00 if it tries to pleasure kokin share kiss

04/04/2019 in 08h47
Hello, I would be between 14 and 16 now, I hope to meet trav or two, I would be in the BI room keys your tail and I'll understand.

23/03/2019 in 11h40
no more, no less than week ...

15/03/2019 in 09h54
I loved myself when I went

19/02/2019 in 19h30
Hello everyone, I'll probably tomorrow, Wednesday 20 between 14 and 16h, I hope to meet trav or two, I would be in the BI room keys your tail and I'll understand.

22/01/2019 in 08h51
Hi I love traveling time kokin share with cpl or women I spend a 12:30 / 24:45 pleasure

21/01/2019 in 17h36
Seen anything interesting .. torque isolated and lonely men

21/01/2019 in 15h02
way to go I'll be there around 16h

21/01/2019 in 12h55
Hello Trans Travl where this afternoon?

20/01/2019 in 12h02
erectus yes it's worth it, after all it is as it depends on who you fall ...

02/01/2019 in 08h02
bjr for my part I go occasionally never disappointed I am lucky Tjr a nice cpl in trimming ect .... dailleurs today 01/01/2019 14h00 I'll be down wind at all Happy New year 2019

08/11/2018 in 21h34
I am back from it...

08/11/2018 in 11h43
Cuckoo Fania, why not me?

07/11/2018 in 18h07
who thinks going to kokin the coming days?

02/11/2018 in 04h28
Which to me around this aprem

30/10/2018 in 06h20
bjr I will be present at kokin dreuil shop from noon today, Tuesday 30/10 if told to kiss kokin times

29/10/2018 in 19h58
I'll go tomorrow late afternoon and I esp Power suck some juicy tails

29/10/2018 in 07h13
Tuesday, October 30 bjr passage to kokin shop I hope to find women kisses to all

24/10/2018 in 13h28
Hi all, Who to kokin this afternoon?. Want to suck cocks.

19/10/2018 in 17h17
bjr gentlemen I confirm good my coming tomorrow kokinshop at 14:30 so please do not be shy with me I am not shy at all dare m tackle and meme if I am already a man feel free to come join us I 'm very greedy I like bcp have of men's after me kisses to tomorrow

08/10/2018 in 17h49
I would shop at kokin October 20 to 14 h 30/15 h bcp hoping to meet with men

08/10/2018 in 10h08
what day you go accounts Carole?

06/10/2018 in 11h08
soon move to kokin shop to find this place and meet new people

04/10/2018 in 18h50
Nobody ?

28/09/2018 in 18h30
I would suck at sex shop tomorrow to be taken bukkake. Contact me for appointment mp

21/09/2018 in 20h15
I would be the 29/09 Saturday to swallow cock and ass

12/09/2018 in 22h07
hello, passing on the region I come visit the shop on Thursday kokin 2709. let me know, I look for couples or men. I am bi and large desires! see you soon

27/08/2018 in 14h02
Hello. Returning to Amiens next week (3/9 to 6/9) I'd love to find someone to spend an evening or +. Talk to me to discover some nice places and more if affinities. Open to any, I would be available in the evening from 19:30 until late. Contact me mp. Bise at all.

10/08/2018 in 14h16
Someone this afternoon for Friday, August 10. Want to suck cocks

18/07/2018 in 19h50
goodnight I 'am going there on Friday from 16h in passive mode. that interested?

14/07/2018 in 13h02
rejoind me before kokin shop has Amiens 14/07 discreet place we'll see is that we do kiss for 14h want to suck me and kiss

13/07/2018 in 19h27
jy would apm next Friday in passive mode that interested?

11/07/2018 in 06h53
Bo.jour is what it is open saturday I really want to suck juice to take me on I would not trav fashion but we can have fun all the same pleasure

04/07/2018 in 08h09
bjr Saturday, July 13 I will be on Amiens 14h love kokin an appointment (free I usqua 17.00) if its told you touch me is give me a meeting place (kokin shop or other kisses

19/06/2018 in 08h50
I think that there will be many people like that in the morning ...

18/06/2018 in 23h03
Someone Tuesday, 6.19 am?

16/06/2018 in 10h52
I go there accounts for the first time on Saturday 23/06 at 17h to go in the cabin. I am very passive open

27/04/2018 in 10h04
desolated for my RV in kokin yesterday, I could not go there ... those who work include ;-)

26/04/2018 in 13h54
if you stay a little longer we can find out there trav62000

26/04/2018 in 11h00
late after noon until 20 pm at kokin shop ...

25/04/2018 in 20h36
I probably spend tomorrow late after noon

12/04/2018 in 11h23
this after noon kokin shop ...

10/04/2018 in 17h35
Hi, I'll be there Thursday after noon

03/04/2018 in 09h34
bjr I search for woman trans Cpl appointment kokin the low wind

30/03/2018 in 15h34
Hello, Someone 4 or 5 in the evening? Thank you

22/03/2018 in 08h00
J is going to 13 am keen to suck cocks and more beautiful if feeling

21/03/2018 in 19h50
THANK FANIA so I'll spend Thursday

20/03/2018 in 14h01
Hi sex76, you can actually change you on the spot there it takes changing room, locker and shower ... the place is nice and conducive to meeting all kinds ...

20/03/2018 in 08h57
Hello want dy spend Thursday at 14 Hyat it in place to change and lockers Very want to submit and sucking cocks beautiful and more if feeling

13/03/2018 in 17h46
and then Octopol trav62000, that's it you ended?

13/03/2018 in 15h55
Oh yes !! Bin I am and you're not there ....

13/03/2018 in 09h41
bjr passage Amiens tomorrow I go to the shop at noon 14.03.2018 kokin it may be a woman or more lol want to be for you kokin

12/03/2018 in 14h58
In 1h women?

12/03/2018 in 14h36
I go !! Is there a woman or couple ?? I lick a pretty good pussy !!

12/03/2018 in 13h39
thin, I'll be welcome but not possible ...

12/03/2018 in 11h16
It is open !!! Yippee !! Who does this after noon ????

07/03/2018 in 11h49
bjr I am free Amiens Friday 09/03 at 12h00 j'usqu'a 2:30 p.m. if that tells appointment kokin has kokin shop Amiens also has wind

04/03/2018 in 16h03
The world tomorrow, Monday ?? You want to go there !!

28/02/2018 in 16h05
I'll be there Friday, 2 February between 16h and 18h. Want to suck cocks

14/02/2018 in 19h13
change tomorrow I can go to the shop kokin as planned ... dsl for my RV, postponed ...

13/02/2018 in 17h16
uh no, little mistake, not tomorrow but on Thursday

13/02/2018 in 16h05
shame I'm going tomorrow ...

08/02/2018 in 10h14
no snow on Amiens ... so this after noon kokin shop!

06/02/2018 in 10h44
this after noon to accompany me who?

31/01/2018 in 10h51
kokin shop this afternoon ... a girlfriend to accompany me?

25/01/2018 in 10h12
kokin shop this afternoon, who want to accompany me?

24/01/2018 in 16h31
Tomorrow after noon kokinshop ...

11/01/2018 in 23h21
That available to accompany me to the shop kokin

30/12/2017 in 09h25
Hello person this afternoon at the very kokin want to suck binnes celebrations at all

29/12/2017 in 08h10
Hello that goes Saturday I really want to suck even more cumshot on me but I'm a little apprehensive to change me nana but qd just have fun even if I feel good why not test I would have my business that there will let me post happy holidays to all

23/12/2017 in 10h46
Very want to come this afternoon too want to suck and take cumshot but a little afraid to be woman

22/12/2017 in 10h25
this after noon kokin shop, which comes?

21/12/2017 in 09h04
tomorrow after noon probably the kokin shop ...

12/12/2017 in 23h03
Couple of 62, receive this Saturday at 15h. Thank you for reading our profile

05/12/2017 in 11h30
kokin the shop it is reopened? I will pass this well after noon

25/10/2017 in 11h17
I'll be there Thursday 26 afternoon ...

17/10/2017 in 18h57
I will be on 18 ... after noon

10/10/2017 in 08h50
program change I will not go there today, postponed until tomorrow or Thursday ...

09/10/2017 in 18h00
I will be on 10 in the after noon ...

06/10/2017 in 19h03
Let me j Message really want to suck I'm a little shy c's why I'm not a woman but I'm eager

05/10/2017 in 22h03
J would like to spend Saturday not trav fashion but would like to suck qq t would bitesqui

05/10/2017 in 14h22
this afternoon kokin shop ;-)

03/10/2017 in 20h34
tomorrow Wednesday kokin shop ;-)

29/09/2017 in 15h06
I'll be at kokin this afternoon from 17h to 20h ...

26/09/2017 in 12h31
Hello. Looking for an active play with me tonight?

12/09/2017 in 12h41
Hello. I would Amiens in two weeks and I look for assets to have a good time in the evening. If this tells you contact me in pm to schedule an appointment. Thank you very soon!

01/09/2017 in 13h38
> J Y Will! This ap afternoon 01/09 15 20 h! To give a All My HOLES Your Best Big Cocks Giglantes! In backrooms ... !!!

31/08/2017 in 16h39
> J Y Will! This ap afternoon 31/08 17 20 h! To give a All My HOLES Your Best Big Cocks Giglantes! In backrooms ... !!!

26/08/2017 in 16h57
> J Y Will! This ap afternoon 26/08 17 20 h! To give a All My HOLES Your Best Big Cocks Giglantes! In backrooms ... !!!

26/08/2017 in 07h28
No damage happening today I would have liked to suck like saying I have not trav mode but I sense my why not leave messages kisses

25/08/2017 in 15h54
Hello person tomorrow

24/08/2017 in 12h49
I think I'd come on Saturday not trav mode because I have a little apprehensive but we'll see I would have held the car ds jm sucking cum on me that there will be

23/08/2017 in 22h32
I was now 16 to 20h. Kisses has sylvie .Super afternoon despite little world for 14 €. The boss is very friendly. 4 We ended on a girl it was really great. I really recommend this place.

23/08/2017 in 06h42
I wanted to come with Anne-Marie k but did not dare I have a little apprehension to be women out there but I would try to understand my fear already sucking because jm ca cumshot on me then we'll see

16/08/2017 in 16h14
> Are we going!, My Girlfriend Great Trav-Sow-Pute- "LOPE26" and Me! This ap afternoon 16/08 17 20 h! To give you ALL OUR HOLES! In backrooms !!! ... >>> COME !!! ...

10/07/2017 in 15h28
it would have been pleased, but unfortunately already taken (long weekend youppiii!) again with pleasure

06/07/2017 in 19h09
very nice place "bi" behind sex shop there is the back room where everything is possible! hi to the charming Sokona who can take care of its guests ...

03/03/2017 in 08h16
hello I think I can come on Saturday after noon not trav sorry but to suck good tails with cumshot on me I like it that there would be I can bring even qd qq below to play girlfriend avce

03/01/2017 in 10h23
you are there in the world at 18h?

25/12/2016 in 11h38
Hello and happy holidays to all I sezrais available Saturday after midday for you suck thoroughly with cumshot on me who would answer in mp

19/12/2016 in 21h21
Jy would tomorrow late morning (the 20/12)

07/12/2016 in 09h16
The world this after noon ???

03/12/2016 in 07h01
bonjhour can be of passsage has'd Amiens well go for a ride not alas woman but I love sucking cumshot on mid even many who would this after noon around 14:00

04/11/2016 in 01h33
one can come face hidden?

01/09/2016 in 15h37
why is that trav / trans never real woman?

26/08/2016 in 20h38
goodnight nobody will be there to have fun tomorrow after noon

23/08/2016 in 11h27
I would be in jeans with white shirt or white blouse I would like someone to make me a little or they put me at ease that I be in nana very quickly and hope to read

23/08/2016 in 11h26
hello I go Saturday after noon I would not be trav but I porteerais even qd dim up and thong underneath I would bring even qd my little skirt in case I'd suck several cocks at the same time and make facial cumshot that there will

19/08/2016 in 09h30
Hello e paser think I can be around 15h today to suck I would pzs trav but in thong and Sun dessius up in jeans and suck jm viudrais suck several cocks at the same time with cumshot

14/08/2016 in 10h33
> Saturday 13/08:> New Geniale ORGY at KOKIN ...:> Great ass pounded ME / AVILLIE by my Girlfriend Geniale Trav-Mure-DOMINA "Michelle" Before All The World> OBLIGED by The Geniales! mistresses-Dominus SOKONA And "Coco"! to LECHER the ass hole of sUCK AND tHE énooorme Beautiful Tail of Manly Beau BLACK!, for that they lavished him a 'Relaxing Massage'! ...> Ai SUCK also 2 Males Walls same time!, for that they Participated with other Manly Males in "Dogging" -Hard La Geniale Big Dirty Candau Mure Hyper-pleasure-loving "Brigitte!", always before her Husband!,> Ai Knowledge is with 2 other couples Geniaux Candau "Softs"! ; -The A which is brilliantly Although Mrs. ROUND And Well " And at the end, a 'Titus also PIPE At Super-STANDARD has Super BIG DICK, one who "Satisfied" These Fully ALL LADIES at KOKIN, and if Precisely Well Named!!!!; "BITE NSA" !!! ...> WAooow! ... And at the end, a 'Titus also PIPE At Super-STANDARD has Super BIG DICK, one who "Satisfied" These Fully ALL LADIES at KOKIN, and if Precisely Well Named!!!!; "BITE NSA" !!! ...> WAooow! ...

13/08/2016 in 01h23
>>> Excellent End ap Friday afternoon! While al time to KOKIN! (12/08), Or I have satisfied me as I had a Manly The Male Rut! That too! , M 'had expected "Expres"! , Following my SMS specifying my arrival early in the SOKONA Wonderful !!! ...> J'Y back tomorrow ap Saturday afternoon! ... Of course !!! ... >>> That'll Be "HOT!" Tomorrow afternoon at ap KOKIN! , The Girlfriends !!! ... ... NOTICE to Amateurs / Amateurs !!! ... ...

09/08/2016 in 14h10
I would like to be sprayed sperm Saturday that my strength trav or another I will wear a thong even qd and downs because I have to be totally oeur trav who will

09/08/2016 in 06h39
Hello jy Saturday would not trav but I ailerzus suck and take cumshot jy'm go once or trav made me suck his dick and I firce aviue sweats I liked sui there would kisses

07/08/2016 in 11h45
>>> Good "Scéance" -Partouze! , Yesterday (06/08)! At Kokin ...:> I M 'there'm Made Of SCREWED / AVILLIR! By Another Trav Mure Domina! While the woman of A Lovely Couple Candau is doing well Fucked by The Ruts in Manly Males Present! Before her Husband !!! .. !!! ... Hmmm ...> TOO GOOD! , All that !!!...

07/08/2016 in 10h42
I'll be on Amiens from August 17 to 21 ... I will be delighted to discover the rogue well accompanied thank you shop

06/08/2016 in 17h53
> The end of the afternoon after 6/8/16, I'm Trav-Whore / My Holes Available in All of Your Tails! , In the back rooms! , From 18h to 20h !!! ... >>> Notice to lovers! ...

04/08/2016 in 15h29
> This afternoon after 04/08/16, I'm Trav-Whore / My Holes Available in All of Your Tails! , In the back rooms! , From 16h to 20h !!! ... >>> Notice to lovers! ...

02/08/2016 in 11h29
> From this I of August, I Am Re-Roll most of my ap-noon in the backrooms of KokinShop Genial! To be Y! Me and My Holes Trav-Sow-Bitch-Ass Submissive fieet Total Reelle! Has The disposal of all those Ass / Those They will want in !!! ... >>> Advisory Amateurs / Amateurs ...!

01/08/2016 in 17h55
> J 'The Will there! This 01/08/2016, from 18:00 to 8:00 p.m.! ... ...> It's been a while since I have not been there! And ...> Ca my lack ...:> Make the Tramp and give My Holes in back rooms !!! ... ...

24/05/2016 in 13h07
I'll be there this afternoon (Tuesday 24 May) between 14:30 and 17h like to give and take pleasure, sucking beautiful tails etc .. View my profile khaki shirt glasses with black frames, gray jeans

24/03/2016 in 22h01
goodnight person for Saturday

22/03/2016 in 10h44
hello I go after noon Saturday that there would

03/03/2016 in 07h31
hi my friend would go with me to show myself in underwear and make me suck of course it can also take care of you think we go there on a Monday

28/02/2016 in 13h55
I never go to a place like it, how it is you have to pay something to go in the room? I'd like to try to suck for the first time but really discretion so if possible wear a hood, queqlqu'un can give me information?

20/02/2016 in 01h07
homos go there?

16/02/2016 in 21h16
Tomorrow has to visit the sex shop

15/02/2016 in 15h34
hello I would go check it out Wednesday after noon he must take a cab? or are there any common videos rooms thank you for your answers

17/06/2015 in 15h22
it opens from what time during the week?

10/06/2015 in 23h06
Hello I will be Wednesday, June 17 apm. I hope to make beautiful vigorous encounters!

08/04/2015 in 09h29
Hello I would like to go cete week for a little fun in trav not for the moment would be the qyi after noon

16/02/2015 in 17h28
Man BI - I'll be there on Tuesday 17 14h / 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. / 4:00 p.m. takers Gay, Bi, Trav and others.

09/12/2014 in 13h20
jy would date from 14.30 for first.

27/10/2014 in 20h48
Man BI tomorrow there would be between 14 and 15:30. Any takers, Gay, BI, trav;

21/10/2014 in 15h38
hello, passing in apm Thursday 23 or Friday 24 research plane soda only "protected" with men, women, couples motivated. Kisses Kaaty

01/08/2014 in 08h59
hello I think going in after noon the next week there will be

24/06/2014 in 09h09
But the better !!! The cruising grounds are so deserted by women ...... for once I will surely moving!

23/06/2014 in 19h31
nice home, the place is clean and neat. Transvestites are welcome. I'll retuurn as soon as possible.

18/06/2014 in 13h50
I'll take a ride on June 19 at the end of APM. Let me know in case!

29/05/2014 in 21h47
I want to go this week to discover the place, apparently quite large, are there some days more or less frequent during the week, there is an entrance fee for the naughty part ???

19/02/2014 in 12h24
Hello I make my account late Friday after noon will be there

06/02/2014 in 11h56
hi there who will be leaving for Friday, 7/2 went to send me a message

04/12/2013 in 13h26
qui au kokin shop cat am ?

04/12/2013 in 13h26
qui au kokin shop cat am ?

04/12/2013 in 07h19
very want to go there this am who would accompany me for the first time?

30/11/2013 in 12h27
j ai tres envie d y aller mercredi 4 decembre am qui voudrait m accompagner pour la premiere fois ?

16/11/2013 in 01h06
j'i'm going Wednesday for the first time, but there were not that 2personne that move, its often happens that there is one?

09/11/2013 in 19h34
Yes, that's right: "Activity Center" at number 219. We must go deep and follow the signs "Kokinshop".

09/11/2013 in 19h26
I would go there late Wednesday afternnon, esque her to the place where there is a large activity center panels ??

06/11/2013 in 18h32
quelqun to take me labas.?

06/11/2013 in 18h32
quelqun to take me labas.?

22/10/2013 in 13h34
J y retuurns tonight to 17h to see the couple or trav loving guy bm

21/10/2013 in 18h12
I'm there right now who wants a big cock?

03/10/2013 in 07h33
There was an error on the address, it is 219 to the bottom of a small industrial area. The link to their website being said, one can see their address under "contact".

02/10/2013 in 22h38
I wanted to go today but at 227 rue Abbeville I fall on a house or not he has kokin shop, can you help me

28/09/2013 in 10h30
philo_tv Saturday Magalie Tuesday, that gives me a furious desire to retuurn to Kokinshop!

26/09/2013 in 11h26
Where have you gone, séral.Fais me know stp.en private MSG

13/09/2013 in 11h57
hello I come tomorrow, Saturday around 18:00's what he'll be World

11/09/2013 in 10h46
Those who know the scene will recognize the photo of my profile

11/09/2013 in 09h08
Tuesday, September 10, I arrived at 7:15 p.m.. Thank you to Sokona for its warm and friendly welcome. Thank you to the nice beautiful black that made me visit the place and I ... thanked with my mouth. Thank you again to Sokona for taking pictures of me in the facility. I put one of these photos in my profile. I will retuurn for sure!

09/09/2013 in 14h20
Unfortunately obliged to postpone tomorrow Tuesday;

09/09/2013 in 10h02
I'll be there this afternoon as planned

08/09/2013 in 09h16
I'll be there tomorrow Monday, 9 September afternoon at the disposal of the men

02/08/2013 in 21h35
Good evening I may be going for a walk on Saturday evening

05/06/2013 in 09h57
Ausi hello I would love to come in sexy lingerie but I dare not diditrav with whom I discuss once got me at ease by telling me to come Dressed but I dare not I'd yet take this course if very clean and friendly place accueilk

01/05/2013 in 15h32
Titilope bjr rest Lille we are a cpl who know very well Lille so we can talk about at least Amiens it's own point number 1 then the hs are also clean and they finally know what they want has not commes Lille as old or grimey

29/04/2013 in 13h27
there will be after noon I offer my advice to rech slut gang bang amateur

19/04/2013 in 09h45
pity there was more reserved in the day and bi trav but it is a place always welcoming clean and nice boss

28/03/2013 in 15h35
bjr Cpl are and will be on Friday March 29 and kokin looking for hs to take care of Madame very slut loves men plurality

24/03/2013 in 09h09
are a cpl and often go to kokin it's great in every way Btw we go on 25 notice to amateur gangbang looking for Madame

22/03/2013 in 15h13
hello a few people this after noon to 17Hoo

17/03/2013 in 11h54
J surely pass it around 17h there will be a few people?

06/03/2013 in 11h24
hello I will probably Friday it makes twice that I spend Friday night and it was very nice

23/02/2013 in 09h02
Hello I am spending yesterday and I confirm what I say very clean place great welcome they changed a little space with several cuddly corner I find it well I saw a great transvestite with whom I discussed that m hast put at ease and advised so I repeat this is not zero mlieux

22/02/2013 in 15h43
hello c true that it is small but I would say that the welcome is always very nice the place is very clean and I do not think it is null I qq is made very nice meetings and I go back to that I c true that it is 12 euros but fo say we can stay there all the day we can go back and if not then we want this place is not zero desolated

22/02/2013 in 11h44
hello some evening world today I was going amines'd like to come see

13/02/2013 in 09h08
hello I was probably going Amiens around 17:00's what he'd be a bit crowded

09/02/2013 in 13h43
hello I would go tomorrow is there going to be good Saturday all world

23/01/2013 in 01h11
hi I want to go there Saturday afternoon for the first time, if a couple or woman seen show me the place, thank you

02/01/2013 in 11h44
A person wishing to make me a tour of al opening scene. I think to go but only the loose c

31/12/2012 in 16h43
Open Wednesday, January 2?

29/12/2012 in 16h12
I am looking for a passive or woman on Friday its interest anyone?

19/12/2012 in 02h17
its what the day there is more people and less time ??

30/11/2012 in 14h28
I go to 4 p.m.

26/11/2012 in 12h30
I would also present

25/11/2012 in 12h27
are a cpl who go every Friday after noon 16h if you want to participate in gang bang come Many activities she loves it

24/11/2012 in 10h58
Hello there in the world Sunday I will come good for a ride

23/11/2012 in 11h11
I can be there if there are people to 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

23/11/2012 in 11h11
I would try to go well today is what qq go there

16/11/2012 in 10h12
ummmmca could be very good ca I think go for a ride

04/11/2012 in 21h12
hello tomorrow Monday ??? h bi kisses

03/11/2012 in 09h39
hello will be Sunday

02/11/2012 in 09h52
At this afternoon 14h. This is the first time I go there. Is it possible to get completely naked? Where do we put the clothes?

02/11/2012 in 07h35
bjr that Saturday after noon for fun has soon

25/10/2012 in 16h19
Tomorrow risk ca be the crowd: D Around 4:00 p.m. it seems a beautiful blonde couple seeking tough guy. chest 100D It makes you want. How the entry already 12Euros?

21/10/2012 in 09h17
it is true that it is very clean and the welcome is very nice of I can I go back and if you are going to one day in the week said the mii I'll see if I can come I will try to pass this after noon but alas nothing on

20/10/2012 in 14h11
hello yes c shame but problem with work can be Sunday if I there was a lot of prunes after what you say I would like to be with you

19/10/2012 in 08h27
hello all I unfortunately would not be available taf alas problem has very soon for beautiful part cokine

16/10/2012 in 10h12
Friday 19 you will Philo with your girlfriend I'd be apartir 14:00

04/10/2012 in 11h07
pity I ytravail Sunday but Friday 19 I would be the philo

22/08/2012 in 15h51
why not you go there what time tomorrow bobbyte?

12/08/2012 in 01h09
What disappointment jy'm go today there's nothing apart two friends of the boss which are otherwise no guys Cpl al horizon .... but hey we will not complain is at least one place even if it is zero and flat calm stop to say thank you ca moves !!!!

29/07/2012 in 15h22
I'll probably go to 17hOO there will be the world

29/07/2012 in 12h25
hello who go there this after noon

28/07/2012 in 20h57
I want to go back tomorrow Sunday is that there will be a few people

24/07/2012 in 11h01
I seek an active tip for fuck I'll recieve in my hotel room Saturday night downtown Amiens I love sucking motion and sodomized me

22/06/2012 in 15h43
bjr CLP and are going to kokin from 17h many gentlemen come she loves gang bang

07/06/2012 in 08h17
I'm going Sunday there are avai world's two transvestite I'd like to see one that was only one time in the first room

03/06/2012 in 15h36
J are going I hope that there will be a few people

03/06/2012 in 11h22
Is cecque qq there will be Sunday at 15h Philo you go there you

01/06/2012 in 12h54
I think to go Sunday I hope that there will be the world

13/05/2012 in 22h53
request for information from club prices when and where and who want to come sarcelle80@neuf.fr

10/05/2012 in 10h12
I think there be Saturday around 18:00

29/04/2012 in 15h40
Ny person going

29/04/2012 in 15h10
If jy'll let me know to go dark room there I joined you and sucks you if you want to be ke dark beige pants and black jacket

29/04/2012 in 14h21
Yes sue shows c h mark hbi or trav but couples are surely going jz alker there this after noon around 16:30 that is what there will be in the world

01/04/2012 in 18h19
bonjoiur desolated I have not seen the messages in time I would be fine if not a little scared because trav but already to suck you ummmmmds the bakroom

31/03/2012 in 14h45
Is tomorrow there will be the world I love sucking a little tell me if vs go

31/03/2012 in 13h06
the place as you say is very clean and very nice boss c true that there is a small group that is the talk we croierais café but I met a very nice coiuple the bottom and I have fun avbec them or I'll retuurn on Sunday as

27/03/2012 in 12h08
Opening time ? Closed for lunch?

20/03/2012 in 15h16
the weekend the same regulars

16/03/2012 in 17h16
hi, a guy under 40 years to accompany me?

11/03/2012 in 13h06
I spend my 16h oo I can not front that there will

11/03/2012 in 12h39
Hi I'll be this afternoon from 14h, someone will be there?

11/03/2012 in 09h14
Sunday after noon that is bi and trans gay is what is in the world because that would like to come there this am too keen

11/03/2012 in 09h09
yes c c 12 euros and a very clean very nice place with several rooms impec

10/03/2012 in 17h12
J y'm switching places very clean and very nice boss J retuurns there tomorrow because c bi trav who goes there

07/03/2012 in 17h07
I have not find qd I go or what exactly thank you

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