industrial area of ​​St. Etienne du Rouvray

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Sotteville-lès-Rouen
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Take the D18 towards metro. Deserted area quiet and fairly dark corner tonight. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.
Address :
41 Chemin de Halage
76300 Sotteville-lès-Rouen

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16 d. ago
Tomorrow Friday afternoon, in Sotteville Rouen, I'm moving to get sucked, and sucked too...multiple plan welcome

25/10/2023 in 16h42
Demain a partir de 18h nous serons reçu a proximité de ce lieux par un soumis. Nous cherchons plusieurs mecs bi actif et vicelard pour baiser Mme et le soumis, les détails par message privé.

02/11/2021 in 17h53
Bonsoir je suis garé proche du leclerc pour la nuit faites moi signe je reçois dans ma cabine Femme ou couple

12/10/2021 in 16h32
In the mac do area for the night ...

01/06/2021 in 19h00
Available in this corner f cpl tr

29/09/2020 in 16h53
Driver available for woman or couple this evening

17/05/2020 in 16h08

16/05/2020 in 20h24
available tonight !!

28/01/2020 in 14h47
available road tonight woman or couple only

18/12/2019 in 12h19
Hello training for work in the hotel sector sleeps al tonight and tomorrow if woman or couple wants to share a fun time sent me a message

01/12/2019 in 17h00
Cuckoo alive sucking a road that night kiss

28/11/2019 in 16h20
bm seeks active or girlfriend Saturday from 19h I get Old Market Square

27/11/2019 in 17h31
I tbm, 22 cm, and I want a woman or couple, available to someone?

20/11/2019 in 19h21
Avail tonight tbm

19/11/2019 in 22h58
A woman or couple for a tbm man, 22 cm?

31/07/2019 in 19h51
Available this evening after 22h for women or couples

14/12/2018 in 21h39
bsr ago the world to evening

17/09/2018 in 17h13
Who wants to have fun tonight? I will be waiting for mp ...

19/01/2017 in 07h15
Can be available from 12h to 15h !!!

06/04/2015 in 17h14
Hi, a couple or a woman for a man tbm?

16/05/2012 in 04h46
Who tonight at 22 pm?

21/10/2011 in 14h27
I'll be there Sunday mid-afternoon. I hope to see some couples ...

… close history