hot Forest, meetings and other

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Louvres
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Forest near the Colette Besson Gymnasium, avenue André Malraux. Drag back and forth in the parking lot and then into the forest to get to know. Really nice. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.
Address :
Rue Paul-Émile Victor
95380 Louvres

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28/11/2024 in 15h27
Test to display my hunting sector

27/09/2023 in 16h03
Trav betty available tonight

26/09/2023 in 09h01
Trav betty looking for assets

05/09/2023 in 20h37
Trav betty cherche actifs ce soir

26/08/2023 in 11h15
Hello, I'm in Roissy, I want to get sucked off by people?

16/03/2022 in 07h44
ds le petit bois--tout au jus d"hom --je recois aussi a Roissy chez moi--plan Q direct au jus--ds les aires du 95-93-60-77 possible aussi--contactez moi en mess/pv ici

14/08/2021 in 07h51
in the little wood--all in the juice of hom--I also receive at Roissy at home--direct Q plan to the juice--in the areas of 95-93-60-77 also possible--contact me in mess/ pv here

05/11/2020 in 15h49
I'm there

25/10/2020 in 21h44
Hi, tell me when you go to the forest ... ai boncul a bzer

25/10/2020 in 20h55
I go there sometimes but it's true a meeting

25/10/2020 in 20h24
There's never anyone, too bad it could be hot ...

17/07/2020 in 14h00
I am available all day for man juice in the woods - contact me by m / p

02/05/2020 in 11h29
I'll be there around 4 p.m.

25/04/2020 in 07h58
I am available all day for man juice in the wood - contact me in m / p

22/04/2020 in 16h17
I went there today for a walk, indeed very good potential for meeting and + when we go in this small forest, between fields and railroad ...

21/04/2017 in 12h22
Hi, looking for a good motion between guys

31/03/2017 in 11h27
'm ok for motion plan.

31/03/2017 in 11h02
Which is arranged this afternoon I suck and I am kissing

21/06/2013 in 10h15
The passage today in the day?

31/05/2013 in 20h57
trav of hot tonight?

16/04/2013 in 23h24
real big this mytho pab95 a holy man that one must give up !!!

16/04/2013 in 23h07
blacklist pab95 great myto it like to be on my website never answers a curious to see lol

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