J’y passe ce soir pour celles qui veulent sucer et les couples
Hier soiir merci au couple c’etais génial, une brune au gros cul c’etais incroyable
Watch out over there it's starting again, breaking car windows in the parking lot at the back, a gang of Arabs with hoods are breaking things with stones and stealing from cars
Sur place sur un banc avec mes clop, j'attends
J'suis passe cette semaien encore deux mecs en cagoules à casser des vitres de voitures
J'aime Beaucoup my Promener et Attendre les bites assise sur mon banc
C’est le dessert à Auteuil
C'est presque le printemps. Le moment de baisser la braguette sans que la teub gèle instantanément. À ce soir
Du monde ce soir très envie de me faire sucer
Who wants to suck a cock tonight and gobble up today's freshly shaved balls, nice and smooth and hanging, filled with hot cum to pour down your throat or on your face?
I'm with my TV girlfriend in the area if interested in PM
Je prépare mon retour en France pour mi-mars. J’ai modifié mon pseudo et mon annonce pour rencontrer UNIQUEMENT des gens attirés par la FOURRURE.. Je porte toujours grosse veste ou manteau de renard. J’aime surtout sucer. Mes lieux sont l’hippodrome d’Auteuil et le cinéma Atlas. Contactez moi dès maintenant. Bisous d’une vraie cochonne en fourrure.
Super soirée avec franceska un trav d’un autre site Vraiment un tres bon moment …
I will pass by Auteuil this evening but early and not for long. PM please
Who's going tonight 8pm 10pm wants to fuck an ass hard without mercy
Tonight at Auteuil to screw me?
Hi everyone... couple, woman, trans, who tonight and at what level?
9:30 p.m. 11 p.m. I'll be there for hot mouth and ass
Obviously it annoys some people here that members are looking for transvestites or trans people… Why does it bother them? I can’t understand. Stop being a bit stupid and let people live. It will change…
I'll take a little tour there tonight at 10pm midnight.
Hello everyone tonight? A trav?
Dans tous les cas ,les policiers qui interviennent portent un brassard Police Dans tous les cas ,ils montrent leurs cartes de Police sur demandes...De plus leurs accoutrements ne sont ceux des bandes des citées ou autres ! A vous de voir ...
Bizarrement quand je vais là-bas je ne les vois pas … Ça serait marrant que je tombe dessus. Mais malheureusement cette endroit est très connu donc il attire toutes sortes de personnes plus ou moins mal attentionné
I hit one of the guys over there with an iron bar, there were 3 Egyptians, I spoke to the trans at the entrance who works in front of the parking lot, she explained that they have been there for a long time but that they are often armed with knives, personally we broke the window only once, I ran faster than one of them, I beat them up with a jack extension, but don't stay there alone, go and consume further away or closer to the cars, solidarity between us and they will leave
Like Florence, let's keep this place, one of the few that still exists even if the atmosphere has changed - we can say that it was better before, because it has become more complicated to make plans there regularly - as for the thugs who hang around, you have to anticipate, look far around and hide while they clear out, these are guys who don't hang around roaming, they look for targets to steal - some people lack discretion by leaving their lights on, they are easy to spot (for these thugs).
@FlorenceTV6275 Yes I agree with you, I had noticed a few minutes before a man in the undergrowth all in black hood who was about 50/70m from me I think observing me and then they arrived, have a good day everyone and be careful
Auteuil est très particulier. De toute façon il y a régulièrement, depuis des années et des années, des casseurs des voleurs…. Il ne faut pas lâcher ce lieu pour quelques racailles. Ne jamais rester seule. Partir dès que l’on voit des capuchés. Des règles de sécurité de base donc. La solidarité entre ceux et celles qui sont venus s’amuser c’est le plus important. Ne pas hésiter non plus à prévenir la police. Il ont arrêter une bande d’égyptiens il y a quelques années grâce aux signalements. Bref, on y va toujours
@koniko I understand better now.. I felt him very hesitant about whether he should do something or not, my first instinct was to hide my phone then put it in reverse..
It wasn't the bac... there's a group of guys who have been attacking since 2024. I was attacked and they snatched my phone, pinned me against the seat and searched the car... that was in May 2024...
@ceciletv78 to be honest with you I have already had checks by the BAC and it is not like that, no distinctive badge (armband, card etc.), a small flashlight not at all professional, a Frenchman not speaking very well, a look insisting on the interior of the vehicle all while being without a car and leaving at very fast pace in the undergrowth… strange for the Parisian bac I strongly doubt that it is the bac
@Tomix7575 Des mecs patibulaires (mais presque), habillés comme des racailles, qui braquent des gens seuls la nuits à la torche dans les yeux, inspectent les véhicules et demandent ce que tu fais là pour disparaitre dans la nuit... Ça ne serait pas la BAC en civil ou j'ai vu trop de films d'Olivier Marshall?
I was the only vehicle in the parking lot, there were 3 of them, I would say from Eastern Europe or North African countries, I honestly didn't feel very reassured, don't stay there alone, that's a piece of advice and given the number of cars with the number of broken windows there are, don't get out of your vehicle if you're alone, frankly it's a shame because I come here to chat and take breaks while I work, I think I'll have a lucky escape tonight...
Good evening everyone, I created an account to warn you, at the end of the evening around 7:30/8 p.m. I was quietly parked with my phone, (I was not there to have a relationship or anything else but just to wait for something else that has nothing to do with all this), 2 men arrived on each side of my windows (1 passenger side and 1 other driver side) they pointed at me with a light and asked what I was doing here, if I lived far from here, finally "standard" questions, but in reality the people were looking at what I had in my vehicle, they left suddenly, there were 3 of them dressed all in black with hats and neck warmers we could only see part of the face and they went into the undergrowth
Oh no? Damn! Notice this weather and this hour you must be really stiff.
Anyone out tonight? Really want to get sucked or more
Salut Des trav ce soir Malgrés ce froid ?
I'm there with Flo, she's got a fire in her ass, come and take her, she's just waiting for that
I will spend 8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. if MP
It's cold but I'll still come by 8:30-10:30 PM. PM please
This place has become very dangerous for me I don't think I'll go back there anymore it's a shame
For crosseur76: did it go well?
Well, I say, the spelling mistakes are fine, we barely understand the story.
Salut Du monde tout de suite ?
Couple who came by tonight, woman with big breasts super good at sucking several guys, her husband jerking off and ejaculating on her, couples come by more often you really enjoyed us!
Hello, looking for a pretty and charming trav for my last one of the year tomorrow I hope
I'll be there around 8pm until 11pm at the latest. It's cold but I'm on fire and hungry.
Ric95640 you can stop spamming your message every hour I think the whole site knows that you have a fire in your ass. Thanks in advance
I'm there and I don't see anyone... except cars going around
I arrived. Not a crowd, a brunette girlfriend. Two or three cars, that's all.
I'll be there from 9pm to 11pm for crack crack galore
I'm coming with a 3 hour shift....by PM for an appointment
Hello from the travs in the area
I will be there around 9pm to 11pm
A4 I bring good trashy female dog for exhib plan possibility of participating with my authorization 4h 4h30 we will not stay long
I confirm what Nora says. Personally I don't announce here when I'm going, no point, I'm not going to wait for possible answers to go there, and often I decide at the last minute, depending on the weather. At the moment, cold and damp, it's very quiet, including Fridays which are usually a bit busier.
To those who regularly ask if there will be "trav tonight" do not be surprised not to get any answers - the Auteuil racecourse is not limited to the lieuxdedrague site - the majority of people who frequent the place are not necessarily on the lieuxdedrague site
Good evening, work tonight, I really want to have fun, send me a message, I can come if you receive
Hi everyone, any work tonight?
Salut tous le monde Des trav ce soir ?
Tonight, come warm up your sexes in a mouth-a-queu-illante and empty yourself there!! Until the last drop ;)
Who is available on site?
As announced, I will be there around 10 p.m.
Passing 10pm midnight in a very short skirt
Cold and football in the park tonight. I'll go tomorrow Saturday
Hello from the workers tonight
Last night Saturday, worse than Friday, empty parking lot and very few people passing by. I didn't linger. Despairing.
Anyone here tonight? I'll be there in an hour...
Sandra chaude Je serai dans le secteur ce soir et demain habillée en pute jupe au ras des fesses pour faciliter l'acces string soutien gorge ouvert
Hier soir vendredi, parking quasi désert. Trop froid pour sortir vos (grosses ?) bites ?? Pourtant, mettre sa bite dans une bouche puis dans un cul, c'est comme enfiler un gant, cela réchauffe...
Salut Du monde maintenant ?
Hello J'y suis actuellement si des intéressés...
Really want to get sucked by a shemale tonight
Good evening, anyone passing by this evening?
Ce soir si contact sérieux et Ttbm Mp
I'll be around 4am in the area with my TV girlfriend, we want some TTBM guys, come by PM around 3:30am to confirm and for an appointment.
I will be there from 10pm to midnight
I'm moving to the woods tonight, if there's a Trav in the area...
Sodo TV between 10pm and midnight
A good slut for tomorrow night?
Bonjour Je cherche plan avec trav ce soir Je peux me déplacer dans toutes l'île de France
Hello, what is the address where we can find people for a nice and secure plan?
Salut tt le monde Des trav vendredi soir ?
I'm passing at 10pm midnight. You have to arrive before the end of the PSG match and leave 1 hour later. Otherwise it's impractical
As usual, skirt to lift tonight
Hello, Une travestie sexy dispo cette nuit a partir de minuit ici ou ailleurs ? Merci !
Very pleasant moment with a trav in front of the Auteuil racecourse metro
Salut tout le monde Des trav ce soir ?
Hello Mesdemoiselles, Qui serait dispo vers 02 h 15 cette nuit ? Couilles lisses bien pleines à disposition
Hi, Any work going out tonight?
I want to be fucked tonight
Salut Vendredi soir je suis de passage , jolie Trav dispo ? Envoyez moi un mp
Passing by tonight, pretty Trav available?
Bonjour Je cherche une trav cette semaine je peux me déplacer n'importe où en île de France Si intéressé n'hésitez pas a me contacter
I fought with the pro who wants to get the best. React guys if you don't want to lose this place
Help guys, an aggressive pro makes the amateurs leave
Another hour and the rain will stop
Between two showers it will be wet elsewhere than on the head .... I will arrive quite early around 10 p.m.
@nora92. Ah, if we could be in the woods, when we have lunch with the in-laws... Dad, what's that lady in her coat?
It's dead everywhere in Auteuil, Verrières and elsewhere - what's going on? Bad times.
Last day of summer, it's worth a detour to Auteuil tonight
Lots of people tonight after football to fuck a horny shemale. Parking freed from footballers around 11:30pm
Getting back into the habit of Friday crack crack. Tonight the skirts will be lifted
Who's coming back at 5:00/5:30 tomorrow morning, woman, trans, trav?
Good evening to anyone passing through tonight?
Femme, trans, trav demain matin a partir de 5h/5h30? Couilles pleine...
Anyone out today during the day?
It's still blocked, I'll be there soon
It's Friday, crack crack, all day long. After football around 11:30 p.m.
Woman, trans, trav tomorrow morning from 5:30? Very very full balls....
Woman, trans, trav available tomorrow at 6am?? For a big oil change or several oil changes.... hihihi
Back from vacation. Want to be laid. See you tonight
Too bad we can't see what annaloa looks like
She's gone...but I confirm she's real and....Mmmmmm?
I am in the presence of Analoa
Hi I receive Gloryhole plan to suck
Same!! For the moment no work
People tonight on site I have balls full to empty me
What time are you here to get fucked?
Anyone want to fuck me tonight?
Young shemale whore to suck and get fucked tomorrow night
However, access to the racecourse during the day is currently difficult, so it is easier in the woods.
travactetpass; the hyppo auteuil corner is off-center and is frequented by non-paying travs - the paid ones are more on the way up before the hippodrome and the Reine marguerite for the trans
travactetpass: for those who frequent and frequented the area regularly, they know that prostitutes are rather suspicious or even aggressive with people who come to disrupt their "business" or encroach on their "territory". So yes, there were separate areas. And it's the same throughout the Bois de Boulogne.
Bonjour Ce soir, quelqu’un là-bas ?
To tell the truth, I don't remember if everyone had their own little, well-defined corner. Without gently encroaching from time to time.
travactetpass: personally I never saw a transvestite getting paid there. The transvestite and trans prostitutes were kept to themselves.
On the other hand, it is true that it was not necessarily free. But it allowed easy access for everyone.
Thanks to Sarahtrav, too bad it was just the 2 of us
Too bad no one will join us
I was there yesterday for four meetings between 10:30 p.m. and midnight. Not many people, it's true. But things are always happening at Auteuil.
Yes you are right travactetpass several years ago there were always people and we knew how to have fun...
Yes, 40 years ago it was bustling with activity. You didn't even have to ask yourself the question.
Salut, Des trav ce soir ?
Hi, I'll be in the woods tomorrow from 10am to 2pm with a trav, if 1 or 2 naughty girls want to join us it will be with pleasure
Une trav pour ce soir ? J'aimerais me faire vider
I will arrive before the end of the match around 10 p.m.
Attention foot au parc ce soir. Auteuil ne sera pas accessible avant minuit. Ou alors il faut arriver au moins une demi heure avant la fin du match
Hi, who is in trav or trans?
Bonsoir à toutes les femelles chaudes ! Je voudrais passer à Auteuil demain soir , vers 22h30 , mais vu la période estivale je me demande s'il y aura de bonnes femelles chaudes pour pomper une belle queue épaisse et se la faire glisser ensuite entre les cuisses pour bien se faire ramoner ! Y a t'il quelqu'un ou quelqu'une qui est allé cette semaine y faire un tour et qui pourrait me renseigner si ça bouge ou pas ??????? Merci d'avance ...... Laisser message sur ma MP
Hi, how are you? A trans or trav MTN or in 30min?
Hi, I can be there on Tuesday during the day to offer my sex if there are any gourmands
Hi, any naughty girls available on Tuesdays during the day?
people tonight to have a good time
I'm passing by in 1 hour with a TV friend...we're looking for a TTBM guy
I'll be there at 10:45 p.m.
Chimney sweeping and pumping for this evening. At your disposal, gentlemen.
Tonight around 10:30pm. Want to be swept
A woman, a trans, cpl, tomorrow morning at 5am... for an oil change (so full)
Meet at 11 p.m. in the parking lot
Je pense y aller après une longue absence comment cela fonctionne maintenant Merci
I'm there. Not very lively.
Sex jo test starting at 11pm at Auteuil. See you tonight
A woman, a trans, tomorrow morning from 5:00/5:15
Many police officers wait a little
I'll be there around 11:30 p.m. Earlier, possible elsewhere
Auteuil remains accessible during the Olympics. Until around 11pm the road is blocked because of the parking of the paris2024 cars at the racecourse. Lots of camper vans but not sure about the parking.... so the discreet crack cracks are still possible
We have to wait for the Paris 2024 cars to park at the racecourse and then it's done
I like what is hard and penetrating.
If you like the uniform, you'll be served...
It's full of police because of the Olympics at Roland Garros...
I'm passing by tonight if accessible
Match at the Parc des Princes. I'll go to the waterfall instead
Last possible evening here before the Olympics. I'll be there around 10:30 p.m. for multiple crack cracks
To complete the message from @nora92 and to respond to @SuperFred, I am not sure that you will find what you are looking for at lunchtime, this place works much better in the evening and at night
To those who always ask if there are or will be people: how do you know... it's a place of surprise where things change from one moment to the next, suddenly something turns, Suddenly it's deserted, there's no schedule with timetables - to find out if there are people there you have to go there - when I go there I don't know what to expect, that's what which makes the place attractive (although it's a little dead at the moment)
I can be there every day during the week around 12:15 p.m.
Bonjour Il y a du monde le midi ?
Hi, will there be anyone there tonight? I really want to empty myself
I'm going to spend this evening with my TV girlfriend...for TTBM in need
11 p.m. 1 a.m. for chimney sweeping
Tonight my mouth will give you pleasure if you come and be numerous!!
Woman, trans, shemale, who is available for tomorrow morning at 5:30 at the latest...
Hello, there are people today, I might stop by
who is coming tonight I might go with a TV friend
Hello, who is available from 12 p.m. or after 4 p.m., message in mp, serious ad
Hello, Travs around this evening? Want to empty myself...
Woman, trans, trav, available tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. late or before
Woman, trans, trav tomorrow morning at the latest 6am for ball emptying?
Anyone out tonight? Feel free to PM me
Who's around around 9pm? PM. Thanks
Who will show me the place this evening?
Carocoquine I hope to come tonight, will you grant me the pleasure of putting my cock in your hot and greedy mouth until I pour my hot male seed into it?
Tonight, around 11pm, my hungry mouth at your disposal, I hope they will be hard and... juicy ;)
Hello. I was there last night Thursday. Parking almost empty, despite the heat, not safe, and so I didn't stay long. It was already the case Monday and Tuesday. If this place is getting a bit lost, it's not so much because it is badly frequented but rather less frequented. Men, come back, there are transvestites ready to offer their mouths and their little ass. Kissing in the woods when it's hot, what a blast!!
Full balls, woman, trans, shemale available tomorrow morning at the latest 6am?
I agree with what was said last week, the BAC comes by and steals, they stay hidden and then come to see you: Good evening, well I was waiting patiently in my car, after passing the torches and armbands, they inform you to be careful because of the increase in attacks, especially on unaccompanied minors, I said good evening and left. They were very courteous.
I went there last night and unfortunately no one, no naughty girls, for once that I went there
Hello, anyone around noon? To suck me off or get fucked in the ass
Any cocksuckers here tonight to suck my cock? She's in the picture on my profile. I have a car and I have balls full to empty on a beautiful face or in a good greedy mouth
clealakokine Completely agree with you, but to believe some people think that we have known about wood since yesterday...
Sabine78 si tu avais bien lu l’un de mes messages précédent, j’ai écris que si j’étais connecté et dans le coin je serais venu direct …. De plus je ne cherche pas à dissuader qui que ce soit d’y aller ou pas, juste qu’il faut savoir les risques voilà tout !!!
In case of assault, go to the 16th arrondissement police station, 62 avenue Mozart or call 15. That's our security.
Completely agree with Sabine78 FlorenceTV6275 and Gaëlle, realistic people who do not dramatize the situation, like some who strive to dissuade people from going to the place, some who feed off what they hear here and there without being regulars in the field like most of us travs are since we have been frequenting the place - there are always risks when you wander around at night in certain places, it's part of the game.
Je crois que les belles heures dans ces lieux est terminée , il faut voir autre chose !
Livo: since assaults are possible everywhere, the best thing would be to stop going out or to stop being a transvestite (sarcasm). I can't count the number of verbal assaults and jostling I've suffered, even in front of the Paris City Hall, and not all places are bad places. FlorenceTV6275, who started the topic, only remarked that men could have more courage to come and help as happens in life and I repeat it works very well. Courage would already be to say that you would come and help and not to try to convince us not to go there anymore or that the place is risky. Don't worry, all transvestites know that going out as a girl is risky and that cruising areas are riskier than elsewhere and it's the same for gays and women, it's worse. The "you shouldn't come complaining afterwards" is on the same level as the arguments of guys who say about raped women "given the way she was dressed she was asking for it". So if we travs get attacked it's because we were asking for it? No, the real issue is why men have abandoned their self-esteem and their courage.
Effectivement il y a un emballement sur Auteuil. J’y vais depuis 7 ans et j’y ai passé des soirées formidables y compris récemment. Il faut juste été réaliste. Les agressions j’en ai toujours connu. Il faut simplement respecter des règles simples 1 jamais seule 2 pas dans les bois derrière 3 mec louche partir par précaution. Là c’est différent c’est des pro qui veulent récupérer le lieu. Et la c’est dangereux barre à mine groupe de cinq voiture coursées et bloquées pour agresser. Dans ce cas c’est police direct la seule solution
@ gaelle: au bois, les filles sont alignées, en brochettes. Le berlingo devant le Jumper, gazeuze pour les estivales. Tesson dans le caniveau pour les favelles. Ya une espèce de solidarité plus développée vue qu'elles tiennent le pavé. C'est chez elle un peu. Alors que là, la présence est aléatoire et différente d'une activité pro.
The glass is half empty or half full, depending on your point of view.
Personally, I have been going to this place for about ten years, and of course I don't go there every day, but over this entire period I have only witnessed 2 attempted assaults. Once a guy came out from behind the trees to rush at a parked car, but the person inside had locked himself in, so no damage. The parking lot was almost deserted. Another time I made the mistake of finding myself alone in the parking lot, after a long fuck in the woods, and 3 guys emerged from the woods, from the other side of the road, they headed towards me, but I had time to get back in my car and leave. We hear a lot more about assaults, whether we are victims or witnesses. Let's not give in to paranoia. The places in the woods where there are transvestites and prostitutes are probably a lot less safe.
Ah donc parce qu’il y a tout ça en plus des agressions, donc ce n’est pas un endroit mal fréquenté…??? Et ben Donc maintenant les filles quand vous y allez vous savez que vous pouvez vous faire agresser donc faut pas venir ce plaindre après …!!! Mais n’importe quoi. J’aurais tout lu ???
l'endroit la majeure partie du temps de nuit est essentiellement fréquenté par des travs des gays des gens qui draguent et qui viennent là pour passer un bon moment - il n'est donc pas "mal fréquenté" le fait qu'il y ait parfois des agressions ne doit pas rendre l'endroit plus sombre qu'il n'est - s'il n'y avait que des individus malveillants souvent présents sur le lieu, on pourrait dire que c'est mal fréquenté
Ah bon pas mal fréquenté nora92 ????? Pour la plus part des agressions que l’on entend sur ce site c’est toujours au même endroit… Faut arrêter de croire que ça bouge que à l’hippodrome. Après chacun fait ce qu’il veut mais savoir le risque. Une fois que tu le sais a devienne qui pourra
Livo: it's not a question of a bad place, if the transvestites frequent another area the problem will be the same because the attackers move and go where things are happening, in itself Auteuil is not a worse place than elsewhere
The personal ideal is perhaps at the entrance to the forest next to the metro, which is better lit.
FlorenceTV a bien fait d’appeler à l’aide mais faut-il encore que l’on soit connecté et dans le coin. Perso si j’aurais été dans le coin j’aurais débarqué mais bon … J’ai déjà abordé le sujet avec Caro pour ceux qui la connaissent et malheureusement elle aussi a été victime d’agression
In any case, you always have to stay on your guard, that's the basis. You should also know that there are men who want to have relations with a transvestite or trans but who prefer discretion and unfortunately in the Auteuil car park this is far from being the case. So they circle around indefinitely and this is also what attracts the attention of people with bad intentions and who bring them back to the car park
Sabine78, au bout d’un moment quand on signale plusieurs agressions aux mêmes endroits il serait plus judicieux d’éviter de le fréquenter. De plus le bois est très grand et vaste et il y a bcp d’endroits bien plus tranquille que l’hippodrome d’Auteuil. Donc oui c’est un endroit mal fréquenté car les années changent et les mentalités et surtout les fréquentations …
Yes, vigilance, each and every one of us is a sentinel, and when something like this happens, let's be united - these guys are not supermen, they are above all cowards who are strong in groups (hyenas)
We can only always give the same advice: (1) be vigilant about what is happening around you, (2) do not park too close to trees where an attacker could emerge, (3) do not give yourself away to an attack, for example by showing your mobile phone, (4) do not wear heels that are too high to be able to run and especially to keep your weight on your legs to fight back (advice from a karateka), (5) do not carry your bag on your shoulder but across your body, (6) do not venture too far into the woods with a guy without making sure that his intentions were just a one-night stand, (7) do not stay alone in the parking lot, less risk of being attacked when there are people around, an attacker does not like witnesses, (8) finally the most subjective perhaps, by your body language show that you are not a potential victim, that you are capable of fighting back...
livo : Quand tu es une travestis, aucun endroit n'est sécure. Traverser une rue peut voir des imbéciles t'insulter voir plus, rencontrer en tête a tête peut être un guet apens, ... même en soirée tu croises des personnes qui essaient de te forcer. Donc soit tu restes enfermée, soit tu restes vigilente , sur le qui-vive et tu prends quelques précautions .... Il ne faut pas faire croire que tous les hommes qui fréquente ce lieu sont des prédateurs et les trav des oies blanches. Et le meilleur comportement n'est pas de discréditer un lieu mais d'appliquer ce que dis " FlorenceTV6275 : venez nous défendre les mecs" et je te juge que cela est très efficace l'ayant vécu
Quand je dis que cet endroit n’est vraiment pas secur Et avec les JO qui arrivent il va y avoir de plus en plus d’agression …
Anyway, yesterday evening, Sunday, very, very calm.
Moi perso j irais plus sans y être accompagné Ça soule vraiment cette époque ?
We have to defend ourselves if we want to continue to frequent the place.
No one believed me when I announced the assault and the theft of my phone at the end of May!
FlorenceTV6275: I think it's a waste of time. When I went there often, only once did a man, and only once, come to defend me and then he wanted to take advantage of the situation... they only have courage in their "penis".
Florence, j'espère que ce n'est pas grave. Il faut que tu nous expliques ce qu'il s'est passé et où, à minuit ? Pour que l'on apprenne à se protéger et à se défendre ensemble.
Assault on a transvestite in Auteuil, come and defend us guys
Who's hot to suck me now?
The black convertible trav, improve your blowjobs, you still have work, it wasn't that good
Trans, trav tomorrow morning at the latest 6am to empty them before work...
I'm going to leave soon for Auteuil, big brunette, hyper slut in a black convertible. hot as hell
No one there for me to watch?
hello I'll be there tonight around 11pm
Bonjour, Femme,trans,trav demain matin au plus tard a 6h pour vider couilles pleines..
Hello, who's coming tonight...?
Hello, has anyone ever seen a massage parlor with a trans masseuse?
Morning person? Really want to get sucked
ha around 1am, 2 guys showed up with a super naked trans. We ended up four guys around her with excellent frotifrota but no tactac it was very fast they didn't stay longtamps too bad....
Passing by tonight to empty my balls in a mouth or on a face, they are smooth and full of juice.
Anyone at the racecourse tonight if it doesn't rain?
See you tonight at 10 p.m.
And Florence who goes there so often? Any news? Is she okay?
Hello, what's happening in the woods tonight? A nice Trav for a juicy fel?
I'm there, there's a couple
I'm there but it's really too early, is there anyone to suck?
Hello les filles, De passage vers 2h00 ici ou ailleurs si une d’elle est dispo pour s’occuper des mes couilles lisses et pleines Mp Bisous kokins
I'm here to suck cars but nothing moves
I'll be there in 30 minutes
I'll be there around 12:30 a.m. hoping to see some work there.
I'll be there Sunday at 7:30. Is there any early activism?
I'll come by tonight around 10pm to suck and more if there's a connection, PM me for a meeting
At the same time nora92 everyone posts and asks the question they want. There is nothing disturbing about knowing if there are people or not...
Indeed Nora I see it… Besides yesterday around 8pm there was a couple it was cool the lady was taking care of the gentleman they didn’t think they would be seen…
Is there a couple at this time?
I'll come by around 11pm to suck and more if there's a connection, PM me
Trans or shemale or woman tomorrow morning early to empty them... very full
I'm passing by this evening
Who is around to suck my dick and empty my balls full of hot, thick cum down his throat, on his face or anywhere else he likes. My cock in my profile
crosseur76: What a funny mentality to want us not to be able to discuss and we had to be "at attention" for people like you. And next time, what will you do to make a transvestite meet your needs? Go talk to them instead (like other people do), you might be surprised. In the meantime, with such mentalities, it doesn't really make you want to meet men there.
crosseur76, why wouldn't the workers discuss among themselves, without accepting the first who comes, they are not self-service at the mercy of the first comer, as you seem to think, youth will pass..
The workers who only come to chat with each other, going to the tea room is better
See you tonight at 10 p.m.
someone this evening? I would like to discover the place
Hello if couple passing through this evening pm
Hello, if there is a couple passing through this evening send me a PM I'm not far away...
See you tonight don't forget
During the day, in my opinion, there are only bowlers (which can do that, that said...)
lol no at all grotravparis in general it's more at night on weekends but it's today I work nearby
Obviously Livo is only available between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.!
Who's going to cum on your face tonight?
Work to defile this evening Who is available?
Ok thank you Nora I actually saw one last week at night
To answer hethero and livo, couples are extremely rare during the day, the same for travs, there are two lives in the woods: that of the day and that of the night - a little common sense..
Hello, are there any couples at this time?
Hi, currently working on site?
this evening around 10 next to the auteuil metro
If couples come by this evening let me know
Salut Des trav ce soir ? Mp
I went there on Sunday but left because of the rain and because I saw several guys in jogging pants sitting on the bench near the road after the parking lot at the back, it seemed strange to me, no one ever waits there except sluts like me all excited by the headlights caressing her
We must put things into perspective, of course there have been attacks, and there will be more, but no more than elsewhere in the streets or the metro, it is a general problem attacks in our society today - in the more than 25 years that I frequent the place, I have witnessed a few attacks, but not that many in the end in proportion to the number of times I have been there - some people dramatize, for little things and become paranoid
On the other hand, we would be delighted to have trans, trav in the Bois d'Anet, they would be welcome during the day and even later ;)
The ideal is not to go there alone in work mode because it is indeed risky and it is a shame
This place is deteriorating over time, it's getting worse and worse, it's not at all safe like before. Over the years. The population has changed like in the whole forest. To tell the truth, there is more and more aggression and violence.
@sabine78 j'ai écris que l'on peut y aller une centaine de fois sans voir d'agressions, je suis sûre que certains et certaines ont vu des agressions, mais si on peut y aller cent fois sans rien voir c'est que ce n'est pas trop dangereux. Je vais toujours au bois en semaine, jamais le vendredi et samedi, ceci explique peut-être cela. Je faisait suite au message de @nora92 qui a sans doute raison, certains voudraient que l'on aille ailleurs.
@blondie - you can't say it's fake just because you've never had a problem. In the time I've known, I've seen and suffered attacks there, even going as far as knife demonstrations or even the destruction of all the exterior mirrors on the way up. But I've also seen people come to help others, which is reassuring. Why do you think this place is less frequented than before 2020? Now the place is not a cut-throat place either and attacks are still quite rare. There are some basic precautions to take to protect yourself from them.
I spent a hundred nights in the woods and especially in Auteuil without being attacked, other than in the ass! I think nora92 was right.
Thank you @koniko, this place has been very badly frequented for a long time and it's not the first time that there have been attacks, that's why I avoid going there.
Some posts reporting an attack appear to be fake news, to discredit the place
Who to suck me see more at the Paris campsite today....???
@adultgame yes that's more for me to do again bzx, bzx
Two completely historical old women who attack everyone. You have to clear them
thanks to the couple who came to show off on Saturday around 3am... ;=)
Probably a passage this evening from around 10:45 p.m.
We hot in the air and under the skirts. See you tonight
Hello Des trav ce soir ??
Don't get mad guys we're here to relax. You'll tell us franstephbb
When you go up try to lie better since you're the one who sent me the first message of mytho and I have messages from you you speak to me quite badly that's it respect is important except that you didn't have yes I ask because it's the first time that I want to go there with her that's all I'm talking about security too bad you didn't understand I still wish you a good evening
Stop your mythomaniac bullshit… like the guy who wants to take his wife to a sex spot but asks how it goes… no but whatever… come on I'm blacklisting you because on top of that you're harassing me on my voicemail… heartbreaking!!!
Tu es un marrant toi va sur comédie. Fr
Comme dans tous les lieux de drague ou d’exhib… Tu y vas, tu prends un ticket à la borne muni de ta carte d’identité et de ton dernier avis d’imposition et le guichet automatique appellera ton nom via les hauts parleurs quand ça sera votre tour…
I would like to go with my wife tonight, how is it going, thanks
I arrive around 1am with a TV friend...only for ttbm
I was there yesterday night from 2 to 5 and it was a party for my butt and my mouth, especially a black TBM, a joy...
See you tonight with Florence
I'm coming tonight around 10pm. Attention fans
See you tonight to all you rascals
avec Rolland Garros et les jeux qui arrivent,certaines routes vont etre fermées à la circulation.c'est deja le cas de l'avenue gordon bennett...
Cet endroit a de moins en moins la cote Car souvent mal fréquenté
Currently in Auteuil, another incredible couple, the woman a blonde with big breasts, it was great
Same observation as Sabine78, passed by yesterday, I stayed 1h30, a few cars driving around, 2 or 3 ghostly people; the place is no longer what it was - it's a shame because it remains a pleasant and well-located place
Does this place work on Sunday evenings?
05/05/2024 around 2:30 am: after my evening, I wanted to come and see what had become of the place. Only 1 trav at the bottom of the climb and guys who don't know what they want. Sad
See you tonight, little rascals
You're right Lino and besides I would like you to specify where exactly it takes place (because Longchamp is big!)
grotravparis Go wherever you want. You are not the only trav here…
Yes Livo, it may be on the Longchamp side but we are going to Auteuil!
Trans, trav,.... who tonight??
Great evening yesterday with a beautiful trav named Nath, just great fun at the Longchamp racecourse, much quieter than Auteuil
Hi Any work this evening in front of the Longchamp racecourse? Much quieter place than Auteuil…
See you tonight at 10pm in doggy style hi
I would like to come with my wife, how does it work and what time should we come?
Seriously! Who would have believed it with this rain on top of that?
Second time in 2 years that I come across a coup'e it's the dream guys
Incredible thanks to the couple (man and woman) who came by it was incredible how good she was
Salut Des trav ce soir ???
This place is declining, shadows turning and cars, but nothing more, we can perhaps say that "it was better before"
Hello Mesdemoiselles, Qui est dispo vers 03 h du mat ici ou ailleurs ? Couilles rasées bien pleines pour bouche gourmande. Bisous
See you tonight for lots of sex
Not tonight but Sunday less cold less rain
Bonsoir Un trav de dispo ce soir ?
Arrival. Not many people.
maybe tonight depending on the weather
Males in heat! Come draw your guns, come mount the fillies, come satiate them with your substance, they are hungry and only aspire to your pleasure!
Wood proverb: In the mouth or in the pussy, the penis will become hard.. See you tonight
Looking for a good job for the whole night tonight
Same tonight for sex galore
As Florence says, the sap must rise this evening but I add that it must then flow into the throat of the thirsty person that I am :)
Spring evening. The sap must rise. See you tonight
Du passage ce soir ? Contact mp
Du monde ce soir ? Contact mp
Bitch I'm coming at full speed
Flute and slide trombone tonight. Slutty night tonight at Auteuil. See you later
Looking forward to tonight for all the stiff and juicy cocks!!!!
Et moi donc chère Florence !! J'en salive d'avance ;)
Looking forward to tomorrow Friday…really want sex
Attention football at the park Wednesday and Saturday. Seat not accessible before 1am
I'm thinking of coming this evening, where exactly? I couldn't find any?
Tonight non-stop sex, 10 p.m.
Tonight open buttocks around 10pm
See you tonight at 10:30pm for some fun
Tomorrow you have to come early. Rain from midnight
N hésitez pas a me dire si y une place dans une voiture pour y aller...je fais exhib en echange
J’ai envie de sucer ma premiere bite la bas Des volontaires ?
Oui pas terrible Florence TV6275 pour un vendredi soir ma chérie. Ça doit être à cause du mauvais temps prevu C'es pour cela que je ne me suis pas rendu sur place pour une première fois hier soir. Bisouxx.
Only one dick in the ass. Not great for a Friday!!!!!
It's raining, it's raining shepherdess I'm not coming
Don't hesitate to tell me if there is a place in a car to go there...I'll do an exhibition in exchange
Bonsoir, sur quel parking faut il se rendre ? Au premier parking juste derrière L'hyppodrome ? ou se rendre au second parking un peut plus loin vers une impasse ? C'est le quel le mieux pour se trav ? Merci d'avance à vous tous.
I'm coming to get screwed after the rain tonight. Around 10pm
If someone can take me with? I don't know Paris and I don't have a car
SEX a GOGO tonight 10:30 p.m. free entry
De demain à dimanche soir je loge un provincial debutant dans le milieu et naif que je veux partager avec des vicieux comme moi, lui en mec ou trav si ça plait. Si intéressé écrivez-moi et on elabore un plan sur mesure. Réponse assurée
I'm meeting my friends Florence and Sandra around 10:30pm tonight, gentlemen you'll be well and truly at your wit's end, multiple choices encouraged ;)
Sexy sex party tonight from 10pm
Hey who's coming tonight to have fun???
Hello everyone, this Friday evening and Saturday evening I plan to bring my provincial trav who is coming here for the first time to do a little bit of what I want on site. Any idea (in private message please) is studied and welcome. rather submission and exhibition
Hello everyone tonight? Want to watch and jerk off if couple or a woman interested contact me (just watch and I jerk off)
Very quiet last night Friday.
See you tonight from 10 p.m.
Salut Des trav ou des Trans ce soir ? Je vais y faire un tour
Like every Sunday I come to Auteuil this evening
I confirm I will be there around 10pm to get screwed
Gentlemen, tonight around 11:30 p.m., at the disposal of your hard and juicy sexes...
Spring evening in Auteuil so sex evening. See you tonight
Anyone really want to empty me?
@fan2vous...I'm arriving in Paris on March 21 to start work...really want to try the woods
I would like to try to go there for the first time...I arrive in Paris on March 21st
Trav or trans available now
If anyone is looking for a young active TBM I am available and can receive Paris 18
A word of advice, forget it if you want to stay alive!
Hello, I'm coming to Paris soon, I would like to learn to be a trav...is this place good for travs? I'm a complete beginner. Do you also recommend it? Or elsewhere?
Salut à tous Des trav de dispo ce soir ?
See you tonight, no doubt. PM please
See you this evening around 10 p.m.
I'll be there in 15 minutes
I go from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.... to take some
Friday Saturday I'm looking for willies. In Auteuil this evening from 10 p.m.
I'm coming tonight around 9:30pm. So excited
I'm coming this evening to empty you in my mouth gentlemen, I really want to suck hard and juicy cocks!...
I think I'm going to come tomorrow evening Friday to taste and savor your hard cocks dear gentlemen...
want to empty very slutty guys
Hi, anyone around? Really want to get emptied, I can move, I'm going back up towards Rouen then
Anyone want to suck me tonight?
Good evening in perspective I hope. See you tonight at 10 p.m.
Who to empty me I have full balls
I spend between 5 and 7 hours...
If anyone is looking to get fucked doggy style this weekend, feel free to get back to me.
Who's next to the subway entrance behind the benches tonight?
Depuis quand une trav elle jouie avant toi , l’autre en clio grise immatriculation dept 92 une grande perche sur talon , très bon cul . Je lui mi ma bite au fond , 3 claque sur le cul et direct elle a craché, trop de poppers pour elle . Sinon le jeunot sur le banc à sucer le type en Skoda noir je lui ai piquer son coup au chalet des îles , je lui ai niquer son délire en partant avec sa tapette . Mais surtout le tac bresilien de compet avec 2 mec elle est sorti de la voiture Et a sucer 4 bite en même temps dont la mienne ,un des gars avec elle a niquer l’ambiance , ils sont reparti . Les 2 vieux habitués mec à la golf GTI noir et le retraité de Meaux on bien maté les gros salaud , le parking où squat @Florencetv tous les soirs . Nouveau coin indiqué je ne connais pas l’ambassade de Russie Porte Dauphine et la cascade j’irais faire un tour la prochaine fois promis . Les jeux olympiques sont en train de tout niqué , descente de keuf hier PV a toute les voitures garées, allée reine marguerites pas une pute avec les clients, moi je me casse de Paris , ça c’est sûr . Bon allez rdv au pointG t’a l’heure .
Qui dispo now pour ma copine TV uniquement TTBM...
Bonsoir j’y passe ce soir rempli à qui voudras me vider et prendre du plaisir
Tonight, come take your pleasure in my mouth!
Temperatures are rising, skirts too, see you tonight
XXL evening in Auteuil last night. It was great
I'll be there around 10 p.m.
bonjour le soir a eviter, c'est deja chaud pour un homme alors un couple pour moi a evité.
Confirmation I will be there around 9:15 p.m.
Time to put on a mini skirt. See you tonight 9 at 11 p.m.
Confirmation I'm coming tonight around 9pm. After 15 days of cold I'm super excited
I'm in the corner with my TV friend
Ah I just watched TV so that answers the question
Girlfriend with or without a penis?
I'm going tonight with a girlfriend for a TBM guy or even a TTBM guy, see you in PM
I'm spending this evening with a TV friend...looking for a TBM or TTBM guy
It will be less cold on Sunday. Maybe it's time to consider going out to Auteuil
J'y suis actuellement Envie d'être souillée
Too cold right now to expose my butt.
Like Caro. See you tonight
Tonight, come put your warm tail in my greedy mouth tonight, I'll be there around 10 p.m....
Anyone out tonight? It's going to be cold with my butt out in the open I don't know if I'm coming
Anyone out tonight? (Contact by PM)
For a good New Year's Eve two days before he fucks a TV. See you tonight at 10 p.m.
Gentlemen, come celebrate the end of the year this evening around 10 p.m. in my greedy and hungry mouth!!...and thirsty ;)
Confirmed I'm coming around 9pm
Want to come tonight if MP
I would have liked to come too… rather around 10:30 p.m. for me. Contact by pm.
I will come by around 9 p.m.
Ce soir du monde ? Je suis très excitée trop dur d'attendre jusqu'à demain. MP SVP
Watch out for football at the park this evening. I don't know if I'm coming
It's not hot but I might come by around 9pm if MP
Hello I'm passing in the area with a TV friend...only for TTBM come PM me
Would there be a nice hot Trav mouth to juice?
Why not tonight? For me it's yes...
Confirmation I will be there 9 p.m. 11 p.m.
I will probably go tonight
Qui vient me prendre ma petite chatte ? Contacte-moi MP
Hot cocks that want to get sucked?
More like 10 p.m. I'm late
Very good evening hoped for in Auteuil this evening. See you around 9 p.m.
Tomorrow the temperature rises... skirts too...
Hello mesdemoiselles, Trans ou travl dispo cette nuit à partir de 03h30 pour couilles pleines et lisses ? Message ici ou mp Merci Fabrice
Well I'll be there around 9pm or a little before.
Really want to go out to Auteuil this evening as it’s less cold but….is there anyone?
.I'm late but I will arrive before 10 p.m.
I would probably come around 9 p.m. PM please
Hello I'm there currently I'm waiting in my car for some nice cocks and some juice
Well it's going to be chilly but at the back of the throat or in the buttocks it should harden and grow.... See you tonight around 9 p.m.
hi who's going tonight, i want some good cocks.
See you tonight at 9:30 p.m.
Attention football at the park tonight. You have to arrive before 10:30pm otherwise it's jammed until at least half past midnight.
I come before the storm 20 22 h. At worst at the entrance to the metro entrance to the racecourse
I'll be there in 10 minutes
Little tour this evening to celebrate winter time
Finally I can't arrive before 10 p.m.
Come warm your little one (who will become big) in the hollow of our loins. See you tonight around 9 p.m.
Maybe tonight next to the metro exit on the benches...
I will be there tonight as early as possible probably before 9pm. PM please
I will be in Auteuil this evening from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. after the rain
Hi, is there a place where I could sit to have a maximum chance of sucking as many cocks as possible?
J’ai rencontré un mec avec de très grosses couilles ok aurait dit des boules de pétanques ! Je l’ai sucé mais après plus rien … réclame toi ;) ps: je rigole pas quand je dis que ses couilles étaient très très très grosses
Lola tonight at Auteuil. Too much need for love
I'm coming tonight around 9pm until around 11pm
Anyone out tonight? Around midnight?
Tonight, come and taste the pleasures that my mouth gives...
9:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. available for enc…..ge
I can be there in the evening by appointment to get cum on me
Available Tuesday evening to submit
9:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. until tonight
There are people tonight, I'm there but there's a party at the back. Is there another place that replaces this one when there are parties in the restaurant? Thanks to those who can tell me the other place.
Ce soir, une bouche chaude, gourmande, cochonne et assoiffée pour mâles qui velent se vider ;) Vers 23h
Peu être ce soir Contact mp
Up during the week, on all fours on the weekend. See you tonight
Du monde ce soir ? Contact mp
@jhmalvm : Au bois, c'est des professionnel(les ;), les clients sont pas les même; non plus :D n'Va pas ôter le pain de la bouche de nos copains brésiliennes :D La démocratie a parlé, la liberté d'expression ça finit sous les balles. Tu peux l'ouvrir mais si tu l'ouvres... bon courage.
Originally, the Auteuil racecourse was for TTBM racehorses. Which gave rise to desires and it became a place for flirting for all TTBMism fans.
jhmalvm has determined by his little law that basically this place is heterosexual, he would like the space to suit him but the space belongs to everyone, that's freedom - for him freedom is limited to the perimeter of his little sparrow brain, and yet a sparrow is capable of flying freely without bothering the world.
Jean Gabin in "Le Pacha": When we put the idiots into orbit, you won't stop spinning. Lino Ventura in "Les Tontons flingueurs": The idiots dare anything. That's even how we recognize them.
Bonsoir tout le monde, je pense qu’il y a trop de travesti dans ce lieu qui est à la base pour hetero / bi / gay. Ça pourrri clairement le lieux, changez votre sexe une bonne fois pour toute ! Vous êtes travesti? allez dans le bois de Boulogne ! Vous serez bien accueilli
I'll be there in a quarter of an hour at the most.
As usual on Fridays I come
To put it in context, yesterday there was football, tonight there is my butt. From 9:30 p.m.
I receive in glory hole in Chessy. Send your cock in private if you are hot. It is anonymous and free. There is a sheet hung between two doors with a hole in it, you come, you put your cock in the hole and I take care of it. We do not see each other, we do not speak, I empty you and you leave. I am waiting for you ;)
I will be there tonight from 9 to 11 p.m.
I want to watch a couple who just fuck, pm if you want I'll watch I'll stay until 1am max
Hello I am with my TV girlfriend looking for an active guy also see TTBM come in PM now
what's going on there tonight? who's going there why?
Meet after the football at the Parc des Princes around half past midnight
Hello girls, I will be today Tuesday between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the racecourse, towards the entrance, if a girl (woman, trans, trav) wants to suck a nice thick cock, or even more, I will offer it to her without problem, very very want!!!!! once parked I would walk in front of the entrance to the racecourse, back and forth, we could then go discreetly into the woods, I would follow you, without any blabla we would enjoy ourselves and everyone would leave discreetly! Maybe more.....
Probably not too many people tonight. But I'll still pass by around 10pm.
No party tonight, parking is open, I'll wait for you there, gentlemen.
Passing by at 11:30pm to check out some people tonight?
Peu être ce soir quand la chaleur sera tombée un peu Mp
I'm looking for a plan for this weekend?
Good evening world to empty it my balls are full
Rather than watching rugby, come and play boules. Without a jack but with a pig. See you tonight at 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. …
I'm talking about tomorrow, Friday evening :)
Et demain, 2ème parking privatisé pour le restau. Oui mais moi j'ai une envie de SUCER de folie !!!!!!! On pourra se garer dans la rue qui mène à ce parking sinon on ira au premier. Vous les avez bien pleines Messieurs ? Passez donc me voir à partir de 23h30, ma bouche affamée saura vous satisfaire...
Watch out for football at the Parc des Princes this evening, Auteuil will be impassable until 1 a.m.
Hi I'm looking for a cock to suck or a tranny to fuck
I'll pass by around 10pm, maybe a few queues to satisfy?
Friday evening for willies. Around 10:30 p.m. Between the two parking lots on the wood side due to restaurant evenings
Hello. I went there around 9 p.m. looking for work but couldn't find it. I went to the large parking lot at the back on the left. Should we have gone elsewhere? Maybe walk on the path below the road between the racecourse and the car park? Thank you in advance for your advice? Another question: do you also work sometimes between noon and 2 p.m.? THANKS
@Nora: He must have a big deductible (insurance I mean). Don't worry, it's the same everywhere. The fine or the window!?
Last night it was very quiet, cars driving around, three or four people talking in the parking lot, and two or three others walking around, a guy approached me but he was hesitant to make a plan because he was afraid someone would touch his car - that's where we are.
Hi. Any work tonight around 9:00pm? Want to come by for an oil change.
The scum are attracted by the evenings of the restaurant and the pseudo security they put is useless it's just three horns that make traffic. You have to file a complaint with the police like all those who are attacked there. It's the police crossings that make this place safer
Good evening everyone I made a visit last night after the evening there were a few cars in the parking lot at the back put a group of young people arrived in the car several in the car my price left throwing objects at me at the windshield from my car there were a few regulars in the parking lot whose nickname I don't know on this site but I saw them several times they must have seen me take the projectile on the windshield it must have been 3 or 3:30 in the morning I think you must have seen me several times it's a bit complicated to tell you the description of my car for security reasons I'm used to seeing the regulars all the time anyway be careful it's getting more and more more dangerous
I didn't see you last night, what kind of car do you have so I can pick you up tonight?
Holy shit another blocked parking party. It's harder to find each other. I'm between the two parking lots
There are people here tonight to empty their balls
Forced to put panties back on with this evening chill. See you later at 10:30 p.m.
Juice to give tonight for Trav...anyone?
Short passage around 10:30 p.m.
What a great night yesterday! Lots of people (so safe), lots of horny men, reunions with girlfriends and regulars... Great!!
Lots of people, nice atmosphere, unlimited sex, no troublemakers last night, Auteuil, just how we like it
Il y’a du monde si je passe à cette heure ci? Je ne suis encore jamais venu je sais pas trop comment ça se passe
Want to suck someone off so I can empty myself in their mouth
Big emptying of my balls tonight around 10:30 p.m.
I'm coming to suck all the cocks in need of a thirsty mouth tonight around 11pm!!
See you tonight around 10:30 p.m.
Hello everyone tonight? Or a pretty trav who wants to host for a nice evening?
even during the day there are broken windows....
Hier soir , quatres mecs louches à pieds , une vitre cassée !!! Passage de la police... Même à quatre, les mecs ne sont pas francs ,ils ne cherchent pas la confrontation... Attitude exemplaire de la police qui est plus là pour sécuriser les lieux que nous embêter , merci à eux .
Reading you some will think that it is the Bronx. Nothing happens apart from sex exhibitionism and voyeurism.
Who tonight to get big juice on your face?
I will come by tonight from 9:30 p.m.
We should take the example of the girls of Avenue de la Reine-Margueritte: rarely alone, often in groups. I experienced this, being in pairs calms a lonely guy.
It was a long time ago. Now he's just an isolated miner sleeping in the woods. I'll arrive at 10:30 p.m.
For your information, they are never alone, it is often in groups of 3 or 4. They prowl in their car until the roundabout in front of the racecourse where they go down on foot and separate until the parking lot at the back. I had warned of their presence to the police once who had come and who had told me that they had arrested one of them. So at the slightest suspicion on the 17th
Soon a silent march in memory of one of you! The good times are over!
We can be attacked anywhere, no more in the woods than anywhere else, we have to deal with it and not submit to the law of these poisoners of life, it is we who must make the rain and the good weather, not them
I will pass tonight despite the scum that is walking around at the moment despite the fact that there will be a party tonight
Il n’y a jamais eu d’agression physique à la connaissance. Et perso je suis à 5 mauvaises rencontres sur ce lieu. Il faut juste respecter quelques règles Ne jamais rester seule sur le parking Se garer face au rideau d’arbre Toujours fermer à clé les portières Voir deux trois mecs ensemble se barrer sans réfléchir Un mec seul qui semble louche se barrer aussi C’est pour ça que l’on essaye d’y aller avec les copines toujours
@titof15. He gives the apostle a good 43 in Louboutin. @lauretvynil: It's like TV, you shouldn't limit yourself to what it says, otherwise you don't go out anymore, you don't eat anymore, you don't live anymore. The more people there are, the more you are to a certain extent "safe". Common sense should do the rest. :3
Well all these messages make me want to go there more pfffff
Le témoignage de Gaëlle me rappelle la même mésaventure qui m'est arrivée il y a un an. J'étais justement garé le long du rideau d'arbres près du parking du fond quand un mec est sorti de la pénombre, a ouvert la portière passager et s'est installé. Il me dit qu'il sortait de prison, qu'il était en galère et m'a demandé de l'argent. Je n'avais rien, j'étais juste venu pour baiser. J'ai essayé de le virer sans succès. Il a fouillé un peu la boîte a gants etc mais a part les papiers de la voiture il n'y avait rien. J'ai tenté de le raisonner et de rester calme. Il m'a demandé d'aller vers le rond point et on s'est arrêté. J'ai senti qu'il voulait que je le suce.... Puisqu'il n'y avait pas d'argent, fallait bien qu'il trouve autre chose! Finalement je lui ai donné une bague sans grande valeur marchande que je portais. Il est sorti sans me violenter et sans faire de dégâts. J'ai démarré et je suis parti. J'ai eu la peur de la vie. Pour résumer : toujours s'enfermer a clé dans la voiture. L'endroit craint quand-même un peu!
Attempted assault this Tuesday evening. I was there at midnight. As usual, I parked on the road side and not against the curtain of trees. I did well. Only 2 cars in the parking lot, and no visible movement. In this case it is better not to get out of your car, and not even to linger. That's what I was going to do after 10 minutes. Finally a car arrives, which parks along the curtain of trees. Almost immediately a guy appeared from behind the trees, rushed to the door, but the driver had locked the doors, he was able to drive off. So I left too. Be careful, be careful, when there is no one...
I took 4 with condoms it's better than nothing
I'll be there around 1am.
People now I'll be there in 20 minutes for a good plan
Bon je passe ça soir avec juste culotte jupe blouson...... non pas de culotte. Comme ça rien à voler. Je resterai à la lumière parking du haut ou allée où parking du fond côté route. Donc venez à la rencontre d'abord
Oh dear Florence, that's too bad, was it taken from you using violence or did they do it without you realizing?
Be careful despite the parties and the security guards the thieves are back. My phone was snatched from me on Saturday night. Be careful
Good evening everyone tonight?
Hi I'm going in 15 min. ... I would like to suck a nice smooth and soft one for a beginner that I am
Hello, I would like to come next Friday evening after several weeks of vacation to enjoy and make some pretty ladies enjoy themselves.
I will arrive around 10:30pm. High low parking or driveway towards Porte d'Auteuil. Or I can park discreetly. Windy tonight...so a light skirt to be lifted by the breeze...
Le parking était encore bloqué. Je suis cependant rentré car le "manager" m'a reconnu de notre conversation la dernière fois. Il m'a réexpliqué que c'était pour sécuriser les participants à la soirée, ce qui est ridicule car les voitures ont plus de chance de se faire casser en étant garé le long du bois. Et sur le parking il y avait seulement 5 voitures, alors en interdire l'accès je ne comprends pas vraiment. Il m'a répété que les soirées étaient Mercredi à Samedi. Elles se terminent le 13 août m'a t-il dit (mais c'est un Dimanche...), elles reprennent en septembre et pour s'arrêter définitivement a priori fin septembre. J'y retournerai sans doute Dimanche.
Hello I am from 18 who is there for me I
I'm spending this evening with a TV friend looking for a group plan for a TTBM guy
Parking accessible yesterday the restaurant was closed unlike the last few weeks. But frequency down, of course
I'm there, parking at the back, the restaurant is closed
Nora92 what you offer is what I've been recommending for 2 weeks. I'm glad I'm not alone anymore. And even if there are sometimes evenings they are probably less numerous than a restaurant which opens almost every evening. If professional travs (trans?) come near the car park, it may simply be because they hope to make customers with restaurant customers. This is another reason to stay away from the restaurant.
Because there are also evenings by also sometimes Nora
Florence you're confusing we're not talking about the same place, at the Etrier equestrian center we're safe and the cops often go there, it's in full light, and there are no assaults
Christine I know this place road lakes. It's a lot less secure than the racecourse and we're completely isolated in the middle of the woods! The hippodrome is a thousand times better
The girls who go to the racecourse for your info, last week at the Bois next to the equestrian center l'Etrier which is a cruising spot, I spoke with a young H who told me that he had been attacked at the racecourse by 2 H and 1 trav, maybe it is these same travs who are aggressive. Anyway at the equestrian center we are quiet and in full light except in the groves but at least there are no aggressions. Weird though that professional travs come from the side of the racecourse, it's not their corner.
I never see her again. But you have to get closer to the hippodrome entrance than Porte Auteuil
The first car park is almost full at the moment, with many motorhomes, and therefore potentially tourists (even if they are not allowed to park their motorhomes here) probably not happy to see people arriving. showing their butts. On the other hand there is not far away one or more aggressive pro workers who come to take us to task, confusion assured.
They are so ugly, they hide with a hood, they are hoodman!
Want tonight but restaurant open. So first car park (where there is the tree in the middle) or the road from Auteuil to the lakes (between Porte Auteuil and the roundabout with the tree). PM otherwise I'm not moving
Yes the guy on the scooter he had explained to me who came by car before and that now he and a scooter seen who works in Paris in the evening he goes to watch and have a quiet little cock before going home lol he hasn't hard to do good in any case as long as he does not do something weird or what
Yes complicated to be alone down there unfortunately
Advice to workers, like me, who frequent this place. Move by looking all around either, when a guy approaches (who may really be interested in a plan with you) I never turn my back on him, carry his bag over the shoulder and not just on the shoulder, avoid high heels, white sneakers and ankle socks (with schoolgirl miniskirt) are just as sexy as heels, stockings and garter belts, keep your hands in front of you to show that you are capable of using them in case of aggression
Oh okay, he's a guy you already know! Good time for me! I tend to be wary that's why and yes I was just thinking about guys in hoods who attack and all that
Good morning. Do not be afraid of guys on scooters or cars (unless there are several of them in a car) because a license plate is a means of identification. The aggressors and window breakers arrive on foot through the woods.
The guy on the scooter is a regular, no danger. It's the hooded guys and bands to watch out for. For the rest great place .... when the restaurant does not privatize the car park
Anyway the 3 quarters it's just watchers it turns And it doesn't come out of their car mdrrrr
Weird this guy on a personal scooter I wouldn't trust at all and if it's a guy who's there just to matter, well it's not a way to do it in any case
Good evening I just wanted to tell you that sometimes there is a guy on a scooter who passes by and who stops to watch I spoke with him last night he told me that he was a voyeur no more he had the look pretty consistent with what I was saying so no worries to have a good evening to you
I'm there to pump and get caught Contact pm
hello I'm looking for a guy to suck thoroughly, I want juice
Hey who's there in work stop speaking Chinese
available Friday night for a good cock to suck with facial mp
I'm there. Parking at the bottom which is accessible this evening
I'm going there tonight! X3 blue
Rather 10:30 p.m. it might rain after 1 a.m.
I'm passing by around 11pm tonight
I'm getting there, gray golf 8 gti come and knock on my window to suck me off
Anyone tonight? or another place to recommend if private parking?
I'm on the bench above the old parking lot
Hello, tonight is the 1st parking lot then?
Umbrella boots and condoms see you tonight
I will pass from 11 p.m. but first on the upper parking lot where there is the big tree in the center
bravo gaelle we have to fight for OUR place
(1). Yesterday evening Wednesday, "privatized" parking again. In fact I got a bit confused with the "guards" at the entrance. Came behind another car. One of the guys chased me to the back of the parking lot. As I sent him off, he went to look for his "manager" he said... The "manager" asked me if I was coming for the "break", I said no, he asked me why I was there, and told him that it was none of his business and that he was not authorized to ask me this question in a public place. I was in a skimpy miniskirt, but I wasn't going to tell her I was coming to party my ass...
(2). Last night Wednesday (continued). I repeated 5 times that I was in a public car park, and that he did not have to prevent me from entering (to privatize public space you need a prefectural authorization, like the terraces of cafes), which he ended up agreeing. He finally told me that they were watching because of the car breakers, which is ridiculous, the breakers arrive on foot discreetly, and operate at the back of the parking lot, not at the entrance. In the end he left me alone. I was able to make 2-3 shots. The party ends at 2 a.m., and the parking lot empties, guys arrive to fuck, but a little late for me.
I'm moving tonight if serious contact In pm
Good evening, Anyone around to dump me?
Du passage ce soir ? Contact mp
Quite agree with blondie, this corner is well located, quite discreet and allowing to circulate or park not far, many corners to isolate oneself and it remains in the same sector between the roundabout at the top and the beginning of the lake
Dans l'esprit de mon message de la semaine dernière pourquoi ne pas se déplacer et créer un nouveau lieu ? Quand on arrive au rond-point de la butte Mortemart derrière l'hippodrome en allant à droite il y a une grande pelouse (qui recouvre le périphérique) et le chemin qui rentre dans le bois. Les voitures peuvent se garer au rond-point. Cela permettra de s'approprier le lieu et ne plus dépendre des horaires des soirées du restaurant. Les habitudes se changent vite !
Parking inaccessible (2). Ici c’est « Villa Auteuil Boulogne », et c’est plus bar/Danse que restaurant. Les horaires indiquées sont « Le restaurant vous accueillera 7j/7 de 12h00 à 19h00 et le Jeudi, Vendredi et Samedi de 21h00 à 02h00 pour les soirées ». Mais en fait les soirées c’est apparemment aussi le Mercredi et le Dimanche. La question est ont-ils l’autorisation de privatiser l’espace public ?
Parking inaccessible (1). Ce soir dimanche je suis passé à 23h30. Oui accès privatisé, pourtant peu de voitures sur le parking. Ici ce n’est pas un vrai restaurant. Le restaurant "Villa Auteuil Molitor" avec les horaires qui ont été indiqués ici est situé avenue de la Porte Molitor, 16e. https://villaauteuil.eatbu.com/?lang=fr
Another fucking evening. Meet in the woods behind the parking lot.
I'll be there in ten minutes
Good evening. I'm going there tonight at 11pm in a mini skirt, stockings and heels. In other words, very motivated!!
The restaurant in the woods closes at 7pm. So we can go to Auteuil tonight. See you later at 11pm.
Hi, are there any sexy transvestites tonight?
Restaurant hours Thursday 12:00–2:00 Friday 12:00–2:00 Saturday 12:00–2:00 Sunday 12:00–19:00 Monday 12:00–19:00 Tuesday 12:00–19:00 Wednesday 12:00–19:00
Passed 2/3 times, easy to access, poorly lit but large enough not to get in the way if the large car park at the back is not privatized for an event. The parking lot with the trucks is less engaging but it is convenient to turn around and see the drivers a little more. We can always exchange some nice words with the ladies.
I will go to the big waterfall around 11 p.m. and maybe Auteuil on the hippodrome side if possible
Around the hippodrome it's not good there is another festive place towards the wood. The best is to tighten the buttocks from Tuesday to Saturday and to spread them from Sunday to Monday lol
Thank you Nora it's not wrong, but what's the point of making loops if no one goes there because of the restaurant? ! Near the first roundabout behind the gates of the racecourse there is a space on the right which could be suitable.
the advantage of auteuil is that cars can make a loop without obstructing traffic
If you all make the decision to meet in a place, close and far enough away from the restaurant, it will become a new place even for those who are not on LDD but who will understand by seeing the cars and walkers that the action is happening in the new place. It shouldn't take long before everyone gets the hang of it. A suggestion: why not go to the right side when you arrive behind the racecourse?
Location for Sunday and Monday. The restaurant closes at 8 p.m. Otherwise 2 hrs. Look at their Villa Auteuil website or Google Maps
If the place is accessible now
Place become impossible to access in the evening.
Are there any women for dogging? Tonight?
Tonight at the big waterfall. There is surely a party in Auteuil. Maybe when I come back I will go there if there is no more entertainment
Hi everyone, naughty people on the spot?
I'm interested, thank you
Yes couplehot91 and otherwise there are even other places a little more discreet in the surroundings anyway
Merci Florence pour cette bonne info. Autrement il faut remonter sur le parking devant l'entrée de hippodrome?
You can go there on Sunday, the restaurant closes at 7:30 p.m. that day.
All the time or just for the summer period..?
This place is dead for meetings: private parking from Wednesday...
Parking still privatized I am at the top of the racecourse entrance
I will be there tonight from 11pm.
Coucou j'y suis depuis 1h30 Byz
Hello Attention vandalized cars, glass breakage Friday evening.... Caution caution.
Accessible parking a few people a few regulars ..... There are still nights where Auteuil is xxxx
5:00 a.m. at the Porte d'Auteuil racecourse for a good stoned. Mp at zero six nine eight forty two seventy three zero four
All week in the morning 05:00h at the hippodrome of the Porte d'Auteuil for a good high. Mp at zero six nine eight forty two seventy three zero four
Hello If anyone is available to dump me...
Good docile passive, passing by this evening to empty the too full balls, advice to amateurs, PM to stall :)
On the site of the restaurant it announces to close at 1930. Normally accessible parking. Maybe I'll go there around 11 p.m. PM please
Parking still privatized last night Saturday. Does anyone know where to find the program for these evenings?
All week in the morning at 05:00h at the Porte d'Auteuil racecourse for a good stoned. Mp at zero six nine eight forty two seventy three zero four
We just missed Karine. See you another time
As soon as possible I add the photo Byz And have fun
Salut à tous ça faisait longtemps que je n'y avais pas un p'tit tour, j'y suis allée vers 2h30, c'était la sortie d'une soirée au fond du parking, j'y ai rencontré Marilyne très sympa et elle m'a rabattu quelques mâle black,rebeu , ukrainien ,etc qui se sont occupés de ma bouche et de mon cul , j'ai adoré Byz Karine... parfois Petite photo de mon passage
Like Caro she says. See you tonight
I hope that tonight there is no party and that the 2nd parking lot is not privatized! I'm going to check it out tonight I think...
Hello I'll be there tonight and tomorrow night. Notice to amateurs to defile me...
Is there 1 party there or what?
Out tonight 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. I hope that they will "take care of me" in depth
Too much rain tonight. See you tomorrow Wednesday
Who for a sex road trip Tuesday 11pm 1am in Auteuil? I will confirm if I have enough PM. Objective: sex sex and sex. Normally accessible parking no problem with the riots.... I have been waiting for two weeks
It's going to be a TV series and herbal tea apparently
there is quay 54 in rolland garros all weekend...
Thanks funjustfun I might also come around 11pm
Last night I went by and the parking was privatized once again...complicated at the moment but I'll hear back tonight around 11:30 p.m.
Anyone in Auteuil tonight?
Qui ce soir ? Jupe courte, string envie de me faire souiller de jus.
At the moment there are parties nearby every weekend, Thursday too last week, the parking lot is privatized, impossible to have sex there.
Hello. Anyone around? Work or couple?
Given the heat I hesitate to come naked or in an anorak. See you tonight
Hello, Une demoiselle disponible à partir de 2h du mat ? Couilles rasées bien pleines à disposition Venez en pv Bises
Passing by tonight around 11:30pm to watch and jerk off if couple or woman want a voyeur come pm
Is there anyone coming? Is there a bit of movement?
hello I'll be there tonight to offer you my charms, around midnight minimarron
Hi to you T-Girls and Travs. Edt fe that one of you would be out tonight on Paris west or 78?
Passing through the area tonight, people planned?
I'll be there in five minutes
Any naughty things tonight around 10:30pm?
On peut pas baisser la température mais on peut baisser les culottes. À ce soir vers 23h
Hi, I think I'll go there tonight at 11:00 p.m. to eat some cock!
Pour femelle en chaleur , chaude comme la braise !!! Je serais cet aprés midi aux environs de 15 h vers l'hyppodrome , soit vers l'entrée ou sur le parking du fond impasse , espérant croiser en toute discrétion une femelle sexy qui a envie de sucer une belle queue épaisse et pourquoi pas plus , en sous bois en toute discrétion , je laisserais ma voiture sur le parking et marcherais un peu autour en attendant de l'apercevoir et ensuite me faufiler dans le bois discrétement , elle qui me suivra ou le contraire !!!!Laisser moi un message sur ma MP si celà vous donne envie , plus facile ,pour que nous puissions nous retrouver . Me déplace aussi ailleurs si vous préférez .
I would go there to pump you men ... I like your swollen cocks and your full balls. I like to relieve you and feast on your big cock
Hello everyone over there?
Who today Bois de Boulogne for exhibition woman or couple I am a voyeur want to jerk off I will be there at 3 p.m.
We're arriving, the match is over
a woman/trans right away?
I'll be there around midnight :)
I'm coming tonight after the match at Roland Garros around 11 p.m.
Hi I'm looking for a guy to suck
Since I haven't been here, I have some catching up to do! Come tonight, my mouth will be yours...
See you tonight at 11pm. Maximum protection ensured thanks to the security guards at Rolland Garros
Me neither, not tonight...
Unfortunately, can't be there tonight. Discount Party Have fun
See you tonight to play boules
Want xxx tonight. See you later at 10:30 p.m.
hello, people tonight around 10 p.m.?
Hello world tonight? Around 11:30 p.m. 00 a.m. want to watch
Hello Mesdemoiselles, Je pense passé vers 2 ou 3 h Queue rasée à disposition et couilles bien pleines pour demoiselle gourmande Bises kokines
No luck because it's very rare that there's anyone there.
I went there last night around 12:30 a.m., no one...
Auteuil proverb: as soon as night falls, skirts ride up. See you tonight at 10:30 p.m.
I may be planning to go there tonight, is there a lot of people on weekdays?
Good evening, people tomorrow Tuesday 9.05 around 10 p.m.?
I confirm I will be there around 10 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
I'll be there tonight 10:30 p.m. / 11 p.m., cat available.
Hi, are there any work tonight?
I intend to watch a little if I can have a little more info to watch how it goes thank you
Good evening everyone in the world tonight?
Present around 10 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
I will be there tonight late Saturday April 29
a woman / trans tonight for a reggaeton evening in a libertine club? I invite, I pay everything and I get you back, I am a well-endowed metisse
I have a craving to suck some juicy cocks tonight!!!!!!! around 11 p.m.
Friday, the weather is nice, it's hot, it's mini-skirt weather. See you tonight
Maybe this evening. PM please
I'm there. I'm waiting for the end of the downpour
I will come around 10 p.m.
Hello, I'll be at the Auteuil racecourse next Friday evening (28/04) from 10 p.m. I think ... PRIORITY TO BEAUTIFUL SEXES THICK white balcks welcome if CLEANS AND RESPECTFUL .... Am very expert sucker and a good little tight and flexible ass ... contact in pm very welcome before
My mouth available tonight around 10:30 p.m. / 11 p.m., she's hungry!!
Is the "wanker" from last night on this network? I was in the blue car. Reply in PM
A hot mouth see more who is walking around tonight?
Maybe tonight at Auteuil 9 p.m. 11 p.m. but only if MP
Sorry I meant to empty ME
hello anyone available to empty it during the day?
Last week I was looking for the eggs this week I'm looking for the balls. Tonight from 9:30 p.m. PM please
Watch out for football at the Parc des Princes tonight. Impassable until midnight minimum
I will arrive before 10 p.m.
Well, I hope that tonight will be the good one/ The one where the outing males will be/ Delivering their virility overflowing with vigor/ To my mouth to give him so much happiness/ In my throat are their hard cocks/ Letting go of groans of pleasure and not only / Around 10 p.m. / It's the right time!
Hi from work this Friday evening around 22:00?
No rain 10 degrees is a time to take out the mini skirt and the guys to take out the braquemard. See you tonight
salut quelqu'un veut se faire sucer ?
I am there, who do I suck?
In 15 minutes until midnight
Hello. Who's going this Friday night? Need to empty myself.
Damn, finally I'm stuck, I can't come :(
My mouth is hungry and thirsty, let it be said tonight!
See you tonight around 9 p.m. to enjoy spring.... and horny guys
Hello. I will be there for a month between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Post a message when you go there.
Passage tonight at 10 p.m. for the greedy
Very want to be suck send my mensagem in private
Friday evening for reception between the buttocks
Hello, work to take without restraint tonight? Pm if interested
Well it makes my 49.3 react
@FlorenceTV6275: In my opinion, few people will come to party for 49.3 lol, on the other hand the spring festival in your orifices, you should have more candidates, in any case I hope for you
are you organizing a demo for liberated pigs?
Spring Festival and 49.3 I will be in Auteuil around 9 p.m.
Hi everyone, Are you busy tonight? or the little rain scaring everyone away
bec9527: something impossible to predict
Are there people here tonight? Because I went there 15 days ago people
My mouth is too lacking, I'm going to join my girlfriend Florence tonight ;)
See you tonight around 9 p.m. hot hot hot
There was not much my but I still emptied a very nice tail…
I'm there who wants to play?
Last Sunday it was great in Auteuil I hope it will be the same tonight from 8:30 p.m.
Honestly, I would have loved it, but I'm sorry next time
The police control I take a ride I come back
I'm there parking lot at the bottom
Around 8:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. I am very excited….. notice to amateurs
Hold on till tomorrow Thursday. There will be very very very open and very very very excited TVs
End of vacation. A little kick before the recovery. I will be there from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. PM please
No wonder it's total desert, it's the same everywhere, 2 factors responsible for these deserts, 1 the cold, 2 the holidays, let's wait for next week maybe....
Last night Friday March 3: total desert!
Someone in 20m for Cho plan with good bitch guy?
I take a trip to Auteuil 8:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. PM please
People tonight? I would definitely pass
a woman to accompany me to a libertine club tonight? Gang bang party
hello who at the end of the afternoon, beginning of the evening until 10 p.m./11 p.m.?
Very good evening last night. The scum haven't been there for 2 weeks apparently
I'll be there around 10 p.m.
Who's tonight at 11 p.m.?
Finally, I'm not coming tonight...
Passage from 8:30 p.m. for xxxx
Tomorrow evening Wednesday from 9 p.m., a hungry and craving little rascal hopes that males will come to use and abuse it...
I'm there I stay another hour no more
Yesterday 02/18/2023 I went there around 11 p.m. What a sad place now
If people tonight contact pm
A woman tonight? or in paris
Hello to everyone ! This afternoon around 4/5 p.m. I'm going for a walk in the BOIS DE VINCENNES, towards the gravel plateau where there is the restaurant, I enter the woods on foot through small quiet paths, if a good little slut TRAV / TRANS /Woman wants to suck a very nice thick cock and get fucked against a tree without restraint so I'll be your male! Am very discreet, respectful, very good hygiene and hot hot hot, want to fuck in nature, with a condom that I have on me!!!! Let me know on my PM and let's meet to share a very exciting good time! Open to all proposals, even outside the woods, in the 12th, 11th, Maison Alfort, Charenton, Vincennes, Nation ect....! A more I hope, very want to enjoy and enjoy !!!!!! Kisses
Passing by tonight? contact pm
Envie de sexe par cette journée de printemps. Auteuil à partir de 20h 20h30. Envoyez MP
Asian when you want round 2.
This evening of the world which passes here?
Last night not a cat. I'll try my luck again tonight if there are girls.
Hello les Filles, Pas très rassurantes les nouvelles … Ça fait bien 3 mois que je ne suis plus revenu.. courage et solidarité Bises et excellent week-end Je pense faire un tour cette nuit vers 03 h si l’une de vous et toujours sur place ou dispo ailleurs N’hésitez pas en Mp Bises kokines
I'll be there in six minutes, but super careful because of the attacks. I don't stay very late.
Cc the girls of the world tonight around 11 p.m.?
clealakoquin; sometimes but no more than elsewhere, it's not specific to this place
I work nearby...the pacot "base" located behind the racecourse and where the car parks are are often targeted by thugs. and even avenue gordon bennett between the greenhouses and rolland garros..yesterday, a colleague had a window broken again (without theft)...in the middle of the day with cameras....
nora92, degraded cars, isn't that true?
A lot of paranoia and bad faith, in some words - let's just show solidarity to preserve the place
Porte d'Auteuil is not safe to park your car. Even during the day, you get your windows broken...
carocoquine, auteuil does not inspire me! , too many scum hanging around there , you are free to choose your men I hope for you that one evening you will not be forced to do something with one of these scum . If currently it's going well so much the better and as long as it lasts! I had gay friends who weren't lucky and some advised me not to drag my heels there; For the bi-passifs77 your blabla, people don't give a shit and me first!
Gaelle (3) – I don't think this place has become more cutthroat than before, at least not more so than elsewhere (knock on wood). The “girls” who come there know what they are risking and they assume responsibility. I go there quite often, sometimes I have fun getting my butt fucked several times, other times I stay a virgin. I calculate, and control the risks. I'm more afraid of getting my car damaged than myself. Park far away and come on foot: I used to do this by parking at Porte d'Auteuil, until the day I found my car scratched. Finally I prefer to know it close.
Gaelle (2) - My classic advice: do not isolate yourself by parking in the back, watch the surroundings before getting in or out of the car (the guys hidden behind the trees), watch around you all the time when you are out car and you are "walking" in the woods, do not stay in this place if there is no one else (less chance of being attacked in the presence of witnesses), remain united between transvestites (do not don't count too much on the guys present who are looking for discretion and will flee in case of a problem), don't wear high heels (you can be very sexy in sneakers and white socks with a schoolgirl miniskirt), adopt a body language that makes understand that it is better not to attack you, to practice karate like me...
Gaelle (1) - Hello. The same mishap happened to me last year (see my story of 08/04/2022): 2 guys (Bulgarians?) who were lighting up the cars with a flashlight and who tried to get into my car while I was there (though parked at the entrance to the parking lot). They left when I made them understand vigorously that I would not let myself be taken.
clealakokine, why say: "your kiff is to get fucked by hoodmans" when I write on the contrary: "So, spot them (hoodies and they come in 2 or 3) and leave." ? I even say that they could turn out to be dangerous if we get into a brawl because they have nothing to lose. I would add that we've never met there so you can't know, I choose my furtive lovers by favoring mature men who know how to behave (well, except in hot moments!). Finally, I say that I lacked caution because parked with my girlfriend and following her advice, I would have left and thus would have spared myself this inconvenience. In our discussions here, between us, let's be reasonable, don't attack each other even if we don't have the same opinion. If I understand,
Carocoquine, your love is to get fucked by hooded men but one day you will make the headlines of Paris and it is known that this place has been a cut throat for years just like our capital which is dirty where the population is leaving but hey everyone lives their life as they want and don't go crying for a problem anymore. Everything will be fine!!!!
Finally not too much damage, yes you have to show solidarity and be a bit like sentries when you go to this place - look far and if possible park your vehicle elsewhere and walk a little to get there, and of course with no value on yourself , and above all do not help living without dramatizing
The misadventure reported by Florence happened to me. They were 2, not 3 and I lacked caution. Florence reported them to me as soon as she saw them. I was parked too far from the others, apart: what a fault! You have to stay fairly grouped, get in the car and leave at the slightest suspicion. France is not the dustbin of Europe, certain countries welcome more refugees than us. They are only miserable wretches who have fled from regions of the world where they suffer horrors. It's about survival for them. That's not why I will repeat the same mistakes but I don't blame them, it's just boring. Nothing was stolen from me (or found the same evening) and I had at least the caution not to bring anything of value. But they could turn out to be dangerous if we get into a fight because they have nothing to lose. So, spot them (hoodies and they go by 2 or 3) and leave.
there are a lot of idiots, FRANCE is the trash of EUROPE! this is the new world!!!!
Definitely the idiots they are everywhere
The cops won't be able to do anything about it, crime in Paris is exploding!
ATTENTION again pissed off by three hooded in Auteuil. He breaks the windows when there is no one in the car. Stay close to the vehicle. Do not stay alone or alone. And especially especially solidarity to get rid of the assholes. We have already cleaned the area together at least twice so that we no longer fall victim to these pests. Fortunately, the police will come back more often.
No rain, cold temperature but not freezing... the conditions are met to go for a walk in the woods while the Wolf is there... ;) See you tonight!
I'll be there in five minutes for crac crac
Passing by tonight? contact pm
I will spend 8 to 11 p.m. in a mini skirt for xxx
I will be there around 8:30 p.m. PM please
Good evening Nora92 You are absolutely right Nora but in this winter period it was to see if there were possibly people since I am not far Good day Yours
If people tonight contact pm
titisure10: no answer possible to your request, when you ask the question - someone would have to be on site at the same time and in addition to read your message and that this someone frequents the lieudedragues site: that makes many conditions - to get a reliable answer, the best thing is to go there and see - at this place it's spontaneous, discovery, you don't wonder if there will be people, no appointments, that's what makes the place interesting - good to you
I was wondering if there were people
I was there an hour ago. Cars with headlights on, there were 5 or 6 of them. On the other hand, I did not understand how to identify....
I'm in Auteuil despite the cold but no one
are there people right now?
Too excited I come with caro
Me !!!! Tonight my mouth to warm you ;)
People to empty tonight? contact pm
Little sissy! .........Lol
The freezing cold and the deserted place? It's quiet in principle lol
And what stopped you? Because here we are very curious, we want to know everything... Lol!
Arff! I would have been sucked off. .
Me certainly Friday if it does not rain. I will confirm
Gla Gla for 2 weeks it will be difficult to come. Maybe the atlas sunday afternoon
You didn't understand that Paris is a throaty couple
There was an attack. The police are there.
someone active for good passive
I'm on hand to empty your cocks contact mp
I would like to take a little walk tonight
Little tour tonight before the freezing period that is coming for two weeks
Tonight is the full moon. If you feel like it, after 10 p.m.... ;)
People tonight? contact pm
8:30 p.m. for a few meetings..... penetrating.... tonight
Happy New Year 2023. May every day be a panty party
Available tonight around 9:30 p.m. for males in heat!
Who is coming tonight to use and abuse my mouth and maybe more?...
I'll be there tonight with really full balls...
I have ants in my legs and fire in my buttocks. Maybe at Auteuil tonight. PM please
Little tour tonight around 9 p.m. there might be a few people??? PM please
Merry Christmas to all, now that I have taken a beautiful present from the crib. I give you thousands of kisses
Merry Christmas it is not wished before, it is wished on 24/12 at midnight when we take a big "Jesus in the crib"
How about we get together to wish each other a Merry Christmas tonight?...
On the 25th we drink a shot this Friday we fuck a shot. See you tonight
Hello a pompous trav / trans tonight?
I'll be there around 9 p.m. for lovers of docile and very greedy mouths...
Confirmation I will be there around 2030 2100
The temperatures go up the skirts too. Maybe tonight. PM please
J’y serai cet après-midi, j’offre ma queue… je suis grand metisse sportif tatoué.. A partir de 16h30
bjr I will be with bitch on this site on Friday around 10 p.m. parking lot at the bottom
Who tonight? And what time?
Tonight, from 8/8:30 p.m., with my girlfriend Florence, if gentlemen answer that they are coming, so hurry up and let me know!!!
I'll be there in ten months
How it goes on the spot, I would like to know a little more before possibly coming.
somebody? I'll get there soon
Young sexy trav of Caribbean origin, I intend to go for the first time on this place I hope to find virile guys and beautiful tails there. I'll be there around 1 a.m.
Maybe I'll be there on Monday night, I want lots of cocks and cum all over me.
Is it a place that works well?
J’y serai demain à partir de 17h. Je suis grand metisse sportif, avec un beau physique… J’ai envie qu’on s’occupe de ma queue…
Hello Girls, I'll do it in advance... Passing by tomorrow evening around 2 a.m. Very full shaved balls at your disposal Ladies... Kisses kokins
Good suckers I had no time to stay
Gentlemen need we take care of them? Then right away !...
Hello ladies, I'm coming tonight from 1:30 a.m. Shaved full balls available to trans & transvestites Kisses
Available from 9-9:30 p.m. to put your penis warm between your buttocks…..
Good evening. People tonight?
Good just two that's already it
I'm doing a little tour in a mini skirt tonight 8:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
This Saturday 26/11, I will come and treat myself to this place with my transvestite girlfriend, hoping that we will be taken in hand by as many males as possible. Very popular gangbang and bukkake.
I'm there, I'm in my car. Who is there?
Who today? I have a huge desire to be emptied of my sperm.. I am a great sporting metisse
Who receives jhbm nearby?
Who will be there tomorrow during the day? I want to be emptied...
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